Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1698: Hang down male

The dark night stalked back and forth on the bridge of the abyss palace like the "Black Swirl", and turned a blind eye to Jin Xinyue's sorrow. After a while, he calmly said: "The past 90 years of war experience tells me if there is anything The plan can achieve the greatest victory with 'minimum cost, the shortest time', then, this plan is going to be a problem in all likelihood."

Jin Xinyue laughed and made a "self-contained" gesture: "Indeed, this is a gamble. If you are willing to be alone, you must look at Mingshuai's decision."

"Ming Shuai can of course deny this plan and adopt a more secure strategy. After all, as the birthplace of the federal government and the heart of the Tianyuan world, the defense is too strong, and a little carelessness will fall into the mud of steel and flame.

"If it is a new development world such as Shuhaijie, Netherland, and Crystal, with the strong strength of the Black Wind Fleet, it will be easy to raid, break and occupy, right?

"But, what is the significance of occupying the world that has not yet been developed, or is ridiculous, or is rolling yellow sand, for the Black Wind Fleet?"

The night is clear and cold: "Occupying these barren worlds, you can develop into a logistics base for the Black Wind Fleet. It takes ten or twenty years to build. What about the other six worlds?"

"But you don't have ten or twenty years."

The heart of Jin Xinyue shines with a mysterious flame, and it does not move. "Although I don't know the local situation of the real human empire, the fleet of the handsome mantle has not been attacked since the brown dwarfs near the federation have been lurking for so long. There is always Your reason."

The night brightened my eyes: "You are tempting, where is my fleet anchored?"

Jin Xinyue "haha" smiled: "Ming Shuai does not have to worry about it. There are so many brown dwarfs that have not been surveyed near the Federation. Compared with the vast and innocent universe, the huge fleet is a drop in the ocean. Federals will not find it. Yours.

"I just think that since everyone has cooperated with this step, a lot of things should be done again.

"Ming Shuai has discovered the Federation for more than 8 years. Eight years is enough for you to build a huge starry sky door and a super penetrating super-remote communication magic weapon. If you can summon the reinforcements from the Empire, you have already been Done!

"I guess, the reason why Ming Shuai still does not move until now, is nothing more than two reasons, or the war between the Empire and the Holy Alliance is tight, it is impossible to draw more troops from the front line, consume astronomical resources, jump to the star beach 陲The poor mountains and bad waters, come to 'clear barbarians'; or Ming Shuai is not willing to share with others to share this 'big cake', want to be alone.

"Oh, we have learned from the empire of the old empire, Su Changfa, and the captives of the claw fleet, knowing the intelligence of the empire, knowing the practice of the Imperial Expeditionary Force after discovering the new world, and knowing that the Black Wind Fleet is in the empire. The situation is quite bad!

"Well, Ming Shuai is not willing to gamble, then everyone will fight the battlefield honestly and consume the war. Ming Shuai can first attack the new world with weak federal strength, the secluded world, the tree sea, the crystal world... Yes, after the fight, Ming Shuai spent ten or twenty years to build and consolidate, and during this period, everyone will slowly consume, and the federation and the six big worlds can continuously refine the starship, three, no. Five ships for the Ming and Shuai, no problem?

"I would like to know that this **** consumption will last for ten or twenty years, and what the Black Wind Fleet can still have, and even if you finally occupy the Union, what else can the Federation leave?

"Believe me, the federation at that time, no matter the spar, steel, heaven and earth treasures... no resources will remain, the only thing left, only hatred!

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, if Ming Shuai is really here and the United States for fifteen or twenty years or even longer, there is no reason for the Empire to receive any news."

"Oh, if I am an ambitious prince and warlord of the Empire, will it be able to harvest the fruits of victory when the Black Wind Fleet and the Starry Federation are both defeated, and they will be able to engulf seven new worlds and be able to compile the Black Wind Fleet. The residual strength, think about it is exciting!"

The night is silent for a long time. The whole person is like a bridge and merges into a ship like the master of the starship. The sound from the depths of the chest does not bring a little human emotion: "Golden Heart You are very smart in the month, but smart people often don't end well."

"I know."

Jin Xinyue smiled and said, "I have already gambled on everything, it is the arrow on the string, I have to send it! All the things I did in the dark, including the call at the moment and the handsome, can't be concealed for too long! At the last minute, if I veto this action, I will only be shackled, and I will die, and I will be the biggest traitor in the history of the Union!

"Ming Shuai, my life, the survival of the Yaozu, the future of the Star Alliance and even the Black Wind Fleet, all depends on a decision at the moment, come on, please rule our destiny!"

Jin Xinyue raised the neck of the slender white scorpion, revealing a light blue blood vessel, and a pair of black nights will be slaughtered.

The night is silent for a long time. It will take a long time to solidify into a statue. No one knows what is hidden in the depths of his iron-gray eyes. He finally said: "Golden heart, you will certainly become the largest in the history of the Union. A traitor, but you will also become the governor of the real human empire of the **** demon world, the tree sea and the dragon bones!

"If you raise resources, collect resources, and train the new army after the occupation of the Federation, when the Black Wind Fleet returns to the center of Xinghai, I will even hand over the seven worlds here to you for management, according to your merits. And contribution points, you even have the chance to become the female marquis of the empire!

"If your ambitions, not the seven worlds of the Stars and Seas, can be satisfied, then lead your army and return to the Central Stars with us. Believe me, the Black Winds will surely regain the glory of the past, and you must In the center of Xinghai, in the core area of ​​the empire, there is something to do!"

The promise of Dark Night Ming made every heart of Jin Xinyue open, and the breath named "ambition" spewed out uncontrollably. In her body, she became a layer of jumping fire. Her voice was somewhat Trembling: "Thank you for the handsome and handsome appreciation, Jin Xinyue is a person who knows the truth, must be a handsome man, a black wind fleet, a true human empire, do everything he can, liver and brain, and then die!"

"You won't die."

In the dark night, "the black wind fleet is coming, the enemy of the empire will die, and there is no place to die!"

Jin Xinyue was both excited and excited. Suddenly stretched his left arm and clenched his fists. He gnashed his teeth and said: "Long live the Empire!"

The night of the night also flattened the fist, Shen Sheng: "Long live the Empire!"


Jin Xinyue licked his dry lips and took a deep breath. He still asked with some anxiety. "The real ‘Yueyue Plan’ started 24 hours later?”

"Yes, 24 hours."

The night said, "Although the Black Wind Fleet is not fully prepared, since you have done so much work here, you may be discovered by the federal at any time. You can’t lose it. If you don’t come, the sooner we start, the better. !

"Never underestimate the secret sword of the spring breeze, you must carry out a fatal blow to the heart of the federation before they react!

"After 24 hours, the Black Wind Fleet will land in Tianyuan, and it will be a battle!"

"Get ready, this is probably the longest 24 hours in federal history. Be sure to make sure that there are no scorpions, gold... Governor, the future Marquis of the Empire!"

Jin Xinyue trembled from the heart: "I will, I must"

The night of the night cut off the ultra-long-range communication between the two sides. The "future empire of the future empire" was excited to the trembling figure gradually distorted, thin and disappeared, and the bridge was restored to cold and dark.

The dark night stood in the dark for a long time, and the brow wrinkled slightly, seemingly thinking about the extremely important strategic issues.

After a few moments, he activated another communication line, inspiring another three-dimensional light curtain that was vividly in front of him.

The scene presented in the light curtain is a small secret room, white, delicate and quiet.

The small but exquisite instruments in the corner make this room look like an odd operating room.

In the center of the secret room, a large steel cable was used to hang a man.

The man's body was shackled by super-alloy steel, and the shackles were stacked with shackles. The layers were engraved with heavy armor. It was simply nailed to an inverted iron coffin. Only the head is still exposed.

But even his head was locked in an iron mask with no gaps, so that he could not make a sound, could not see anything, and could not hear others.

Vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste... All perceptions are sealed, and only the pain is magnified to ten times the limit of ordinary people, so that the hanging man is immersed in the bottom of the boundless hell.

Dozens of crystal cables extend from the inverted man, and are connected to a Taiwanese brain and various magical intelligence weapons.

From the real human empire, the modern torture and torture equipment, long-time no need to make the flesh and blood fly so arrogant, directly stimulate the nerve endings, minutes can create a dozen times more pain than thousands of knives.

The high degree of control over the muscles can even make the prisoner unable to scream and convulsions, just like a piece of dead meat that still has a nerve reaction.

This is the case with the hanging man at the moment.

The night of the night made a gesture, indicating that the imperial secret espionage, which is manipulating the magic weapon of the torture, temporarily stopped, and will hang the men’s iron mask on both sides, blocking the restraint of the ear.

"The words of Jin Xinyue are exactly the same as you guessed."

The commander of the Black Wind Fleet, said very calmly to the hanging man. (~^~)

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