Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1699: The real rise!

"Hey, hey..."

The hanging man was swaying in the air, and the noise from the cable was particularly harsh in a quiet chamber of torture.

The dark night clearly indicated that the lower part of the man's iron mask would be opened, allowing him to resume his ability to speak. From the hanging man's mouth, he spewed out a large group of saliva and saliva, and the empire's secret spies had to use a shift. Liquid machine, to drain the mucus in his mouth.

"Of course I am telling the truth."

The voice of the hanging man is very calm, flat and even boring. It is not like torture that has just suffered from death. It is not like being suspended in the air. Even a little finger can’t move. “Being an empire The commander of the Expeditionary Force, even if you don't believe me, you should also believe in the power of Imperial Torture and Spirit Search.

The night is cold and cold: "I want you to repeat the plan of Jin Xinyue."

The hanging man is also cold and cold: "I have said twenty-two times."

The night said: "But I have never said it under the nineteenth limit of extreme pain, right? According to the experience of our empire, even a clever scam expert can hardly lie in a state of more than fifteen times the extreme pain, so ,sorry."

After the night was finished, he waited for the man’s response and made a gesture.

The so-called "extreme pain" far exceeds the pain of women's natural childbirth. If they are multiplied by nineteen times, even the strong nerves of the practitioners will be hard to sustain.

The hanging man gave a sigh, the mucus in his mouth began to secrete again, and a series of pink bubbles appeared in his nose, like a fish that was about to die.

The night of the night clearly indicates that the breathing, heartbeat, brainwave and psionic frequency of the slinging man are highly monitored at the moment, saying: "Let's say, you will suffer five times the limit pain, nine times the ultimate pain and thirteen times the ultimate pain. Everything I said in the state, repeat it again, the last time."

The hanging man spit out a sip of sticky sputum and blood, but the sound is as calm and boring as ever: "The real '黯月计划' is not just a simple "scam", but a follow-up to the 'Red Tide Plan' Or, the twin program, started and developed nearly a hundred years ago.

"The main calculation goal is not only the Imperial Expeditionary Black Wind Fleet, but also the giants of the Starry Federation, even the federal people, in other words, the Federation itself!

"Golden Heart has a triple identity. She is both the leader of the Yaozu and the disciple of Li Yao. It is also the top of the Federation.

"So, the full version of the 'Yueyue Plan' has a three-fold purpose. It is necessary to realize the revival of the Yaozu, and to realize the complete governance of the 'Liang Yao Group'. It is also necessary for the Federation to defeat the Imperial Expeditionary Force and completely consolidate the Star Beach. Regional hegemony has become a key factor in instigating the victory of the Empire and the Holy Alliance."

"and many more."

The dark night frowned and looked at several empire secrets in the light curtain. "Is he under 19 times the ultimate pain? Why do breathing, heartbeat and brainwave oscillation frequency, and nine times, thirteen times the ultimate pain? , not much difference?"

The empire of the empire said: "Yes, commander, it is indeed 19 times the ultimate pain!"

The hanging man laughed: "Compared with the future of human civilization, how small is the personal pain, for the empire, for the avenue of cultivation, for thousands of human compatriots, I will try to control myself and let the handsome believe in everything. ”

The night sighed softly: "Go ahead."

"Golden Hearts has dealt with the means of the federal internal giants. These days, I must see a lot of them, which fully confirms my guess."

Hanging down the male road, "Jin Xinyue tied himself to some giants 100 years ago, and deliberately forged a pair of people with Ding Ling, the Spring Breeze and other people to completely break, can only rely on the illusion of the giants And help this part of the giants, fighting the rest of the giants that are not easy to control.

"In fact, her relationship with Ding Lingyu is not uncommon, but she and the spring breeze should be a group. The competition and opposition between the so-called 'Secret Sword Bureau' and the 'Yuyue Foundation' are all illusions. Part of the plan."

The night asked: "Why did the spring breeze cooperate with Jin Xinyue? Where is the basis of trust between the two?"

Hanging down the man: "I don't know, this is the top secret that only two of them know."

The night saw the empire secret singer who was manipulating the lie detector. The empire secret singer nodded and gestured to hang the man and did not lie.

The eyes of the hanging man were clearly covered by the iron mask. He couldn’t see anything at all, but he was like a supernatural power with perspective. He said, "You don't have to look, I don't lie."

The night said: "Do you have a lie, let me judge, you just need to talk about it."

Hanging down the man's way: "Golden Hearts and Spring Breeze, the two major intelligence agencies of the United States have joined forces to collect evidence that can bring down these giants in a few decades, and at the end of the detonation of everything with the 'Firefly Rebellion', by gold The heart of the month dragged these giants together to die!

"The emergence of Firefly is an accident, but even if there is no Firefly, Jin Xinyue will arrange another over-exciting scandal at this point in time to detonate himself. By the way, all the giants will be blown up!

"As a result, it has removed all the obstacles to the full control of the 'Liang Yao Group'. More importantly, it has created a kind of golden heart that has no way to go, and will soon be defeated and even imprisoned, a hundred years of dreams, and the illusion of losing everything. It also created very reasonable conditions for her 'betrayal'."

The night nodded brightly: "It is true that 'frauding' is a very old tactic. Since the war was created by mankind, I am afraid there is a trick of "frauding down", but it can be planned for decades or even nearly a hundred years. A 'swindle', Jin Xinyue, a terrible woman!"

The hanging man continued to calmly say: "The Starry Federation does not want to fight a long-term war, and it can't afford to consume for ten or twenty years, because the Black Wind Fleet is not the only expeditionary force of the Empire, even though the Union can spend dozens of times. What is the significance of slowly smashing the Black Wind Fleet in the year? Once the second expeditionary force arrives, it can easily eliminate the Confederacy!

"So, the federation has no choice but to take risks and eat the main force of the Black Wind Fleet in the final battle, forcing your remnant forces to surrender, and to strengthen their strength in the shortest time, so that the Empire can calculate the cost-benefit ratio of war and conquest. After that, I dare not send a second fleet. This is the only chance of survival in the Federation."

The night is cold and cold: "I eat my main force in one bite? Jin Xinyue has a big appetite!"

The hanging man smiled and said: "Under normal circumstances, of course, there is no such possibility, but when you have just completed the Xinghai jump, the most vulnerable time is not necessarily.

"Ming Shuai, you are familiar with the history of the Federation. You must remember that Jin Xinyue’s father, Kim Soo, more than a hundred years ago, really controlled the battle of the blood demon world.

"At that time, the Golden Slaughter was nothing but a shackle. He did not completely control the Wan Yao Coalition, but he used the super-transmission squad 'The Eye of the Blood Demon' to collapse and smashed countless disobedience to his strong and army. Instantly changed from 傀儡 to the real 'blood demon'!

"Manpower is sometimes poor, the power of the universe is endless and irresistible! The Union is extremely difficult to eliminate the main force of the Black Wind Fleet, but the Dimensional Storm in the 4D space is the true **** of destruction, enough to create any 'toy' created by humans. All of them are so bad!"

The night nodded brightly: "Jin Xinyue wants to copy her father's battle and copy the collapse of the 'blood demon eye'."

Upside down, the man said: "It is not a copy, but after 24 hours of upgrading, she will of course ‘Betray the Federation’, control all the stars in the Tianyuan world, and summon your Black Wind Fleet to the heart of the Federation.

"But, when half of your main force is transmitted to the Tianyuan world, it is in the weak period of just completing the jump, and the other half is still in the four-dimensional space, in the state of transmission, she will extinguish the star torch and cut off the door of the starry sky. , replace the jump signal of the door of the starry sky.

"And the big white fleet that should have helped you will be attacked at this time, and the main fleet that has not fully stabilized the three-dimensional form will be dizzy; the fleet of the original fleet that is ready to go will also be guided by Jin Xinyue. Next, jump to the top of your head and implement a Thunder strike!

"Half of your main force is lost in the turbulent flow of the Xinghai Sea. It is shattered by the dimension storm of the four-dimensional space. The other half of the main force is not stable, and it is hit by a head-on attack. Can you be unbeaten?"

The shocking intelligence did not make the eyelashes of the night brighter even a little. He continued to ask: "Understood, this is the way to defeat the empire, but what about the so-called "Rise of the Yao people"?"

Hanging down the male road: "Jin Xinyue has an extremely confidential Yaozu death squad, which is carefully selected in the dark war of nearly one hundred years. It is the most loyal, most convinced and most enthusiastic to the Yaozu. They are against the Yaozu. Death loyalty is as indestructible as the loyalty of the immortal to the empire.

"Golden Heart Moon should be equipped with some kind of secret weapon in the outer star field of Tianyuan. It needs to be manipulated by this Yaozu death squad. It is very likely to launch a fatal blow to the Black Wind Fleet.

"Once you succeed, these demons will become the decisive factor in this battle, and they will be the biggest heroes to turn the tide!"

The night said: "What about that?"

"You still don't understand, handsome?"

Upside down, the male smiled. "Today's stars and the sea, the psionics are gradually becoming more and more abundant. As a race of the Yaozu, it is destined to be no longer prosperous and will only slowly weaken and die.

"Now the Federation has a population of 100 billion, of which 30 billion are the Yaozu, accounting for 30%. There is still a certain amount of speech. This is the limit.

"The Xingyao Federation is not willing to succumb to the Xinghai, they are destined to be ambitious to march to the Central Xinghai.

"When the federation really has ten, twenty, thirty or even more worlds, and almost 100% of the world is human, how much will the proportion and influence of the democrats in the federal population be reduced?

"The Yaozu is destined to die. Even if the 'Red Tide Plan' of the golden slaughter of a hundred years ago, what is to be saved and revived is not the demon in the physical sense, but a spirit, a kind of inheritance, a symbol, a kind. ……symbol.

"The struggle and construction of the Xingyao Federation in the past 100 years is to fight the Black Wind Fleet today. This is also the true battle of the founding of the new federation. If it can be used to win the battle, the new federation will Has the ability to march to the center of Xinghai!

"So, if this embarrassment is won by the Yaozu, the Yaozu becomes a hero who is one of the millennial, to turn the tide, save the Federation, and become the biggest hero of the federal march into the Xinghai Central, then they will stay in the history of the new federation. Under the thick ink, glory, indelible!

"Since then, no one can talk about the past grievances of the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world. No one dares to discriminate and be wary of the Yaozu, even if one day the Xingyao Federation rules the entire Xinghai, in the history of the federal textbook, the most The important length will definitely be the book of the book, the glorious poems of the Yaozu for the federal **** battle and heroic sacrifice!

"The flesh and blood will eventually decay, but the spirit and the will will last. Jin Xinyue inherited his father's will, and developed a plan for the moon on the basis of the red tide plan. It is not to revive the body of the Yaozu, but to Redefine the word 'devil'.

"In the past, the federal people may have heard the words "the demon" and thought of blood, killing, ugly, and hatred.

"But after this war, all the federal people, all the federal people who will rule the 3,000-year-old world in the future, will hear the word "demon", and only one word hero will appear in the mind!

"Is this still not the rise of the Yaozu?" (~^~)

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