Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1700: New and old cultivators!

Although the hanging man was shackled by the shackles, it was like a set of iron coffins, and he did not speak with a little bit of emotion, completely flat and straightforward, without the meaning of adding oil and vinegar.

However, his faint narrative is still like a stormy wave, piercing the light curtain and space, sweeping the bridge of the "Black Swirl", immersing the commander of the Black Wind Fleet in a silent wave.

The second night of the night: "Golden Heart, terrible woman, terrible plan!"

Upside down, the man said: "Indeed, if the full version of the 'Yuyue Plan' is really successful, then, as the daughter of the former Wan Yao United Army commander, the leader of the Yaozu, Jin Xinyue will lead the demon to achieve a real revival; As a disciple of 'vulture Li Yao', she can make Li Yao Group reach 'complete ruling' and completely control the power of the Xingyao Federation, regardless of anyone in the Li Yao Group, Ding Ling, Wu Ma Yan, Bai Xin, Yao Yao Peng The sea, the spring breeze, the bearish promise, the thunderland... Everyone knows her sacrifice and 'grievances', she will thank her, believe her, support her; and as the top of the Starry Federation, she defeated the Imperial Expeditionary Force again , set a bad work!

"The demon leader, Li Yao disciple, the federal high-level, triple identity, she has not lived up to one stone, three birds, a victory, bringing the triple rise of the Yaozu, Li Yao Group and Xingyao Federation!

"After that, as long as the whole plan was slightly packaged and some truth was released to the public, she would immediately become the greatest hero of the Stars Federation's history. After that, let Ding Ling go to be the speaker, she hid behind the scenes. It’s easy to manipulate everything, or to go out as a speaker, or even change the current Election Law, extend the term of the speaker, and grant yourself more power. Aren’t these all easy?”

The dark night smiled deeply: "Good tricks, good strategy, good insatiable appetite! A calculation, the people and the enemy, the federal and the empire are all included! Great! But she does not Have you considered the possibility that I am not fooled? After all, 'scamping' is not a tactic of ingenuity, but a very old strategy that everyone can think of."

“The Haoyue Plan is a set of decomposed and highly independent plans. Although the loops are interlocking, even if there is a problem in the last loop, it will not affect the effect of the previous link.”

The inverted man explained, "What if you are not handsome, how is it? In Tianyuan, the generations of the giants who are in the heart of the genius are all moved by Jin Xinyue. After 24 hours, they will definitely launch, even then. If you are not fooled, the "treason crimes" of these wealthy families are undoubted.

"In this way, it is impossible to see who is truly loyal to the Xingyao Federation, and who can't stand the pressure. When the situation is not good, it will change, so that the hidden dangers will be cleared in advance, isn't it?

"After the end of the 'cleanup action', the Secretary of the Swordmaster has passed the spring breeze, and the powerful people in the Suiyuan Fleet. According to my suspicion, it is very likely that the staff of the Suiyuan Fleet will be happy. Well, Jin Xinyue, Spring Breeze, White Happy, this is the layout. The 'iron triangle', the other two will naturally stand up for Jin Xinyue to testify that this is a special 'stress test'.

"These have gone through hundreds of years of good days, and the giants who have long been full of fat and rot, are all lack of success, and the 'pig teammates' who have lost everything, they are all removed before the war, and they can be collected from them by the way. A lot of resources, only good for the unity of the entire federation, no harm!"

The night said: "I can take this opportunity to attack the rest of the world beyond the realm of heaven."

Hanging down the man's way: "Even if Jin Xinyue does not engage in the "Haoyue Plan", isn't it possible to choose one of the seven worlds to start a surprise attack?

"But, will Ming Shuai do this?

"Oh, everyone knows that the Stars Federation does not want to fight war, protracted war, and does not want their homes to become ruins; but the Black Wind Fleet also wants to make quick decisions, so as not to have long night dreams, new variables from the mainland. For example, an expeditionary force more powerful than the Black Wind Fleet appeared here and swallowed us all.

"Ming Shuai not only wants to quickly occupy the core of the world, but also defeats the main force of the federal ace of the original fleet, in order to completely destroy the will of the Federation to continue to resist!

"There is only the choice of Tianyuanjie.

"So, the ancient strategy of swindling, as long as it is released at the most appropriate time and released into the heart of the enemy generals, still has a probability of more than 50%.

"Federal to the empire, it was originally a small blog, more than 50% probability, not enough Jin Xinyue to let go?"

The night nodded slowly: "You said it makes a lot of sense, but there is a little bit of how you know about it. Will Jin Xinyue tell you all about this?"

Hanging down the male saying: "Golden heart will not even tell me half a word. Although I have worked with her for so many years, she never really believed me, let alone such a top secret plan?

"However, a few decades ago, when my master was still alive, I was staring at Jin Xinyue. I liked to ponder this woman because I smelled a breath on her, and I breathed the same breath as myself. I am the same kind of person as she is. I know that she is not willing to be a big man of the giants, and she will never be stupid enough to break with the big backers of Ding Ling and the Spring Breeze. She is not only trying to be a part of the district. The Federal Speaker's is so simple.

"In her identity and environment, if I really want to be the federal speaker, it should not be so high-profile. I will hang this ambition and make it public. Since she said so, it means 'federal.' The speaker is just a blind man. What she wants to plot is something bigger, farther, and deeper.

"Because I found Jin Xinyue to be such a funny woman, after Master died, I took the initiative to approach her and let her know the ambitions and ambitions I disguised. I really valued her and thought that I was quite valuable.

"All that happened afterwards, Ming Shuai knows, although Jin Xinyue did not tell me her real plan, but based on the things she made me do, plus my decades of personality analysis and psychological research. Now, can we speculate on the cause and effect, and what is strange?"

The night said: "So, you are really a pure cultivator and a staunch patriot, as she is fancy, and unswervingly love the Star Alliance?"


Upside down, "Golden Heart has the same test method. If it is not really in love with the Stars Federation, it will never be selected by her."

The night said: "But now you have betrayed Jin Xinyue and come to the camp of the Empire."

"I just betrayed Jin Xinyue and did not betray the Starry Federation."

Hanging down the man, "Or, I just betrayed the name of the Star Alliance and its government, and did not betray the seven worlds and all the compatriots who carried the name.

"As a pure cultivator, as a person who has a deep understanding of the strength of the real human empire, I believe that the early end of this war and the early implementation of the system of cultivating the celestial beings in the seven worlds is the real rescue. The true future.

"I can't watch my compatriots go farther and farther on the wrong road, get deeper and deeper, give myself, and bring deeper suffering to the imperial people!

"This is the only reason why I cooperate with Ming Shuai. Please be sure to believe me. You must save the stars and the sea, these misguided human compatriots, please!"

The night of the night saw the eyes of the imperial secret spy around the man.

A few secret espionage did not respond, but the man who said it was still the truth.

Even the iron-and-blood scorpion that was smashed from the Shura Slaughterhouse in the central part of the Xinghai, could not be shaken by the lips, faintly said: "I don't know why, I am... I am afraid of you, whether you are Jin Xinyue, you are the stars." Human beings are as terrible as vipers."

"We don't have the high-level cultivators of the Central Human Empire in the Xinghai, like the lion-like, brave, bear-like, and eagle-like strength."

Hanging down the man, "In order to survive, we are waiting for the poor people who are waiting for the rescue. We can only develop some small intrigues, like the fangs of poisonous snakes, but these insignificant worms, in the face of the might of the empire. Not worth mentioning."

The night is bright and sighed: "Tell me, how can I believe you? Jin Xinyue is swindling, knowing that you are not swindling? Maybe you don't have a picture, maybe you are the person of Jin Xinyue, Is it playing the trick of 'double swindling'?"

"I can't tell you."

Hanging down the man, "You have squeezed all the information from me. You have got enough information from Jin Xinyue. You are the commander of the Black Wind Fleet. From these complicated information, analyze the correctness. The answer, this is your responsibility, not mine.

"In any case, you still have 24 hours. After 24 hours, you still do not move. Jin Xinyue will know that you are not fooled. Then everyone loses the opportunity of 'quick fix', then slowly fight the war of attrition and fight for both. Let's go!"

The night was silent, and a shallow blood vessel popped up on the temple, which involuntarily trembled.

He stared at the hanging man and wanted to see the truth in the deepest part of his brain.

But the man's eyes and even the upper half of the face were still hidden by the iron mask, and there was no such thing as a half.

The night was full of silence for three minutes, and the hanging man was very patient. Apart from the blood bubbles coming out of his nose, he was like a dead, not a little bit moving.

"it is good!"

The night of the night finally made up his mind, and his face showed a bundle of steel-like muscles, clenching his teeth, one word and one word, like a cannonball. "Since Jin Xinyue carefully set up a trap in Tianyuan, he arranged the network. Waiting for me, if I don't go, isn't it too disappointing her 'satisfaction'? She wants me to go to Tianyuanjie, then I will go to Tianyuanjie! I will let her see the power of the Blackwind Fleet. Will let her taste, smart and smart to be mistaken!"

The hanging man still did not speak.

It’s like not hearing the choice of night and night, but also immersing yourself in the depths of your brain, a world that is so deep.

"Stop stimulating his nerve endings, but don't loosen the shackles and ban, continue to isolate his five senses, don't let him down."

The night screamed, "Lv Dengchen, you are too dangerous. Before the dust settles, I am not prepared to let go of you, no opinion?"

Lv hang the male emperor Lin, the leader of the federal native cultivator Lu Xiaochen, shook his head in the shackles: "No."

"Right, there is still something."

The night suddenly said, "What is the so-called "cultivation of the 2.0 theory" that you preached? I have read a few monographs that you have written, but it is really awkward to say that I am very curious!"

Lv Qingchen smiled and revealed Bai Sensen's teeth. From the inverted face, it was like a strong sarcasm.

"There is no such thing as 'cultivating Xian 2.0'. It is just that we want to attract the immortals in the federal territory, gather them all together and then try to lie and lie.

The star of the new generation of cultivators is smiling at the seaside, and said to the cultivators from the old generation of Xinghai Central. (To be continued.)

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