Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1715: Mo Xuan's heart

Li Yao is thinking about the apple core while thinking about it.

The teacher’s statement seems to be really flawless.

First of all, there is not much conflict between resources and space between the Ling and the Terran and the Yaozu. There is no contradiction without conflict, and there is no war without contradiction.

Moreover, the spiritual group is originally transformed by the human race, and there are many elites in the Terran. Is it that when one day falls into a spiritual family, it will betray human civilization?

Impossible, thought is still that thought, will or the will, man or that person, just disabled people with all the limbs, how can they stand on the opposite side of human civilization?

Also, the most important point is that the federal crystal brain and the spirit net technology are still in a very immature stage of exhibition. It is impossible to let the entire 100 billion people of the whole federation go online at the same time and enter the same "Civilization" expansion. How can the level of the brain and the spirit network, which will lead to the complete collapse of countless service stations and data exchange centers, how can it carry a huge and endless spiritual world?

Therefore, even if the "spiritual world" really exists, it is such a small population that it is not too complicated to calculate, simulate and render.

Even if Professor Mo Xuan really has any ambitions, even if he is "Xing Ling" and "Human Shape Crystal Brain", he can't secretly develop a crystal brain technology that has been tens of thousands of years in the past 100 years.

The current spiritual world is no longer illusory. It is still based on the existence of the material world such as the crystal brain. The federal government can easily destroy these levels of the brain center. What is the spiritual world?

Therefore, the teacher has neither motivation nor means. I am afraid it is difficult to find enough numbers of like-minded spirits to display any conspiracy.

Li Yao once again doubts whether he is worried or not. Although the teacher's theory is vibrating and shocking, it is still only a theory and prophecy. Maybe it will become a reality after millions of years, but whoever speaks for millions of years? Quasi, what is the need to interfere?

Professor Mo Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky, driving the kites under the blue sky and white clouds, and the children who were playing and playing, Shen Sheng said: "Believe me, I know more about the madness, danger and evil of this theory than you." So, as early as a few decades ago, after I initially perfected this theory and made clear what I was going to do, I immediately reported the government.

"The problem is that I didn't know at the time which government department was responsible for managing this file... I don't know what to say.

"Fortunately, I have a good relationship with some of the top leaders in the parliament, as well as the heads of the big sects. The patriots of the Patriots have no need to say that they have been through the spring breeze, the golden heart, the knives, Peng Hai, and me. Some friendships, there are many strong people, I have helped them refine their crystals.

"So, I first told my friends Ding Lingwei, Jin Xinyue, and the Spring Breeze. They also made several speeches in the Parliament and the Secret Sword Bureau. They also informed some experts from the federal universities and invited them to come. I am also looking for more than a dozen meditators, psychologists and psychiatrists."

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse: "What are you looking for?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "Please ask them to analyze in depth and see if I have a mental illness."

Li Yao: "...too exaggerated?"

Professor Mo Xuan shook his head: "It is not exaggerating at all, because no matter how you cover up on the surface, in fact, after turning into a 'liquid metal' form more than one hundred years ago, I am not a normal person, for more than 100 years. Liquid metal life, I can not guarantee that my spirit is completely normal, fully in line with the federal law and social ethics.

"In the past 100 years, I have served as the president of the Great Wilderness Warrior, the president of the Federal Association of Refiners and the Ghost Repair Association, and also held several other important positions. Being strong is also a very important one in the federal high-level. I must be responsible to the Federation, to the compatriots, and to be very certain about my mental condition."

Li Yao was speechless. I really didn't know whether to be respectful to the teacher. After a while, the ghost made the difference: "What is the result?"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled and said: "Those experts say that I am normal. I will show them my theory. I hope they can analyze some things. As a result, they said, I can modify it a bit and write it into a very good one. Fantasy novel."

Li Yao squeezed his brows hard: "Hey, what about the parliament and the secret sword bureau?"

"I didn't do anything illegal and legal. I only did theoretical research. What can they say?"

Professor Mo Xuan said, "Is it the president of the Federal Ghost Association? I am in tandem with ghosts. I want to push a bill in the parliament to change the legal name of the ghost to the "spirit" and break the law?"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "Do not break the law."

"So, really ask a group of fantasy novelists to come over, according to the world view I gave, write a batch of novels, and also shoot into a glare illusion, making it into a game breaking?"

"Do not break the law."

“There is a big slogan on the Internet that calls for young people to be addicted to the Internet. Is it okay to go out and block traffic, pollute the air, waste resources, and break the law?”

"Do not break the law."

"Continuously upgrade the crystal brain series, refine more level crystal brains and optimize various algorithms to create a virtual world close to 1oo%, named as the spiritual world, welcome people from all walks of life to settle in, break the law?"

"Do not break the law."

"That won't end!"

Professor Mo Xuan slammed, "I firmly remember the lesson of the Federal Secret Sword Director Lu Zhan more than a hundred years ago. In fact, his original intention may not be wrong, but it is the use of the means of seeing the light, the deeper and deeper , cast a big mistake, can't get back.

"So, from the first second, I exposed everything to the sun, in an absolutely legal way. Although not everyone in the society knows it, at least the high-level parliament and the secret sword bureau, the Haoyue Foundation and other information. The institutions, as well as the Institute of Future Studies at various universities, know what I am doing and participate in various links to help me supervise, control and guide the direction.

"This is not

"The first shot of the "Fire Plan" to see tomorrow is the Secret Sword Bureau, the EFF, and the senior members of the Parliament, as well as the most famous sociologists, futurists and ethicists in the Federation. Everything is just bright!

Li Yao thought about electricity and suddenly realized: "The fire plan is not simply a "human civilization inheritance plan", and it is related to the spiritual family?"

"Of course, is it relevant, or how would I put all my family into the 'fire plan'?"

Professor Mo Xuan seems to have no hidden concealment. He said, "From beginning to end, from the tombstone plan to the fire plan, it is a 'flight plan', except for inheriting civilization and opening up the future, its main purpose. Lead a group of spiritual people and escape from you."

Li Yao did not understand: "From ... we fled, why?"

"Because we are afraid of you, or are afraid of conflict with you."

Professor Mo Xuan stared at Li Yao and said deeply, "I know very well that I have gone too far. Throughout the history of human civilization, people who have gone so far, I often don't end well.

"Do you know that in the early days of the ancient times, the three thousand worlds had not yet been connected with each other. When the truth of the universe was not clear, many worlds insisted on the 'center of the earth' and considered themselves to be a unique world. The sun, the moon and the river are all around their own world. Rotate.

"And the first batch of comprehensions who put forward the 'Heart of Hearts' are almost all killed as evil devils!

"At that time, in different worlds, the self-cultivators who insisted on 'the geocentric theory' and the self-cultivators who insisted on the 'heavenly heart theory' had had many similar wars, and the blood of countless innocent people was arrogant for some ridiculous arguments. Rogue.

"Perhaps, human beings are like this. There is an unknown thing, an unknown theory. The first thought is fear, and the second thought is to destroy it!"

"The Ling people have no intention of being enemies with the Terran. Just now you also understand that the resources we need are largely non-coincident. Everyone has no reason for conflict. They can live in harmony and help each other.

"But if you are not looking for a reason for conflict, it is the fear of fearing the human race.

"Tell me, Lin, and Miss Ling. After you listened to my theory, what was the first thought in your mind?

"Ling? It's terrible! It will destroy human civilization, conquer all human beings, and turn us into slaves!"

"Mo Xuan is crazy! It has long been regarded as a human being. It is a liquid metal. It is another form of life. It is not my family. Its heart must be different. It must be planning a conspiracy!

"Only we have the existence of blood and flesh and the brain to be called ‘humans.” The spirits cannot be regarded as human beings, destroy them!

"Although it seems that there is no conflict between the Terran and the Lingzu, but to control him, prevent it from happening, first to be strong, and to threaten the hidden dangers of human civilization, all in the shackles!

"Look at my eyes, tell me, two, these thoughts, have you just flashed in the depths of your brain for a moment?"

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole looked at each other and both of them were speechless and slightly blushing.

Professor Mo Xuan smiled: "Without concealment, I understand you very well. The spirits are also people. People like you will naturally have the same thoughts and concerns as you."

"You are all human beings who have received higher education and have strong computing power and calm thinking. You may be able to think calmly about the whole thing, but most ordinary people, if they are under the instigation of those who are interested, can really remain absolutely Calm, absolutely not in conflict with the spiritual people?

"Now the Confederacy of the entire Federation has just passed 1%, or a very small part, and perhaps ordinary people can tolerate it.

"But if one day, over 5% or even higher, the remaining 95% can really endure the existence of the spiritual family, recognize the objective fact that the 'spirit represents the future', admit that they are 'old humans', and the spiritual people Is it 'new human'?

"I hope so, but I have to be extremely vigilant about the first two branches of human civilization. The Terran and the demon have been **** for a full 40,000 years before they reached a preliminary settlement in the small federation of Xinghai. I don't. I hope that the third branch, the "Ling", will re-emerge with its brothers for 40,000 years. Such tragedies should not be repeated anyway.

"So, the road is not good, and the ride is floating in the sea.

"We fled.

"We leave the present to you and leave it to the 'old man'. We fled to the future and escaped hundreds of millions of years later, creating a new era of human civilization!" (~^~)

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