Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1716: Absolute hope for peace (fifth!)

The escape of the spiritual branch of human civilization!

After hundreds of millions of years of escape, hundreds of millions of years away!

Li Yao completely listened.

The teacher is really a teacher, such a grand goal, so majestic!

In the illusion of the body behind Professor Mo Xuan, the little fish are still struggling to struggle in the turbid river water where the mud is rolling.

Climbing from the water to the shore, failing again and again, trying again and again, and gradually growing new, tender, fragile limbs during the trial.

Professor Mo Xuan suddenly reached out, like a barrier that crossed the time, put his hand into the illusion, grabbed a small fish directly, and placed it on a very dry big rock on the shore.

The little fish struggled desperately, snoring and bubbling, and suddenly it was dead.

"Look at this little fish."

Professor Mo Xuan said, "I believe that the spiritual family is the evolutionary direction of human civilization and a more perfect 'new human being', but it does not mean that the era of the spiritual family will come soon.

"Evolution has its own rules. Any small change can take tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years to adapt and stabilize. I can't say to this little fish, 'Mammals are your evolution. Direction, go, go to the shore, and then, regardless of the objective laws of evolution, throw it directly to the shore and it will die!

"This kind of seedling-promoting practice completely misinterprets the original intention of evolution. Only those stupid and ridiculous ambitious and conspirators will use such fallacies and evils to confuse people. As for myself, even if I look forward to it, I don’t think of it. The era of prosperity of the family will come within 10,000 years.

"But once the spirits begin to make their own voices, even the extremely weak voices, some of the Terran and the Yaozu will have fear, the fear will lead to misinterpretation, the distortion will create a gap, the conflict will lead to conflict, and the conflict will expand into a war. There have been countless times in human history, and it is doomed to countless tragedies!

"I don't want such a tragedy to happen between the Ling and the Terran and the Yaozu, but just as I believed that virtual life will eventually be born decades ago, I also believe that the 'spirit' will inevitably be born and expanded. The transfer of anyone's will is not to say that destroying a spiritual pioneer like me can solve the problem.

"As long as humans don't give up using the brain and the spiritual net for a day, the spirit will eventually be born. We should not turn a blind eye to this new life form like an ostrich. We should not kill it in vain and stupidly, fear it, Prepare for it, but open the ring to welcome it and find ways to get along with each other!

"Or, even if you are really stupid enough to kill it, you should at least have a deep understanding of it. Let's communicate first, right?

"So, I set out to do two things.

"First, I reported my theory to the government, liaised with major academic institutions, and invited experts from the EFF, the Secrets, the Parliament, and universities to conduct cutting-edge theoretical research.

"Don't misunderstand, we don't want to forcibly create a deformed 'spiritual era'. This kind of singularity has evolved in a short period of ridiculous behavior. It is a madman and an idiot who will do it, destined to fail. .

"We are just getting together, exploring all kinds of possibilities, anticipating the direction of the spiritual development, and all kinds of unexpected threats, defects and disadvantages. From top to bottom, let the whole federal people, regardless of the Terran or the Yaozu, slowly The spirits are aware that this is happening.

"Secondly, I made every effort to acquire the 'Tombstone Plan' and transformed it into a 'fire plan', hoping it will help a small group of spirits escape from this moment and here.

"Most of the spiritual people are like me, maintaining a high degree of rationality and calmness. I believe that evolution is a natural thing. We can only observe silently, at most a little guidance, and all good things will happen to ourselves.

"But if there are some spiritual people can't wait, go to the distant future and the stars!"

"After hundreds of millions of years, even if human civilization has not been destroyed, it must have become a new form of unrecognizable. At that time, different branches of human civilization can fully develop, prosper and bloom in the Xinghai. .

“Even if they meet again, I believe they must have a level that is far beyond our rationality and ethics, and can perfectly solve the problem of how to live together peacefully.”

After listening to Professor Mo Xuan’s remarks, Li Yao’s initial doubts were almost shocked and moved: “Professor, your idea is too... great!”

Professor Mo Xuan smiled and said: "I used to have a disciple 'Lee Yao'. He is a well-known hero of the Federation, but he has such a great reputation, not because of his military force, but because of the federal He is a stronger person, but only him, using force to bring peace to the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon and Meteor.

"Peace, how precious and fragile peace, after the disappearance of Pangu and the Nuwa's civilization, human civilization has developed alone for 100,000 years. How many years have it been completely peaceful? If you count it, maybe it is not a year?

"Human civilization has had enough blood flowing because of fratricidalism. We have just solved the perennial grievances of the Terran and the Yaozu. I really don't hope that the Lingzu and its brothers will make new contradictions. Is the war between the Terran and the Yaozu in 10,000 years not enough for us to come up with these latecomers, to learn enough lessons, and to grow a little bit of wisdom about peace?

"So, from the very beginning of a few decades ago, I have not hidden my own ideas and plans, including the 'fire plan,' and all my plans have only one purpose, so that the Lingzu can be with the Terran and the Yaozu. As an integral part of human civilization, we support each other in an absolutely peaceful environment and grow, prosper and bloom together!"

Li Yao took a deep breath: "I believe that if your disciple Li Yao hears these words, he will certainly support you!"

Professor Mo Xuan sighed: "Yes, but not everyone wants peace. At least for now, the real human empire does not want to.

"Actually, the 'Fire Plan' is not ready for the first launch because we have not solved the most critical 'reproduction' problem.

"The old and the sick, the whole process of life, with the accumulation of redundant data and interference ripples, the spirits will be old, sick, and will die, but the spiritual family can not give birth, even if one day can do 'split' and 'copy ', that is not the true meaning of 'spreading.'

"We should have continued to study for hundreds of years and thousands of years, and find ways to let the spirits combine with each other to create future generations. Only then will the "spirits" become a true race, but whoever called the empire will be under the city. What?

"Now the streets and alleys of various stars are spreading. The war may soon erupt. The news of several federal intelligence agencies is not optimistic, so we will launch the first fire in a hurry.

"If the federation loses, the empire will not tolerate the existence and development of the 'spirit'. Even if it is tolerated, it will definitely require the spirits to do something terrible, just like the old manipulating Xiao Xuan, ravaging the flying stars. The same as the 'star child'.

"So, this is a ‘fire kind’ that has a very low chance of success and will be extinguished at any time. No one knows its fate in the sea of ​​stars, but... hope that life can find its way out!”

"Certainly possible."

Li Yao couldn't help but say, "Qing... Wei teacher, they will definitely find a new way out for the human civilization after hundreds of millions of years, on the far side of the distant Xinghai!"

"All right."

Professor Mo Xuan smiled gently. At this moment, the feeling of sharpness, aggressiveness, and fierceness like a sword disappeared, as if it had become a firm and generous teacher a hundred years ago. I must be thirsty. Going to 'Forget the Worry Town' for a drink? The famous mulberry wine in the Shuhai world, we adjusted it for a long time to bring out this taste, as good as the material world."

Li Yao was indulging for a moment, but he really wanted to go to the town and the teacher to cook the wine, and even by impulse, to say his identity.

However, since Long Yangjun is still nearby, I still have the opportunity to discuss with her first and listen to the opinions of this female rumor.


Li Yao was embarrassed. "There are still some things in our delegation to go back to deal with. In the afternoon, we will jump to Tianyuanjie. When we come back from Tianyuan, we will come to Professor Mo Xuan to discuss it. I have to ask you for advice." Don't be too tired and troublesome, you can turn your way to God!"

"Ha ha ha ha, a word is fixed!"

Professor Mo Xuan smiled heartily and did not force Li Yao to express his intentions. He waved to Li Yao and Ling Xiaole. "I have to say hello to the guests who came to the ceremony, leaving no two friends, please!"

Li Yao was launched by a soft force, and slowly sat up from the reddish neural interaction fluid.

Wei Qingqing and Long Yangjun were still waiting around, and Ling Xiaole sat up from the virtual cabin next to him.

The two looked at each other and their faces were unspeakable and shocking.

"Wu teacher"

When Li Yao saw Wei Qingqing again, he felt very different. "It turns out that behind your 'fire plan', there is still such far-reaching significance!"

Wei Qingqing suddenly understood that he smiled and admitted: "I am a illusionist, I like to create a world of different shapes and colorful, but in real life, the Empire, the sacred Union, including some people in the Federation, only want to destroy and Destroy their world.

"I don't like this reality. I just fled to hundreds of millions of years to find a new world without destruction and destruction, no oppression and slavery. If I can't find it, I will create one myself. How wonderful!"

Li Yao’s throat is like blocking two big walnuts, rolling up and down for a long time, a long sigh of relief, and sincerely said: “Along the way!”

Wei Qingqing smiled: "Let you say goodbye!"


"Haha, it’s hard to want to see you again, but who knows, life is so wonderful, any wonderful things can happen, goodbye!"

Wei Qingqing waved at Li Yao.

As long as a long time ago, on the unnamed station in the depths of the wilderness.

Until Li Yao and Long Yangjun and Ling Xiaole together, driving the silver-white shuttle bus, when the "Time Tunnel" was returned, the weak and determined figure still appeared in front of Li Yao, such as crystal carving. It is made of orchids.

Ling Xiaole was driving the road: "Thank you for the two, and you have the light of yours. This ‘spiritual journey’ is really a twist and a twist!”

Long Yang Jundao: "Captain, what is the spirit world, what did Professor Mo Xuan say to you? I knew I should follow up and see."

"There will be opportunities in the future, Dragon Captain."

Li Yao’s heart was halfway down, and he just said a few words about the previous observations and the teacher’s theory, and he was amazed at it.

After some words, it is not good for Ling Xiaole to hear it.

Li Yao used a voice to enter the secret magical powers, quietly said: "Long Yangjun, help me to consult"

Long Yangjun looked at the time tunnel outside the window. Because it was a return journey, it was as if the whole world was rapidly degrading, from modern times to ancient times.

She also passed the voice into the secret: "What happened, captain?"

Li Yaodao: "You think..."

He suddenly took a nap, like a cold wind piercing the bone marrow, no strange reason.

The **** devil’s sharp and sharp voice emerged from the depths of his brain: “Wait, don’t ask her, she’s not Long Yangjun!”

Li Yao also reacted instantly.

When Ling Xiaole was present, Long Yangjun called himself "Captain" without any problem, but when the two were alone or passed into the secret, she always called herself "Lee Yao" or ridiculously called "Li Lao Mo". !

It’s weird!

This is not the style of Long Yangjun’s private speech. She is not Long Yangjun!


Impossible, Long Yangjun knows the importance of things, and will definitely stay away from his virtual cabin.

She is a master of Yuan Yingfeng, and there is a giant soldier, and there is still a secret that does not know how much from the Nüwa era. Who can have her way to get rid of her quietly and change her body to take over?

Li Yao thought that the electric turn, after a moment, the eyelashes trembled, and the **** demons at the same time figured out.

Sitting next to this woman is not a dragon, not even a real person.

And here, it is not the real world.

They are still in the virtual world! ——

The fifth is sent, the old cow is really trying!

Next, think about it, all the players have already appeared, it is time to see the real chapter!

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