Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1717: Fantasy road

The silver shuttle shuttle continued to fly silently in the reversing "time tunnel", which was a bit unnatural.

The land projected by the three-dimensional light curtain gradually sank into the sea, and the terrestrial animals slowly degenerated into fish in the sea. The fish were degenerated into nautilus, trilobite, and finally a primitive absurd. ocean.

Li Yao’s forehead slowly permeated a drop of cold sweat. In an instant, countless thoughts flashed in the depths of the soul.

I am not worried about how to see through and break the virtual world, but I can't figure it out. If Professor Mo Xuan created this "second illusion", why should he do this?

In the terminology of the virtual world replaced by the comprehension, the "too illusory" thing, even if it can theoretically achieve 100 plausibility, is extremely easy to see.

Because its real-time calculus and rendering capabilities are so powerful that it can simulate everything and everyone else, it still can't simulate those... things it doesn't know.

Everything in the illusory world is pre-set, even if it seems to be random real-time calculations and renderings, it must follow certain rules, and it is necessary to mobilize the "materials" from an original information base.

It is difficult for a clever woman to be without rice. Without material, it cannot be simulated.

The simplest example, sitting next to Li Yao, a woman who looks like Long Yangjun, it is very easy to simulate the appearance of such a person. As long as Long Yangjun enters the fire base, he secretly photographs her through the crystal eye. By multi-angle scanning her, she can naturally get her "appearance material".

According to her open relationship with Li Yao, perhaps there is still a dialogue between the two in the real world. It is also possible to initially grasp Long Yangjun’s speaking habits and her name for Li Yao.

However, to create this illusory person, it is impossible to know the hidden identity of Long Yangjun, and it is even more impossible to know that Long Yangjun’s private name for Li Yao is “Li Lao Mo”!

This is the secret of exhausting the computing power of all the super crystal brains of the entire federation.

In fact, it doesn't need to be so complicated at all. There is a simpler way for Li Yao to appear in the illusory environment or "skin", which is how he enters the base of the fire, but only the surface, it is impossible for people to scan him. How many Qiankun Rings are hidden in the body, and it is even more impossible to know what is in his Qiang Kun ring. How do you simulate it?

Therefore, if you are not at ease, just take out your own ring, just pick out the same thing and see it.

Li Yao brought back a lot of rare materials from the ancient sacred circles. These materials are not available in the whole federation. They are even less in the "material library" of the illusory world.

He doesn't even need to activate even the 乾 戒 戒 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Variety.

In a word, the so-called 100% imaginary illusion is just something that looks "beautiful". It can only run perfectly within the boundaries of certain rules of the game. Once it crosses the border, it can do nothing and will be immediately The "player" sees the holes that are hidden under the delicate appearance.


Unless a illusory creator and controller is powerful enough to invade the "player" brain, read all the information from the depths of the brain, and generate a new "material library" in real time before the brain neurons have reacted. Then perform calculations and deductions.

That is to say, as long as Li Yao’s brain appears to have some kind of “flexible” image, it is immediately captured by the illusory illusion, and a series of mysterious and complicated calculations of electro-optical fires are launched.

Or, too illusory can exert a very high-spirited mental attack on the "player" brain, allowing the "player" to enter a mysterious and mysterious hypnosis state, as if it is a dream.

When a person is dreaming, the perceived "dream world" is also incomplete and eccentric, completely contrary to common sense and laws.

In a dream, people will fly, dead people will reappear, animals will speak, and here and each other can perfectly overlap, any grotesque things can happen.

If you are a waking person, you will feel ridiculous and fake when you see such a dream.

But those who are trapped in the nightmare rarely realize that they are dreaming.

Just, to do these two things, how easy is it?

Li Yao silently sneered at the bottom of his heart.

Whether it is invading the brain, reading memory and thinking; or paralyzing certain areas of the human brain, direct hypnosis, is a very expensive thing and computational power.

What's more, he is not an ordinary person, but a Yuan Ying, an old man with a strong soul, a strong heart and a deep brain, and the best of Yuan Ying!

It’s not that Li Yao is self-proclaimed. On the absolute fighting power, he is not the first in the Federation. As early as a hundred years ago, it was probably three to five in the whole federation. He slept for another hundred years, and he did not use the crystal scorpion and the giant god. In the case of the soldiers, perhaps even Ding Ling can not beat.

However, on the "brain field warfare" or "mental power repair", hey, he may be the transcendence of the gods, the most powerful existence of the whole federation!

Since he was born, possessing consciousness and memory, he has been entangled in a strange dream. This innate "earth dream" is not an ordinary dream, but more like something like "too illusory." Something, unknowingly tempering his brain, so that he can bite his teeth and hold on to the insanely mad cultivation in the future.

Subsequently, Ou Yezi's victory; in the flying star world, "Star Child" attempted to invade and control his brain by means of "Star Brain"; when leaving the Flying Star, the Blood Pattern family wanted to take advantage of his broken void. Occupy the nest... Such three thrilling, "dead battles" in his life, and his brains and spirits have been tempered and washed away again, and he has also differentiated from the quirky "the **** demons" The second soul."

His experience is unique and unrepeatable in the whole country, so if someone else wants to "spiritually attack" him, he will simply enter the field he is best at, and he is in the middle of it! ,

Naturally, if the teacher really has any plans, it should not be underestimated.

As a "magic spirit", Professor Mo Xuan's spirit has also undergone a certain degree of variation, becoming extremely eccentric and secretive, and in the battle against "Star Boy", Professor Mo Xuan also swallowed up the star boy's big The soul and computing power may be more than the benefits Lee Li has.

After that, Professor Mo Xuan once again presided over the Yao Shi Fabao Research Center, as well as the repair work of the spider nest star and the hundreds of Xinghai Empire era super crystal brains in the Stars and Zhai, using his secret method of "Xing Ling". , accumulated a greater amount of computing power.

Li Yao also had a long and unrecognizable experience with the teacher. The conclusion is that Professor Mo Xuan’s spiritual strength and spirit are really unfathomable!

That was a hundred years ago.

In the past 100 years, Professor Mo Xuan has not been idle, but he is a "humanoid crystal brain". The refining, assembly and debugging of all the super crystal brains in the whole country. Even if he is not personally practicing, he must have participated in it, and he has cultivated it. Higher realm!

In the life form of his current liquid metal, it may not be possible to simply use the "Yuan Ying, Hua Shen" to measure the realm of cultivation. However, the information collected by Li Yao from various aspects is, in terms of computing power, Professor Mo Xuan Far above the ordinary "God"!

The teacher's computing power is the first in the well-deserved federation.

Or how do you match the president of the Federal Association of Refiners and the Ghost Society?

Generally speaking, "computational power" and "competitive power" cannot be simply equated.

But in the illusory world...

Until now, Li Yao still does not think that Professor Mo Xuan has the ability to sneak into his brain without knowing it, reading his memory fragments, paralyzing his central nervous system and thinking cells.

And such a illusory situation, for Li Yao this level of "big players", it is not difficult to crack.

As long as he continues to burn the soul, break through the limits, release endless thoughts and magical powers, surpass the real-time calculation and rendering speed of the illusory realm, so that the information flow that constitutes the illusory environment presents some kind of "overflow state", which may completely lead to Too illusory, even the super crystal brain hidden behind the illusory world and the collapse of its controllers.

The former "star child" can be said to be so collapsed.

Ou Yezi is also the same, Ou Yezi exhausted the last remaining residual computing power and spiritual strength, creating a lifelike fantasy world, in the illusion of a little bit of erosion of Li Yao's soul.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao’s soul was far stronger than he expected. As a result, Li Yao did not fight back. Ou Yezi couldn’t stand such a huge amount of calculation and rendering, and collapsed.

Spiritual attack, originally a double-edged sword, is weakened by the attacking party, but it is attacked by the attacking party; but the mental power of the attacking party is too strong, and the attacked person is most likely the attacking party.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and stared at the blue sky and white clouds and vast grasslands that seemed peaceful and peaceful in the distance. It seemed to be hidden behind the sky and the clouds. A string of green and shining figures and runes slid like waterfalls.

If it is really Professor Mo Xuan, why should he do this?

His own superficial identity is a VIP of the Firefly. On behalf of the Speaker of the Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic, so many EFF and Secret Sword agents are present. Everything is firmly monitored. He needs to be under the "all eyes". Do you start yourself?

Also, although he came on behalf of Chairman Cui Lingfeng, in the end, the Firefly was just a bunch of exiles. In the upcoming Battle of the Black Wind Fleet and the Commonwealth, his own surface identity was just a small person and a small role.

If the teacher really has any plots, is it worth taking a risk for such a "little person, small character"?

The shuttle bus will soon return to Xinggang. The scale of this illusory environment will not be too large, and there will not be too many people in real-time calculations. It is impossible to simulate everyone in the "Honglian Squad".

So, what is the purpose of this "game", it is time to see the real chapter!

This thought just flashed, and Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank!

Perhaps he has been immersed in meditation for too long, and he has not continued to talk to "Long Yang Jun". This "Long Yang Jun" is slightly stiffer.

At the same time, Li Yao perceives an unprecedented murderous murderousness that has ruined the earth and destroyed it. (To be continued.).


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