Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1718: Silver world

Li Yao’s brain is shaking wildly, and the whole world seems to be clear and sharp in an instant. He can perceive at least six aggressive magic weapons like the main gun series in all directions, not a crystal cannon or a destroying gun. Lock him and it has been launched!

Six super-magnesium magnetic cannons, six supersonic projectiles that ignited arcs and flames, with dozens of supernatural powers and killing effects, respectively, sparkling fire, roaring, completely sealed the space hundreds of meters around him, It’s even more dangerous than the attack he encountered in Fish Dragon City!

Moreover, sitting in front of "Ling Xiaole", as well as sitting next to the "Long Yang Jun", all at the same time rushed to him, the expression became extremely embarrassing!

The murderous seawater, like the depth of the same 10,000 meters, suddenly drowned the small shuttle car!

Li Yao’s instinctive reaction is to break out the strongest counterattack.

However, from the initial suspicion of Professor Mo Xuan, to discover that it is still a virtual world, the doubts make Li Yao's soul deepest, and still keep a little clear.

"Why, Professor Mo Xuan wants to do this, attack me here, what good is it for him?

"Impossible, there is no reason to launch such an attack on the insignificant small role of 'Red Lotus Captain' Lin Jiu. After all, there are so many EFF and Secret Sword agents under surveillance!

"If the federal government wants to start, for example, the chairman of the Cui Lingfeng retreats for some reason and tells the federal government about the truth from the 'red lotus world', there is no reason to choose to work in the virtual world. The variables in this place are after all. Too many, you can besiege them in the real world, anyway, here is the federal territory!

"The empire's secret espionage is even more nonsense. The identity that you pretend is not worthy of their troubles!"

For a moment, before "Long Yang Jun" and "Ling Xiaole" rushed to him, Li Yao and the **** demons also reached the correct conclusion.

This is a temptation.

To test his true strength, as it is said on the surface, it is only a "premother of the Yuan Ying period" monk.

Of course, under the siege of the six-door super crystal magnetic gun, if he can reveal the strong strength beyond the initial stage of the Yuan Ying period, and even display some unknown magical power, it is natural to distinguish his from the clues. real identity!

Even if it is a virtual world, the intensity of his soul will increase exactly ten times and a hundred times, and it will still be accurately captured.

Bet a bet!

Li Yao had already loosened his heart and was prepared to inform Professor Mo Xuan of his true identity, but this time he changed his mind again, letting the virtual two of the runes and numbers converge on himself. He also came to the six roads that rushed toward him, as if the psionic powers that impeded the power of destroying the earth would turn a blind eye.

Because he knows that these are only special "spiritual attacks", which is an illusion sent by the crystal brain to the depths of his brain.

Even if the gambling loses, this level of illusion attack, he can barely stand up.

Li Yao only inspired the psionic shield of the first stage of the Yuan Ying period, and pretended to be shocked and jumped up: "You"


The six-group supernova explosion-like light ball completely surrounded the shuttle bus and seemed to melt Li Yao completely.

Li Yao precisely controls his level of vitality, and never exceeds the level of the initial stage of the Yuan Ying period.

Suddenly, the whole body was light, and the feelings of burning, tingling, and tearing of the cockroaches disappeared without a trace, and the world that was just alive was no longer there.

Li Yao fell into a silver-white world. It seems to have flowers, plants and mountains and waters, but everything is silver-white, with an icy luster, composed of liquid metal!

In front of him, the liquid metal slowly squirmed, swaying out of a circle of sputum, gradually condensed into a silver-white human form.

Professor Mo Xuan, who was slightly ill at Li Yao, expressed his apologies.

Li Yao wiped a cold sweaty face and said, "Profess, what do you mean by this!"

“I am very sorry, Lin said.”

Professor Mo Xuan said quietly, "This is not what I meant, but the request of the Secret Sword Bureau. They want to use the speciality of the 'spiritual world' to conduct a safety test for you. After all, you will soon jump to Tianyuanjie will meet most of the top leaders of the Xingyao Federation and even the Speaker himself.

"The secret sword bureau is not doubtful of the sincerity of the friendship. However, the secret squad is too pervasive. In case they are in a certain link, they will drop the real 'Honglian squad' and mix it into our capital and the speaker. How much damage will it cause?

"I don't agree with them to use the "spiritual world" to do this kind of thing, but the secret sword bureau is based on ‘national security’. I can't find a reason to reject them.

"So, offended, Lin said."

Li Yao thought about electricity and thought about the true and false words of Professor Mo Xuan. On the surface, it was a cold cry: "So, what results did you test?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "That is not my job. I just created a special 'spiritual world' according to the requirements of the Secret Sword Bureau. In fact, this is a ridiculous, flawless virtual The world, I think Lin has also been discovered.

"As for the test results, after returning to the real world, you can go directly to the people who know the secret sword."

Professor Mo Xuan said that he had not lost his words, and once again apologized, and then turned into a group of liquid metal with no fixed form, which was integrated into the entire silver world.

Li Yao was once again pushed into the silver world by a soft force, sitting in the light red nerve interaction fluid like warm amniotic fluid.

Here... seems to be the hall where he first entered the virtual world, and the virtual cabins of hundreds of metal coffins next to each other are just the same.

Wei Qingqing, Long Yangjun, Ling Xiaole, Qi Qi stared at him.

Li Yao wiped his face and jumped from the virtual cabin. He waited for Wei Qingqing to speak. He first smashed Long Yangjun, and pulled her to the corner despite her and her inexplicable expression.

"What disease are you doing?"

Long Yangjun fluttered his eyes quickly, his lips did not move, and he whispered in a secret way. "Don't do this kind of thing in the public!"

"Don't make a noise, answer my question!"

Li Yao stared at Long Yangjun wickedly. He had a gesture of disagreement and a hand-in-hand. He also voiced into the secret. "Speak my three nicknames, pseudonyms, or used names, fast!"

Long Yangjun frowned, very strangely stunned Li Yao: "Li Laomo, Lingbi Shangren, Sanjie Supreme... What do you mean?"

"Continue, say your last fake name and fake identity!"

"Hey, Wang Xi, eunuch."


Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and the tight muscles relaxed.

Long Yangjun squinted: "You can scare you into this. It seems that you must have a terrible experience in the "spiritual world."

"It's not terrible, it's weird, it's a strange thing!"

Li Yaodao, "There are a lot of people here, and I will tell you slowly on the way back."


Wei Qingqing greeted him and asked with concern. "Is there anything?"

"It's nothing."

Li Yao deeply gazed at Wei Qingqing. "Mr. Wei, have we said ‘goodbye’?”

Wei Qingqing looked blank: "What do you mean, have you not been in the virtual cabin all the time? I have been talking to the dragon representative and explained to her in detail the details of the 'fire plan'. Before that... we should not Said 'goodbye'?"

Li Yao understood.

The Wei Qingqing who had just said goodbye to him was also fake, or the whole scene was fake, which was created by Professor Mo Xuan.

"So, goodbye."

Li Yao said mixedly.

"Oh, it’s hard to want to see you again. After all, I’m going to go after hundreds of millions of years tomorrow, but it’s hard to say that the universe is so big, life is so wonderful, maybe everyone really has a goodbye?”

Wei Qingqing smiled and waved to Li Yao.

Li Yao’s heart slowly sinks and sinks into a deep and deep place.

Wei Qingqing's reaction to the word "goodbye" is similar to that of Professor Mo Xuan.

This is of course.

Wei Qingqing is a member of the "fire base". Professor Mo Xuan or other "spiritual creators" have a lot of time to secretly observe her, analyze her words and demeanor and even the psychological state, thus virtualizing a more realistic "Wei Qingqing".

Li Yao doesn't like this feeling very much.

If life can be "copied" to some extent, is this a creation of life or a kind of awkwardness?

In any case, Li Yao didn't want to stay at the base of the fire for a second. He just wanted to leave here as soon as possible and leave the Baihua Star Field. The farther away from Professor Mo Xuan, the better!

On the way back, it is still a reversal of the time tunnel, from monkeys to monkeys, from monkeys to reptiles, from reptiles to fish.

Li Yao took a particularly rough scale from the Qiang Kun ring and secretly placed it in the palm of his hand.

This is a kind of anti-scale of the unique sacred beast of the ancient sacred "Red Dragon". The lines on the reverse scale are very unique and complicated, and the touch is also very delicate. Nothing can be found in the whole federation.

The subtle touch reminds Li Yao that this is the real world.

Li Yao let Ling Xiaole slow down and slowly open, and use his voice to enter the secret way, and all his own encounters in the spiritual world, including the later "Second Spiritual World", carefully told Long Yangjun, even one word, one Nothing is missing from the details.

I believe that with the keenness and ingenuity of Long Yangjun, I might be able to analyze some things that I have missed.

"I think Professor Mo Xuan must have any problems, but I don't know where the problem is."

Li Yaodao, "Think carefully, there is really no doubt in the place where the teacher is doing everything right, and it is only a frontier theoretical study, or under the supervision of major institutions and governments, even the last. The 'Second Spiritual Circle' is created by the Secret Sword Bureau. I have already confirmed it through Ling Xiaole. The Secret Sword Bureau has repeatedly apologized. Their statement is exactly the same as the teacher.

"But, my feeling, why is it so uncomfortable!" (~^~)

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