Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1719: Absolute peace!

Long Yang Jundao: "When you entered the 'spiritual world', I talked with Wei Qingqing for a long time, and also read some of Mo Xuan's papers and seminar videos about the 'Lingzu'. Your teacher did not lie. He did make his ideas publicly a few decades ago, at least in small universities and research institutes.

"And I think that in terms of 'theory', there is not much problem with his ideas. With the development of crystal brain and spiritual network technology, the virtual world is becoming more and more realistic, and there will definitely be more and more ghosts. Repair and people who are too stressed in real life choose to live in the virtual world for a long time.

"Even now, there are not many people who choose to stay at home for a few months. Stay at home and be a companion. Isn't that the sacred form of the "spirit" and the reserve army?

"In the long run, this is a trend. How to contain it can't be stopped. You can feel uncomfortable, but you can't stop it unless you force the brain and the spirit net to no longer upgrade, or issue harsh laws. How many hours is it that the federal owner can only access the Internet every day, is it feasible to receive treatment and even sentence in excess of time?"

Li Yao indulged for a moment and slowly shook his head.

"That's it, Professor Mo Xuan said that everything is correct, whether it is the birth of a new virtual life, or the virtualization of human beings, the future is unstoppable!

“Perhaps not everyone is willing to make such a change, but if 1% of people volunteer to do so, they are willing to live in a virtual world, or they have limited resources and harsh environment, forcing people to hide in the virtual world. Building a small 'Xanadu', then, what other reasons are there to change or even destroy the lifestyle of their choice?"

Long Yang Jundao, "Professor Mo Xuan does not have to play any intrigues and tricks. The "spirits" will eventually be born. It is nothing but a matter of time and number.

"Since the 'spirit' will be born, then as the most important member of the federal academic community, the most powerful "humanoid crystal brain" in the federal system, Professor Mo Xuan is responsible for everyone and responsible for the future. What is the problem with the exploration and research of the 'spirits'?

"Even if you really think of the 'spirit' as a kind of 'disease' of human civilization, then you should not be ill, but you should study it carefully, analyze it, and find out the 'treatment' method. Is Professor Mo Xuan doing something?"

Li Yao couldn't help but nod. "I understand everything, but I feel my hair."

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "Do you worry, Professor Mo Xuan is actually a traitorous loyalty, hiding the conspiracy of the big under the 'fire plan', for example, let the spirit rule the world, conquer all humanity of?

"But I think it is not very likely.

"I haven't touched Professor Mo Xuan very much. I don't know if he is good or bad. But what he said is the man with the strongest computing power in the whole country. It is several times stronger than the ordinary god. He has a 'super human shape crystal brain. 'The title!

"The brain is such a thing, it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad, but it is absolutely rational and calm enough. If you encounter anything, you will carefully analyze it, and you will not care about the success or failure and gains and losses of the moment. It will not be as emotional as ordinary people!

"First of all, virtual life does not need the resources that ordinary people need. Professor Mo Xuan said that they only need some deep underground, tightly protected super crystal brain center, and the psionic power to maintain super crystal brain operation. Enough, there is no reason to fight with the Terran and the Yaozu.

"Secondly, even if Professor Mo Xuan is a generation of traitors, there is a huge ambition of letting the "spirits rule the world and conquer all mankind". With his computing power above the gods, it should be easy to calculate. The current level of the brain and the spiritual network of the Federation is still too backward. The so-called 'Ling's breeding problem has not been solved, and it is still a young baby in the middle of the shackles. Now it is not a good time to break with the 'old man'.

"Even if there is a conspiracy, it should be developed in accordance with the ministry for hundreds of years and thousands of years. The crystal brain and the spirit net technology are highly developed, and the number of spiritual families is increased by several dozen times, reaching more than 10% of the total population, and the problem of reproduction is solved. After that, when it is launched again, the success rate is higher?

"Ordinary conspirators and ambitions may not wait that long, but your teacher's computing power is so high. Even if it is a bad person, it should be the level of 'Golden Kidn', which is better than the tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to make the pattern so small, do you have to rush in your life and complete everything?

"It is really necessary to personally handle everything. He can completely think of ways to hibernate himself. He wakes up every few decades and corrects his plans. He has been hibernating for hundreds of years and thousands of years. When the time is ripe, he will suddenly become troubled. How much better?

"In summary, even if he is really a conspiracy, he is trying to be a mess like the "spirit of the gods". As long as he considers the fundamental interests of the "spirits", he will never choose to launch now, too hasty, too It’s too impetuous, is this the style of Professor Mo Xuan’s acting?”

"No, I also feel weird. The teacher is not such a rash and unwise person. Even if he has any expectations for the future of the spiritual family, after carefully analyzing the current situation, it should be clear that the conditions are not yet mature, at least a few hundred. Within a year, the chances of the rise of the spirits are extremely small!"

Li Yao frowned. "These words, he himself said, I don't think he is lying, let alone, I don't think that the teacher will be a sinister, even if he is the most daring and aggressive. At that moment, I just thought that he was a little crazy, but he did not perceive a trace of selfishness and evil from him.

"How to say it, I have also seen some traitors like loyalty, such as Yan Yan, Xiao Xuan, and Lu drunk, but not the same, the teacher is different from them, the teacher is a good person, even now, I firmly believe this!"

Long Yangjun’s words turned and suddenly said: “If you have to say anything doubtful about the whole thing, I am more surprised that Professor Mo Xuan has to say so much to ‘Red Lotus Captain Lin Jiu’.

"In the moment when the federal and black wind fleets are about to fight, Lin Jiu is not a big man. You just come to visit it. He and you are both chilling. It is necessary to put down the EFF and the secret sword. How many people don’t go to the reception, but haven’t been with you for so long?

"I figured it out. You stayed in the virtual cabin for two hours. His expression is really strong!"

Li Yao said with a slight sigh: "I have met some conspirators before. When they talk about their long stories and talk about their crazy plans, they often delay the time but they are all At the time of the fierce battle, the situation is calm now, and the teacher does not have to delay the time!"

"Maybe not delaying time, but fighting for time."

Long Yangjun fell into deep thought. After a while, he still shook his head. "I can't figure it out. I wasted so much time in the second-rate role of 'Red Lotus Captain'. In any case, there is no reason! Your surface strength is only the first step of Yuan Ying. There are more than a thousand yuan in the Federation. It’s a conspiracy, and it’s not for you!

"Yes, there is no motive for conspiracy, nor the conditions for conspiracy, but the teacher's calculation power should also be calculated. The success rate of this conspiracy is extremely low. The Japanese are long, the spiritual people have potential, and he does not have to 'just fight.' 'Ah... Is it really that I am too sensitive?"

Li Yao took a deep breath. "In any case, I decided to leave the Baihua Xingyu in advance. I jumped to Tianyuanjie to find Dingling and Jinxinyue. After finding them, I am not afraid of any conspiracy!"

The speed of the shuttle bus suddenly increased, and it was not a moment to return to the Baihuaxing Port where the transport ship was parked.

They are special delegations, and the starships naturally enjoy priority treatment and fuel-filling treatment, and will soon complete the jump preparation.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun returned to the starship, and the twelve ancient holy men gathered together to listen to Li Yao’s story about the “spiritual world”.

However, the repair of the remaining ten strongmen is higher and the wisdom is superior. After all, it is “traversing” from the era of ancient times. It doesn’t take long to contact the crystal brain and the spiritual network. Where do you know the way?

Even Lianlong Yangjun can't analyze why, they are even more confused.

Li Yao was originally prepared to open his identity in the Baihua Xingyu area, but now he is eager to launch a four-dimensional jump. In the event that Yan is away from the crowd, he is said to be "Li Lao Mo", and the trouble will be unbeautiful.

Still wait until you jump to Tianyuanjie, let's just say that Li Yao only wants to leave the Baihuaxing domain as soon as possible.

"Please prepare all passengers, the countdown to Xinghai, and the last minute begins."

In the jumping and ejection area of ​​Baihuaxinggang, the starship carrying the delegation of the Xinghai Republic was gradually wrapped in a soft black light, and it trembled and went to Tianyuanjie.

At this moment, the Black Wind Fleet descended to the core star field of Tianyuan, and there were 13 hours, 22 minutes, and 35 seconds.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

In the passenger compartment, the 12 members of the Honglian team are half lying in a special squat protection cabin. The protective compartment secretes a large amount of buffer gel, which protects them like slimy jelly and avoids jumping from the stars. The four-dimensional storm invaded.

"The Xinghai jump countdown, there are forty-five seconds."

Everyone has completed the injection of the buffer gel, and the hatch of the twelve squat protection cabin is slowly descending.

I don't know why, obviously, after half a minute, I will leave the Baihuaxing domain and go to Tianyuanjie to find Dingling and Jinxinyue. Li Yao’s feeling of trepidation is getting stronger and stronger, like countless invisible small needles. He stopped his eyeballs and almost shed tears.

No, I always feel that something is wrong...

Just as the hatch was about to close, Long Yangjun, who was lying next to him in the squat protection cabin, suddenly struggled out of the gel and grabbed his hatch, indicating that he would also have his head out.

"I suddenly thought of a motive for conspiracy."

Long Yangjun frowned. "If you can barely be considered a 'motivation'."


Li Yao’s spirit has been shaken, and he will start a four-dimensional jump in disregard of it. “Let’s listen.”

"I just thought about it for a long time, and I thought about it all the way to the ‘a treacherous conspirators’. The more I think, the more I think it is.”

Long Yangjun said, "If your teacher is really a sinister conspiracy, let the "spirits dominate the universe and rule the entire human civilization", he has absolutely no reason to rush in this rush, and then crouch for hundreds of years, A thousand years is the best opportunity.

"However, if you are not wrong? Your teacher is not a sinister conspiracy, but a good person, a noble person, a pure person, a bright person, free from one's own self, wholeheartedly for human civilization. Dedicating people for life!"

Li Yao Yue is more confused. "How about that?"

Long Yangjun said: "In that case, even if he considers himself to be a 'spiritual', he will not consider himself and the interests of the spiritual family in the first place, but will put the overall interests of human civilization first and far. Far from the 'spirit'!

"In other words, if one thing has great benefits for human civilization, even if it is detrimental to the interests of the spiritual family, it will even lead to the death of the spiritual family. Your teacher, the "good guy" will do it, right?"

Li Yaobiao squinted: "It should be, but I still don't understand. What is the so-called "great benefit to human civilization"?"

"Absolutely peaceful."

Long Yangjun said coldly, "I have turned over and over again to think about the words of Professor Mo Xuan, which you retelled, and found a very harsh word, 'absolute peace'! He wants to make the various races of human civilization in 'absolutely Peace's support each other, help each other, grow, bloom, and prosper together."

Li Yao frowned: "Is this a problem, I think too!"

“Peace is no problem, ‘absolute peace’ is somewhat intriguing.”

Long Yang Jundao, "Ask, what kind of country or social form can achieve 'absolute peace'?

"Even if the federal victory over the Black Wind Fleet, can you get 'absolute peace', then you don't have to fight with the Empire or the Holy League?

"Even if one day, your Li Laomo is so powerful that he leads the Union to completely smooth the Empire and the Holy Alliance. Then, the Federation will always be in a state of absolute peace, and there will never be a war."

Li Yao muttered: "Of course not. The world is in a big position. It will be a long time. It will be divided for a long time. Peace cannot be permanent. There will always be wars of all sizes."

"Yes, as long as human beings continue to exist in the current form, unlimited desires and limited resources are ultimately a contradiction, a contradiction that can never be reconciled, resources are limited, war is eternal, and 'absolute peace' is absolute. impossible!"

Long Yangjun flew quickly. "But if most people are 'virtualized', will it greatly reduce the consumption of external resources, even if it is impossible to completely end the war, is it the frequency and intensity of war? It is greatly reduced now, and even war will become a game, a virtual game that can be resurrected at any time?

"Is this a certain form of 'absolute peace'?" (To be continued.)

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