Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1723: The complete layout of the professor!

"I do not know."

Li Yao’s line of sight crossed the silver-plated spherical array cube of Baihua City, projecting toward the two stars at a great distance.

The two stars are pulling, entangled, and confronting each other, just like the star-studded Federation and the Black Wind Fleet at the moment.

Li Yao’s voice became secluded and deep, like a glimpse of a secret instruction set that was executed decades ago. “I only know that if 70% of the above is true, then the teacher’s There can be another explanation for what has been done in the past decade.

"On the surface, he has put the birth of the 'Ling' and the follow-up plans from the very beginning, and has shown everything generously, and invited the entire state's most advanced crystal brain, spiritual network and consciousness transmission, brain domain meditation, etc. Experts in other fields, come to the 'common slogan' and promote the 'fire plan' together."


Long Yangjun nodded, "With the prestige and connections of Professor Mo Xuan in the Federation, plus the frontier of 'virtual life research' and the importance of the 'fire plan', even if he does not invite, the federal parliament, the military and The Secret Sword Bureau and other units will take the initiative to send a large number of elite soldiers, participate in it, help him check and monitor the progress of the entire project!"


Li Yaodao, "The most outstanding spiritual experts, soul experts and brain domain experts in the whole country are likely to have more or less exposure to the 'fire plan' and 'spiritual world'. In the past few decades, they have countless times My own consciousness is uploaded to the 'spiritual world', at least to open up my own brain domain, and to connect with the 'spiritual world' created by my teacher for research and monitoring.

"Let's think about it, this is my teacher's bright, open-minded, willing to open up all research results, accept the supervision of all sectors of society and government departments!

"I think in the bad, is it possible for my teacher to implant something in their brains in the past few decades, while taking advantage of the consciousness of these experts and scholars in the "spiritual world"? Put some 'crystal brain virus' into the crystal brain!

"If this possibility is true, then at this moment, the best crystal brain and spiritual network experts in the whole country, experts in spiritual practice and brain research, their brains and spirits are more or less eroded by my teacher!"

"and many more!"

Long Yangjun was shocked and eagerly said, "You said this, I know, I know why your teacher has been talking to 'Honglian captain Lin Jiu' for so long! It is not you, his goal is not you. But those who monitor you!"


Li Yaofei blinked his eyes quickly. Every time he blinked, three or five lightning-like bloodshots appeared on the surface of the eyeball. "You mean"

"Red Lotus captain Lin Jiu is indeed an insignificant little role. The reason why he and you have been so long, and the consequences and consequences are indeed for the purpose of fighting for the time to erode the monitor!"

Long Yangjun’s speed of speech has suddenly increased tenfold. It’s impossible for ordinary people to distinguish the “嗡嗡” channel. The first launch of the so-called 'fire plan' is very likely to be a big scam. It’s a trap at the end!

"Because the 'fire plan' will be launched for the first time tomorrow, so today, many experts from the brains, spiritual nets, meditation and brain domain from all the federations of the whole world have come to the 'fire base', plus The local garrison, the secret sword bureau, and the heads of the government departments gathered together, and all of them voluntarily entered the virtual cabin of Professor Mo Xuan’s 'exquisite refinement', immersed in 'neural interaction fluid', and fell into the 'spiritual world'. in!

"This is a net!"

"If Professor Mo Xuan moves his hands and feet on the virtual cabin, there is a way to control the 'spiritual world', at least to control the small spiritual world he created at the fire base, and to keep everyone's spirits inside, and then Invading and polluting as we have just tasted..."

Li Yao took a deep breath and felt that the entire dark universe was invading his own body: "So, he is likely to have a large number of crystal brain and spiritual network experts, as well as the garrison, secret training bureau and government departments of Baihuaxing. Head and brain, all control!"

"As for you, your application for the ‘Visit Fire Program’ is to be beaten and right in the middle of his arms!”

Long Yangjun analyzed it very calmly. "What do you say are the special envoys of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic. You have to visit such a secret project as the 'Fire Plan', especially the whole process of chatting with Professor Mo Xuan will definitely be closely monitored. It won't be let go for a second."

"This is of course!"

Li Yaozhong focused on it. "The teacher also reminded us many times during the conversation that we have been monitored throughout the conversation. He is frank and completely open."

"Frankly fart!"

Long Yangjun rarely swears a swearword. "Monitoring is two-way. When you are accepting the high-profile monitoring of many secret units such as the Secret Sword Bureau, it means that Professor Mo Xuan’s spiritual world and the crystal brains of these secret units. There must be some kind of 'data channel', right?"

Li Yao suddenly realized: "So, when many secret units including the Secret Sword Bureau are monitoring us, my teacher can also sneak into the crystal brain of these secret units through the ‘data channel’ they set up?”

Long Yang Jundao: "The identity of Honglian captain Lin Jiu is so special. Professor Mo Xuan and the content you said are so sensitive. The level of monitoring your unit must be very high. The prohibition of the brain and the firewall must be very powerful, so Professor Mo Xuan has to be with you for so long, just to gain time and silently invade the crystal brains of these secret units!"


Li Yao was silent for a moment, suddenly said, "Go to war, right away, within twenty-four hours!"

Long Yangjun's eyes trembled at high speed: "How come?"

"No sound, it’s amazing!"

Li Yao said coldly, "Since my teacher has spent decades planning this game, now I control all the military, political, and secret intelligence leaders in the Baihuaxing domain, and it is possible to go to the crystal brain of more secret units outside. All of them have launched the virus and opened the 'back door'. This is the picture of the poor, when the hammer is fixed!

"His movements are so big, even if they are hidden, they will not be able to see the 24 hours of the federal brain experts are not dead, within a day, will definitely be discovered!

"Unless, the moment my teacher is waiting, the deadly moment that will allow all the super-genuine brains of the whole country to be overloaded and on the verge of collapse will come within 24 hours!"

Long Yangjun’s eyes turned round and round, and the words turned and asked: “How is your teacher’s relationship with Jin Xinyue?”

The two talked and jumped very strongly. From one topic to another, there was no gap. It was very difficult for ordinary people to understand what they wanted to say, but Li Yao immediately understood: "You suspect that Jin Xinyue carefully planned near My teacher has participated in the 100-year plan?

"Well, very likely!

"I don't know the development of Jin Xinyue and Professor Mo Xuan in the past 100 years, but from the relationship of a hundred years ago, Jin Xinyue and my other old friend 'Fire Ant King' have a very close relationship!

"At that time, I joined forces with Fire Ant King to create the 'Tianhuo Organization', and Jin Xinyue became the secretary-general of the 'Tianhuo Organization' as the only one of my demon disciples, and has been her and the fire ant king since then. In the operation of the Skyfire organization, it is the relationship of the deputy.

"Fire Ant King was originally the second-line demon of the blood demon world, and even the 'Wan Yao Dian 12 demon emperor' did not line up, relying on the support of me and the 'Golden Tudor System', only climbed to the top of the blood demon world. Therefore, Fire Ant King and Jin Xinyue are also considered to be a kind of 'interest symbiotic body', which is naturally quite solid!

"On the other hand, I, Fire Ant King and Professor Mo Xuan, we went together to explore Kunlun, where Fire Ant King and Professor Mo Xuan formed a profound friendship. In the following years, the process of developing the Kunlun ruins In the middle, the two often exchange and study together.

"The fire ant king calculates some biochemical research problems through Professor Mo Xuan's terror computing power, and Professor Mo Xuan understands the mystery of 'biochemical neurons' through the fire ant king, like the 'neural interaction fluid' he uses now. ', can be said to be the crystallization of biochemical technology.

"When I left the Federation and went to the depths of the Dark Nebula, Professor Mo Xuan and the Fire Ant King were already inextricably linked.

"If Jin Xinyue really has the grand calculation of the 'Kokei Rejuvenation', Fire Ant King must be her important deputy, know a lot of insider; and Jin Xinyue is my disciple, Professor Mo Xuan is my teacher, equivalent Her 'Tai Master', although there is no substantive inheritance, at least nominally!"

Long Yangjun helped him to follow up: "Golden Heart's 100-year plan involves too much and too wide. It definitely needs a person who is proficient in the spirit net and the brain, and has strong computing power and deductive ability, for example, helping her. Invading the 'old days of the giants' of the crystal brain, she and the fire ant king are closely related, the fire ant king and Professor Mo Xuan form the same, and Professor Mo Xuan is also her 'Tai Master', this is the best Person's choice!"


Li Yao bite his teeth. "My teacher is also a member of the 'Lee Yao Group'. Jin Xinyue may not tell him all the plans. Just tell him 50%, saying that this is a fight against the Black Wind Fleet and the rise of the Li Yao Group. Magnificent plan, does my teacher have no reason to agree?"

"So, Professor Mo Xuan on the surface became a accomplice of Jin Xinyue, a part of the plan."

Long Yangjun is cold and cold. "It’s a pity that Jin Xinyue is clever and mistaken. It’s impossible for her to count all the calculations. Professor Mo Xuan also has a plan that is more ambitious than her. As a result, she It became a chess piece for Professor Mo Xuan!"

"We have already deduced that if Jin Xinyue really has any plans, it will detonate in the near future, so we are eager to rush to Tianyuan to find her."

Li Yao’s voice is cold and bitter. “It seems that no matter whether Jin Xinyue has prepared a trap for the Black Wind Fleet, and the commander of the Black Wind Fleet has not seen her plan, it is not important!

"Because of the collision of the two forces, the largest major fleet fleet in the history of the Starry Federation, the Xinghai game that decided to live and die in the Federation and the Black Wind Fleet is all under the control of my teacher, Professor Mo Xuan!"

Long Yangjun is about to talk, and the pupil suddenly expands to the limit.

A large cluster of dangerous stars, shining in her eyes.

"what is that?"

She pointed away not far away, muttering.

Numerous sparkling stars converge into the torrent of stars, silently rushing to her and Li Yao.

At this moment, the Black Wind Fleet descended to the core star field of Tianyuanjie, and there were thirteen hours, thirteen minutes, and thirteen seconds. (To be continued.)

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