Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1724: Shuangxiong confrontation!

At the same time, Xingyao Federation, Tianyuanjie, Tianyuanxing, are all in the outer suburbs of "Tiancheng", and the center of Jinxinyue Base Camp "Yuegong".

When Jin Xinyue slowly stepped out of the door of the secret room, her loyal disciple "Xueer" and the Haoyue Foundation who waited outside were all stunned.

In the past few decades, they have become accustomed to Jin Xinyue in black, calm, capable, elegant, murderous and bloodless.

But today, the most important moment in the past 100 years, Jin Xinyue put down the black tight-fitting shirt and did not wear it, and put on a white loose robes.

She didn't have a little decoration on her body. She only used a light gold chain on her waist to gently tie it, and she outlined the waist of the waist, like a weak and tough thin willow.

On the foot, there is a pair of thorny shoes, specializing in the blood demon world, ten small and exquisite toes, showing a healthy and attractive color, like a dozen small pink shells.

On the top of the fibrin hand, there is no extra magic weapon except for a Qiankun ring that Master gave to her a hundred years ago.

The face is not powdered, pure, pure, spotless, full of black as a waterfall has been hanging to the waist, but also set off her beautiful face, white to the extent of thrilling.

Just like the nine-day mysterious woman who goes down, the holy face of Purdue beings is really difficult to associate with the "snakes and demon girls" who kill people without blinking.

Therefore, even the members of the Haoyue team who had been born and died with her many decades ago, and who have seen her incomparable sinister sinister means, are all face to face, and they are not known.


When Cher came forward, he asked with boldness, "What are you?"

"This is a shirt that I used to wear when I and my master fought the sputum plague a hundred years ago."

Jin Xinyue smiled a little, and looked a little embarrassed and awkward. The jade hand rubbed the slightly rough-looking linen, like a distant memory, muttering, "Let me wear it again, so pure, holy, bright. White robe, because after this war, I have a long time, perhaps for the rest of my life, to be completely immersed in the darkness.

"And, if you wear this moon white robes, no matter where my master ‘vulture Li Yao’ is, it will surely bless our plan and bless the real rise of the Xingyao Federation...”

Cher understands that the corner of the mouth evokes a charming smile, and sincerely said: "Master, you wear white, it is actually better than wearing black, much better."

"Just your mouth is sweet!"

Jin Xinyue gently flicked on the tip of Cher's nose, then converges on a smile, strides to the core members of the Yuyue Foundation, and is distributed in all walks of life, just gathered together, her core demon family walks go with.

When she walked to the front of these tiger-bearing, ugly, and powerful demon warriors, the smile on her face was completely absorbed, and she was replaced with a calm, yet ambitious, full of incitement and temptation.

"The demon warriors, we have been in the dark for a whole hundred years, crouching for a whole hundred years, forbearing for a hundred years!"

Jin Xinyue slowly opened, with dignified and exuberant, calm and fierce, charming and firm tone, to her soldiers, "a hundred years of shame, a hundred years of sacrifice, a hundred years of silence, is to Today is for the moment, just for this battle!

"One hundred years ago, I once vowed to my father and all the demon compatriots at that time. I will complete the 'Red Tide Plan' and lead the demon who struggled in the suffering to reproduce the glory!

"A hundred years ago, many people doubted me, opposed me, and even jumped out against me!

"But you, only you have always believed in me, even in the most difficult years, loyally support me, and I silently promote the 'Red Tide Plan', weaving a new ‘黯月计划’, weaving the dream of the rise of the Yaozu!

"Today, it is the day when my golden heart is fulfilling the promise, that is, the day when we honor the promises of all the demon compatriots!

"Destruction, rebirth, immortality! Perhaps our flesh will be completely annihilated in this battle. Perhaps one day, even the entity of the 'Xuanzuo' will cease to exist, but our spirit, the spirit of the Yaozu will surely pass this battle. Rebirth will surely be immortal, and will surely expand into the universe as the Starry Federation enters the conquering path of the stars and the sea!"

"Destruction! Reborn! Immortal!"

The **** and arrogant demon warriors, in the depths of the moon palace, screamed and screamed, suppressing the roar of a hundred years like the magma that is waiting for the momentum, and will soon be turned into a torrent, stirring the whole world!

"Ha ha."

Jin Xinyue narrowed his eyes and smiled. His eyes turned to a lot of white demon. "There are many people in our country who came all the way from the 'old federal' era. At that time, we were still with the old federation. 'Being an enemy, everyone kills you and tells me, do you hate the people of the 'old federation', those warriors, those who are strong?"

These white and white demon people face each other and nod their heads.

Hate, of course hate, why not hate? Even if everyone is now integrated, but in the circumstances of the dominant power, the shameful shame of "conditional surrender", but can not be forgotten for a lifetime!

"If you hate it, then you can win this battle!"

Jin Xinyue laughed. "If these 'old federation' heroes know what they are doing, knowing that they have fought for life and even sacrificed everything to defend the 'Xingyao Federation', in the end they have to rely on a group of 'emons and ghosts' to guard, this is How ironic? I am afraid they will be discouraged in the nine clear yellow springs!"

Jin Xinyue’s words made the atmosphere of the original chill and tension suddenly alive, and many of the Yaozu laughed aloud.


Cher went forward and said, "The liaisons of the major sects and the family are all waiting outside."


Jin Xinyue’s eyes were condensed, and he took over from the hands of Xueer in the Wan Yao Temple period, symbolizing the dark golden scepter of the Wan Yao United Army commanding commander, gently waving, faintly, “The demon warriors, let’s go ahead. !"


When Jin Xinyue is in the depths of the Moon Palace, move the last ring of the “Yueyue Plan”.

From the 8th light year of the Starry Federation, deep in the brown dwarf, after five days of awakening, unfolding and deployment, the Black Wind Fleet has finally developed into a "combat formation" from a hundred years of "cruising state"!

The dense black crystal starship, composed of a three-dimensional array of unconventional, forms a large, law-abiding black cube.

In the eight corners of the cube, eight large arrays of Xinghai transmissions have been built, and are transmitting and stimulating psionics in a near-squandering manner.

Such precious psionic powers have not been used even in the most urgent situations of a hundred years of cruising, just to get a deadly blow when you arrive near the prey!

“Zizi! Nourish!”

The hundreds of thousands of kilometers of black arcs are silently flowing between hundreds of main battleships and more auxiliary warships. If they condense into a black hole that devours everything!

The flagship of the Black Wind Fleet, the Black Swirl, above the bridge.

The dark night is covered with both hands, and the cold condensation condenses the thousands of light curtains that the main control crystal brain blooms. His brain field is connected with the main control crystal brain through a special command helmet, and thousands of gods and blasts The rushing flow of information entwins and precisely controls all the details of the entire fleet.

The crystal brain technology of the real human empire is superior to the Xingyao Federation. The automation level of the entire black wind fleet is extremely high. 8o% of the work can be done through the crystal brain, and in the blink of an eye, the data is completed through the tactical network. The interaction of information and commands has made thousands of starships condense into an inseparable whole, just like a star-studded giant!

The night of the night, or the main control of the black whirlpool, is the "brain" of this Xinghai giant.

The consciousness and the thoughts of the dark night can be spread to every corner of the black whirlpool through the crystal brain and the tactical spiritual network, and even in every key position of every starship in the fleet, the clouds flow, like the arm Control everything!

He is the "brain" of this Xinghai giant!

"Commander, the fleet has been completed, and all the cultivators have completed the war preparations. As long as there is a guide to the door of a large-scale starry sky, you can jump over at any time and launch a devastating blow in an instant!"

The chief of staff of the Blackwind Fleet was on the sidelines. "Just, that person... can you really trust?"

"Reassure, how the Soviets say how they are cultivators are all members of the real human empire."

The night is slow, "Integrated the information we sent back to the secrets of the Federation. The 'gifts' that he gave us are all true. I really didn't expect it. Su Chang, the old guy, still... half dead. In some wonderful way, you can control the spiritual network of the Stars Federation, at least the key nodes of the Spirit Net!

"Golden Hearts thinks that the winner is in the grip. Can we introduce half of our troops into the Tianyuan world, then close the 'Star Gate', and come to 'close the door to fight the dog'? Oh, it’s too naive, she can’t think of it anyway, we still have 'Su Chang' is such a backhand!

"Of course, I will not fully believe in Su Chang, and I will not completely believe his disciple, Lu Xiaochen. After all, they are not black winds, and perhaps their own small abacus.

"So for their plan, I made a small ‘fine tuning’. With the huge military power of our Black Wind Fleet, who can resist us by tearing a small hole in the sky above Tianyuanjie?”

Chief of staff: "Commander wise!"

"Let the soldiers be a little bit sloppy, I know that they have not been active for a whole 100 years, and they have been impatient, but the more hungry, the blood of victory is more sweet!"

The night is light and smiles. "Everything is under the control of the coach. After another twelve hours, Tianyuanjie, and the entire Xingyao Federation, are all black winds!" (~^~)

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