Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1725: It won't be you again, Li Lao Mo!

At the same time, Jin Xinyue and Black Night Ming show the smile of the victory, the tail of the black whirlpool, the defense is strict, and the solid room of the golden soup.

Lv Qingchen is still firmly locked in the steel shackles, like being wrapped in iron shackles, even a small finger can not move even a millimeter, let alone show a "smile".

He was hung upside down on his head and feet. The senses of sight, hearing, smell, and touch... all five senses were closed, and they fell into the darkness of death that ordinary people could never endure.

In the absolute darkness, he counts the numbers, is quiet and quiet, and waits patiently.

"It's a monster."

In the secret room, the black wind monks who are responsible for guarding Lu Qingchen looked at the curve of the brain wave intensity analysis on the monitor screen, and they looked incredulous. "The ordinary monk is in this kind of 'five senses' In the case, insisting on three or five hours is the limit. Even if it doesn't collapse, the brain should have some unusual reactions. This guy has been suffering for so long, the brain waves are so calm, calm as a dead person, like, like It’s a crystal brain!”

"The ancient legends, in the deep corners of the stars and the sea, there are often some strange and strange existence."

Another black wind monk manipulating the crystal brain, once again thoroughly examined all the bans and shackles of Lu Qingchen's body, and determined that there was no half of the loopholes. This was a little loose. "No wonder, he obviously took the initiative to come over and command the commander." Still have to impose the highest specification on him to ban such monsters, who would not be afraid to change?"

The voice did not fall, "Drip" sounded, the door of the secret room slideed to the sides, and another team of black wind monks carried a large number of forbidden magic weapons and monitors the crystal brains.

"The command of the commander, during the battle, the ban and monitoring of this person must be doubled, put him down, and put on a more advanced number of bans!"

Many black wind monks put Lu Qingchen off the steel cable, replacing the newer, bigger and stronger forbidden magic weapon.

When he unveiled his mask, he found that he had been wide-eyed, his eyes were quite stiff, and even the pupils were solidified there. Even when exposed to strong light, they did not enlarge and contract.

The monitoring crystal brain next to it shows that even at this moment, his breathing, heartbeat and even brain waves are calm to the extent that the ancient well has no waves, and he has never been disturbed by the outside world.

An experienced doctor shot a black light from the ring and stabbed the pupil of Lv Qingchen. He frowned: "He won't be dead?"

The voice did not fall, Lv Dengchen's left eyeball remained motionless, and the right eyeball shot by Xuanguang suddenly turned to the direction of the doctor, faintly said: "No."


The doctor was shocked and almost did not sit down on the ground.

"Come on him quickly, all the five senses seal, seal! Then connect his brain to the highest level of surveillance crystal brain, so that the commander can grasp his every move!"

Many black wind monks rushed to the top, and for a moment, Lu light dust was replaced with a larger set of "metal coffins", "squeaky", once again hanged him up.

Throughout the whole process, Lv Dengchen cooperated very well. Except for the word "no", he did not make extra voices. He let others put a huge mask without gaps on his head and deprived him of everything again. Sensory stimulation.

Even when hundreds of cold pointed needles plunged into his cerebral cortex and forcibly monitored his brain, his tail fingers, lips and pupils did not tremble.

As the cable slowly tightened, the hanging man swayed again and again, in the deepest part of the "black whirlpool", swaying, falling asleep, waiting.


Hundreds of flowers, the periphery of the third star port, starry, whistling.

Even though Li Yao and Long Yangjun realized from the beginning that the so-called "stars" were not real stars, they were some kind of deadly magic weapon, and they did not help.

Because at that time, they just escaped from the dangerous ship that was exploding in the Xinghai. They were still in the strong interference of space, and the internal organs and even the three souls and seven scorpions were trembled at high speed.

At this time, the stars have arrived.

Tens of thousands of sparkling little stars spread into a huge star network covering hundreds of kilometers.

The distance between each "star" is extremely large, and it is naturally impossible to hit Li Yao and Long Yangjun, who are extremely flexible and flexible, but it is enough to wrap them both in the "Star Network".


The sound could not be transmitted in the vacuum, but Li Yao was like a whistling sound of a magical sound. The tens of thousands of "small stars" scattered around at the same time exploded, releasing millions of bright arcs. Snakes dance, torrents raging, sweeping everything!

The arc came quickly and quickly, and it was completely annihilated within 0.01 seconds, turning into a silent and invisible magnetic storm, which instantly penetrated the mysterious warfare and Li Yao itself.

"啪啪啪啪", the manipulation light curtain of the mysterious warfare is extinguished immediately, the crystal brain and a large number of magic weapon units are like mud cows entering the sea, no longer responding to Li Yao’s call, even Li Yaoqi’s psionic power in the eight veins and limbs Fluctuation, it is like a hot porridge that is caught in a pot of boiling water. It is extremely difficult to run with mud and water!

The crystal scorpion lost most of its combat power, just like a set of iron girders on the body, which became completely cumbersome!

Li Yao called Long Yangjun in the communication channel, but found that the communication channel was also seriously disturbed, sometimes dead, and sometimes harsh, rustling, it is impossible to contact each other!

"Lee Yao, what's going on!"

Long Yangjun’s thoughts were transmitted under the psionic parcel, but even the transmission of such thoughts was intermittent. “The surrounding spirits are completely chaotic, just like being subjected to some serious interference and being consumed quickly!

"Our crystal enamel suffered from ultra-high-intensity magnetic interference in an instant, many wafers were destroyed, it was extremely difficult to return to normal in a moment, and the concentration of psionic energy around it continued to decrease, I can perceive it! The thin battlefield is extremely unfavorable for us, Yuan Ying!

"Damn, what is this weird magic weapon, what a strange attack!"

"It's a high-intensity magnetic pulse bomb!"

Li Yao Shen Sheng, "can release a special pulse energy in an instant, and a similar 'resonance' reaction with the psionics that are free in the Xinghai, producing radiation interference similar to the sunspot burst, easily penetrating armor, city walls and even The blockage of the rock formation, on the one hand, instantaneously consumes the psionic power of the attack area, greatly reduces the concentration of the psionic energy, on the other hand destroys all the magic weapons in the attack area, regardless of the enemy, all the magic weapon units and the spirit chip are not spared!

“In a more vivid way, this kind of bomb is like a black hole area where the psionic energy is quite thin and the magic weapon is not working well. Therefore, it is also called ‘black hole bomb’!

"One hundred years ago, this was just a theoretical magic weapon. I didn't expect to be able to put it into practice so quickly. The effect is still... pretty good!"

"Good ghost!"

Long Yangjun jumped his feet, "black hole bomb? Such a despicable, shameless, sinister and sinister magic weapon, which is what the **** bastard came up with, this is to dig all the life of the self-cultivator and the cultivator! This kind of pig and dog is not as good as the chop It’s hard to be cramped and smashed!”

Li Yao: "Hey, you can just take two sentences to solve the problem. Would you like to be so rude?"

Long Yangjun: "I am jealous of me, shut you down... feed and feed, it won't be you, it won't be you again, Li Lao Mo!"

Li Yao: "Don't yell at me like this. I used to talk about it."

Long Yangjun: "..."

Li Yao: "Then I only transferred a special fund from the major factions and groups under my name. I asked a group of the most powerful bomb experts in the Federation to conduct research. I know that they are so powerful. It’s really gratifying!”

Long Yangjun: "I began to regret teaming up with you. The Federation is so dangerous. I want to go back to the ancient holy world!"

Li Yao: "Don't be like this. As a creative developer of black hole bombs, I have a deep understanding of the fatal flaws of this magic weapon. Yes, in this 'black hole area', our psionic powers and magic weapons are met. Serious interference, but others are the same!

"Everyone is at the same level. I am also an expert in the martial arts department. You have a strange crystal warfare to defend yourself. What are you afraid of?"

"And, I think the federal black hole bomb research is just getting started. You see, the 'black hole area' that is made is not big, and the duration will not be very long. It can be as long as ten or twenty seconds. We can easily fly out. What are they doing?"

Long Yangjun pointed to not far away: "Is that the other party's 'method'?"

When Li Yao looked back, he saw a large piece of meteorite fragments that were overwhelming, dense and smashing.

That's right, it's the rock, the simplest, the most common, the stone that doesn't carry a half-seat array, doesn't carry any psionic power, and won't be disturbed by the "black hole bomb."

Larger meteorites are also the size of a fist or a head, while the smallest meteorite is smaller than the tail, even like a slender embroidery needle.

All the meteorites were exerted a strong driving force in the distance. There was no friction in the Xinghai. The speed of the meteorite rain was instantly raised to the limit, and the heads of Li Yao and Long Yangjun were covered!


The blast and the sudden bombardment on the psionic shield of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, smashed a group of shackles!

The so-called "black hole bomb", of course, it is really impossible to drain all the psionic powers in the entire region, and it is impossible to completely disrupt all the spiritual reserves in the two Yuan Ying Lao Monsters.

But at least, they can cause serious interference to them, so that their psionic power can be greatly delayed, and the speed of psionic consumption is rapidly increasing!

Just escaped from the space, he ate a wave or a series of black hole bombs, and then he was covered by a meteorite and a skull. He was a stranger in the two babies, all tired and coping. Can't eat.

At this point, from the direction of the black hole bomb and the meteorite rain, the two moon-white star ships slowly slipped into their sight.

A large number of Xinghai Battle Shuttle and Crystal Warrior took off like a bee colony. As the third wave of attacking echelons, they rushed over to Li Yao and Long Yangjun! (To be continued.)

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