Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1738: Spiritual antiphasic!

"It's all illusion, I can't lie to me!"

Li Yao’s soul is as transparent as ice crystal, and the will is as diamond-like as it is, so that it can be infested by all directions. I am not moving!

In the face of the illusion world created by spiritual attacks, there are two ways to crack. One is to find out the flaws of the illusion world, such as "There is no such a large abyss in the space station. The octopus has a thousand eyes on the head except the comparison. There is no physical necessity in addition to being scared. This kind of logical error is not surprising, and it is blameless.

However, this is pure defense and is not suitable for cracking ultra-high-intensity mental attacks.

Because the illusion is fake, but the spiritual attack with strong psionic power, but it is real, even if you glimpse the illusion, it is still possible to deeply stimulate and even destroy the human brain.

It seems that I know that the horror film is fake, but some people will be scared and scared by the horror film.

Li Yao prefers another way to crack, mobilize his own spiritual strength, and create a more powerful, violent, overbearing illusion to attack and attack!

Here is the world of fantasy, the battlefield of high spirits, strong imagination, is the most powerful weapon!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao issued a roar of the ancient and fierce beasts. The flames were like a thousand lights swords, which were poked out from the gaps of the deformed tentacles. Then they danced wildly and twisted a tentacle covered with suckers into it.

For a time, the broken limbs were flying, the stench of poisonous blood and pus splashed, the octopus monsters in the black abyss, the thousand terrible eyeballs also trembled madly, and at the same time they made a scream of earth-shattering, making the whole The abyss is swaying, and all the monsters in the surrounding walls are vacated, and the rest of the world is uneasy!

Li Yao was regained his freedom. The fragmented crystals of the whole body, such as the golden husks, were shattered and turned into black butterflies.

Instead, it is a gorgeous crystal that blooms with pale golden light, crystal clear, and the purest crystal, which does not exist in the real world.

The dark gold translucent crystal squirting out of every pore of his hair, blooms like a flower, and instantly wraps around the body, and the colonization is completed!

This is Li Yao’s combination with the real human empire’s mysterious warfare, the Kunlun ruins, the savage war, the elite of the various battles on the battleship, and the ultimate trenches that I hope to refine. He has been circling more than 10,000 times in his mind.

However, there are too many technical problems in materials science, structure, psionics and cosmic mechanics. Is it easy to integrate the essence of multiple armor across hundreds of thousands of years?

It will only be okay to be obsessed with it. In the real world, it is impossible to refine it.

But here is the illusion, the mental power multiplied by the ability to be obscenity, is the fighting power in the illusion!

Looking at the monsters flying wildly in all directions, Li Yao’s mouth evokes a refreshing smile, his arms stretched across the cross, his arms and chest seem to be a big bow that is tight to the limit, and the dark gold crystal trenches are open on the surface. Exposed the following ultra-micro array crystal cannons, honeycomb-type flying sword launchers and various destructive black light excitation arrays... all kinds of offensive magic weapons that are absolutely not combined in the real world, turned into a complete Crazy arsenal!


“Sweet and nourish!”

"Booming and banging!"

In front of Li Yao, thousands of colorful streams of light flowed like a flood of dykes, turning into a devastating torrent. The waves pointed out that all the monsters were torn apart in an instant, and then they were again fired by crystal guns and three fires. The high-frequency oscillating black light is completely burned into ashes, leaving only a group of mottled smog, which is a vortex-like condensation in the air, but it disappears in an instant!

In a short while, almost all the little monsters were killed by Li Yao as the residue of smoke. Even though there were several fish that slipped through the net, they were curled up in the niches, and under his violent spiritual deterrence, Not afraid to go forward!

"Hey! Hey!"

In the abyss swamp, a thousand dead-eyed giant octopus monsters are desperately screaming for a wave higher than a wave. If the ordinary comprehension is a little weaker, I am afraid that such a scream can make their heart collapse, completely In the midst of great horror, you can’t extricate yourself.

But for Li Yao, who is so sturdy and sturdy, and who thoroughly recognizes the truth of the illusion world, it is clear that the doubts and fears hidden in the screams are clear.

Looking back, Long Yangjun also broke away from confusion and fear. Although she was still wearing the fragmented crystal scorpion, but in front of her arms, she grew a cluster of crystals, like the bridge of the son-in-law battleship. In the depths, it was once covered with a whole body of crystal wrestling.

But this time, a cluster of crystals is constantly extending in front of her arms, and they are intertwined with each other, turning into something like a crystal track cannon!

When Li Yao cleaned all the mobs around, the crystal cannons that grew out from the arms of Long Yangjun had completed the psionic filling, which ignited an arc that was more than 10,000 times brighter than lightning, releasing the star ship master. The gun has more powerful psionic fluctuations, firmly locked in the octopus in the abyss, bombardment!


Li Yao seems to see that a real spiritual power can quickly spread to every corner of the abyss. Even he himself feels the shock of the psionic storm swept from above the soul. Then, there is a small sun from In the body of Long Yangjun, screaming along the crystal track cannon, and rushing to the head of the abyss octopus, burning the thousand dead eyes into a thousand holes!

In the continuous encounter with two spirits called the "monster level" Yuan Ying old blame, the octopus blame and even the screams are released.

"It turned out that this is your true strength. I didn't expect your mental strength to be so strong!"

Li Yao looked at Long Yangjun's crystal cannon and was amazed.

"Li Laomo, each other!"

Long Yangjun glanced at the dark golden trenches that Li Yao had imagined, and it was a slight smile.

The two men opened the bow, and the streamer of explosive power was like a blast of wind and rain. The skull covered the brain and sprinkled it on the octopus monster. Not only did the monsters of this ugly face be fragmented, but also the swampy black mist was completely shredded. , turned into a stream of vortex.

The abyss and crypts are getting more and more fierce. There are thick gaps in the surrounding walls. They are criss-crossed like spider webs, spreading rapidly, but behind the cracks are not black rock formations, but a milky white light. When the light was completely covered with the surrounding walls, there was no power to stop the collapse of the illusion. Li Yao and Long Yangjun only heard a real, scream of the woman, a flash of light, and returned to the real world!

The pain of the two people disappeared, and only the tiredness that the brain could not tell, the crystals on the body were intact, and they still looked like they pushed the big iron gate at the end of the laboratory.

The big iron gate is behind them. Under their feet is a hanging platform that extends forward. The bottom is indeed a deep space, but there is no such exaggeration as the "endless abyss of the earth". The height difference is about fifty or sixty meters, plus The distance from the top of the head, the height of the entire space will not exceed one hundred meters.

And before their eyes...

This is a cylindrical space like a vertical launching platform of a starship. The wall of the barbed wall has indeed been dug out of the wall, but what is stored in the alcove is not "all covered with tumors, stinking." The mucus is a monster, but a brain.

More precisely, from their volume, shape and colorful nerve bundles, it is a "new crystal brain" that is scanned by molecular scanning, slice research, and three-dimensional printing.

All new crystal brains are at least half a meter in diameter and are soaked in some dark red unidentified liquids. Most of them are dead and dormant, but there are also very few blooming dazzling streams, like a rainbow. It flows fast between the gullies of the brain, and is in high-speed calculation and thinking.

Next to each new crystal brain, there are several large crystal cables extending out, extending all the way to the bottom of the whole space. After connecting, blending and winding, they rush into the air like a fountain and reach in the air. A virtual cabin like a flower bud.

The cover of the virtual cabin is fragmented, and the cable connection port is also "squeaky" with flames and sparks. A woman with a pale face squats on the cover of the virtual cabin and gently twitches.

Li Yaodao: "Help me to watch, a little change will directly bomb her!"

Said, the magical power of the display of the air, will spread a psionic spirit to the woman, gently roll her waist, suspended in midair.

The woman described it as dry, and the wrinkles grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before a moment, it was still full of green silk, but it was white and white, just like the vitality poured out from her body.

Her nostrils, ear holes, corners of her eyes and corners of her mouth shed black blood, her breathing was extremely weak, her eyes turned white, and she was only one step away from complete death.

Li Yao entered a soft psionic power in her body, barely protected her internal organs and brains, and her doubts turned to Long Yangjun.

"She...should be Lei Yuqin."

Long Yangjun hesitated, "Although it seems to be more than 120 years old, the bone structure has not changed. It is estimated that it has been countered by our mental power and the soul is burning."

Li Yao understood.

Just now, Lei Yuqin, the dean of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, was hiding here. With so many different new crystal brains, they launched a terrible mental attack.

Recalling the illusion of horror, this spiritual attack is indeed very strange. Even if the two are ordinary Yuan Ying, I am afraid that they will be completely controlled by Lei Yuqin.

Who knows that Li Yao and Long Yangjun are two different roots and different spirits. Lei Yuqin can't count on it, and he is countered and fired. This is the end of the game.

"Lei Yuqin, said, where is Professor Mo Xuan, what are you doing?"

Li Yao's eyes are round and round, and a question of strong spiritual strength, like a battle axe into the brain of Lei Yuqin.

Lei Yuqin, who has suffered from mental rebellion, is in the midst of a collapse of his brain, and he has no defense at all. This is the best opportunity for interrogation! (To be continued.)

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