Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1739: The truth of the spirit world!

In Li Yao’s keen perception monitoring, Lei Yuqin’s brain is like a mountain forest burned by fire. The brain waves are weak, such as the looming embers in the ditch. Her spirit and vitality are flying fast, but wrinkled The ugly face reveals the glory of holiness, and the gaze that gradually faints also contains deep pity.

She couldn't help but soften in the air, heard Li Yao's questioning, but did not turn to look at Li Yao, but looked up at somewhere in the void, whispered: "I am a doctor, I am saving people."

"Save people?"

Li Yao sneaked a little and raised his anger. "You are like this, like saving people, who are you going to save?"

"Save you, save her, save the elderly, save the children, save the stars, save the real human empire, save the people of the covenant alliance, save everyone in this universe."

Lei Yuqin pulled his neck weakly, but said weakly and clearly. "The resources in the universe are limited. The desire for human existence is unlimited. There are always people who are going to die. There are always people who are struggling with pain. Some people are not satisfied. Only us. Only can save people, save everyone, only us..."


Li Yao frowned deeply, and felt that Lei Yuqin’s brain waves were getting weaker and weaker, as if the Mars in the mountains and forests were annihilated.

It seems that the mental reversal she had suffered was too serious. At this moment, the situation of the oil well lamp has been dried up.

Also, Lei Yuqin's open realm is only the Jindan series. Even if she conceals part of her strength, it is the peak of Jie Dan and even the first stage of Yuan Ying. After the increase of these strange crystal brains, the enemy she attacked is two yuan. Infant peaks are strong.

Being countered to such a serious degree is also taken for granted.

Li Yao did not dare to aggravate the mental oppression, because the spirit of Lei Yuqin has become weak to the extreme, such as the candle in the storm, will be extinguished at any time.

This is obviously the secret lair of Professor Mo Xuan. However, the professor himself and thousands of "the martial arts vegetatives" are missing, and the time is tight. Lei Yuqin is the only clue, and it must not be broken.

At the end of the entanglement, Li Yao suddenly heard a cry from the bottom of the cry: "Save me..."

When I heard the sound, I saw it under the cylindrical space. A faint blue light was shining next to a niche. It faintly condensed into a emptiness of human form, slowly and meticulously and meticulously. It was a book of middle-aged men with a strong book. .

"He" seems to be struggling in the deep sea, trying to move to the upstream, but is bound by the blue light of the whole body, how can not swim up.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other. On the one hand, they used the psionic spirit to firmly suppress and monitor the Lei Yuqin. They both flew in front of this blue figure.

Look carefully, inside the niche behind the blue figure, the "new crystal brain" shines with extraordinarily bright light, but also slightly trembles, like a high-speed operation.

"You, who are you?"

Li Yao looked at it for a long time, and he was not sure what the other party was. "Don't be afraid, we are here to save people, but you must tell us first, how do you become this look? Don't panic, sort out the ideas, calmly tell We, are you...has you been locked here?"

Like the ghost of the ghost of the blue man phantom, see Li Yao and Long Yangjun instantly counterattack Lei Yuqin, has been excited to the extreme.

However, he is obviously a person with a strong will and strong control. He should be engaged in some kind of research in the field of precision research. Listening to Li Yao’s saying, he calmed down immediately, but his mouth slightly trembled: "My name is Liu Wenshan. Is a refiner, specializing in the field of 'crystal brain automation', why I am here..."

He looked at Li Yao with some hesitation.

Li Yao immediately understood what he meant and said: "We don't know anything about the ins and outs of the whole thing, so you start from the beginning, pick the most important thing, give you three minutes!"

Liu Wenshan indulged for a moment and said: "I am a crystal brain expert. I am also a little famous in the federal brain circle. My main job is the fire control system of the starship and the automation of the defensive array. A powerful artificial intelligence, as far as possible to replace the function of the starship crew, in the case of less than 50% of the crew, can automatically adjust the strength of the psionic shield, calculate the attack and avoid the route, and even automatically launch to the enemy attack!

"I remember... the specific time and model can't tell you. Anyway, not long ago, I was involved in the development, installation and commissioning of a shipborne crystal brain system for a new federal starship. It was working continuously for too long, over-pressing. Brain cells, I only hear a 'beep' in my brain, like something is broken, and then there is nothing black in front of me.

"When I woke up, I found myself lying on a white bed, surrounded by my loved ones, and the window was also my hometown where I grew up.

"But, whether it is a loved one or a hometown, it has become very strange. It is like a lifelike illusion. I don't know if you can understand. Many people, many things, many things, even if they are exactly the same, but only you know. Different, it is different!

"A long time later I realized that I was trapped in a virtual world of the extremely strange and sinister world!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and knew that they were very close to the truth.

Liu Wenshan pointed to Lei Yuqin above: "Before I still don't know the truth of the 'spiritual world', this woman appeared in the ward, saying that I was crushing brain cells for a long time, and the brain overdraft caused the fire to go into anger. The brain has collapsed, and the three souls and seven scorpions have torn apart, and they have fallen into a state of horror between non-life and non-death.

"When I was in a coma, I had been sent to three large hospitals, all of them were helpless. All the brain doctors and meditators announced that I had entered a severe brain coma, which is commonly referred to as the 'vegetarian' state. The chance of waking up. It can be described as 'miracle'. Even if one in ten thousand chances are awakened, it will bring irreversible brain damage and become... intellectually disabled.

"Fortunately, I know the danger of my work. For the sake of my family, I have purchased several high-value commercial insurances. As a result, my family used this money to send me to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital.

“In the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, although they can't directly repair my brain, they have created a brand new 'external brain' through special treatments, using 'molecular layer-by-layer scanning' and 'three-dimensional mustard material printing'. I can transfer my remnant soul to this 'external brain' to warm up, and then create a lifelike illusory environment, bringing all kinds of stimuli to my soul. In this way, I slowly repaired my serious damage. The three souls are seven.

"Lei Yuqin said that the reason why I simulated the illusion of my family and my hometown is to stimulate my soul and help me wake up in the real world as soon as possible so that I don't think too much. I will get along with these 'dummy' as a kind of Consolation.

"I also heard about the name of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital. I didn't think so much at first. I thought it was a special treatment of mysterious and mysterious.

However, there are too many flaws in Lei Yuqin's words. I quickly figured out that it was wrong. At this time, she actually brought some very professional topics to me to tackle the problems related to artificial intelligence and satellite ship automation.

"These topics have caused me to panic and fear to the extreme.

"Because, after a little browsing, I can see that these are very professional and esoteric topics. Some of the topics involve technical content, even above the top level of the Federation!

"Let's say, if these issues can be completely broken, then the Lingai virus embedded with the new artificial intelligence, and even the possibility to bypass the firewall of the Federal Starship, invade the master crystal brain and seize the control of the starship!

"This kind of topic is by no means the dean of a brain hospital. It should be taken out.

"In the beginning, I thought that I fell into the secrets of the real human empire, meticulously prepared traps. I certainly have nowhere to escape, but I would rather not betray the Federation, so I directly rip my face with Lei Yuqin and angered her. Change the path.

"Who knows that she has even sneered, but also came up with a lot of new topics, how to invade the Imperial Starship, to seize the highest authority of the Imperial Starship master crystal brain, I dare to guarantee the professional reputation, is also the top of the Federation Crystal brain warfare experts, have not been involved in the level!

"She said that she will never betray the Federation. If I don't want to study my own brain, then it is the same to study how to invade the Imperial Starship. Of course, these topics are close to the completion of the study. I will join this time. There are not many things that can be done..."

Liu Wenshan said that he had a meal and his face was full of incredible expressions.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and felt extremely shocked. What do you mean, Professor Mo Xuan really mastered the method of invading the Black Wind Fleet to control the crystal brain? How did he do it! Is he loyal or traitor?

Liu Wenshan’s eyes trembled a few times and continued: “I was shocked and naturally asked the origins of these subjects. Lei Yuqin did not marry me. I soon let me know the spiritual world, and other lost in the spiritual world. The truth of the Chinese."

Li Yaodao: "In addition to you, there are others in the spiritual world, how many?"

Liu Wenshan shook his head: "I don't know how much I know. The spiritual world is divided into different areas. I can only touch a small number of experts in the field of crystal brain automation. About 180 people I mean real people, artificial intelligence simulation. The dummies are not counted. When they ask, they know that these people have been suffering from severe brain damage in the past few decades. After being unconscious, they are sent to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital for treatment. They are our experts and masters in the field. Now, they are all lost in the spirit world!" -

Thanks to the support of the "grey night sky" friends, yesterday, I rushed to become the first ally of our "40,000 years of comprehension." The old cow is really like Li Yao, stunned, sweating, and can’t speak for a long time. !

So far, in the past two years, we have finally had 20 ally, namely, "grey night sky", "not late", "permanent night aurora", "permanent night aurora", "if it is true", "shui Shoot ng", "绾青丝1", "Knife 76", "Seven Must", "Small Fish from China", "Deep Eight Jun", "Laozi Love Sister", "Time to Stop", " I am Da Luo Jin Xian, "11 pages well-known", "dsss", "cosmetic celestial body", "small cute girl", "calcined sword", "reincarnation" and "national tyrants", old cattle to everyone Express the deepest gratitude!

Of course, in addition to the allies, we also have countless and most powerful masters, elders, church owners and rudders. Every support of all our friends is the greatest encouragement for the old bulls. It is also the joint construction of the "40,000 years of comprehension." A brick and a stone in a splendid world.

If the length is not limited, the old cow really wants to shout out every friend's name here, but think about it, everything is not in the words, we still have less imaginary, more exciting and exciting plots. The best reward for everyone's support!

Thank you all, thank you for your support for nearly two years, and the old cows, and Li Yao went to today's friends! (To be continued.)

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