Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1740: Alien

Li Yao Shen said: "We found a lot of vegetative people immersed in the medical cabin in the outside hospital area. Is it theirs?"


Liu Wenshan said, "I have asked all the predecessors, and their experiences are the same as me. When I was doing some important research, I spent the night and night, working day and night, using virtual cabins, holographic helmets and the big ones to make a shock. The limit of the brain, the potential of the brain cells, and finally stunned, fainted, and when they woke up, they were in the spirit world.

“Lei Yuqin in the spiritual world, we simulated the environment similar to the hometown or work place, and also simulated our family, and our work is to study the many topics that Lei Yuqin has taken. Some people have been studying for decades. ""

Li Yao was surprised: "Since knowing that it is a spiritual world, everything that is seen is illusory, why should we cooperate with Lei Yuqin to help her conduct research?"

Liu Wenshan showed a very painful and embarrassed expression, muttering: "There are many means in the spiritual world, you don't understand, and you can't imagine it. Lei Yuqin naturally has various ways to seduce and force us to cooperate.

"More often, she doesn't need to be coercive, because research is that our instinct is trapped in the spiritual world. Everything is fake. Although most of the needs can be met, this satisfaction is too pale. It is more painful than life imprisonment. Besides what is research, what is really meaningful?

"What's more, many of the many topics thrown out by Lei Yuqin have already answered most of them. Many of them have whimsical ideas that are unheard of, beyond the technical limits of the federation and even the empire, and they are so attractive to us!

"The special environment of the spiritual world also gives us an illusory sense of security, or allows us to deceive ourselves. We know that Lei Yuqin can monitor our every move, we will still gather in the secret room that looks like 'four no one'. Discuss these topics.

"In the most extreme case, if someone shows a gesture that is too resistant, Lei Yuqin will throw him into a special spiritual world. It is a silver-white spherical space, less than two meters in diameter, and smooth around the mirror. There is no gap, no sound can be heard, and no other colors besides silver white!

"In the spiritual world, everything is virtual. As long as Lei Yuqin is willing, it can completely deprive us of hunger. Imagine that one person loses hunger, can't hear, can't see, can't touch something. Floating in a silver-white spherical cage with a diameter of less than two meters, I don't know how long the sentence is, five days, ten days, one month, half a year, perhaps staying in the same place forever, what a cruel torture!

"At this time, if there is a research topic in the spherical space and everything needed to complete the project, then, besides conducting research, will the prisoner have other choices?"

Li Yao silently meditated on this kind of punishment, and the more the teeth were bitten, the tighter they were.

The person who came up with this kind of torture is really terrible!

Liu Wenshan shuddered deeply and said: "I used to be thrown into the silver prison. I stayed there for about five or six days. I can’t stand it anymore. Everything is willing to compromise. Anyway. It is a way of studying the loopholes of the Imperial Crystal Brain and the method of capturing the Imperial Starship. There is no harm to the Federation. I am so comforted by myself, and I cooperate with Lei Yuqin.

"I didn't take long to fall into the spiritual world, but I still have a sense of soberness, but many of the predecessors who have been in the spiritual world for decades have cooperated with Lei Yuqin sincerely, even from the heart to join Lei Yuqin. Really become a member of the spiritual world!"

Li Yao asked: "Why?"

Liu Wenshan smiled bitterly: "It is very easy to lose yourself in the spiritual world, blurring the boundaries between 'real' and 'false'. I fell here soon, although Lei Yuqin simulated my family, but I know they are fake. The real family is still waiting for me outside, I still want to escape.

"But many of our predecessors have been here for decades. They have been living with the false relatives simulated by artificial intelligence for decades. They have worked hard to build the spiritual world for decades. Perhaps all the flowers and trees here are They are calculated, modeled, and rendered. They have long been integrated into the spiritual world and become part of the spiritual world. For them, the spiritual world, the loved ones simulated by artificial intelligence, is the only real, the outside world. It doesn't matter anymore!"

Li Yao silently remembered the second spiritual world created by Professor Mo Xuan, the vivid Wei Qingqing, Long Yangjun and Ling Xiaole.

Indeed, if he is caught in a spiritual world, facing the artificial intelligence that looks exactly like Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue, he can be awake to realize that this is an illusion.

But if it is ten years, thirty years and fifty years, forever?

In the face of loved ones, according to the behavior patterns and speaking habits of relatives, the artificial intelligence that has been together for 30 or 50 years can really be said to be "false"?

Li Yao took a deep breath and let go of this tangled question. He changed the subject: "What do you mainly study?"

Liu Wenshan said: "The experts in the spiritual world are divided into different research groups, mainly focusing on the spiritual network, crystal brain and artificial intelligence.

"Some groups, attacking the war network of the associated state and the empire, to study how to sneak into the battle network of both sides; some groups, trying to create a more powerful crystal brain, make our own computing power and deductive ability to a higher level; My research group is in the field of artificial intelligence. We are developing the most powerful artificial intelligence in the whole country so far, and even more advanced than the empire's artificial intelligence!"

Li Yao frowned slightly: "More advanced than the empire, how is it possible?"

Liu Wenshan said: "I also thought that it was impossible at first. After all, people are superpowers in the central part of the Xinghai. The accumulation of technology and the depth of the foundation are profound, not that we can catch up in a short time.

"But Lei Yuqin has continuously brought a lot of information, and many technical difficulties have long been broken by her. I have seen the artificial intelligence on the imperial starships that we captured ten years ago, and the things that Lei Yuqin brought. They are all dwarfed.

"Federal and empire are human civilizations, and we have gifts from the Kunlun ruins. The technical gap between the two sides is not a world apart. Research on the basis of the latest information on Lei Yuqin is naturally a thousand miles!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and were surprised to the extreme.

No reason!

Even if Professor Mo Xuan is behind the ghosts, the technical limit of Professor Mo Xuan is the technical limit of the Federation. How can he master the crystal brain, the spirit net and the artificial intelligence technology above the empire?

Liu Wenshan said: "When I joined this ‘virtual R&D team,’ they have developed several new super artificial intelligences, the official name is ‘Intellectual Virtual Combat Gods Polymers’.”

Li Yaoyan widened his eyes: "I have heard this name. In the outside world, it is also called ‘grandfather’. It seems to be for educational purposes.”

Liu Wenshan smiled and said: "Yes, some people call it 'grandfather', but education? Oh, any new magical power and technology, when it was just born, will be applied first in the military field, and then slowly spread to Other areas.

“If a ‘grandfather’ can search and analyze the environment independently and carry out complex educational inheritance, why can't it be used for combat?

"So, within the spiritual world, the code of this artificial intelligence is not the 'old grandfather', but the 'kind'!"


Li Yaozhen grinds this unremarkable name and gives birth to a feeling of creeps.

Liu Wenshan continued: "The alien spirit is divided into two categories: 'Intelligence' and 'Fouling'. Zhiling is used to sneak into and control the spiritual network. It can also simulate many people's images and even habits on the Internet. Characteristics, when a Zhiling takes over the Lingwang and speaks to someone through the Linghe book, someone can't tell whether the opposite is a real person or a dummy; fighting spirit is pure combat-type artificial intelligence, once the battle is controlled. The main control of the starship and even the starry sky battle, the consequences are unimaginable!"

Li Yao jumped in the corner of his eyes and said, "How much have you refining... Is the alien coming out?"

Liu Wenshan shook his head and said: "I came too late, did not participate in most of the refining of the alien, do not know the total number, the ordinary aliens of real-time calculus must be countless, there is a super alien, it seems to be It seems that there are seventeen pieces to seize the control of the main battleship. Well, this number is correct. There were originally nineteen, but two of them accidentally collapsed during the test."

Take control of the main battleship...

Li Yao swallowed and asked: "Now, where are your companions and those strangers?"

"I do not know."

Liu Wenshan honestly said, "Last night, the vast majority of people and the different spirits being tested disappeared in batches. Only a very small number of people continue to stay and work. They are just like me, just falling into the spiritual world, right. Spiritual and spiritual identity is also relatively resistant, and people who have a crush on the real world."

Li Yao and Long Yangjun face each other, and both hearts sink down.

The most terrible thing happened.

It is indeed the nest of Professor Mo Xuan, or his secret weapon refining base.

But they came a step late.

Thousands of martial arts practitioners' body-modulated "combat shells", as well as the mystery of countless experts who are proficient in crystal brain and spirit net technology, as well as the mysterious "heterogeneous", are already on the road!

No wonder they rushed in all the way, and did not encounter too strong resistance, it turned out that the thief had gone to the sky.

Professor Mo Xuan and his alien army, where is the goal?

Professor and why, can you master the crystal brain technology that is more advanced than the federal and Imperial expeditionary forces? (To be continued.)

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