Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1741: Save humanity

These questions, Liu Wenshan can not give them the answer.

But another person can.

Lei Yuqin was suspended in midair, and the brainwaves that had fallen into silence were once again rippling, like a returning light, which ignited a faint flame.

Her white hair roots are erected like a waterfall that hangs upside down. The laughter sways the air and ripples out of a circle.

The satisfied laughter is like the mission that belongs to her has been completed, she can return to the eternal embrace of the universe with a clear conscience!


Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s body spirits skyrocketed, turning into a psionic shackle, bound to Lei Yuqin, and even condensed into a thorn into her brain, preventing her from using the last vitality to make trouble.

Li Yao said: "Lei Yuqin, this is the way you and Professor Mo Xuan save people? Professor Mo Xuan went in!"

"Go to save people and save everyone."

Lei Yuqin's old skin, wrinkled and spotted, gradually glowed softly from the inside out, and her voice gradually recovered a little bit of resilience. "What kind of force is there to save people? I am Doctor, I try my best to treat my patients, never hurt a person!

"Those brains are not seriously damaged. The three souls and seven scorpions have retained most of the patients. Under my careful treatment, they have long awakened, recovered and discharged, and went home!"

"The rest of the people are all seriously damaged by the brain. The three souls and seven shackles are mostly disabled. In any case, they can't wake up, forcibly activate their souls, let them go outside to live, they will only be eroded by pervasive radiation, and they will soon aging. And annihilation, even a small sunspot outbreak, it is possible to completely shred them!

“So, I invited them to live in the spiritual world. This is the only place that suits them. They are their spiritual family, a new home!”

Lei Yuqin is straightforward and his eyes are getting clearer and clearer. He can’t see a little regret and embarrassment on his face.

Li Yao said with anger: "How do the bodies of the combat-type comprehensions explain that you have modulated the vegetative body into a terrible weapon! Do you have such a crazy thing, do you still have a face called a doctor?"

"For the doctor, the body that loses the soul is an ordinary flesh and blood."

Lei Yuqin said faintly, "When tens of thousands of years ago, everyone used the same kind of corpse as a sacred taboo, our doctor began to dissect and study the human body, and even doctors will sneak into the cemetery to dig the newly buried body. To dissect, it is this ordinary people's seemingly creepy behavior that has become the foundation of modern medicine, and saved thousands of thousands of future generations!

"Those fighting-type comprehensions are in a state of deep coma and close to brain death. After transferring the spirit of the rescuers among them to the artificial brain, the remaining body is a common flesh and blood. Like the tumors that have been cut during surgery, are the medical wastes to be discarded, and the use of these wastes to defend our cause and defend the future of human civilization, what else can we do?"

Li Yao gnawed his teeth: "It's a good talk, but you and Mo Xuan have imprisoned them, forced them to conduct research, and deceived their families, not letting their families know where their souls are hiding!"

Lei Yuqin smiled and said: "Yes, this is the only thing I have done, I am sorry, they are sorry for the word 'doctor', but their family will soon know the truth, they can meet them, very soon... ..."

Li Yao’s heart floated with an ominous premonition, strengthened the entanglement of the psionic thorns, and asked sharply: “What exactly do you want to do, Professor Mo Xuan went to a place with a large number of “combat shells” and “heterogeneous spirits”?

Lei Yuqin continued to smile, his eyes crossed Li Yao and Long Yangjun, as if he could penetrate the solid outer shell of the universe and see the depths of the Xinghai. She said in a tone of humming: "The war is about to erupt, The war between the Xingyao Federation and the Imperial Expeditionary Force will be an unprecedented battle. It will burn a whole lot of Xinghai. There will be countless heroes who will stage countless legends, and countless innocents will die in obscurity and turn into monuments. A cold name, or even a name, is like a dust that will never be found in the stars."

What she said, exactly the same as what Professor Mo Xuan once said.

"Hing, the people are suffering; the people are suffering, even though the Stars and the Federation have paid a heavy price to win this battle, what is it? Is this the last war of the Federation?"

Lei Yuqin looked at Li Yao and shook his head slightly. "No, the Starry Federation is going to march toward the Central Xinghai, whether it is the ambitious Golden Heart Moon or the liberation of all the oppressed people in the universe." They are all incarnations of killings. They are all messengers of destruction. They are as eager for war, war, and more wars as drug addiction!

"Wars... War never ends, even if one day the Starry Federation really enters the center of the Xinghai, and the real human empire, the covenant alliance form a three-pronged trend, the total population of the three thousand worlds is half-finished, and finally it is difficult to unify Under a banner, that is not the end of eternal, just the interval of war!

"So, what is the significance of the Xingyao Federation to win this battle in the traditional way? What is the significance of defeating the Empire and the Holy Alliance? What is the significance of becoming the first power in the universe? In the end, it will be annihilated between the dust of the universe. Just like the Xinghai Empire, which was once in the past, the war, the lack of it and the difficulties will come back in an instant, turning into an infinite loop that is entangled in human civilization and will never be solved!

"What do we want to do?

"Oh, we are going to completely solve this infinite loop! Complete the **** war! Complete the endless human desire for resources! Complete the end of human suffering, oppression, inequality!

"We want to create a paradise, create a new world with everlasting peace, no contradiction and war, no suffering and suffering, no need for anyone to be satisfied!"

"I don't know who the two of you are, why you have such a strong strength, but whoever you are, join us!"

Lei Yuqin extended his hands to Li Yao and Long Yangjun. At this time, the light in her eyes had completely swallowed the eyeballs, just like the two orange fireballs directly from the eye sockets, and her voice... she The voice doesn't sound like she is alone, but it seems like thousands of people. The voices of countless men, women and children overlap and emerge from her dry chest:

"Join us and create a wonderful new world together!"

"Join us, life is a dream, and illusion is the only truth!"

"Join us, in the spiritual world, there is no difference between poverty and wealth, wisdom and stupidity, ordinary people and self-cultivators. Everyone can open up a world that belongs to oneself and become the king of the universe!"

"Join us, as long as all human beings live in the spiritual world, all resources can be virtualized, and they can end the eternal war and save everyone!"

The highly condensed sounds swayed in all directions, smashing on the cold walls, faintly recognizing the childish laughter, the young impassioned low-pitched, the gentle and firm voice of women, and the old man with infinity Sorry for the sigh.

The fragments of thousands of sounds are all converted into four words:

"Join us... join us... join us... join us..."

Li Yao has seen countless strange scenes that are extremely upright.

But at this moment, Lei Yuqin, who was succumbed to the death of the two Yuan Ying Lao Ge, made him feel the unprecedented creeps.

"Insane, you are crazy!"

Li Yao muttered, "Professor Mo Xuan himself said that evolution is not a one-time thing, even if you really believe that virtual life forms are the evolutionary direction of human civilization, you should not compress thousands of years of evolution. In a short moment, you won't succeed!"

"Yeah, we really shouldn't do this."

Lei Yuqin smiled and faintly said, "What we have to do may be wrong. Perhaps it is very likely to fail. Perhaps it is 99% of the shame of history, and it is typical of the heinous side."

"But, however, the parents of the doctors, how can I bear to see so many compatriots, and their descendants, still struggling in the flames of the real world, suffering from torture and death..."

In the face of Lei Huaqin's sorrowful and sorrowful and sacred face, Li Yao has nothing to say.

Long Yangjun’s eyes widened and he shouted. “I know, Professor Mo Xuan must have taken his spirits and ghosts to the 'Large One Spirit Network Information Processing Center'. Baihua City is the federal traffic and information. The hub, the information processing center here, is the most important node of all the spiritual networks in the whole country!

"In the beginning, we only guessed that Professor Mo Xuan wanted to control the three '垓' super crystal brains, and perhaps there are more 'Beijing' super crystal brains, but now it seems that his appetite is far more than we think. Bigger, he wants to control the Spirit Net, which is the network of everyone including the Stars Federation and the Black Wind Fleet!"

In the high voice of Long Yangjun, Lei Yuqin made a sharp laughter. When she did not know when, her white hair turned out to be like a white flame burning, and the light shone through the entire chamber.

"You know it's too late!"

Lei Yuqin’s face was full of strange smiles, and the voice became deep and dull. It was like a rolling thunder from the depths of the universe. It was not her tone, it was another very different existence. I am low, "Since I am here, do you want to go?"

Every corner of Li Yao’s body has shrunk to the limit.

The half-opened iron gate behind them was shut down at a lightning speed before the two Yuan Ying blame.

The flaming flame from the eyes of Lei Yuqin wrapped her entire head, and the position of the skull was like being replaced by a glorious supernova. Even if Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s psionic suppression could not suppress it. The depths of her brain spurt out, never in the explosive energy of the human cultivation system!

The supernova in Lei Yuqin’s brain broke out! (To be continued.)

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