Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1747: The group is assembled!

At the same time, in the vast expanse of the Tianyuan world, the ninth "Starry Gate" consisting of 425 arrayed star torches is following the movement of the sun, slowly adjusting the solar sails of each side. Deflect the angle to capture more abundant sunlight and save energy consumption as much as possible.

Looking from the front, it is like a tens of thousands of flames shining in the stars and seas, bursting with the most magnificent brilliance, dancing to the sun and dancing wildly.

The psionic power that can't be seen by the naked eye penetrates into the four-dimensional space. It is surrounded by the other six worlds and many resource planets, star towns, and large starships. It is similar to "monitoring star" and "浑天星动仪". The magic weapon received and became the cosmic marker guiding them forward.

This is the largest starry sky gate in the whole country, enough to guide the entire fleet to shuttle through the four-dimensional space to the sky above Tianyuanjie.

The gates of the same series of stars and stars, in the Xinghai of Tianyuanjie, have a total of three, which together support the waterway between the capital world and the rest of the six worlds.

Every "Starry Gate" is a swallowing behemoth. Solar energy alone cannot satisfy one-tenth of their daily consumption. Every day, countless high-purity spar is transported here, becoming enough to illuminate. The flame of the four-dimensional space.

Therefore, when the transport ship loaded with high-purity spar slowly approached the gate of the ninth starry sky, none of the two Star Wars in the arch of the satellite's empty door felt that it was wrong.

Even knowing that the shadow of war has already come, the Tianyuan world, as the federal capital, is the hardest of the fixed-defense defensive array. It seems to be the hardest bone. The meteor or the heavenly circle should be the chief of the Black Wind Fleet. The cognition of attacking targets has long eroded the vigilance of many people.

What's more, this transport ship will come once every ten days. Many officers and men still recognize the rust and meteorite scratches on the transport ship!

Until this transport ship did not follow the usual practice, slowly stopped to accept the inspection, but suddenly accelerated, accelerated, and then accelerated, and the starship shell also stirred out that it is not a transport ship, higher than many main battleships. The super-spiritual shield of deep red blood, without concealing its maliciousness, only someone issued the first scream!

The last part of the Haoyue plan officially began.

At this moment, the Black Wind Fleet descended over Tianyuan, and there was another hour, fifty-nine minutes, forty-four seconds.


Tianyuanjie, Tianyuanxing, the eastern suburb of Tiandu.

The “Federal Hyperspace Navigation Command Center”, which is responsible for remotely commanding the three starry gates from the ground, and dispatching routes between the various places and the capital, is located between the mountains in the eastern suburbs. The ground is deeply sunken and has a diameter of hundreds. Rice's bowl-type spirit wave launcher continuously transmits a large number of signals and commands to the starry sky.

A total of seven teams, assembled from all sides, quietly marched toward the "Federal Space Flight Command Center."

Jin Xinyue sat in the back seat of one of the heavy armored fighting shuttles, and rubbed the scepter of the Wanxiong army in the palm of his hand, silent.

From the implementation of the Haoyue plan, she has always been confident, winning, and even a bit of inscrutable taste.

However, at this moment, the plan for the Haoyue has really reached the final step. When she sees the results, she is somewhat uneasy.


Sitting next to the disciple Xue, he perceives the strangeness of Master and screams softly.

"In any case, you can't look back."

Jin Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. The tiredness was full, both as an explanation to the disciples and as a self-comfort. "We are in danger, and the Black Wind Fleet is also in danger. Everyone hopes to fight." Winning and losing, don't want to be dragged into a long-lasting battle, so everyone dances on the tip of the knife.

"We have no choice but to choose such radical tactics. Otherwise, even if we defeat the Black Wind Fleet in conventional operations, it is not so easy to completely eliminate them. The war dragged on for 357 years, dragging the federal devastated, white. There will definitely be a new Imperial Expeditionary Force coming, and it will be easy to harvest us!

"So, the dance on the tip of the knife, then thrilling, then pain, and bloody, must jump!

"I only hope that our play is realistic enough to really make the Black Wind Fleet believe that the Tianyuan world has been in a mess, and tempted them to jump into our ambush circle!"

Cher took the hand of Jin Xinyue and whispered: "God to my family, God bless the Federation!"

Jin Xinyue is not a person who believes in ghosts and gods and believes in God.

She is even a **** Buddha who dares to block her on the way to power, and she dares to kill the Buddha.

But at the moment, looking at the towering towers and towers that towered above the mountains, not far away, she even snarled and said: "God my family, God bless... federation!"

At this moment, the Black Wind Fleet descended over Tianyuan, and there was one hour, fifty-eight minutes, and fifty-nine seconds.


Tianyuanjie, the edge of the starry sky far away from the sun, in the dark and endless cold space, a fleet painted in pure white, which is extremely eye-catching, struggling from a broken star belt, swaying in the direction of Tianyuanxing Come here.

That is the "deep-sea cruise exercise" that has just ended for half a year. "Theoretically" should be the 16th Deep Air Fleet of the EFF, which is commonly known as the "Big White Fleet".

They are returning to the capital's star domain for rest and replenishment, and by the way, strengthen the defense of the capital.

The flagship "Endless Burning Number" of the Great White Fleet, above the bridge, the highest commander of the fleet, Bai Xingjian, with his hands on his head, Erlang's legs are high, comfortable and half-lying on the command chair, through the number suspended in midair Hundreds of light curtains, look at the overall report of many exercises in the past six months, a look of leisurely self-satisfaction.

His deputy, the Chief of Staff of the Great White Fleet, "Xiao Lishui" is next to him, looking at him with a brow, and from time to time he coughs for a while, every time the cough lasts for at least half a minute, it is almost necessary to heart and liver The lungs and kidneys are all coughed up.

To put it bluntly, this "Xiao Li Shui" is also the number one figure in the past.

He is more than 260 years old this year. Even in the case of comprehension, he is always on the verge of being a "staying at the end of his life."

This monarch is a star singer of the flying star world and the spider's nest star. It was famous on the spider's nest star two hundred years ago. He and the former star tyrannical king Bai Xinghe are the same era figures, and even debut than the Baixing River. It’s early, and the heart is hot and the ghosts are not too much.

This monarch is famous because he has a very bad habit, never bothering to rob the ordinary transport ship, but likes to "black and black", to hunt those who have just competed with the **** fleet of the armed business group. Fighting to the fast-moving peers, you can rob a large amount of money without any effort.

Before the matter was exposed, he was a strong star on the spider's nest. After the incident was exposed, many star thieves were stunned and discovered that in the past few decades, there have been more than 50 star thieves in the water. On the hand, the star thief who was killed by him was more than the star thief who was killed by the Sixth Heaven!

Although the occasional black and black eating between the stars and thieves is a common thing, but specializing in star thieves, and every time they kill and do not leave half a live, this is really too bad!

Xiao’s despicable behavior made a lot of anger, so he was still under the encirclement of dozens of star thieves. He had been shackled for nearly five years, and then he was locked in the black prison at the bottom of the spider's nest. On the one hand, the Star Pirate thinks that he is dead and dead, so it is too cheap for him to die. More importantly, he is said to have swallowed countless star thieves in decades and accumulated a wealth of astronomical figures. Speaking out, who is willing to let him die?

In this way, Xiao Lishui was held in the black prison of the spider's nest star for 30 years. He was jointly guarded and tortured by the most powerful star thieves. It will be forgotten by everyone for a long time. When the comprehensman was liberated, he was still soaked in the dirty water of the black scent!

How to deal with Xiao Yishui has become a very difficult problem.

Said that he is a star thief, he is indeed, the most sinister, sinister and sinister of the star thief, certainly can not be released to endanger society.

However, the investigation and investigation, he did all black and black trading, hunting other star thieves, can not find his real evidence of looting the ordinary transport fleet.

At this time, he has been in the black prison for more than 30 years, the bones are soaking, only one hundred and fifty-six years old, it is the young man of the comprehension, but the white hair is full of face Wrinkles, an injury, at first glance, the same as three or five hundred years old.

The doctor's judgment is that even if he does not execute the death penalty like other sinful star thieves, he will live for up to three or five years, up to seven or eight years.

Therefore, Xiao Lishui’s final sentence is a term of imprisonment, fifty years!

No one thought that this was a cough that began to move from a hundred years ago. The cough is half a day. The "old guy" who coughs three bowls of blood every day is struggling to survive the 50-year sentence and is also starred by Bai Xingjian. I never knew which slum's horns were fished out. First, when he was a staff member of the Starship, then the Chief of Staff of the Great White Fleet, and made a great contribution in the Tianhuan War, he was very surprised to renew the "second spring" of his career!

"Old white."

Xiao Lishui licked his mouth and coughed for a long time, and slowly slowed down the black **** hand to the Qiankun ring.

From his gentle and even dull voice, he could not see the fierceness of the past "black and black". "I will return to my home port soon, and the paper can't hold the fire. How do you explain this?"

"Although our Dabai Fleet is an independent combat force, all the exercises are also prepared by ourselves. But all the tactics you have exercised in the past six months are completely different from the exercises that were reported to the General Staff in advance. Is there a statement?

"I don't understand why you have to modify the drill subjects so much and practice the whole year's 'strong magnetic interference environment, no network state of war'. What does this mean? Is it the magnetic interference of the real human empire? Technology will be strong enough to instantly cut off all network connections between us and the outside world.

"If this is the case, why not just raise the light to report the subject, but you have to sneak a trick?"

The white star sword was shaking and the Erlang legs suddenly stood still. After a while, it shook again: "Don't be anxious, Lao Xiao, I will soon know."

Xiao Lishui: "Know what?"


Bai Xingjian narrowed his eyes, his eyes were puzzled, and he was excited. He muttered, "I am not the one who died the old ghost!"

At this moment, the Black Wind Fleet descended over Tianyuan, and there was another hour, fifty-seven, thirty-six. ——

I am sorry everyone.

Tomorrow's winter solstice, these two days are the days of our traditional grave-sweeping. There are many elders in the family, and these two days are on the grave.

Two chapters a day today and tomorrow, with three chapters as the benchmark, I owe you two chapters, and I will make up this week, and everyone will forgive me! (~^~)

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