Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1748: Four and four are in action!

Central of the Seven Realms, Baihua Xingyu, Baihuacheng, No.1o9, the core of the Deep Blue Brain Hospital. ??

Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Luo Qisheng and the commanders at all levels of the four armies were gathered together to discuss in front of the three-dimensional structure of the Baihua City.

“This is the urban area of ​​O1 in Baihua City, which is the core area where the “One Big One Network Information Processing Center” is located.”

Luo Qisheng gently tapped the crystal brain and condensed together. The hundreds of silver-white spherical space stations that together formed the Baihua City spread out all around, revealing a large circle wrapped in the center, the largest, and densely engraved with infinite runes. ball.

He used a tactical light illuminator to shoot a mysterious light, such as peeling onions and analyzing the structure of the big ball. "Our Baihua City is the federal spiritual network research, application and interaction center, although there is no stationed '燎原船队' Strong army, but the defense system consisting of defensive arrays, battle shackles, unmanned flying swords and other automated magic weapons, is the first-class federal-wide, and even many automated defensive magic weapons that are not used, first in Baihuacheng After the test, it will be sent to strategic locations such as Du, Feixing and Tianhuan.

"And the urban area o1 is the core of everything.

“The entire o1 urban area is a military restricted area, divided into two functional module areas, namely the command and management center of Baihua City, which is the location of the municipal government.

“Through this center, you can control the artificial gravity, lighting and energy supply, air and material supply of hundreds of spherical space stations, and so on.

"Second, it is the 'One Big One Network Information Processing Center', which is responsible for re-encrypting, packing, and compressing the psionic information from the seven worlds, so that they can reach each other's destination more efficiently. Of course, it also includes all the spiritual information of Baihuacheng, which is output from here to the surrounding "space information base station", and it can pass through the four-dimensional space to reach the base station of the tens of light years.

"and so"

This man has been in the mud and the trenches for a lifetime, but he has been ordinary for a lifetime. He has not set up any merits worthy of boasting. He relies solely on blood and sweat to climb to the colonel’s position, and he will be obscured by obscurity. The veteran of the EFF, swept Li Yao, Long Yangjun and his subordinates, and tapped the big silver ball representing the area of ​​the o1. "Who controls the area of ​​the o1 is equivalent to controlling the whole city of flowers, as long as The computing power is strong enough to intercept, monitor and even modify all the information in the Lingu network!

"And now, there are many indications that Professor Mo Xuan is very likely to have bypassed the automation defense system and controlled the area of ​​the o1 area. Therefore, our task is to break into the area of ​​the o1 and regain control of the big one.

"I was asked just now whether it is possible to contact the fleet that is upstream of the Baihuaxing area. Unfortunately, it is impossible, because the connection between us and the fleet depends on the transmission of the network, and now the network has become less reliable. Even the seemingly independent military network, our real voice, has no chance to be transmitted to the bridge.

"Moreover, the Starship and the 6th Army are different. The 6th Army can fight independently. Every soldier can do it all, but on the starship, if you want to control the bridge group, even if the sailors below are up and down, it is not too good. May seize the command of the starship.

"More importantly, now Baihuacheng is in a 'tight array' form, and the urban area o1 is surrounded by hundreds of urban areas, which is equivalent to hijacking hundreds of millions of civilians in these space stations as hostages. Large, not destroying dozens of urban areas, it is impossible to expose the o1 city.

"So, don't expect the starship to support it, only us, the infantry attack!"

The old colonel’s eyes suddenly sharpened. This was his gaze that he had not shown in his military career for hundreds of years. This stunned all the subordinates with a slight glimpse and their breathing became hot.

"From this moment, give up using the spirit net!"

The old colonel said categorically, "When it is in the high-frequency blocking interference of the whole band, return to the original state of the squad combat, then we have to split the two soldiers, some people are scattered to the various brothers to explain the situation, request support, I hope... they can also make the right choice; the other part follows two friends from the ancient sacred world and goes straight into the urban area o1!"

"There will be someone who believes in us!"

Li Yao raised his voice and inserted a sentence. "Because Professor Mo Xuan never thought that the two of us could escape before the Xinghai jump, it is even more impossible to think that we can be deep in the deep blue brain hospital and resist the spirit of the heavenly demon. When these two things were missed, they disrupted his overall deployment, forcing him to move ahead of time, or adopt more radical means to control the situation.

"Forcibly blocking the 1o9 area is the biggest evidence. I believe that it must be blocked by him more than the 1o9 area.

"With such a large-scale blockade, if you want to not attract the attention of the outside world, he needs to fabricate countless false information to send it out. A lie always needs a bigger lie to cover up. When the lie is bigger than the sky, even if it is controlled by Professor Mo Xuan. The computing power will collapse!

"There must be a lot of people outside to start to doubt. In addition to the EFF, there are also free warriors, members of the martial arts group and the combat-type comprehens in the university. What we need to do is tell them the truth. , assemble more soldiers!"

"I don't worry about this."

Luo Qisheng smiled bitterly and said, "I joined the EFF in 103 years and stationed in Baihua City for a full 22 years. I still know some old brothers.


"Our four-four-four troops are just ordinary troops that cannot be mixed with special titles. Most of my old brothers are also like this. Most of our soldiers are ordinary warriors. The foundation-based comprehension has just sunk to Even the ranks, plus even the can't be trusted. If you say something that is not good, it is a loose sand and the fighting power is quite average.

"And according to the two said, the other party is very likely to control all the magical magic weapons in the o1 city, and the body of thousands of strong people have become their 'combat shell', this is not good to play !

"No, we are not afraid of death, but we are afraid that we can't complete the task! If we want to invade the big ones with the indiscriminate bombardment of thousands of strong people, we need an attack strong point, one can put ' Sands 'converged into 'rock' arrows!"

The old colonel stared at Li Yao and Long Yangjun with intricate eyes.

That gaze is full of entanglement and expectation.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and focused on them.

"Do not worry, Colonel, we know that the Federation has a blood of the strong, to be the first to flow!"

Li Yao said one word, "Since we two, the strongest of all, we will definitely rush to the front!"

Luo Qisheng looked at them for a long time, laughed silently and opened his arms to the two.

"Welcome to the Federation!"

The old colonel was very sincere and very pleased, and said with great excitement.


Twenty minutes later, on the lawn outside the Deep Blue Brain Hospital.

The area 1o9 is completely closed. Not only is the traffic and communication with the outside world cut off, but the three-dimensional light curtains simulating blue sky and white clouds and green mountains and green water are all closed, revealing the faint silver bulkhead, and even the air becomes It’s hard to be sultry, just like being in a big steamer.

Thousands of EFFs wearing the scorpion, like thousands of swords and steel statues, slammed on the grass and listened to Roach's words.

One hundred years ago, the so-called "whole crystal warfare regiment" was the elite of elites. Only one water is the ace of the comprehensible, in order to enjoy the treatment of a set of battle crystals.

With the explosion of technology during the gold exhibition, the crystal refining and the magic card integration technology of the flying star world are thousands of miles away. Nowadays, even the ordinary troops and miscellaneous soldiers without special titles can achieve the "full crystal". It is.

Yes, the four-four-four force is a second-line force that is better than the miscellaneous army.

The old and small soldiers who make up the four armours and four troops are not serving in the army for seventy or eighty years and hundreds of years. Although the experienced veteran athletes whose physical strength has begun to fail, are the new recruits who have just entered the army. Even if the comprehension is reluctantly assigned to the class, the quality is not mentioned, the refining period is the mainstream, and the foundation period is few, and the knot period is even more rare.

However, at this moment, the sacred warfare released from them is no less than the ace of the EFF. Those who have their own glorious title, what are the elite warriors such as "Dragon, Eagle, and Flying Tiger".

Every warrior, even an ordinary warrior who is not awakened by Linggen, tries to straighten his waist and is more straight than the self-cultivator.

"This is the case with the war situation, and the four-fourth unit will face the most difficult task since its establishment!"

Roach wins and screams, "I didn't hide everyone. This is not a task from a higher level, or even a task that has not been authorized by a superior. It is an act of leaving the job and disobeying the military order!"

"Military people obey orders as a vocation, perhaps we should not do this, but the military should take the responsibility of defending the country and the country, and should listen to the call of the motherland!"

"Listen, listen to this wind, hear it, the Federation is in an unprecedented danger, the motherland is calling us, this is the highest level of order! We are a new generation of new federal soldiers, a warrior with flesh and flesh, not Cold killing machine!

"So, the EFF of the Eighteenth Army of the EFF, all of them, carry out emergency missions, break into the urban area o1, recapture the Great One Control Center from the enemy, and take out the bulls and dogs of the extraterrestrial world!

"As the supreme commander of the four armours and four units, I can't guarantee anything to you. I can only guarantee one thing. After this war, even if there is only one soldier left, we will be like all the four troops. Like the ace of the comprehension, it has its own unique flag, emblem and special title!

"Exit, four four!" 8

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