Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1749: For the first time in a hundred years!

The entrance to the passage from the 109th to the side 108 is a giant gate that is more than 20 meters in diameter and is indestructible like a dam.

Once you pass the entire control of the crystal flower brain, lock it from the outside, and open all the ban, it is almost impossible to be violently opened.

The so-called "almost" means that unless you encounter a super refiner, you are both proficient in the internal structure of the array and the magic weapon and how to dismantle it. It is absolutely necessary to use the brute force above the high level of the Yuan Ying period to destroy it. Otherwise, In theory, it will never be opened.

Unfortunately, Li Yao is just such a super-reformer with a high level of brute force in the Yuan Ying period!


Under Li Yao’s ban and coordination, hundreds of sergeants also tried in both directions. Each soldier’s carotid artery swelled to almost burst, and finally opened a small gap in the airtight gate.

Through the long ramp, and then the gates leading to the 108th area, the 108th district, or the areas that they have painstakingly opened, have presented a chaotic scene of the end of the day.

The entire Baihua City has entered the highest alert state.

Between the hundreds of spherical space stations that make up Baihuacheng, all the rail transit and the passageways are closed. The connection between each space station and the surrounding space station is locked with a thousand giant gates and becomes an independent individual.

This is similar to the design of the starship "airtight compartment", so that in the case of strong artillery fire, a spherical space station is destroyed, which will cause all urban areas to be exposed to the cosmic vacuum.

As a result, the economic activities of the entire Baihua City have all stagnated, which has a great impact on the daily life of the residents. Not to mention that the gravity control of several urban areas has begun to be unstable. Sometimes residents, shuttles and everything are not fixed. The debris on the ground floated and floated to the center of the spherical town. Sometimes the artificial gravity was raised to more than twice the standard gravity. Most people were pressured by their own weight and sat on the ground. Can't climb up.

Chaos, chaos, the whole Baihua City is all chaotic!

The three-dimensional light curtains that originally created the elegant environment of blue sky and white clouds have become a group of twisted snowflakes. At the end, they have exposed the cold silver-white bulkheads and rusty pipes; the virtual signs on the main roads and The arrows either disappeared or they went crazy and jumped, causing many shuttles to almost hit each other. Fortunately, the shuttles in this year basically used automatic emergency brakes and psionic buffers as basic configurations. Under the low speed driving in the urban area, there was no serious traffic accident, but it also led to an unprecedented blockage in all urban areas!

Not to mention the oxygen supply and the automatic heating system. Just a little bit of a scorpion, blowing out the cold wind or turning off the heat insulation array, can turn the city of Baihuacheng back to the sun into a cold **** of dripping into ice, and facing the sun. The side turned into a steamer of more than fifty or sixty degrees.

In the final analysis, this seemingly glorious Xinghai City is just a series of thin-shelled iron shells soaked in the harsh universe.

Compared with the above-mentioned problems of life and death, the large-scale network disconnection within the entire Baihua City seems to become a trivial matter.

There are only those who don’t know where to float, and the sound of the broadcasts is barely supporting the existence of the government: “...please ask all citizens not to panic, to go to the nearest refuge as much as possible, or stay indoors. Fix yourself on a soft object, don't stay outdoors, repeat it, the war has broken out. This is not an exercise. Please ask all citizens to go to the nearest shelter!"

The sound was very high, and it quickly distorted and weakened. Instead, it was a wave of assaults that waved higher than a wave, like sharp claws tearing the eardrum and tearing people's hearts.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun and Luo Qisheng looked at each other and saw the grim color of each other's eyes.

They are not sure if the war has really erupted.

However, according to Li Yao and Long Yangjun's prior inference, Jin Xinyue had already reached the arrow, and when he had to send it, Professor Mo Xuan did not conceal his own plan.

Well, the war is bound to erupt today, and it is not important to be a few hours late in the early hours.

What matters is not how the war broke out, but when this war is complicated and the war that has swept through many forces is over, it is still the flag of the family who is still flying in the stars!

"Professor Mo Xuan’s rhythm has been disrupted. He knows that we will rush out of desperation, so we will make such a big mess and try to stop us from moving forward!"

Li Yao calmly analyzed the situation. "It is still the same sentence. He could have been ignorant of the Big One Information Network Processing Center, lurking in the dark waiting for the confrontation between the Starry Federation and the Black Wind Fleet to reach the limit. Come out and take advantage of the fisherman.

"And our unexpected actions forced him to "get off the court" in advance and expose his existence.

"As a result, he is bound to mobilize more computing power, falsely causing the flow of information sent by Baihua City to the outside world, causing the illusion of calm here!

"Computational power, for virtual life living in the spiritual network, computing power is everything. He spends a lot of computing power on this matter, and it will certainly cause a certain degree of hindrance to his real plan.

"And what we have to do is to force him to spend a little more computing power, a little more!"

Li Yao, Long Yangjun and the four-four-four units speeded up and rushed toward the core area of ​​Baihua City.

However, the more you go to the city center, the more people and shuttles are trapped in midair, the more chaotic the situation, the slower their transit speed.

During the period they also encountered a number of EFF troops stationed in various urban areas.

These federal troops did not see their faces and they played a big fight. After all, Professor Mo Xuan could not make up the orders of thousands of empire and secretly become a federated federal army and sneak into the city of Baihua. An absurd story.

Moreover, Luo Qisheng has been stationed in Baihua City for more than 20 years, and even his family have moved to here. There are some comrades in the grassroots units.

Just by brushing his old face, some grassroots commanders will be suspicious of the story of Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

The problem is that the last order that these troops received before they completely cut off the communication was to maintain order, to appease and guide all citizens, and to direct the citizens to the shelters as much as possible.

This is a messy, complicated work.

Most of the EFFs went deep into the panicked citizens, and for a while, where they got together!

Li Yao and others realized that the reason why Professor Mo Xuan had messed up the entire Baihua City was not only to prevent them from advancing, but more importantly, to consume those who might interfere with his plan. Grassroots officers and soldiers!

"This is not the way to go!"

Li Yaoyi gritted his teeth. "Where is the recent double airtight exit? The soldier is divided into two roads. We will first approach the 01 area from the outside. Colonel Luo, you will organize more people here as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Roach's throat rolled a little and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. It was just a pair of legs. He slammed a scream and greeted Li Yao and Long Yangjun with a textbook-like federal military service.

In order to repair the outer casing, emergency transportation and evacuation, there are several direct outlets to the Xinghai on the bulkhead of each spherical space station.

Naturally, such an export will be firmly locked by means of double or even triple airtight doors, and it will never be open.


When Li Yao and Long Yangjun were in front of the last airtight door, the darkness of the whole universe surged in like a cold sea.

Without the obstruction of the atmosphere, when the first sun shook into the air, it turned the cold sea water into a hot magma.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and jumped to the stars!

Now, they float between hundreds of huge silver-white spherical space stations, like two small ants, walking between the shiny silver balls.

The legs are gently stepped on the outer shell of the spherical space station under the foot. The dynamic array of crystals on the surface of the crystal spurts out a colorful scorpion. The two pose in a savvy manner, and sprinkle a piece of fine streamray behind them. The 01 area at the core!

Behind them, more fighters from the four armies and four units were drilled out to form their strong backing!

In this way, they reached the airspace near the huge spherical space station where the 01 area was located without any effort.


"Hey, hey!"

The outer shell of the No. 01 spherical space station is engraved with infinite runes, which ignited tens of thousands of thick arcs, lingering around the core of several spherical space stations, intertwined into a formidable death zone!

In the vacuum of the universe, you should not hear the sound.

However, all those who see these arcs of death will probably hear the sound of their brains breaking because of fear!

Between the arc of death, there are still hundreds of deadly sorcerers standing still quietly. They were like a mud tire idol, and the arc was entangled in the whole body, and the "invaders" such as Li Yao were discovered. At the same time, it seems to be activated at the same time, the cold crystal eye on the crystal face mask, released a devastating heat!

It is Professor Mo Xuan’s “Ghosts and Ghosts”!

With the flesh and blood of the high-order combat-type comprehens, it is modulated into a "combat shell", and then poured into the "Fouling" intelligent virtual battle gods that have gathered a lot of master combat experience, it becomes more than the past too The virtual warrior is ten times stronger, more flexible, and more horrible army with independent combat capabilities!


At this moment, Li Yao is more powerful than the former when he was too defensive!


Li Yao's eyes narrowed, but he couldn't conceal the excitement of his eyes. The flame-like gaze tears the cold universe, sweeping through the opposite spirits, and it seems to have some eyebrows.

"Think about it, I seem to have a full hundred years, I have not released my most powerful strength!"

Li Yao smiled, revealing white and sharp teeth! (~^~)

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