Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1752: Charge number


Li Yao spit out a spit of blood, and was immediately discharged by the pipette at the mouth. It was too late to turn into ice crystals, and it was completely annihilated by the high temperature smashed by a shock wave.

The offensive is getting more and more fierce.

The tens of thousands of cosmic water mines have followed and the explosion of serial explosions is his spar bomb madness, which is not easy to taste.

Above the retina, among the thousands of performance parameters of the “Emperor's Blade”, several parameters have become a dead gray, indicating that the magic unit represented by this parameter has been completely destroyed.

Most of the remaining parameters have also entered the dangerous orange-red and deep red areas, only a step away from the dying of complete loss of function.

"Drips, drops, drops!"

The left ankle power buffer unit is completely destroyed!

The gas filter unit is completely destroyed!

The right wrist psionic pipeline control valve is completely destroyed!

The high-knife edge of the right knee exceeds the fatigue limit, and the shock will continue to be destroyed, which will enter the cooling time of twenty-seven seconds!

Li Yao’s eyes showed a burst of different levels of red, just like the crystal eyes were covered by layers of blood.

He seems to be able to hear his own blood vessels bursting one after another, boiling blood rushing out, and the sound of flowing around the brain.

I can hear the hot blood being stirred by the more hot brain cells, and the sound of "squeaky"!

"Li Laomo!"

Long Yangjun's voice is sharp and sharp, so that Li Yao can imagine her anger and anger. "This set of equipment is almost impossible to cover, cover me, I want to change!"

"Wait... wait a minute..."

The emperor's blade is firmly wrapped in thousands of fireballs, just like a flame from a four-dimensional space burns a three-dimensional universe into a transparent hole. Li Yao is between extremely hot and crazy magnetic tears. Blooming with a cold smile, the **** criss-crossing eyes, full of the hunters' light, staring at a certain point on the shell of the space station No. 01.

He seems to be unable to withstand the indiscriminate bombing of the universe's mines. The first heavy-spirited shield that surrounds the outermost edge of the imperial blade is cracked like a crystal, and the main dynamic array behind the crystal squirt also spurts a series. The blood-like arc, the speed suddenly dropped, the whole person can not control the flight path, and made a nap in the void.

Relying on the federal state-of-the-art automated locking and attacking system, as well as the information base of hundreds of years of combat data support, the Thunder defensive array has not missed this excellent opportunity. Hundreds of arcs, such as the Golden Snake, danced from the No. 01 space station. A certain point on the outer shell swells out, drawing an arc that tears the dark universe, and it strikes the emperor!

According to the analysis of the database and "Fouling", according to the awkward posture of the emperor's blade at this moment, it will be hit by the Thunder arc within 0.01 seconds.

Once it is entangled in hundreds of arcs, and thousands of cosmic mines around it are swarming at the same time, Rao is a Yuan Ying, and he will be fatally hit!


It seems that there are hundreds of thunder attacks, but because the emperor's blade is suddenly agile to the extreme dodge action, there are only a dozen arcs pumping a degree of slamming, not enough to let Li Yao lose the plane. Power, he can completely resist the past with a monster-like body!

"found it!"

Under the cover of the visor, some of the flooded cells in Li Yao's body completely bloomed, and the left eye became red and bloody. Even the pupils were completely submerged. With some "demonized" bodies, they ate a dozen thunder arcs. Excitedly snoring, just from the 36,000 pores into the limbs of the thunder of the wrath, almost from the throat sprayed out, "automated defense of the big array of eyes, it is there!"

Yes, it took the initiative to withstand the indiscriminate bombing of thousands of cosmic mines, and even the thunder of the automatic defenses did not evade, until the last moment, it was only a sneak peek, in order to glimpse the array of automated defenses. Where the eyes are, then

Explode it!

"It's now!"

Li Yao was arrogant, and the snoring overshadowed the thunder, "dressing up, raid!"

In the far-reaching place behind the two people, more and more emergency airtight gates of the silver-white spherical space station ejected a white air column and opened outward.

More and more EFF troops, in the roar of Roach's screaming sound, and the holograms from the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, will be suspected to climb out.

Just jumped into the vacuum of the universe, they saw such a bloody, exciting scene!

Two crystal shovel in the district, against thousands of crystal scorpions, plus nearly 10,000 cosmic mines.

This is the real star of the sea, riding a thousand!

And a lot of thoughts are agile, and the grassroots officers who secretly began to doubt when they entered the state of emergency in Baihuacheng, even wake up instantly.

"Roach wins is right, Baihuacheng really has an accident!"

"The opposite is the person who is stationed on the periphery of the space station No. 01. The spirit is so powerful, it is simply a strong force in the world, but there is absolutely no such force in the garrison of Baihuacheng!"

"And, the highest alarm just came, it is too embarrassing. Even though the Black Wind Fleet is really comprehensive, it is unlikely that the Baihuaxing domain will be the main direction. Seeing that the periphery of the star field is calm and calm, there is no fierce battle between the two sides. Signs, then, what is the need to issue the highest alert, leaving the entire city in chaos and embarrassment?"

"And, where did our chiefs go, they only received orders from them on the network and communication channels, but they couldn't see them, it was a big problem!"

After a series of lightning bursts in the brain, these EFFs have widened their eyes, and in a chill from the spine to the celestial cover, they instantly realized that what is present in front of their own eyes may be the key battle to determine the fate of the Federation!

At the moment, this battle relies on two people alone!

"No, they are going to be unable to support it!"

"Even if it is the peak of the Yuan Ying period, such a raid is too crazy, but there are thousands of enemies, tens of thousands of cosmic mines, and a whole Thunder fortress!"

"You must support them and support our Yuan Ying!"


Looking at the still stirring between several spherical space stations, such as thunderstorms, thousands of arcs, many federal troops are in a hurry, many federal forces want to wear, and countless federal troops are being brave by Li Yao and Long Yangjun. Deeply shocked, completely burned red eyes, ready to rush to go all the way, even if it can consume a few more universe mines, attract more arcs, and relieve some pressure for the two yuan infants!

"The brethren of the garrisons in Baihua City, this is the key battle for the survival of the federation, and we are the authentic EFF, this is our war!"

The sound of Luo Qisheng, through an old-fashioned resource planet magnetic broadcast generator, shocked the whole piece of Xinghai in a hoarse, noisy but more rugged way. "Don't we have to sit here and watch the foreign land." Warriors, do you want to drain the last drop of blood for the Federation?

"Perhaps our strength is not as strong as that of Yuan Ying. Maybe... we are just ordinary people who don't even wake up with Lingen, but our blood is as hot as Yuan Ying, and our courage can tear the stars!

"War, not one or two strong people can win. Look, our Yuan Ying is in a hard fight. They urgently need our support. We need to get valuable breathing and cooling time under our cover! At this moment, the federation The future depends not on them, but on us, on the hands of each of us!

"Gather your timidity, tighten your swords, listen to the call of the number, freely lock the target, freely attack, let the extraterrestrial scorpion look at the big dog eyes, this! Just! Yes! Union! Bang!"

Roach's hoarse screams screamed in the form of a wave of spirits, and a powerful force, wearing the sound of the cloud, pierced the cosmic vacuum and poured directly into the ear canal of each soldier, so that each of them, It’s like a temple that can’t beat itself with a punch.

Today, the tactical spirit network is highly developed, and the main battlefield is the universe vacuum or the resource planet without the atmosphere. Today, the ancient command and transmission method of "No." has already launched a historical stage.

But every recruit who joins the EFF and accepts glorious military history education will not forget that in the old federal era hundreds of years ago, this army was just condensed under the concept of "guarding humanity". When you get up, in the cruel world of demons, countless martyrs are under the encouragement and guidance of such a voice. They don’t change their colors, they rush to the beastly tide, rush to the demon ghosts, rush to the Longtan Tiger Cave, and block everything in Jiuxingsheng. The strong enemy in front of the dragon battle flag!

At that time, this impassioned voice had its own name.

It is called the charge number!

At the moment when the tactical spirit network is very likely to be invaded, interfered, and controlled by the enemy, relying on dozens of large-scale coverage-type contact-specific magnetic broadcast generators in the vacuum, the ancient charge number will ring again in the universe!

Since the ancient times, in addition to the beginning of the Big Bang, this star field has never been so hot.

A new generation of EFF soldiers, in addition to military history education and some ancient virtual games, may have never been encouraged by the charge.

But when the long-lost charge really sounded, every muscle, every blood vessel and every cell seemed to have a posture of charge.

Some sounds never have to be mentioned repeatedly.

Because it has been engraved in the deepest part of the gene, and it has become a memory of blood!

"Federal Army, move forward!"

Hundreds of thousands, thousands of people, perhaps ordinary warriors, perhaps during the refining period, perhaps in the middle and lower stages of the foundation period, struggling for decades, can not enter, the life-long comprehension who is hopeless to break through the knot. With the charge, he shouted his voice.

They had no reason to hear the voices of their comrades, but they clearly heard the deafening shouts of all the people around them. The shouts and the charge were condensed together and turned into more waves than the opposite thunderstorm!

Rolling toward the Thunder, dancing toward the arc, the whirlpool of destruction to the cosmic water mines, toward the murderous spirits and ghosts, the EFF, charge, advance! (To be continued.)

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