Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1753: Flooding the gods!

Li Yao also heard the charge.

He was also a member of the federal army in the old federal era!

Even in his teenage years, he did not go deep into the blood demon world to promote the three-party alliance. He has not stopped Xiao Xuance’s conspiracy in the flying starry world. He has not tried to succumb to the dragon bones in the dragon bones, and has not yet awakened the roots. Before the encounter with the Great Wild Animals, he heard such distant and familiar sounds on the glare phantom more than once. After seeing the three-dimensional light curtain, countless warriors wearing the nine-star Shenglong emblem, accompanied by the charge. No. striding forward!

This sound, this picture, this war emblem, this piece of white was painted with blood and smoke, black lacquer black, only the face of the gods, and also deeply engraved into his blood!

Li Yao screamed and made a silent laugh.

One hundred years have passed, and many things are beyond recognition, but the federation is still federated!

Li Yao no longer hesitated. The flames that had already burned to the stars seemed to break free of some kind of invisible chains. They began to swell and arrogance again. The universe mines within a few hundred meters of the whole body were detonated, but after the detonation The ball of light was suppressed by his flaming flames. Instead, he was manipulated by his gods and spurred out in all directions. He silently turned into a piece of fire wall, creating a large space for him and Long Yangjun. Isolated zone!

A stream of light once again rushed out from him and Long Yangjun's shackles, condensed into a piece of mighty armor in the void, the arc is entangled between the armor, and the psionic power between the two limbs The frequency of jumping is attractive, and they are rushing toward them!

"this is!"

In the distance, all the federal soldiers inspired the power matrix to the limit, and behind them, the flames of hundreds of meters were spurted, and a huge meteor shower hit the space station No. 01.

The military officer group headed by Luo Qisheng has the strongest strength, and has a handful of Jindan strongmen and monks and monks, adhering to the spirit of “the blood of the strongest is the first to flow”, and the first one arrives first and rushes to the front of the “Meteor Rain”. , forming an arrow that is unpredictable, toward the front, a diameter of more than ten meters, such as the dragon's monster-like thunder lightning rushed away.

They have already done a good job of getting a few arcs for Li Yao and Long Yangjun even if they have to pay for their lives, and try to share the psychological pressure of the two.

However, just as they are one step away from the ravages of the Thunder defensive array, they feel that Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s already voluptuous volatility are once again arrogant, and they have emerged from the cosmic mines and the ghosts. A dazzling sword and a knives, the light from the two stars in the distance is not too much, and then, the two people set off a wave of explosions, numerous fireballs condensed together, turned into two hundreds of meters in diameter The orange-red big light ball will completely swallow the two!

Many officers still had no time to exclaim, two orange-red **** of light were like flower buds blooming, and the flowers that bloomed were dying and annihilated. The two broke out, and the broken crystals were completely new. Relying on the power of magnetic traction, it has absorbed countless strengthening kits, becoming more elegant, more classical, more powerful, more powerful, and their body shape has expanded to four or five meters!

This is the ability to upgrade the battle of the crystal to the strongest God of War suit before the giant warriors have been unearthed!

During his centuries-long military career, Roach has also seen many strong people summoning the Warshen suit that can only be used once at a critical juncture, but he has never seen such a strange style.

The Yaoshen suits that Li Yao and Long Yangjun are attached to the crystal enamel are full of profound elegance, rigorous classical, and the mysterious and complex spirits are full of antique taste. After hanging up, the two seem to have crossed the time and space. The tunnel, from the time of the flood to the modern ancient warrior!

It’s true that these two sets of God of War are re-refined from the ruins of the treasures of the ancient sacred warships in Li Yao’s ancient sacred warships.

In the battleship of the Nuwa, there are wrecks left by the Yi and the Pangu people. Because the warships are buried deep under the glaciers, most of the wreckage is quite well preserved. Many of the treasures of the wild have gone through hundreds of thousands of years and still remain. Certain performance.

Before Li Yao had not come to the ancient sacred world, the ancient sacred people used the ancient sacred treasures as a weapon of the gods. The most typical one was the nominal comprehension of the realm of the martial arts. He would control the gravity of a starship. The instrument is made into the magic weapon of the life, and the vertical and horizontal repairs are invincible.

Yan Yan was originally used to deal with this gravity controller, and it was also the sword used by the Pangu or the female Yi people in the era of three wilderness!

The treasures used by Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s God of War suits, even if the performance is still not up to the level of Qitiandao’s “Pantianyin”, there will be no difference. This kind of ancient treasure is regarded as a one-time consumable. To use the wide-ranging act, look at the entire Star Alliance, in addition to Li Yao, who else can!

Therefore, Li Yao will call this series of God of War, which was made from the ancient treasures, a wild suit!

Under the blessing of the Hongyao suit, the two people are like hungry wild beasts. The speed has once again soared to a level, and instantly dragged out hundreds of shadows, like two ancient dragons rushing into the universe and the ghosts. At the office.

Their goal is very clear, that is, Li Yao just used the passive beating test to detect the thunder and defense of the big array of locks and drive the core array!

The defensive side also quickly realized this, and countless cosmic mines and ghosts and squadrons were rushing to death and both of them rushed to seal their impact.

However, in the face of the real power of the wild, how is it possible!

"Give me broken!"

Li Yao’s hands are close to a total length of 17.7 meters, and the Knife Mang has been able to stir up to hundreds of meters. Even the starship can be a giant knife with a knife and a knife. The edge is like a wave, and the posture will be blocked. The countless spirits and ghosts of the army and the universe of mines, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, unified the knife and two broken, turned into a devastating vortex!

Long Yangjun chose thousands of flying swords. These flying swords from the era of the wild war were mostly rusty and incomplete, but after Li Yao’s refining, they could retain a few pieces of blown hair and iron. Such pieces of mud, these unrecognizable fragments, have become the best "bullet", under the powerful control of Long Yangjun, turned into thousands of golden streamers, intertwined into the net of death, will be countless The ghost army and the universe mines are pierced.

This is the real flying sword storm!

One rides in a thousand, kills the Quartet, and the Xing Xinghai is nothing more than it!

Undoubtedly, such awkward attack methods have reached a level of madness in psionic consumption.

However, there are thousands of EFFs behind them as strong backing. They are not alone, but what are they afraid of?

The most important thing now is to ruin the eye, so that the Thunder defense will stop running and avoid the unnecessary sacrifice of the EFF.

Clearing the wreckage in front of them, the two can already see the surface of the space station No. 01, the huge vortex formed by the dazzling spirits.

Among them, the most gorgeous and complicated is also the one that is guarded by the most ghostly army.

Around the array of eyes, there is also a circle of defensive arrays, relying on a large spar reactor buried deep under a few meters of armor to provide energy, and output seven or eight layers of physical psychic shields to protect the eye. Safety.

It seems to be the tricky part of the two invaders. The intensity of the psionic shield has increased several levels in an instant, igniting the yellowish color visible to the naked eye, disturbed by the magnetic field, and the runes in the array are somewhat Distorted, it is like a strange eye that bursts with grievances and fears.

After a moment of stagnation of the ghosts and the universe's water mines, they began to make a fuss, trying to seal the attack channel between the two.

With the speed of psionic energy consumption of the two, it is difficult to sweep the army like the one just now.

"It's now!"

Li Yao’s eyes are round and round, and his eyes are **** and snoring.

Long Yangjun snorted, thousands of pieces of ancient flying swords once again bloomed incredible streamer, turned into a bundle of golden light belt, flying around hundreds of meters around the two, becoming the strongest defense!

Li Yao raised his right arm and his fingers danced lightly, licking a fingerprint.

In the Qiankun Ring, the six handles were originally used by the Pangu and the Nuwa Warriors, but after he re-refined, the unrecognized giant flying sword jumped out, and the surface of the mysterious and complex spirits shone brightly, igniting a bright road. The orange-red arcs are entangled with each other and turned into six parallel crystal tracks!

This is a special... crystal capsule.

It is unique in the whole of the whole country. The only luxury is the super crystal gun that is used to refine the treasures of the wild magic weapons.

Li Yao named it "the ruin of the wild"!

The sacred sacred cannon was subjected to magnetic traction and slowly landed on the right shoulder of Li Yao Hong's wild suit.

On the right shoulder armor and helmet of the Hongyao suit, dozens of connecting members are immediately popped up, which makes the cannon and armor completely integrated. It also makes Li Yao’s gods and psionics rush into the giant through the right temple. Deep in the cannon, and the debris of the wild magic weapon and the ultra-high purity crystal marrow within the cannon, the mysterious and mysterious reaction!

Li Yao burned the soul of desperation, as if to fill his three souls and seven scorpions into the cannon!

The six crystal rails made from the secret swords of the wild, almost can not withstand the violent psionic jump, turned into a translucent orange red!

At this moment, everyone on both sides of the enemy and the enemy perceive the strangeness and power of this cannon. Even the lowest level, the slowest tactical brain has issued a harsh warning: "High energy response in front! Attention! High energy response in front! Attention!"

The ghost army and the cosmic mines rushed over and tried to block Li Yao’s attack route. Even the eyes of the Thunder’s defensive array were faint, as if they could not help closing their eyes.

It’s too late, Li Yao has used all the gods to read and bite.

Even if the ghost army can really rush to him, it can't stop him from accumulating a hundred years of roar.

Li Yao’s double fists have become two black holes. The orange-red flame in the depths of the cannon is like a sudden expansion of the sun, flooding the cannon, the ultimate destructive force output, launch! (To be continued.)

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