Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1765: Disaster star!

The yin and yang of the strong man is full of resentful laughter, which leads to many dissatisfaction.

This small assault ship belonging to the third division of the EFF Tianyuan Fleet has just entered the service. The members of the ship are newly assembled, and the sergeant assigned to the ship is in response to the threat of the empire’s approaching war. I have just been transferred from various places and have not yet become familiar with each other. This ugly face-faced man is always alone, mysterious, and many people do not know his identity.

"This guy……"

His crystal chest represents the dark golden wine of the major ranks, and he is not afraid to scream, but he can't help the soldiers. "At this time, I laughed, is it crazy?"

"Don't mess with him, he is really crazy."

The veterans who knew the inside story immediately stopped the recruits from continuing to discuss. "You don't know, he is the ‘mad dog that can't die!'”

These six words suddenly provoked a sigh of relief among the soldiers: "Yes, that mad dog!"

The mad dog that can't die, among the grassroots units of the EFF, is a small and famous person, but it is a fierce and daunting one.

He is the kind of person who takes danger as a pleasure and takes the initiative to seek the stimuli of death. In the era of peace in the federal government ten years ago, he was active in an underground arena where life and death were fighting, and while laying down countless opponents, Also left an indelible scar to himself.

Later, he suspected that the underground arena was not exciting enough, and he wandered in the ridiculous land of the star-studded sea, looking for traces of monsters and star thieves everywhere, and hundreds of times of life-long adventures failed to kill him.

As the federal development of the four new worlds, especially the outbreak of the Tianhuan War, this mad dog is even more like a duck.

He joined the EFF with his powerful fighting skills, and he was extremely active in the Tianhuan War. The number of Tianhuan sorcerers who died under him was no less than a thousand people.

It stands to reason that such a warrior who is not afraid of death should be resounded throughout the army in the name of "heroes."

But surrounded by the mad dog, in addition to the timidity of death and laughter, there seems to be a strong curse.

In every battle, he volunteered to perform the most dangerous tasks. Every time he encountered the worst situation, he could complete it after thousands of difficulties. Not only did he exchange himself with a shocking scar, but his companions who performed the task often died.

Hundreds of missions, every time like this, a small team or a squadron attacked, clearly rushing to the front, facing the most fierce artillery and the sharpest sword, but the end result is that the squadron is completely destroyed, only him It was like a pile of mud mixed with steel wreckage. After being towed back, it was stitched and patched, and it miraculously survived!

It is like, there is some kind of incomparably strong and eccentric power, supporting him in this fragmented body, continuing to walk in the world, killing, and fighting with death!

"This guy, how can you die and die?"

"But the companions who played with him are all dead. He is a disaster star!"

"It’s not a disaster star, it’s a mad dog. It’s a crazy dog ​​who wants to die, but can’t die without death!”

The name of the mad dog has spread in the grassroots of the federal army.

If this is the case, with his madly accumulated military exploits, he is at least the rank of the colonel and has the power to command a war regiment.

However, he is a person who wants to cultivate unscrupulous means. On several occasions, he has purchased illegal drugs that the military and the government have banned through underground channels. Even during the vacation, he violated the federal military order and secretly went to the Dragon Snake Star Field and Fish Dragon City. Illegal stimulation and reinforcement of my body, and therefore contradicted the local gangsters. It is said that killing hundreds of gang members in one breath, causing the Dragon Snake Stars to be heart-wrenching, thought that the Federation would annex it. .

Anyone who is familiar with mad dogs knows that the reason why he went to the Dragon Snake Star field is "an excuse for illegal stimulation and reinforcement". He is bored and wants to kill or be killed!

The true self-cultivators are the most determined atheists. According to the "disaster star", it is absolutely impossible to establish in the official, but it is enough to violate the military order three times, but it is enough to kill his **** battles and join the federation. In the 30th and 50th years of the army, he has already rushed to the realm of Jin Dan. He is still only a small major.

The mad dog does not care, neither the rank nor the command is what he pursues. As long as he can devote himself to the most dangerous battlefield, the most dangerous front line, the most dangerous task is just fine!

"No wonder it will meet the main force of the Black Wind Fleet. It turns out he is here!"

"I heard that he is ‘that person’, that is 100 years ago... right?”

"This is finished, ah, he, he came over!"

In the tension and fear, the soldiers did not deliberately suppress the sound, not to mention, even if the sound is pushed to the limit, it is impossible to escape the ears of the mad dog.

He glared at the three-meter-long dragon-killing knife, and he walked to the soldiers in front of him. He was covered with knives and his face was bursting with a smile, and he stared at the crowd.

The federal medicine is highly developed, and most of the common knives and wounds can be repaired, at least through various cosmetic techniques.

Although there are some martial arts martial arts martial arts, "the scar is a man's medal", or in order to commemorate an unforgettable battle, deliberately left one or two scars on the face, body, but like a mad dog, has been disfigured The degree is still not modified, it is definitely a heterogeneous in the heterogeneous.

It can be seen from this that the name "mad dog" is truly worthy of the name!

"I am a person who is being played by God."

The mad dog grinned, the sound was sand and dumb, and the vocal cords were soaked in the 18-layer hell's oil pan. "The thief is reluctant to kill me. It has to play me slowly, torture me with one knife and one knife. It is not so easy for me." dead.

"However, you are not so unlucky or lucky, you will die, you will die very simply.

"If you don't want to die, leave me a little after you go out. Don't hinder the uncle from going to death. Do you understand?"

All the soldiers were stunned, and under the pressure of the powerful and crazy momentum of the mad dog, half a word could not be said.

The mad dog has a round eyes and raises the voice: "Do you understand?"

The soldiers fought a cold war and nodded.

The mad dog smiled and tapped on the shoulder armor. The folding helmet immediately rose from the gap between the shoulder and back armor, completely covering his ugly head.

In the case of the EFF, without the cover of the emblem and the sign of the troops, the sergeant has the right to freely paint the crystal. Many people will draw some personalized patterns in the crystal helmet or chest, which is a good psychological suggestion. It can also add a bit of power.

On the helmet of the mad dog, it is a white tragic skull pattern, a smashing anger from the eye socket!

"The Warriors of the EFF!"

The commander's roar was heard around the attack deck. "We are the most ferocious and terrible army in the universe. We are behind the motherland, our homeland, and the loved ones of countless compatriots waiting for our triumph! Although Xinghai is vast, we have There is nowhere to go! This will be the greatest war in the history of the Stars Federation. Countless history books and poems will sing to each of us, a thousand years, 10,000 years! Attack, for the motherland, for the home, for the loved ones, for the courage !"

Including a "mad dog that can't die", a large number of federal teachers jumped into the Xinghai. At this time, the Xinghai was no longer cold and dark, but was boiled into a mass of magma by the flames of thousands of powers.

They speeded up the speed of getting out of the mothership, so as not to be affected by the cruel battle of the guns and the guns. Tens of thousands of crystals were at the forefront of the rectangular battle array, forming a dense array of light spots. At first glance, it was like A colorful cloud.

And far from them, there is another thicker and more dazzling light that whispers toward them, that is, their opponents, the imperial empire and the universe battle shuttle attack cluster!

There, in the tactical communication channel of the Black Wind Fleet, every hungry, screaming black wind sorcerer’s ear also stirred the sound of the fleet commanding the dark night.

"Brave empire soldiers, noble cultivators, loyal defenders of human civilization! Behold, our enemies are waiting to die, like dirty pigs are about to be slaughtered! See their fears?" Seeing their shackles? Seeing their trembling? Rush, end the lives of these poor worms, don’t let them wait too long in extreme fear, harvest them so hard, try to kill them, let these stars The ants of Bentham look at the real human civilization, how powerful it is!"

The two military squads, the imperial emperor, solemn and solemn, slowly advance.

Unlike many people's imaginations, the Star Wars, which really assembled thousands of starships, did not have too dazzling tactical changes, and even looked sluggish, slow and clumsy.

The existence of the magnetic interference, the psionic shield and the force field deflection technology makes the starship's defensive power greatly exceed the attack power, or the hit rate is reduced to a horrible degree.

And distance has become the most insurmountable obstacle. In a light second, that is, the distance of nearly 300,000 kilometers, usually only the mysterious weapon that advances at the speed of light can hit the enemy instantly, and the biggest defect of the black light weapon is the emission efficiency. Low, the cooling time is too long, a heavy-weight Xuan Guang can often only last for several tens of seconds of continuous launch, you have to stop to breathe another tens of seconds.

On the other hand, when a huge starship is accelerated to a certain extent, it is difficult to make smart maneuver and dodge action instantaneously. Even at a speed of more than 1%, even a small turn may cause the star. Severe tearing of the ship's outer shell or internal structure. Even if the starship does not tear, the members of the starship can't stand this "quick turn", and the internal organs may burst.

This means that you can either give up some speed and gain some flexibility.

Either, go to the **** agility, just against the enemy, the gunfire is not very accurate anyway, all the way arrogant, forward, forward, forward! ——

I just want to pay homage to the book friends in our book review area!

Actually, someone guessed the true identity of the mad dog so quickly, it was amazing! (To be continued.)

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