Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1766: Thousands of guns rang, queued for guns!

Too low hit rate and rate of fire; because of the new composite armor, multiple airtight gates, internal defense arrays and liquid metal repair materials, the starship survivability is greatly improved, in other words, it is weak and strong; and the starship The ultra-high speed brings the defects of straightness, lack of steering, etc., which makes the form of the battle of Xinghai somewhat like 10,000 years ago. Humans have just invented the crystal gun and the Xuanguang gun, and passed the cultivation of magical power to the ordinary warrior. Ordinary people have the opportunity to control the era of flying swords.

In the years when modern comprehension civilization was just budding, the crystal guns and Xuanguang guns at that time were also "new toys" with very low hit rate and rate of fire, and the power was also very suspicious, while the flying swords controlled by ordinary people were even more It’s awkward, undulating, with no precision and destructive power, so that when faced with the Terran Rebellion armed with these simple weapons, the demon repressive forces often laugh at their belly and call them contemptuously. "mob".

However, the Terran Rebellion quickly thought of a new tactic to match the new magic weapon and the new force composition system.

They arranged the troops as neatly and densely as possible, and the commander of the comprehension was at the forefront. Everyone was walking on the battlefield with solemn drums, solemn, solemn, classical, and silky. The soldiers obeyed the commander's command, braved the enemy's most fierce attack, and went all the way to the enemy's nose. Only then, the swords were all in an orderly manner, and the firepower was reached within the unit area to compensate for the lack of hit rate and destructive power. .

This slightly clumsy and even ridiculous tactic quickly revealed the amazing power and proved to be only a fearless and **** man who dared to use it. Later generations took a very vivid name for this tactic. Line up and shoot!

In tens of thousands of years, the form of war has changed constantly, but the most basic principles have remained the same. To win, you must concentrate the most powerful firepower in the shortest possible time, and pour more destructiveness on the other side as much as possible. Energy and ammunition!

Therefore, once the number of starships on both sides exceeds one thousand, and the narrow roads meet each other, it will happen in the Xinghai, with the cannon giant ship as the basic unit of "queuing the guns"!

The Tianyuan Fleet and the Black Wind Fleet are like two classical armies armed with ancient triggering Xuanguang guns. They can't hear them in the vacuum of the universe, but they stir the drums of every heart and point the sharp bayonet at each other's eyes. , slowly approaching.

The Black Wind Fleet has been steadily maintaining its speed at three-thousandths of the speed of light. This is not a too fast speed, and the night is deliberately pressing the rhythm.

On the one hand, the Aegis ship deployed at the forefront of the battlefield can only maintain the highest efficiency of the Psionic Shield, the Interference Force Field and the Magnetic Resonance Mist at such a speed; on the other hand, he does not want to rush too As soon as the weather and the Tianyuan Fleet walked through each other, he would most likely fall to the near-field defense system "Tianyuan Iron Wall" and "Tianyuan Fleet", and was hit by the double firepower of the enemy.

Although the strength of the Black Wind Fleet is not afraid of such a blow, an experienced commander will still not make such an adventurous decision easily.

For the Tianyuan Fleet, the best strategy is of course to speed up the situation and strive to pass through or bypass the enemy line, and together with the "Tianyuan Iron Wall" form a situation of front and rear pinch.

But they also have their own concerns. The Starship fleet's starship is small, its defense is weak, and its internal structure is simple. Excessive speed can lead to a lack of steering. Even if it can smash fierce cannon ash through the enemy, it may not be able to be in time. Eighty degrees turned and bit the black wind fleet's ass.

The flexibility of the Blackwind Fleet and the quality of the driver are obviously above the Tianyuan Fleet. If you really cross each other, whoever bites his **** is still uncertain!

At the beginning of the battle, the commanders of both sides were reluctant to make a desperate attempt. On the scale of the universe, the two fleets marched more slowly and cautiously, entering the "queuing and shooting" state of the textbook.

"1 light second from the enemy ship!"

1 light second is a very significant distance.

This means that most of the mysterious weapons can hit the target within 1 second, if the target psionic shield and the magnetic magnetic fog are not calculated.

The Blackwind Fleet has a strong gun and a farther range than the Tianyuan Fleet, but their guns remain silent, never making inefficient and violent attacks, and continue to be like a cloud of clouds, showing "Black cloud pressure city city wants to destroy" momentum.

The Black Wind Fleet did not fire, and the Tianyuan Fleet and the "Tianyuan Iron Wall" that provided fire support behind it also clenched their teeth and remained silent. The two sides watched the guns and the array of opposing giant cannons screaming at each other. The flame, like a spring, is pushed to the limit of the limit, and the red-hot bayonet is getting closer and closer to its own eyeball, and the heart is repeatedly squeezed and squeezed, while covering the hearts of all the soldiers on both sides. .


In many artillery positions, the federal soldiers who have never experienced such a large-scale starship confrontation have issued ambiguous scorns. They prefer to stay in the flame of destruction and are unwilling to continue to suffer from this silence!

When the strikers of the two sides only had a distance of 0.8 light seconds, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet seemed to have heard the pitiful worms on the opposite side and fulfilled their requirements very generously.

"Imperial army, harvest it!"

From the fog of war shrouded in front of the Black Wind Fleet, tens of thousands of beams of light were shining at the same time, like the sword of the demon, instantly swallowing up 240,000 kilometers of space, and stabbing the battle of the Tianyuan Fleet!

The Tianyuan Fleet naturally also possesses the psionic shield and the magnetic perturbation technology. They are local operations, and even urgently deploy a large number of defensive cosmic mines capable of neutralizing the Xuanguang vibrating field in front of the fleet. Only a series of huge light **** are seen. The air is generally inflated, and the light column fired by the Black Wind Fleet hits the ball of light, scattering all of them and becoming a mist of light scattered around the fleet!

The colorful fog and fog will make the space of the Tianyuan Fleet shine beautifully, just like the fairyland on earth, but as long as you probe the temperature and radiation intensity around you, you will know how terrible this "fairyland" is!

The cosmic wars and crystals that are too late to get out of the mothership are all like a lonely boat in the stormy waves; some of the unscrupulous masters who are directly swept by the Xuanguang cannon, even on the edge of the protection range of the Psionic Shield, It is also vaporized in an instant and dissipated into a cloud of smoke; even if it is placed in a starship, it is like an invisible hammer in the temple and a dozen layers of reinforced alloys, such as reinforced alloys, crystallized fibers, and high-hardness ceramics. I have a hammer in my heart, I want to vomit blood!

"Tianyuan Fleet, shoot quickly, let go!"

The counterattack of the Tianyuan Fleet began. All Xuanguang cannons, particle cannons and crystal magnetic guns roared. Although they spurred the light column deep in the Xinghai Sea to be thinner and more bleak than the Black Wind Fleet, the number was significantly more, more than 100,000 shiny. The bright "blade" almost smashes the black velvet universe!

Once the Xuanguang cannon began to stir, the devastating beam could last for more than ten seconds or even tens of seconds. Therefore, the "queuing the guns" in the Xinghai is even more like the pistol confrontation in the ancient times. The two sides add up to more than ten. Wangen Guangzhu, like a hundred thousand long guns, a long gun like a forest, densely smashed into each other's body, will not recover!

Both sides have a fairly strong defense system. Even if tens of thousands of beams of light are bombarded within each other's battles, they can't easily cause damage for at least the first three minutes.

Only the mottled, the fog of war, and the arc that emerged from the fog of war can tell everyone how powerful the death energy is around them!

One side of the volley, while advancing, three minutes later, the first batch of metal projectiles pushed by the crystal orbits of both sides also covered the head of the brain and brought them to each other, giving the precarious psionic shield a heavy hit!

Finally, first of all, on the side of the Tianyuan Fleet, some of the starship’s psionic shields are weak, and the super-strong alloys that are several meters thick and the reinforced ceramic layers with embedded defensive arrays are all smashed by the black light, and the explosions are one after another. The fireball is like an ugly tumor, which bulges at a speed visible to the naked eye. Wherever the "tumor" goes, dozens of articles and hundreds of lives are instantaneously turned into nothing, and the broken limbs and the starships are messy. All things spewed out and floated between the universe, either instantly vaporized or turned into cold dust!

Even so, as long as they don't happen to be hit by the spar warehouse, these starships will immediately spray a large amount of gel and liquid metal to repair the damaged cabin.

At the same time, they still spare no effort to launch a counterattack, and strive to throw more "light guns" before being completely torn into pieces!

The same scene, on the side of the Black Wind Fleet, is also constantly staged. Although they are technically leading the Federation, they do not have the advantage of rolling down. The Tianyuan Fleet is densely packed with gunfire, plus several asteroids on the "Tianyuan Iron Wall". The series of cannons still caused some trouble for them.

In the battle of Xinghai, it is not a moment to be able to distinguish between winning and losing. At this time, it is necessary to compare the toughness of both sides, the rigor of the battlefield, the commander's ability to control and the performance of the starship.

However, more often, the most crucial winner is

"Imperial army, killing it!"

"For the sake of the federation, go forward!"

With the pale universe as the stage, between the 100,000 flaming rifles, the two sides of the universe battle and the division attacked the cluster, such as the two groups of irritated wasps, like two surging steel torrents, before their Battleships, smashing together! (~^~)

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