Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1772: First crush the big white fleet!

"let's start.?"

Wan Guqing’s gaze rested on the nine-star Thanglong battle emblem of the white happy chest and claws. After a long time, he said deeply and solemnly, “the federation will win.”

"Federal must win!"

The white light in the light curtain was a salute, turned and left, and the picture behind the bridge was quickly distorted. There were a patch of colorful, colorful rainbow vortex around it. It was a space-distorted smash that seriously interfered with the world. The long-distance real-time communication brings a strange sight.

For a moment, the information flow with countless important data took the first step, tearing the stars, and smashing the electricity in the four-dimensional space. After the transfer and addition of the Baihuacheng Dayi Unified Network Interaction and Processing Center, it successfully arrived at the meteor where the main force of the Suiyuan Fleet was located. boundary.

These data set up an invisible bridge of wormholes between Feixingjie, Baihuacheng and Tianyuanjie. The information of numerous coordinates, azimuth, navigation channel, and the characteristics of the gate of the sky and the sky was completed. The transmission, input and processing were completed in an instant. .

Located in the depths of the Flying Stars, the first mixed formation of the Suiyuan Fleet, including the thousands of the latest Rising Starships, including the flagship, was suddenly enveloped by a halo of fog, and the fog was getting brighter and brighter. Every starship is swallowed up, and then the longer it gets, the more it will become an unsightly light, and it will be a crucial battlefield!

Compared with the magnificent No. 1 star gate, the other two starry sky gates around Tianyuanxing are smaller in scale and lower in number, and the number of starships that can be directed at one time is also small.

Moreover, in order to survive the ubiquitous espionage network of the empire in advance, the Suiyuan Fleet could not gather all the troops in a big way.

Therefore, the first mixed-fleet fleet that implemented the jump, and the elite of each sub-fleet was selected, which is the essence of the essence.

Their mission is the same as that of the Great White Fleet, keeping the door of the satellite empty and covering the jump of the follow-up main force.

As long as the three stars are firmly in the hands of the Federation, the Black Wind Fleet becomes a fish at the bottom of the river. Under the joint defense of the First Mixed Fleet and the Great White Fleet, the Black Wind Fleet only fought 5o%. Force, it is impossible to break through the gates of the 2nd and 3rd stars, and wait until the large forces continue to arrive, the Black Wind Fleet is completely finished!

Therefore, when the doors of the stars and the stars of the 2nd and 3rd stars swelled in a turbulent space, the gravitational detection magic weapon showed that the extremely high-quality objects were being emptied, and the Federal Defense Council, from the Federal Speaker Wan Guqing to the secret sword The Secretary has passed the spring breeze, or the Jin Xinyue, who is wielding a sword in the light curtain, and all the congressmen and strong people who have turned around in their worries - no one has any doubts. This will be an unprecedented victory!


The Black Wind Fleet, which was dragged by the Tianyuan Fleet with astonishing toughness and stalking, also detected gravitational changes from the gates of the 2nd and 3rd stars.

Their position and the other two stars are just on the sides of the sky. At such a long distance, it is difficult to accurately detect the precise quality of the gravitational change.

But there is no doubt that at this time, the large-scale jump to the Tianyuan world, only the federal reinforcements.

On the bridge of the Black Swirl, the commander of the urgent military sentiment, the night, not only did not have a little surprised and thoughtful expression, but relieved and relieved, then sneered.

"It’s finally here, it should be the most elite leader of the original fleet!

"Hey, on the Yuanyuanxing, we have worked hard to deploy the spy network for nearly ten years, and it has been uprooted and completely suppressed. Jin Xinyue is really an unreliable demon girl.

"However, the idiots of these gangs of the sea, I do not know the savage savage, I really thought that I, the expeditionary commander of the real human empire, will pin their hopes of victory on a wilderly apostate? It is stupid!

"They will never think that my trump card is not Jin Xinyue, but our own people, the immortal of the real human empire, Su Chang!

"Now, the most elite front-runners of the Suiyuan Fleet are coming, but they will be the only reinforcements in the federal market within the next forty-eight hours!

"As long as you eat this elite, the ace of the trump card, and then occupy the heavenly world, the Starry Federation is the fish on the cutting board!"

The night was cold and sneering, and inadvertently swept the bottom left corner of the densely-lit light curtain around the crystal brain. There was a small, inconspicuous light curtain that drowned in the ever-changing billions of war data. It is going to disappear.

That was the disciple of Su Chang, and the brainwave and physiological indicators of his liaison officer Lu Xiaochen.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Lv Dengchen's brain wave and physiological index have been calm, calm to the battlefield that is not in the hot and violent, but like a boating in the calm lake.

"Would you like to let him out?"

The night was so dark that it still dispelled the idea. Anyway, the overall situation has been fixed, and it is not too late to let the war come out after the war.

Although compared to Jin Xinyue, who is not familiar with the wild demon woman, Su Chang is a more reliable emperor compatriot, and firmly believes in Taoist Avenue, but...

The dark night's cautious nature made him reluctant to believe anyone in 1oo%. Even this time, he made a small adjustment to the operational plan that Su Chang had sent in advance through Lv Dengchen.

People must rely on themselves, he only believes in his own strength!

Far behind the Black Wind Fleet, where they first jumped, the second unit of the night blew torn the void, sketching a huge outline on the black velvet star sea.

However, many of the curves that make up this outline are not quite like slender and elegant starships.


A staff member stepped forward and reported to the night, "The enemy's sixteenth deep-air fleet is rushing to the rear of me, trying to form a front-and-back attack with the Tianyuan fleet!"

"Before and after the attack, they also match?"

The night sneered a few times, "The Tianyuan Fleet is going to be completely shredded by us, and this '16th Deep Air Fleet' is nothing but a lightweight fast assault fleet. Their commander is a Insignificant, only playing a small role in guerrilla warfare and harassment, the members of the fleet are even more gangsters who can only fight home.

"Before the first wave of attacking clusters of the Ebara Fleet completely completes the jump, first solve the big white fleet, and even drive them all into the slag!"


Baihua City, the Great One Control Network, the depths of the spiritual world.

The red leaves drifted away, and the fire burned the sky. It was still the “Peach Blossom Source” before the moment, but it became the tragic Shura abattoir.

A group of ancient armor, riding a high-headed horse, rushing into the village like a locust, shattered the silence of the millennium here.

The old man was burned, the youth was strung on the rifle, the child was trampled by the iron hooves, and the screams of the women rang through the clouds, and the screams were more screaming than the screams.

Such a picture drawn by blood and flames slowly spreads in front of Li Yao.

He kneels on the grass in front of the village and looks at everything.

A woman with a ragged shirt, a shawl, and a baby, cried and ran to him, followed by a beast-like cavalry.

The cavalry was full of smirk, holding a long gun and sprinting. He saw that women and babies would make a bunch of candied haws.

Li Yao really couldn't stand it. He bit his teeth. Before the lightning bolt was about to penetrate the woman's chest and the baby's skull, he grabbed it and took a backhand. The cavalry was poked from the horse and nailed to the ground.

"Hey, hey."

The squadron was nailed to the ground in a ten-twisted posture. The hands and feet were slowly twisted, and the strange sound was heard in the throat. The blood-stained eyes were solidified, but they turned quickly.

In a position that is not like human beings, he pulled himself out of the rifle in an inch, and spewed a lot of blood in his mouth. His face melted like a candle, and it actually became the face of Professor Mo Xuan!

"Why save?"

Professor Mo Xuan, who is wearing a smashing armor and a big hole in his chest, is staring at Li Yao. "Since you think that everything is fake, it is all virtual, it is composed of data and algorithms. Why? Want them, save these... worthless 'spirits'?"

After Li Yao, the "spiritual" woman simulated by the data fell into the weeds and seemed to have broken her foot, but she resisted the pain and held her child in front of her chest. As if with the weak body, it can protect the same child who is also virtualized by data.

Behind Professor Mo Xuan, looking through the big hole in his chest, the burning village, the massacre and the smashing of the soldiers, the terrible human hell, still cruelly staged.

Li Yao has never been so angry.

Even in the depths of the Kunlun ruins, I saw that the human ancestors cultivated by the Pangu people for the purpose of "tools" did not perceive such a strong "evil" when they saw the "three fundamental principles" of extermination of human nature. !

"You are in the most beautiful emotions of the world, you are licking the proud name of "humanity" itself!"

Li Yao is clenching his fists and gnashing his teeth. "For you, human affection, love, friendship, what are all the most precious emotions? Is it a tool that can be simulated with data and algorithms? You are a sinister madman!"

"Don't forget, just now you destroyed this calm world and destroyed the 'Peach Blossoms'. I just let you see what it would be like after it was completely destroyed!"

Professor Mo Xuan said with a smile, "Since you said that all of this is fake, it is illusory, then killing more old people, women and children here is just a matter of modifying a few strings of data. Is it worth your time?" ?

"Still, you have to admit that even the insignificant data changes in the 'Unreal World' can bring in an unbelievable emotional wave, the village that is heading for destruction in front of you, and the mother and son who are saved by you, To a certain extent, it is real, eh?"

In other words, starting today, on January 7th, there are double monthly ticket activities!

Everyone has the ability, try to help the old bulls, the recent monthly vote list is not to force!

In addition, the news of the publishing house, the simplified version of "Star Field 40,000 Years" will be officially sold next month, so the friends who have booked online in advance are a little bit sloppy, and they will come soon. The old cow is also looking forward to everyone! (To be continued.) 8

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