Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1773: Really insidious, despicable!

Li Yao was speechless at the moment.

Most of his thoughts are still entangled in the scene of the Xinghai battle that he just saw. When he thinks that his wife, apprentices and friends are killing with the most ferocious cultivators of the real human empire, his mind has completely turned into a pot of hot porridge.

Ming knows that this is Professor Mo Xuan's plan to disturb his mind, but how can he completely forget all of this?

Professor Mo Xuan continued to laugh and said: "If you say that destroying such a small village in the 'virtual world' is called 'crazy', in the real world, it will set off a war that sweeps dozens of worlds and destroys a million people. City and even a planet, what should those people be called?

"In the virtual world, when the town is destroyed, it can be rebuilt. If the woman-in-law is dead, it can be resurrected. Just modify a few strings of instructions and roll back the data. All the tragic memories can be erased. All the pain and despair will cease to exist!

"And in the real world, precious life is only once, dead, it will never be there, no more!

"You keep saying that I am a madman, a demon, and trample on the most beautiful emotions in the world. Then, if you don't do this, there is still a way to make people civilized in just a few hundred years and a thousand years. Being completely away from war and welcoming eternal peace, there will never be any living person who will bear the pain you see at the moment?"

Every word of Professor Mo Xuan is like a meteorite with strong spiritual power, and it is bombarded on the soul of Li Yao!

Li Yao feels that the picture in front of him is blurred, his soul is melting and melting, and he knows that this is the most direct collision between the spirit, will and concept of the two sides, that is, the avenue of the road!

At this time, we must strengthen our own heart and unwaveringly. If we lose in the avenue of the avenue, there will be cracks in the soul, and it will inevitably be swayed by the other party’s “avenue” until it is completely persuaded by the other party. The other party's yo!

On the spiritual power, Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan each have the rest, and each has different attributes of the extraterrestrial demon blessing, can be said to be inconsistent.

Although Professor Mo Xuan has hundreds of super crystal brain blessings, he also runs more tasks than Li Yao. The mental strength, computational power and power of the two souls are almost the same.

Then, it is necessary to look at each other's avenues, who is more correct and more impeccable!

"Nobody likes war!"

Li Yao forced himself to take his mind and pull away the chaotic thoughts from the **** stars and the burning villages. He said, "I also hope that this universe will never have war and slavery. Everyone can live happily and happily. - I have been fighting for this!

"Perhaps ... the same goal, the goal is the same, but you can not use the method of turning the entire human civilization into nothingness to avoid war. This is to cure the terminal illness by directly killing people and extracting the spirit. What is the difference?

"Yes, the resources in the universe are limited, and the human beings are infinite. When the limited resources meet the infinite, there will be war, bring pain, and create destruction. This was the case 10,000 years ago. Today is the case. Maybe it will be like 10,000 years later, no one can stop it completely.

"But it is also the contradiction between 'limited' and 'infinite' that can never be reconciled, which has shaped our never-ending curiosity, enterprising spirit and ambition to march into the depths of the universe, and created us to be magnificent. The history of ecstasy makes people like civilization become what it is today!

"Unsatisfied, from the shackles of our ancestors who broke away from the ancient civilizations hundreds of thousands of years ago, the shackles of the three fundamental laws began. Our civilization has been insatiable, eager to fill, never know what is satisfied! We marched into the mountains, Marching into the sea, marching toward distant planets, marching into the world of three thousand, and marching into the infinite universe beyond the 3,000-plus world, as long as we give us enough time, we will continue to advance to the boundaries of the universe, and then use all wisdom, Courage and ambition, smashing this border and continuing to march outside the universe! We hope to have unlimited resources to satisfy our infiniteness - perhaps this dream will never be realized, but the great process of pursuing this dream is not correct. Is it the full meaning of the existence of our human civilization?

"And you, and what are you doing?"

"On the surface, you are creating a perfect, absolute, infinitely beautiful new world, but in reality, you are using an illusory cage to completely ban the future of human civilization! You must kill all human beings. Creativity, imagination, curiosity, ambition, courage, timidity, all the best things!"


Professor Mo Xuan opened his arms, and the blooming villages suddenly burst into colorful flowers, and the dancing butterflies lingered in the flowers, and the delicate flowers and the dying villages formed a sharp and distorted contrast. "Look, any of the best things, we can create whatever we want!"

"Without the darkness, there is no light. If you forcibly kill the pain and ugliness, then the so-called happiness and beauty will become meaningless."

Li Yao has a word and a piece of iron. "The limited resources and the infinite contradiction are the only sources of human progress. It is also the reason why our civilization is so brilliant. Since your new world has no contradictions, it will always be Will not progress, just a pool of stagnant water!

"I will never let you turn human civilization into a seemingly exquisite aquarium!"

"That's just your opinion, just the big guys, the heroes!"

Professor Mo Xuan suddenly became angry. "What is the ambition to march toward the edge of the universe, what is the exploration of infinite possibilities of curiosity and creativity, what 'war is inevitable', Li Yao, of course you are qualified to say these nonsense, after all, you It is the peerless powerhouse of Xing Xinghai. Even if it is dead, you will die so hard that it will shake the whole universe!

"But those ordinary people, ordinary people who are unable to grasp their own destiny, those who are now being ravaged by war, must they sacrifice their precious lives for the frivolous words of ‘human civilization’?

"Your life in the real world is already exciting enough. It is a thrilling legend. Which ordinary person can be like you?

"Perhaps, most ordinary people don't care about creativity, curiosity, and ambition to enter the universe. They just want to live. They just want to live in peace and carefree, even if they are fish in the aquarium. And how, at least, don't worry about the ferocious beasts and the rushing currents in the sea!

"Don't use your standards to measure ordinary people, 99% of people will never be like you!"

"shut up!"

Li Yao is angry and rushing to the crown, and the door is getting bigger and bigger. "You are using your own standards to forcefully define ordinary people. It is you who are doing the ‘is good for you’ banner.

"Don't be too small to see ordinary people, professor! Even if there is a gap in strength, but courage, courage and hope for the future, everyone is the same! Even today is an ordinary person, through their own efforts, tomorrow is possible Becoming a big man and a great hero; even if this life is an ordinary person who is unknown, but future generations will be stronger than the first generation! This is hope, the most precious hope of mankind!

"And your virtual world, but this hope is completely killed! Once lost in the spiritual world, all fame and fortune and seven emotions and six desires can be satisfied instantly, all goals can be realized in an instant, what can be sing, what is sorrowful, what is thrilling, what Hero hero, everything is gone! What kind of hope, what are the reasons for struggle, and what is the meaning of existence?

"Since then, our children and grandchildren will become parasites trapped in silicon wafers and spiritual nets, relying on illusory digital drugs to eat all day long, doing nothing, until one day, carrying this illusory civilization of silicon wafers and super crystal brains again Support can't go down, crashing, everything is instantly annihilated invisible - is this the ultimate form of human civilization in your ideals, Professor!"

Professor Mo Xuan seems to be convinced by Li Yao, staring at him for a long time, and has not spoken for a long time.

Li Yao’s spirit is shining, as if the whole world is under his control. He is winning and arrogant: “Nothing to say, Professor!”

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Professor Mo Xuan applauded slowly, and his face smiled with a strange smile. "You are very reasonable. I am a bit... there is nothing to say, Li Yao!"

Li Yaoqi’s eyes narrowed and he scratched his jaw and how he felt...what is wrong.

After a while, the cold sweats were all down.

Li Yao silently glared at Professor Mo Xuan.

Professor Mo Xuan also looked at him quietly.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Li Yao: "Hey, you are too careless. Everyone knows that when they are arguing for the avenue, when you are so passionate and colorful, do you actually play yin?"

Professor Mo Xuan: "Oh, so you admit that you are Li Yao?"

Li Yao: "Well, if I said that the real name of the Lingbi Master is actually called Li Yao. This name is ordinary, and it will be normal." You said yes?"

Professor Mo Xuan is unmoved: "Hey, the dark nebula, the ancient sacred world, the ancient ghosts of the sorcerer, I should have guessed that it is yours, not to mention, except for your 'vulture Li Yao', who I will have such a strong strength, but I will say that it sounds so bloody, but it is just a nonsense of high school students!"

Li Yao: "Well, I really have yours, it is despicable. I finally confirmed 100%. You are definitely not Professor Mo Xuan. The real professor is so insidious to you, you, what are you!"


Professor Mo Xuan, or disguised as the presence of Professor Mo Xuan, the smile on his face became more and more strange, and the face appeared to have a crack in the road. The crack appeared in the flames of the sky. "Since you are Li Yao, is it true?" Still can't understand my life form? We are obviously the same kind!"

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