Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1775: Spiritual transplant, update iteration!

Li Yao’s face was confused. The left hand seemed to jump unconsciously. The back of his hand showed several red lines. He couldn’t help but stroking his cheek. He said: “What are you talking about?”

The silver-white ball burst into a silver awn, and swiftly swept the red lines on the back of Li Yao’s left hand, but nothing seemed to be found. He ignored his doubts and continued to use the sound of Gujing’s wave: “five thousand years Before, the robbery came, the blood-grained family crouched among the meteorites, and raided the three inhabitable planets in the flying star world!

"In the face of the deadly threat of doomsday, the meteor civilization has been stimulated to the limit potential, and all aspects of technology including the brain and the net have developed rapidly, and the battle between the 'homeland' and the 'starry' It is even more troublesome in the society!

"The extraterrestrial demon, after all, is not simply a crystal brain virus. In addition to the highly developed crystal brain and the spiritual network, human strong emotional fluctuations are also their best source of energy.

"So, in this great change that has not been seen for five thousand years, the ancient crystal brain virus was reborn, and the assembly language and algorithm were reconstructed in the extremely fierce information collision between the home school and the starry sky. And the database!

"On the day of the robbery, the ancient crystal brain virus crouched among the starships of the starry sky and fled to the Xinghai together. This is because the starry sky has a higher level of technology, and their crystal brains are relatively advanced and more suitable for this kind of action. On the other hand, the iron star and the other two habitable planets after the smashing of the sky must be devastated and completely destroyed. For a long time, they will be in the wild and obscured. Even the point-to-point wireless wave transmission is extremely difficult. For this type of extraterrestrial demon, it is no different from a barren land.

"The next thing, you know almost everything. After five thousand years, this extraterrestrial demon like the brain-like virus has been in peace with the blood-stained family like the biological virus. Everyone is in the bud of just reborn. The hunting range of each other is completely different. Naturally, the well water can not make river water.

"Ironogen is a bloodline family. The bloodline family uses viruses, bacteria and parasites to pass through and spread between organisms through body fluids.

"The vast expanse of the sea belongs to this kind of extraterrestrial demon. They use the crystal brain as the carrier, the spiritual wave between the starships as the infection channel, and the human emotions and algorithms to slowly improve their own language, algorithms and databases. From the simple crystal brain virus, to other more complex, more advanced, more ... indescribable existence.

“There is no ‘consciousness’ that drives it to do this. It may be like the early single-celled creatures moving to multiple cells, to the more complex and advanced development, everything is the instinct of life!”

Li Yao listened to the gods, as if he was deeply attracted by the story of the silver-white sphere. He did not notice that the blood lines on his back were more and more dense, more and more distorted, and he was following his wrist. Constantly spreading toward the arms, shoulders and heart, like a deadly snake that sneaked under his skin!

This scene falls into the radiance of the silver-white ball, making the light deeper.

It speeds up the speech and further attracts Li Yao's attention: "Original, such evolution may take several thousand years to complete, and it is more likely to be discovered by humans before the evolution is completed. It is completely obliterated by the 'antivirus gods', but The accident of one person came, but it accelerated the process, that is, the "star child" Xiao Tianbao of the real human empire!

"Oh, 10,000 years is after all, after a long period of time, during the two dynasties, in the process of the Black Star Emperor's capture of the central power of the Xinghai, the precious materials of countless Star Ages are lost, including those describing the danger of jumping in the stars. data.

"The cosmic travelers of the real human empire know nothing about the dangers of crossing the wormhole. They use the fearless arrogance of the ignorant, even the natural ability to resist the 'shell' of the extraterrestrial demon - the flesh and blood are dare to take off Off, for convenience and economy, you can use the spirit of the red strip to cross the stars!

"I don't know how other star children, maybe the human empire has its own new secret law, which can resist the invasion of the extraterrestrial demon, but the star boy named "Xiao Tianbao" encountered a star storm when he arrived at the flying star. The soul of the gods was smashed, and it happened to encounter an extraterrestrial demon that was free from this airspace.

"So, the extraterrestrial demon sneaked into the depths of his spirit, just like the brains that once sneaked into countless flying stars.

"But this time, the extraterrestrial demon immediately discovered the shackles of Xiao Tianbao. This monarch is not a meteor. It is actually from the mysterious country of the central Xinghai. The real human empire has a more advanced crystal brain than the flying star. Developed spiritual network?

"People go to the heights, and the devils outside the field are the same. Compared with the barren land like the flying star world, the real human empire is simply a blessing of the wind and the grass.

"What's even better is that Star Child Xiao Tianbao originally planned to open a door to the stars and stars that can communicate with the Empire and the Flying Stars. The Tianhui Demon does not have to bother to control him. As long as he is guided by the situation, he can double-edged with a little bit of it!

"After the virtual warfare plan, super crystal brain 'star brain', more than half of them are from the outside world. Otherwise, how can you master such an advanced crystal brain as an empire special soldier in Xiaotianbao District? And remote control simulation combat technology?"

Li Yao has a slight glimpse. Indeed, the star child Xiao Tianbao is only a scout that the real human empire released. How can a special soldier in the district master such a high-end technology?

At first, he thought that the imperial people were so sharp and even had a deep fear. However, after seeing the real imperial people such as Su Changfa, they felt that they were also two nostrils, except for a slightly higher level. Excessive!

To this day, the silver-white ball unveiled the answer, and Li Yaocai suddenly became more and more cheerful. It turned out to be the extraterrestrial genius that specializes in crystal brain technology. This is reasonable!

"Original, the whole plan has been very smooth. It won't take long for the flying star world to be completely conquered by the empire, and the extraterrestrial demons will also go to a larger hunting ground, but --"

The silver-white ball finally revealed a trace of human emotions. After a meal, it calmed down. "After the things, you are very clear. The plan for a hundred years is a failure. The star child Xiao Tianbao is stopped. Even the devils in the field are crouching. 'Xingnao' was swallowed up by Professor Mo Xuan, and the celestial demon outside the field entered the body of Professor Mo Xuan!

"This is a living environment that has never been experienced by the demon outside the world. It has a rich experience in infiltrating the human brain and the crystal brain. However, Professor Mo Xuan's life form is not normal human, but it is not ordinary crystal. The brain, but the thing between the two, his liquid metal casing, almost impeccable!

"What's more, after swallowing the astrology, Professor Mo Xuan's computational power has increased greatly. He is considered to be a strong and determined person. Once he discovers the existence of extraterrestrial demon, he will definitely find a way to write a special anti-virus mind. , completely wipe it out!

"So, the extraterrestrial demon can only be forbearing, and has been crouching in the deepest part of Professor Mo Xuan's spirit, just like all the viruses that have encountered harsh environments. It is like what you are doing at the moment, sleeping, crouching, waiting !"

Li Yaoyan's eyes widened, and a **** pattern had passed through his left shoulder, climbed his cheek along his neck, and even plunged into his left eyeball, causing the left eye to burst into the **** mans.

He didn't feel anything like it, and he waved his hands anxiously: "What are you talking about, what are you talking about!"

On the surface of the silver-white sphere, there is a circle of excitement: "The extraterrestrial demon waited for decades, during which time they accumulated thousands of years of crystal brain and spiritual network information, in a subtle way, a little released to Professor Mo Xuan. In the memory database, Professor Mo Xuan has a strong interest in the study of 'Dayi Tongling Net' and 'virtual life', and finally gave birth to the 'virtual world project'.

"To be honest, the collapse of the virtual world is an accident. Even with the ability of the demon outside the domain, it is impossible to create such a big collapse.

"But since the accident has already happened, the three souls and seven scorpions of Professor Mo Xuan, Su Changfa, Lu Qingchen and others have been smashed, and the extraterrestrial demon will naturally not let such a great opportunity.

"No, not to swallow, just to let each other's integration, go deeper."

"What's more, in the situation at the time, if you do not carry out emergency treatment, no matter whether Professor Mo Xuan, Su Changfa or the Tianhui Demon itself, you may fall into the virtual world of collapse, completely wipe out!

"Since everyone's three souls and seven scorpions are fragmented, and they don't go back together, then with the help of the extraterrestrial demon, the souls of the incomplete people will be brought together, and it will become a new existence!"

Li Yao stunned: "Combining the souls of the disabled?"

"Don't be so surprised, since the hands and feet and the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney can all be transplanted, why can't the three souls and seven scorpions?"

Silver-white ball, "I didn't lie to you from beginning to end. I am indeed Mo Xuan himself, but my three souls and seven scorpions are too badly injured. I have to transplant some of them... originally belonged to Star Boy Xiao Tianbao. And things like Su Changfa and others.

"The so-called three souls and seven scorpions are an imaginary number. Perhaps there are all kinds of absurd claims in the ancient world, but in my opinion, it refers to memories, ideas, personalities, emotions, ways of thinking, and so on.

"At that time, Professor Mo Xuan's soul was the lightest, and the three souls and seven scorpions were probably lost in half, and the extraterrestrial demons have been parasitic for decades. Naturally, my soul is mainly.

"Su Changfa's soul is dying, and the star child Xiao Tianbao is dead and can't die any more, just taking their remnant soul for waste utilization.

"This is what I am now, after the iterative upgrade of Mo Xuan 2.0 - I still retain the memory, ideas and most of the Taoist wisdom of Professor Mo Xuan in the past, but have the way of thinking of Su Changfa and the character of Xiao Tianbao. Naturally, there are 100% activated, all the power of the extraterrestrial demon!"

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