Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1776: A substitute attack, start!

The bloodshot of Li Yao’s eyes almost bloomed and finally understood everything!

In the past, Professor Mo Xuan was a firm and rational person, and he was a very simple technical expert. Apart from the refiner, he did not study it extensively in more social fields.

Even Professor Mo Xuan at that time really gave birth to the crazy idea of ​​"moving human civilization into the virtual world." It is just thinking about it. His reason will control himself and tell him to do so. How serious the consequences are.

Everyone has a lot of crazy and even heinous thoughts every day, but most people will distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality - think that there is always no sin, many people have fantasized about robbing banks or kidnapping beauty, not It means that everyone is a criminal!

Professor Mo Xuan once said that perhaps after ten thousand years, his ideals will be turned into reality. When the conditions are not mature, the human civilization will be upgraded too early. It is the behavior of the seedlings, which will only bring havoc.

Now it seems that these words are not deceptive, this is the last bit of the "self-control" of Professor Mo Xuan in the past!

What's more, Xiu Cai rebelled, three years failed, for the technical experts such as Professor Mo Xuan, even if he is really crazy to want to step into the sky, in just a few hundred years to achieve the full virtualization of human civilization, but also do not To - the industry has a specialization, let a simple magic expert to plan this earth-shattering conspiracy, and let the cook to be a tailor? What is the difference?

However, Mo Xuan 2.0 after "update iteration, version upgrade" is different.

In the disaster of the collapse of the virtual world, Professor Mo Xuan retained the unshakable heart and the extremely crazy idea, but lost the control that binds these ideas, and also disappeared from the generosity and warm personality of the past. Instead, Su Changfa and the star child Xiao Tianbao's way of thinking, as well as the ruthless, unscrupulous, unscrupulous, and the way to the black typical cultivator character!

Su Changfa is a sociologist of the real human empire. He has deep research on the structure and operation of the empire's cold society. He is one of the original producers of the "Civilization" game, and a senior "brainwashing expert".

Not to mention the star child Xiao Tianbao, an uncompromising conspiracy, the plan of the Taixu warfare is his brainchild, the former devil's big devil, Xiao Xuan, but he was pushed to the stage. Nothing!

Professor Mo Xuan’s concept of “full virtualization of human civilization”, coupled with Su Changfa’s brainwashing ability and social formal cohesiveness, coupled with the conspiracy and layout ability of Xiaotianbao, is also true, but also to add Professor Mo Xuan’s own vastness. Such as the sea's computing power, as well as the extraterrestrial days of magic and dust, and finally the full-locked Linguin invading ability ... all of this piled up together, it became the moment of Li Yao, the nightmare existence, Mo Xuan 2.0 !

The silver-white ball trembled, gradually melted and double-shaped, and once again became the appearance of Professor Mo Xuan.

He burst into a strong smile, but this smile is faintly with the shadow of Su Changfa: "Don't be so nervous, just started from 10,000 years ago, it seems that everything is a premeditated extraterrestrial demon, but from another perspective, things it's not true.

"It is entirely possible to treat the whole thing as a big surprise. It is nothing more than a serious accident when I experimented in the virtual world. Under the coincidence, I absorbed the character of Su Changfa and the star child Xiao Tianbao. The means and the magical power of the demon outside the realm, I am lucky to survive, and that’s all.

"Even if I received an organ donation, the body was implanted with someone else's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, living with someone else's heart, but the patient is still himself - my situation is the same.

"A little change in personality can't be considered. Many people will change their personality after a serious accident. It doesn't mean they become another person!"

"Yes, there are more memories, thoughts, and other messy things that didn't belong to me in my mind, but there are other messy things, but the adventure is like this. Many people have had similar experiences. We have the same kind of spiritual world." Instilling the secret method of infusing the battle memory of the older generation of strong people into the juniors, is that not the same?

"In your body, there have been similar adventures. Then why should you look at me with this kind of look, and treat me as an unreasonable monster?

"I am still Mo Xuan!"

He suddenly opened his arms, silver-white faces like mirrors were shattered, revealing the sly expression of the star child Xiao Tianbao, low shouting, "a stronger, more firm, more perfect Mo Xuan!

"Until this upgrade is completed, I will go back and look at the old version of me. Only then can I find out how indecisive, timid, and hopeless!

"I have clearly discovered the ultimate way to save human civilization, but I have not acted because of all kinds of ridiculous concerns, but I have imagined that a perfect new world will come automatically after thousands of years? So absurd, so weak, so... evil!

"Millions of years is too long, just fight for the day! I must not watch my compatriots continue to suffer and die in the never-ending war, can not stand it for a second! Even if only one in ten chance, I Everything will be desperate, give everything, sweep everything, keep my way, stick to the end!

"Ha ha ha ha, stepping through the iron shoes innocent, I have no time to work, I did not expect even God to help me, send you to me! It seems that my avenue is extremely correct, virtual life is human civilization The ultimate evolutionary form! Come, wake up, join me, and we will work together to create the 2.0 era of human civilization!"

Such an insane invitation is naturally impossible to impress anyone.

Li Yao took a sip, coldly said: "Whether you are Mo Xuan or Su Changfa or star child Xiao Tianbao, you should not be crazy to think that you have reached this festival, so incoherent words, you can convince me What?"

On the fragmented silver-white face, there was a sardonic smile: "Sorry, you are too passionate, Li Yao! I never thought about convincing you, I was too lazy to waste half a drop of water on you, I want to convince It’s 'it', I’m trying to say everything, including my original origins!


Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank, especially the blood-red left eye, which seemed to be burning.


Professor Mo Xuan smiled. "I know that you are there. You can never completely annihilate it. It is a godsend. Are you not ready to show up, my kind!"


Li Yaoyi's red and black eyes suddenly solidified, and the body stiffened back two steps. The left arm suddenly lifted out of control and could be clearly lifted up. It can clearly see that the top and bottom are staggered with a **** pattern. I don’t know when the blood lines completely invaded the heart and head of Li Yao, and turned into a thorn of thorns, which came out from the depths of the skin!


Li Yao screamed and hurts on one knee. "This, what is this power, it is tearing my soul!"

His body, half of the sea, half of the flame, does not seem to change on the right side, but every hole in the left side is drilled with a thin blood pattern, which grows like a vine. Criss-crossed, sketched into a vague, **** human figure.

The left half of the body continues to draw strength from the right half of the body, becoming stronger, richer and clearer, gradually revealing the same facial features as Li Yao, but it is more evil, treacherous, full of vigilance!

The right half of the body, which was gradually hollowed out, quickly withered at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin pieces were cracked and lost all colors!

At first glance, it is like a **** red person who has emerged from Li Yao’s body and become a humanoid tumor parasitic on him, some kind of weird... substitute!

Seeing that smiley, cruel and malicious **** face, Li Yao seems to be completely chaotic, screaming: "It is you, it is you! You have not died? Impossible, I obviously have killed You, kill you completely!"

This blood shadow has not yet spoken, Professor Mo Xuan has laughed: "The devil is born, the heart is not dead, how can the devil be completely killed? You think the demon is too simple, Li Yao!"


The shadow of the blood smiles, the voice is the voice of Li Yao, but the tone is more elegant, gentle, evil, full of chilling but deeply intoxicating taste. "I lived on the Iron Star for 5,000 years, before that. In the dark universe, I have been dormant for hundreds of millions of years. The most violent natural disasters in the Xinghai have not completely killed me. Just because you had the little insects and tricks at the beginning, how could you completely kill me? I didn’t expect it, hehehehe You stupid, idiot, piglet, old high school student who thinks that he is very just and very bloody, and he is beaten by a person at every critical moment..."

Li Yao's nostrils are big, biting his teeth: "Hey!"

Professor Mo Xuan looked at the blood shadow with great interest, and he was amazed: "What a perfect structure of the soul, still retains the wave form of ancient energy life hundreds of millions of years ago, and the atmosphere that is almost the same as that of 5,000 years ago, I will Know that you must not die, my friend - what do you call you, the Lord of Blood, or?"

"You can call me a **** demons. I have also taken a lot of good things from this idiot's spirit. It has been completely different from the bloodline people of the past, or in your words - I also upgraded myself."

The **** demon faintly brushed Professor Mo Xuan, and the smile on his lips was still evil and vigilant. "However, we don't seem to be friends? The same is carbon-based life, the wolf can eat sheep, the tiger can kill the wolf, the lion can also slaughter Tiger's! The same energy life, mutual engulfing is also a matter of justice, and even the main means of evolution! We have been in peace for the past 5,000 years, but now everyone seems to be involved in the same vortex, so you do everything possible to force me What do you want to do when you show up?"


Professor Mo Xuan opened his arms and said calmly, "I originally said everything, I want to show my sincerity. Whether you regard yourself as a human being or a bloodline or something else, we work together and have a good profit. One harm!"

"Come on this."

The **** heart is stunned and smirked. "Even if it is energy life, or in human terms, it is an extraterrestrial demon, but you are engaged in the Internet. I am engaged in biotechnology. The industry span is so big, how can we cooperate?"

"How do I know that you really want to cooperate, not want to use the banner of cooperation, find a chance to swallow me?"

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