Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1777: Wan brain interconnection!

"Swallow you?"

Professor Mo Xuan’s eyes widened, like a great insult. The flame behind the burning village became more and more violent and waved. “This is my world. If I am really malicious to you, I’ve already done everything. The power of the world, swallowed you, why bother to say everything, and win your trust!"

"Hey, do you think that I am so good to lie, if you can swallow me without any effort, you will not swallow?"

The **** demons sent out a strange smile. "You have to launch a conspiracy while calculating the federal and black wind fleets, controlling the entire spiritual network, and constructing countless spiritual realms to erode so many ancient holy monks. You have reached the limit? Maybe we The fierce battle will become the last straw to crush the camel, so that your overall plan will be completely bankrupt, so you can only use words to temporarily stabilize me?"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and struggled to wave his arms. He said: "You! I will not let you succeed, no matter what conspiracy you have!"

"you shut up!"

The **** heart devil laughed and said, "This is the high-end business negotiation between our devils. How can you have a lot of mouthfuls, honestly wash your neck and die, idiot!"

Along with its sneer, Li Yao has grown more **** thorns, entangled his right half of his body, causing him to groan, and his body trembled more and more.

"Hey, honestly telling you that it doesn't matter. Yes, I have been crouching in this idiot's body. On the one hand, it is forbearance, waiting for the opportunity, looking for the highest success rate and the least cost. All the devours!"

The **** demons burst into a glimpse of blood, and they swayed like a group of snakes and danced to the extreme. It was triumphant. "But on the other hand, the idiot’s luck is good enough, and the status of the Stars Federation is also Climbing high enough to make my life quite comfortable!

"Our blood-striped family is different from your new Internet-based demon. We are mainly parasitic in the flesh and blood of the intelligent life, relying on strong emotional fluctuations, especially the various negative emotions in the war. Energy source!

"Hey, the Xingyao Federation is going to march into the Central Xinghai. There are countless big bets to fight. It doesn't matter whether I swallow up the idiot's spirit. I can get everything I want with the identity of 'Lee Yao'. !

"So, like an ancient demon from the traditional field like me, why do you have to cooperate with your eccentric network gods, even if you put this... the plan of all-human network, boasting again, It’s just a bunch of bubbles!”

"The network is the future of human civilization, not a bubble!"

Perhaps "it" is still Professor Mo Xuan. Perhaps the Devil also has his own heart. He heard that Lingnet was scolded by the other party as a bubble. Professor Mo Xuan suddenly raised his voice and shouted. "Next, it is destined to be' In the era of the Internet of Everything, there is no power to stop!"


The blood-colored demons chuckled and squinted. "What about the ancient demon like me, who is flesh-and-blood, can do in the era of Internet of Things?"

"Hear me out!"

Professor Mo Xuan gradually calmed down, and the silver-white eyes gave off the eager and sincere light. "I really didn't lie to you. I have been looking for your most senior blood-stained king!"

"I believe that human civilization will be fully networked, but your concerns are justified. In order to prevent more innocent people from dying, and to bring the new world of absolute peace to an early date, I do... I have been a little too anxious.

"Now, we still have not prepared the most advanced super crystal brain for all human beings, as the carrier of their souls, even if you see them in the deep blue super brain hospital, scan and print them with bionics and molecular grades. It is 99.99% of the super crystal brain that simulates the human brain. It is expensive, and the quality of the refining is extremely high. Compared with the real human brain, there are some differences and there are various side effects.

"Even if our plan is successful, for a long time to come, the flesh and blood of human beings will still be the indispensable 'shell' of the spiritual family, at least the brain is so!

"So, I have been studying how to strengthen the human brain, making the brain more adaptable to the endless spiritual life of the whole world.

"You know, human brains are very fragile now, and they don't adapt to staying in the online world for a long time. The higher the virtual reality and the slower the virtual time passes, the heavier the burden on the human brain. You must quit after an hour, and the brain will cool down for a longer time before you can re-enter!

"This is because the human brain is too primitive. It was originally born for the collection and hunting of the wild world. The evolution of just a hundred thousand years is simply not enough to let it completely enter the new era of the Internet of Everything!"

"Not to mention the problem of children, we have not solved the problem of how the spiritual people can give birth to future generations in the spiritual world. In the real world, at least the human brain and reproductive organs can not be abandoned anyway, but must be strengthened. of!

"But my research has encountered obstacles.

"As you said, I am only a expert. I am not proficient in biology and genetic technology. What's more, the construction and maintenance of the spiritual world exhausts all my efforts. How can I have so much time and energy to open up? The second front?"

The **** demons are cold and cold: "So you thought of me?"

"of course!"

Professor Mo Xuan said, "Five thousand years ago, when your ancestors or the 'predecessor' came to the Iron Star, we are neighbors. Although we have never dealt with each other, we know each other in a mysterious and mysterious way. presence!

"Li Yao's experience on the Iron Star, and later originally told me, and the 'Yoshio Group' encountered a number of strange creatures suspected of being infected with the blood-stained family when it was developed on the dark continent of Iron Star. And they have been studied, it is an ancient life between bacteria and viruses, with the function of activating genes and strengthening the flesh and blood!

"When I realized that the human brain and reproductive organs could not be abandoned, I naturally thought of you. I want to use the power of the blood-striped family to strengthen the human brain and directionally cultivate a new human brain that is more suitable for the Age of the Spirit!"

"The kind of thing between bacteria and viruses is not really blood-striped."

The **** demons explained, "That is the ancient primitive life from billions of years ago. It is the first generation carrier of the blood pattern family, or in your words, the 'shell', you can use them as one by one. An escape cabin for long-distance space travel."

This explanation made Professor Mo Xuan more convinced: "Sure enough, I should have thought that those things have the ability to infect and strengthen the creatures, but they do not show the blood-striped family that was attached to the northwest of Yan, so strong and Wisdom!

"It seems that most blood-stained people are still very primitive life, just like the vast majority of extraterrestrial demon between the three-dimensional and four-dimensional space, but also a low-level original "energy worm". For example, the high-level demon that you and I have combined with the wisdom of life is, after all, very few!"

The **** demon snorted: "Don't pull away, how do you want me to cooperate?"

Professor Mo Xuan said: "I want you to modulate the human brain and create a more powerful human brain with a higher separation from the soul!

"You have the talent of the blood-striped family, and you have been in the **** demon world that is good at biochemical technology for so long. After we have completely seized the supreme power of the Xingyao Federation, we have a lot of resources and talents to supply you, for hundreds of years. Is it not a problem to complete research in this area?

"At that time, all human brains can be connected through crystal cable transmission lines or biochemical nerves. They can live in the spiritual network for a long time, and even if everything is connected, it is Wannian Internet!

"As for the rest of the body, in order to maximize the saving of valuable resources, in addition to the reproductive organs, all can be abandoned, this also needs your help!

"Look, what I am proposing is a very long-term demand. It proves that I am not making a temporary intention to fool you, but since I was a long time ago, I really want to cooperate with you!"

The **** demons thought for a moment and said: "Wait a minute, sum up your needs, you should not want me to make humans into such a form. He has an extremely large head, and his brain capacity is very high. It may reach five to seven times now, so that there is enough heat, cooling and buffer space to withstand the long-term super information shock; the brain may have some interfaces that can be inserted into a variety of biochemical nerves or even crystal cables; but limbs and The internal organs can be extremely shrunk, and there is no need to exist. At most, plus a set of fertile organs that are functionally powerful, can produce the seeds of the offspring normally, right?

"In a rather vulgar way, the new human being you imagined is a **** next to the brain. Is that right?"


Professor Mo Xuan solemnly said, "New humans do not need external genitalia. Anyway, the artificial insemination technology is very mature now. Men and women can be solved in the spiritual world. In the material world, only a small one is needed. The **** are all right. This is the most resource-saving, optimal form. What's the problem?"

The **** heart frowns: "The question is, what good is this for me?"

"Of course it is good."

Professor Mo Xuan said, "The evolution of new human beings is inseparable from the help of the blood-striped family. When the blood-striped family is born in the super-brains of all new humans, it can absorb strong emotional fluctuations without any effort. This is not you. The biggest ideal?" (~^~)

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