Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1779: Two big devils join hands!

In the sound of the drizzle and the sizzling sound, Professor Mo Xuan’s body is constantly expanding, expanding and expanding, and it has become a silver-white liquid metal sphere. It is so large and so perfect. It is not so much a metal planet as it is a cross. A hole in the virtual universe, a shiny black hole!

At this moment, the surface of this silver-white celestial body flashes a pair of fascinating and shocking images. It is an illusion of a virtual world!

Countless people who are trapped in the virtual world and do not know themselves, or study the difficult and mysterious subjects in the ivory towers, or play in the resorts like "Peach Blossom Village", or in the harsh battlefields of the environment, and All kinds of odd-shaped enemies are strangled!

They racked their brains to calculate, they were full of love, they cried and shouted, smirked, killed and killed, they laughed, they cried, they were upset, they were happy, they were suffering, they were crazy, they were calm, they came from Constantly releasing endless wisdom and emotional fluctuations, it is like 10,000 kinds of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, and purple colors alternately flashing. This is the emotional fluctuation of the survival of the extraterrestrial magicians. All of them are absorbed by Professor Mo Xuan. , become the source of his construction of a larger spiritual world, devour more souls!

The joys and sorrows of countless people and the seven passions and the desires, or their entire life, shine on the surface and depth of the silver-white sphere.

The laughter of thousands of people, the crying of thousands of people, the shouts and screams of thousands of people have become the most horrible and evil voice that Li Yao has ever heard.

This voice made him dizzy and out of anger!


Li Yao struggled halfway from the **** thorns and made a mad scream. "I thought you were just creating some spiritual circles like 'Peach Blossom Village'. It is really to bring peace and tranquility to all human beings. And beautiful, I did not expect that you have created so many cruel and killing worlds, deliberately put people into it, and actively create infinite horror, pain, sadness and crazy emotions!

"For human beings, you have no trace of respect for the most precious emotions and free will of mankind. Is human beings in this way still human? It is only the animals that you are housed in the virtual world. It is used exclusively. To supply the 'emotional' energy factory!

"You have defiled the most beautiful and deepest emotions in the world. You trampled on the free will of people. You still have a face saying that you are Professor Mo Xuan! What you have done, has been thoroughly inspired by Professor Mo Xuan. Going against it! You are just a monster that has usurped the memory of Professor Mo Xuan!"

"really weird."

In the silver-white ball, Professor Mo Xuan’s voice was heard. This voice made Li Yao feel more disgusting. “When I just showed you the spiritual world, Taohuayuan, you said that this kind of spirit is too comfortable and quiet. The world will lead to a depression of human will, a spirit of degeneration, and a parasite with no aggressiveness.

“Now, I have shown another perfect solution, telling you that the spiritual world can also stimulate human courage, courage, wisdom and initiative, and it is a more exciting stimulus than the real world. Greatly improved but you are not satisfied?

"Left is not, right is not, and others are greatly reprimanded, but they can't find their own solution to the problem. They will only stand on the high ground of morality and take advantage of the banner of justice. It seems to be very bloody. Call, say that you are a high school student, is it wrong?"

The **** heart is full of approval: "It's true!"

Li Yao is crazy: "You... I will not let you succeed in my death!"

Bloody devil laughs: "Province province, high school students, you are not even an opponent, I will be able to completely swallow you up, plus the huge soul power of Mo Xuandaoyou, you even one in ten thousand No chances!"

It turned to the silver-white big ball and turned his head. It was very satisfying. Nodded. "Very good, Mo Xuandaoyou, your overall plan sounds perfect, even I have little temptation, but there are still things including the dark night orchid. Inside, my twelve companions from the ancient sacred world, how are you now, you will not have swallowed them?"

Professor Mo Xuan is indulging.

"Bastard, there are nine in it, but I have left my best man!"

The **** heart is gnashing his teeth, and all the bloodshots are like a stinger. "I risked a lifetime of death, and I wasted a hundred years of time. I went to the dark nebula to explore with the idiot, just to find some ancient secrets, or More powerful partner!

"I was so easy to find the ancient sacred world by my chance, and I found dozens of such powerful partners by mistake and found their trust. They can spread the life features of the bloodline family!

"My original plan was to bring them back to the Starry Federation and find opportunities to drag them into a big battle. When their physical strength and spirit are consumed to the limit, they will divide nine drops of blood and invade." In addition to the three ghosts, the depths of others' brains are refining them into a **** battle like the northwest of Yan.

"One hundred years! I have been looking for a hundred years to find such the most perfect 'blood' raw materials, and the whole game is also being carried out step by step according to my plan. Seeing that we are going to jump to Tianyuanjie, Start a big fight!

"As a result, at the most critical moment, you actually jumped out of the spoiler and turned them all alive?

"They are my prey, do you want to swallow it? Nothing! I told you that I have been hungry for thousands of years. How can I eat enough from Yanbei and Li Yao? They are all mine! You are Pangu is still a son-in-law or a spiritual net demon, who dares to hit their ideas, I will fight with whom, fight a fish to die!"

The **** demons did not hide their hostility, and hundreds of bloodshots pierced the silver-white sphere like a sharp arrow.

"Slightly safe, I didn't know how to do them!"

Under the aggressive hostility of the **** demon, the silver-white ball changed its voice and flew fast. "Reassured, I sent them to a very safe place, that is, in the desolate space not far from the Baihuaxing domain. I don't know your identity, I think you are a secret investigator in the federal or imperial world.

"Yes, I really want to erode and control their souls, but I haven't succeeded yet. None of the monsters from the ancient sacred world are easy to follow, even though I have trapped them with a lot of illusions, but the distance will completely It takes some time to digest and absorb. I don’t want you to say that I am indeed suffering from some strength, and I am very distressed.

"Since they are all the materials that the bloodline friends have long been eyeing, the gentleman does not capture the beauty of the people, I will definitely return them with both hands.

"However, blood-stained friends are attached to flesh and blood. The so-called 'bloody' should also be the body of flesh and blood. Among those ancient saints, Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun and Wan Mingzhu are not. The ghost repair of the entity, it is useless to keep it, it is better than..."

The **** demons immediately understood the meaning of the other party. "嘿嘿" sneered: "Wan Mingzhu is nothing, but Meng Chi and Wu Suiyun, but the only two of the people, the power of the soul is the most huge, but it is It’s going to be cheaper for you, Mo Daoyou, you’re playing a good calculation!”

The silver-white ball swayed in a circle full of temptations: "Of course I will not take away the benefits of blood-stained friends. Blood-stained friends should know the risks of eroding these peerless powers. I am afraid you don't even have Fully grasping can ruin and control them all in one fell swoop and turn them into 'bloody', so hesitant to not do it now, right?

"Even if you really get to the battlefield, will they listen to your arrangements and get involved in an earth-shattering battle, so that the power and the spirits will be overdrawn, leaving you with the opportunity to seize the opportunity! This is unknown! A little careless, your existence has been discovered by them, and it is not impossible for them to kill together.

"And now, it is the best chance!

"The twelve of them have been separated by me, and they have fallen into different spiritual worlds. The spirit has weakened most of them. It is a great opportunity to break through!

"Next, as long as our two great devils join hands, with two enemies, I will help the bloodline Taoist friends to make nine of them, one by one to erode and control, and the bloodline friends will help me to swallow the other three. Cooperation, no one suffers, is it?"

The eyes of the **** thief screamed with greed and vigilance: "It sounds reasonable, but how do I know if you are deceiving, how are they doing now, let me see!"

"This is natural!"

The silver-white ball is very refreshing, twelve huge crystal **** are dragged by it, and it rotates slowly around it. Each crystal-clear crystal ball is condensed with hundreds of angles of the picture, each picture The protagonist is an ancient holy strongman!

Including Long Yangjun, eleven ancient sages, plus the night blue, all fell into the turmoil of the fantasy world.

Everyone has a different world of illusions, and some people even gradually forget where they are, quite a bit lingering.

The illusion of Yan Yiren, Han Daling and Yu Changsheng is the simplest, that is, fighting, simple fighting, fighting with overwhelming enemies!

Yan is a pure soldier. He is a military commander. Han Daling is a prince who is a prince. He is ruthless in the illusion. He is unhappy and slow. Slowly passing the power of the soul, and Master Mo Xuan mastered a lot of their combat data!

Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou and Qi Zhongdao, the masters of the comprehension of the realm, fell into the mountains of the literary verse, enjoying the pleasure of managing a city, a planet, and a country.

The rest of the people, each with illusory encounters, are immersed in a whimsical virtual world.

Even if you know that the virtual world is fake, you will crush it by the power of the soul, but it will only enter another larger virtual world. So dozens of times, you can't tell the difference between true and false, and even more touched. Clearing the weaknesses and preferences, the virtual world is increasingly in line with their appetite.

Even the night blue has been placed in a star battlefield, as the commander of the fleet, endless killing! ——

The last chapter of this month is also the last chapter of 2016. This month, it still keeps the speed of more than 300,000 words per month. The old cow is really vomiting blood!

2016 is a year to be missed, and it is also a very happy year. The most happy thing is of course that you have harvested so many passionate and honest friends. Every day, you can compete in the book review area. "Fifty Years of Comprehension" embarked on a new height!

2017 is a new year, "Fifty Years of Comprehension" will soon enter a new chapter, but the passion remains the same, the blood is unchanged, the friendship and the guardian remain unchanged, and the face and face will not change! Hahahaha, I hope everyone will continue to support it, 2017, let's fight another year! (~^~)

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