Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1780: Mo Xuandaoyou, help me!

"Look, everyone has their own weaknesses, and they have their own desires. They only need to find weaknesses and desires. Even if the Yuan Ying and even the power of the gods are strong, they will be deeply immersed in the illusory world. And treat it as another reality!"

The silver-white ball continues to seduce with the voice of Professor Mo Xuan. "The **** line of friends, the machine can not be lost, the loss is no longer coming, what are you still hesitating?"

The **** demons licked their tongues, and the greedy radiance of the fund was stronger. It was like staring at the chicken in the trap, the three-footed weasels, who wanted to eat meat and were afraid of being clipped: "You, What traps have you set up in Tianyuanjie, and you have a big grasp?"

"rest assured!"

The silver-white sphere has a smash in the victory. "My predecessor was a crystal encephalitis virus that was refined to erode the thorn-star crystal brain. The majority of the star-level brains of the Xingyao Federation, including the government and The most advanced models used by the military are inextricably linked to those of the thorns. In the past few decades, I have used the 'Deep Blue Brain Hospital' to get a lot of secrets from the deep brains of vegetative humans, including their spiritual network. Control authority and the secret of the soul, the two add up, the federal crystal brain and the spiritual network for me, there is no secret at all!

"The real human empire is also the same!

"I have the memory fragments of Star Boy and Su Chang, and I have extracted a lot of information about the Imperial Crystal Brain. What's more, the real human empire and the former Xinghai Empire are in the same vein. Their crystal brain structure and the structure of the Stars There are also great similarities, just give me a chance to get in touch and invade it, no matter what!

"To tell you honestly, no matter what, now the most elite troops of the Starry Federation and the Black Wind Fleet are all assembled in the Tianyuan world, and an earth-shattering battle is starting!"

"Oh, I have invaded and controlled the three stars of the sky and the outside world, completely cutting off the connection between Tianyuan and the outside world. At this moment, Tianyuanjie is a closed Colosseum! Two beasts, Inside, you can't bite, don't die!

"At this moment, not only the cyber warfare between the two sides is incomprehensible, the tactical spirit network has been attacked by the other side, and all the comprehension of the Yuan Ying series, regardless of management type, combat type, research type, literature and art. The type is still creative, all of which will stir the soul to the limit, and the brainpower is seriously overdrawn!

"You know, in modern warfare, almost everyone will use the brain-assisted help, which will create an excellent opportunity for me to invade the brains of these strong people. They will take the fire and become the most fierce. The soul is the weakest and the brain is the most In the moment of no defense, I will invade it and completely control the most elite fleets of both sides, as well as the most powerful comprehensions and cultivators!

"The flagship of the Black Wind Fleet and the Ebara Fleet and most of the main battleships, the three major crystal brains of the Xingyao Federation, and the strongest of hundreds of Yuan Ying and even the gods, all in our grasp. Next, we are the absolute master of the star beach!

"To be honest, before you came, I was only 7o% sure of the whole plan, or I expected to be able to successfully invade the brains of 6o% to 7o% of the strong. After that, there is still some killing.

"But since the bloodline friends are here, the situation is naturally different. After you completely devour the soul of Li Yao, you can use the identity of 'Three Realms, Vultures and Li Yao' to return to the heavenly world and join the strong people. On the most fierce battlefield, Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue will recognize you. No one will doubt your identity, right?

"Oh, wait until the war is most anxious, when many of the strongest are the most unprepared, I use the spirit net to move 'invasion' from them with their brains, and **** friends start with blood, their flesh and blood. Erosion, two-pronged, who can resist!"

The eyes of the blood-colored demons turned round and round, and finally laughed, as if they completely agreed with the other side's opinion: "It is a perfect solution that is impeccable, and it sounds really impossible to find a reason for rejection. Haha Haha, okay, Mo Xuandaoyou, I will cooperate with you for the time being. I only hope that after the event, you should not forget your promise!"

"how could be?"

The silver-white ball was dumbfounded. "We can't talk about any trust between us, but before the covenant alliance and the Pangu civilization have not been completely eliminated, everyone is the extraterritorial demon in their mouths. It is natural to join hands. Cooperation, consistent with the outside world, what do you say?"

"It is also."

The smile of the **** demons is getting more and more evil, and the **** thorns that are surging around are getting thicker and thicker. "Okay, if that's the case... eh?"

It slightly surprised to pick up an eyebrow, and looked at Li Yao, who was entangled in his own life. At this time, Li Yao has been wrapped up in blood, like a huge blood-colored silkworm cocoon, but from the criss-crossing blood color Inside the thorns, a light golden flame burst into flames, and the blood lines burned up quickly!

"You two bastards, don't be if I don't exist!"

Li Yao broke out of the **** silkworm cocoon, and the anger of the war was like a handle with a golden blade. He smashed into the **** heart, and he made a terrifying roar. "As long as I still exist for a second, I will never let it." If you are conspiring to succeed, the Starry Federation will be guarded by the real federals, and you will not be able to take your two insidious and sinister extraterrestrial demons!"

"This, what is this power!"

The blood-colored demons were stabbed by Li Yao’s golden blade and couldn’t open their eyes and exclaimed. “Impossible, I clearly understand all your souls, you are exactly”

"The soul of mankind, where it is so easy to be thoroughly resolved by you!"

Li Yao laughed happily, and the eyes, the nostrils, the ear canal and the corners of the mouth all flowed out of the pale golden blood. His soul power was like a volcanic explosion, and even the bottom of the illusory world could not withstand such power, black. The velvet universe begins to oscillate, and every crystal world sways like a crystal glass ball!

"Your virtual world, computing power has reached its limit!"

Li Yao’s eyes burst into an irritated and contemptuous gaze, and he stabbed the silver-white ball. “Fake is fake, it can never become true. What 12% of the truth is true? Know the illusory world and the real world. Is it different?

"The illusory world is limited. Its limit is the computing power of the crystal brain. Even the level of the crystal brain with strong computing power, after all, there are limits of calculation, simulation and rendering. The people who are deeply involved are like input. The fish in the glass jar, even if the glass jar is bigger, and then realistic, as long as the fish struggles to move forward, one day they will touch the invisible barrier!

"But the real world, then ugly, and then cruel, no matter how dark, but in the cruel, ugly and dark, there are infinitely beautiful possibilities, giving birth to a bright future, where there is no glass ceiling Can block the progress of human civilization!

“Even an artificial intelligence, with a vast database, can make the most reasonable response for every situation. It is not a real virtual life!

"The same reason, your virtual world is realistic, it is also fake! Because it lacks the most important thing for a civilization, that is, for the future, for infinity, hope for the end of the universe!"


The **** demon roared, and the blood lines danced wildly again. If the long spurs were covered with spikes, they would smack the body in the right half of Li Yao. "Don’t say the same thing like a high school student, quietly die. Let's go!"

"I won't die, Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue are still waiting for me!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, the golden-colored soul of the blade and the **** thorns entangled together, the two sides can not be smashed, "friends, relatives, soldiers... everyone in the Xingyao Federation is waiting for me, I must Will come back to them and fight alongside them!"

Li Yao and the blood-colored demons are like a double-headed serpent. The two heads that grow on the same body are smashing each other. Suddenly, the **** thorns pierce the right half of the body, and the soul of the soul The left half of the body was cut into blood, and suddenly the pale gold and the red-red spirits collided with each other, igniting the spark of thousands of souls, and the sound and photoelectric effect was very gorgeous.

This is the most sinister war of the gods, in just a few seconds, the double is easy to fight to the extent of both losses, the soul is bleak, the flames are swaying, panting.

The **** devil smirked at the hoarse voice: "I, I want to swallow you!"

Li Yao’s voice is also somewhat scattered: “I won’t let you easily get it, never!”


The **** devil is angry and angry, suddenly bursting open and thousands of **** thorns will entangle the right half of Li Yao’s body, and then turn around and scream, "Mo Xuandaoyou, what are you waiting for, I have already eroded his spirit to seven Seven or eight, and completely control him, come over and help me, help me to swallow his soul, and then we will start your perfect plan!"


The silver-white ball promised very quickly, followed by...

A few kilometers drifted back in one breath.

While drifting away, the body shape changed from a sphere to an ellipsoid, and then it became a peanut-like shape, but it split a small liquid metal from the body and slowly condensed into an adult shape, toward Li Yaohe. The **** heart flies over.

Li Yao and the **** demons who are tearing are holding them at the same time.

The scene seems to have become awkward again.

Scarlet Devil: "Hey, Mo Xuandaoyou, what do you mean by this, let you come over and help, how do you run away, and the extraterrestrial demon is not so loyal!"

Silver-white ball: "Of course not, but as you know, I am a refiner, and then I became a specialist in Crystal Brain and Lingu. I also know a little about sociology and strategic layout. One or two.

"But in any case, I am not a soldier. There is no reason to go to both of you personally. Is it so dangerous to fight at close range?"


The **** demons and Li Yao face each other, and the two people’s “stunning and dangerous” stings have become somewhat stiff.

New Year first! Hey, I wish you all the friends of the book 2o17 to open the door to see the joy, good luck, I want to make things happen!

By the way, today is still double the monthly pass time to the 7th. The situation this month is very serious. It depends on everyone's support. Let's fight side by side, rush! (To be continued.) 8

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