Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1785: The last power!

"Want to kill me? How easy it is!"

Outside the field, the demon in the laughter sounds like a pustule burst, thousands of tentacles turned into dozens of shares, and at the same time, Li Yao, Long Yangjun and other twelve ancient holy strongmen.

Overwhelming, criss-crossing, the entire crystal vortex is full of its **** mouth, there is nowhere to escape!


Yan is cold and screaming, the first shot, he does not care about reality and virtual, what is the Three Realms and the extraterrestrial demon, anyway, the more powerful enemy, the more he can provoke the sword of tearing the sky!


The swordsmanship is like electricity, and the emptiness of the sky, Yan’s soul and sword are completely integrated into one, and hundreds of tentacles are cut off in an instant!

But each of the broken tentacles turned into a quirk, and once again rushed toward him, and the break was spewing out a large piece of viscous silver blood. Once it was stained on his spirit, it immediately began a crazy erosion, like It is a densely wormed worm that has been drilled deep into his soul.

Rao is the sorrowful sword of Yan, who is eager to escape the boundless net of the Tianmo!

The rest of the ancient sages are also entangled in the tentacles that are full of **** mouths and sharp fangs. They are struggling and unable to extricate themselves.

After all, they lost more than twelve hours in the virtual world. Not only did the spirits consume a lot, but the spirits were on the verge of exhaustion, and both the moves and the magical powers were seen through the extraterrestrial demon. There was a feeling that the enemy was thoroughly aware of every move.

Not to mention Li Yao and Long Yangjun, they all went to the corner of the oil well, and the thief went to the ground to be able to support it under the entanglement and suppression of the other side. It is already the limit!

"Hahaha, put all your spirits into my body, let us create a new world of absolute peace and perfection!"

Outside the world, the demon still laughs with Professor Mo Xuan’s voice, but it is completely different from Professor Mo Xuan’s tone. It is completely crazy!

"It, it's desperate!"

Long Yangjun was entangled in seven or eight tentacles, and numerous fangs were deeply embedded in her body, pouring a lot of silver-white material into her deep soul, which gradually turned into a silver-white statue. .

The female enviromental elite warrior snorted and said, "It must be all the mental and computational power that will invade the entire federal spiritual network. All of them are collected and used to deal with us. It has not taken care of the outside." !

"The power of such a powerful spirit is not all of its own, but from the people it is held in the spiritual world. Many ordinary people and self-cultivators have stolen the power of everyone to deal with it. we!

"Insist on, we must insist on it! It also enters the overloaded operation, and it will collapse at any time. The power of thousands of people is not so good to absorb and integrate. If you are careless, it will fall apart completely! ”


Both Meng Chixin and Han Bula Ling are exposed to the painful color. They can't even say anything, but they are arousing a higher and more heavy, grassland hurricane-like flame, will be wrapped around their own tentacles, firing again and again. ash!


Bailian's mother, Wan Mingzhu, had been entangled in countless tentacles, and even her hair was completely involved. The whole person disappeared completely.

But from the cracks of the tentacle, it suddenly bloomed with a dazzling white lotus, and made a harsh scream!


The master of bitterness, the hundred and eight rosary condensed with the power of the spirit of the gods, the octagonal awning, the bright light, faintly screaming the sound of the singer, the meteor immersed in the mouth of the end of the tentacle, immediately from that The tentacles bloomed with thousands of golden blades, and the explosion of the rosary was blown apart and collapsed.

The rest of the ancient sages, also inspired by Long Yangjun, squeezed out the fire of life in the depths of the soul, doing everything they can, fighting with the gods outside the world!

The real world, Baihuacheng, No. 01 space station.

The originally solidified liquid metal is like a boiling, one bubble after another, and there are creaking screams in the bubbles.

In the "垓" class super crystal brain host room deep in the space station No. 01, there was also a popping sound of "噼噼啪啪".

A striking red light on the light curtain that monitors the operation of the super crystal brain. In the past ten seconds, the array cell in the super crystal brain has an average temperature increase of 30 degrees and still in every second. The speed of 0.5 degrees is constantly improving!

Even with the state-of-the-art cooling array protection, the super crystal brain will not be used for a long time and will completely collapse.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hundreds of space stations in the entire Hundred Flowers City almost fell into the dark at the same time, countless citizens swayed into the air, the air became stuffy and hot, facing the star side, the temperature continued to rise, facing away from the star side There is a thin frost on the sky and on the ground!

All lighting arrays, artificial gravity magic units and even the air circulation system have all stopped working. A lot of computing power has been transferred to the depth of the space station No. 01 to maintain the most violent form of the extraterrestrial demon!


Fresh air can't be circulated, and the exhaled breath that people exhale can't be circulated in time. In a small space that gathers all together, and the temperature rises or drops sharply, many people with weak constitutions already feel difficulty breathing and dizzy. , turn around!

Perhaps, within an hour, the entire Baihua City will become a dead zone!

At such a price, in exchange for a large influx of computing power, it is like injecting a high-efficiency cardiotonic agent. The extraterrestrial demon swells in a mad laughter and grows more and more ugly tentacles.

Under the spiritual attack that it condenses the power of thousands of people, the resistance of the twelve ancient strong men is getting weaker and weaker, and the struggle is becoming more and more powerless!

Meng Chixin: "This is originally its battlefield. It is replaced by the saying of the monk. It is in its 'field'. It can control everything as it pleases. Both Wu and Yun have been seriously injured, and the realm has fallen. 'The field' is in vain and can't compete with it!"

Phoenix Emperor: "The power of such a powerful soul, we are fighting thousands of people at the same time, it is impossible to win!"

Ba Xiaoyu: "I can't hold it, it will be completely eroded! Hello, if you are really the legendary 'Three Realms, Vulture Li Yao', there must be a final trick, don't hesitate, hurry up and change. Body, turn the tide!"

Li Yao: "The last trick? Hey, I sang a federal national anthem to inspire everyone's morale. Is it counted?"

Yan Changsheng: "Bastard, what a joke, I know... we will go to the empire!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In every **** mouth of every touch of the heavenly demon, there is a laugh in the mouth of the blood. In the laughter, a new one, like a tongue full of barbed tongues, sticks out from these big mouths. Tentacles, lingering on everyone, "No matter the federal or the empire, they are small stones that should be crushed on the road of evolution! Instead of relying on the empire, it is better to give up resistance, integrate into my world, become part of my soul. That will be a wonderful experience you have never had before!

"Human civilization is about to evolve into a new and ultimate form. We will create a perfect new world. Together, all of us will become the gods who control and guard this new world! Facing such a daunting and sacred mission, Why are you still struggling, why should you resist it, open your arms and embrace the future!"

"Hold your mother, oh!"

Li Yaochao’s dog’s teeth were staggered, and the **** mouth of the barbed tongue was full of punches. The whole arm was bitten by the other side. Thousands of silver venom was directly injected into the deepest part of his soul, making him crazy like an electric shock, tears. The snot and the white foam are involuntarily sprayed out.

"This is... the end of the ancient sacred world?"

Seeing his horrible appearance, the ancient saints who had been tricked into the Confederacy by his rhetoric were dizzy and felt extremely desperate. Looking back on the past six months, it was like the most ridiculous nightmare.

Damn, this is what the ghost federation, what the **** of the Three Realms!

"Don't mess around, look around, we still have hope!"

Long Yangjun’s throat spurted a **** flame, and his voice screamed exhaustedly.


Many ancient sages looked at them in all directions, only to find out when they were collided by hundreds of fragmented virtual worlds. The crazy swirling and stirring crystal vortex slowed down slowly. A steady trend.

Between the ripples of the tumbling roads, there are tiny crystal clear spots, flying like fireflies, fluttering, flickering, flying in the air, flying to the outside world, the demon and the ancient holy strongman stalemate Not on the battlefield!

Inside every little light spot, it seems to be a clear or fuzzy face, all of which are joys and sorrows, seven emotions and six desires, and the most sincere emotions of all kinds of human beings.

this is……

"It is the soul of the gods, the soul of countless ordinary people and low-ranking monks!"

Long Yangjun was ecstatic and shouted. "It's the computing power really reaches the limit. It concentrates all the computing power and mental power to attack us. If we lose sight of it, there is no way to control the fragmented virtual. The world, the people it is being held in the virtual world, are all free!"

Here is the spiritual world. The size of each person's appearance here is measured by the strength of the soul power.

Ordinary people's soul power is weak, it is a firefly-like small light spot; if it is a low-level self-cultivator, it is a fist-sized light ball.

Most of them have been trapped in the virtual world for a long time. They don’t understand what happened, and they don’t understand where the horrible battlefield is. The little fireflies are floating in the void, surprised, fearful, Tightly and fascinatedly staring at the "giants" who are dying!

Only a few regiments with the clearest form, the most stable flame of the flames, seemed to realize what it was, flying to the top of everyone, and cast a suspicious look on both sides.

One of the souls of the fire, such as the little blue bird-like gesture, made Li Yao once again unable to bear the joy of crying. He used the vibrato in the deepest part of the soul to yell at the little blue bird: "Wei Qingqing! Qingqing sister! I am here!" (To be continued~^~)

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