Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1786: Burning blue bird!

"you are……"

The flamingo, which was intertwined with cyan flames, looked at the sound and soon felt a familiar wave of sorrow, but because the name was too shocking, she could not believe it for a while.

"It's me, I am Li Yao!"

Li Yao was in a hurry, and he said nothing. "The last time we met was before I set off for the Dark Nebula. You said that you wrote a new novel and invited me to enter the fantasy world created by the novel. I ended up with results. Knowing that it was a beautiful novel of a boy and a boy, he refused it, but Ding Ling seems to like to read the book. He stayed with you for a long time in the illusion. I don’t know what you are going to do. Let's go!"

The little green bird's eyes are shining, and she is going to shed the crystal clear tears. She can't believe her ears, and she is shocked and happy. "Lee Yao? Li Yao! It's really you!"

Wei Qingqing and all the other ghosts who participated in the "fire plan", those who claim to be spiritual people, are the true creators and defenders of the spiritual world. They have long been accustomed to life in the spiritual world, but they are also the devils outside the domain. Deceive the deepest people.

Wei Qingqing is a literary-type comprehension person. He is also a powerful "illusionist" who has the ability to construct illusions with words. Her screening, stability and destruction of the virtual world are superior to other types of comprehension at the same level. Above!

There are many illusionists, architects, script editors, data mining and analysts who share the same kind of fire plan. They are more adapted to the survival and battle in the spiritual world than the average person.

For the sake of absolute secrecy, the extraterrestrial demon naturally did not tell them the real plan. Instead, they used the "fire plan" as a scorpion. With the identity of Professor Mo Xuan, they deceived them to create a virtual world and a powerful "one after another." Grandpa "combat artificial intelligence!

One day ago, all the secret schools of the Baihua City and the high-level of the EFF were gathered in the base of the fire. When Li Yao vaguely discovered that there was a problem with Professor Mo Xuan, the extraterrestrial demon decided to launch in advance.

At the same time, he used the fake jumping coordinates to interfere with the route of the Li Yao and other people's transport ships. He also controlled all the secrets of the secret swords and the federal army at the base of the fire, including the souls of Wei Qingqing and others, all sealed in one place. In the spiritual world, they are not allowed to run out to interfere with the plan.

However, because of a series of coincidences, especially in the deep excavation of Long Yangjun and the brutal collision of Li Yao, all the virtual worlds are fragmented, and the souls of all are released to the core of the spiritual world.

When the extraterrestrial demon plunged all the computing power to the head of the twelve ancient sages led by Li Yao, they could no longer control the restless spirits. They were all free!

The Ghosts and Spirits, who are the third form of human civilization, are full of doubts watching this thrilling contest.

The atmosphere of the demon outside the field made them familiar, but the madness of the soul is fluctuating, but it is very strange, making them feel deep tremble.

"this is……"

Wei Qingqing fanned the wings of the blue-colored flames. Although it was still unknown, it was habitually blocked in front of Li Yao.

Just like a hundred years ago, in the north of the Great Wilderness train, facing the overwhelming beast tide, as a self-cultivator, she protects Li Yao as an ordinary person.

"It is not Professor Mo Xuan, it is an extraterrestrial demon!"

Twelve ancient saints know that the situation has reached the most critical moment. Even if Li Xia hates his teeth, he can only release the most powerful fire of the soul, and win valuable breath for Li Yao and Wei Qingqing. The opportunity, let Li Yao can finish the words like a cannon.

He is both an explanation for Wei Qingqing and a spiritual interpretation of the thousands of people who are confused. "The so-called spiritual and spiritual worlds are not for the 'human civilization inheritance plan' prepared tens of millions of years later, but now Turning into a realistic 'human civilization upgrade plan', the extraterrestrial demon wants to complete a terrible 'upgrade', to make all human beings become spiritual, to completely virtualize human civilization, to put everything we have in one The Taiwanese super crystal brain goes inside, and it hides behind the scenes to control these super crystal brains, control the entire spiritual world, and by the way, draws our seven emotions and desires, all precious emotions and wills, in this way, to achieve evil parasites!"


The souls of many ordinary people with little fireflies, but they don’t understand the true meaning of the "fire plan" and "virtualization of all human beings", but those experts who have personally participated in the fire plan, and have been thinking and stimulating for the past few decades. In the future of the debate, the people who are self-proclaimed as spiritual people are all shocked!

There is only one Li Yao in the Xingyao Federation, which can be said so passionately from Wei Qingqing.

Whether it is Li Yao’s identity or Li Yao’s words, even if the words “shocking earth” are written 10,000 times, it’s not enough to describe it!

But everything that surrounds their souls, the world of broken wars, the cruel Shura hell, and the supernaturals of the extraterrestrial world are not the "fire plan" to explain!

"Block it!"

Li Yao’s body and face are also filled with a twisted silver pattern. The erosion of the demon outside the field has reached the depths of his brain. His voice is shaking because of extreme pain. “We have tried our best, now Only you, the ones who know the virtual world best, can stop it!"

"This is real……"

Wei Qingqing and the eyes of many spiritual people, from the teeth of the twelve ancient sages who struggled and struggled, moved to the outer magical demon of the teeth and the wilderness of the tentacles and the flagella. "You are not Professor Mo Xuan, you are the extraterrestrial demon." You have been cheating us!"

"Don't listen to him nonsense!"

In the depths of the silver-white "cosmic virus", the voice of "Mr. Mo Xuan" was eagerly aroused. "I am Mo Xuan. Everything I do is to give the whole federation a life without a war." There is no contradiction, a perfect new world of absolute peace! You are all spiritual people, and they are all part of this perfect new world. Have you not realized how wonderful the spiritual world is, and how ugly is the outside world? You should Standing on my side, let all human beings, like you, upgrade from the Terran and the Yaozu to the Lingzu!"

"No, no! This is not the same as we said, this is different from what Professor Mo Xuan told us!"

Wei Qingqing fanned his wings and rolled up a blue whirlwind to resist the whistling tentacles from all directions. "The conditions for the complete independence of the spirits are still immature. We are all forced to help because they have lost." Your own flesh and blood, you have to live in the spiritual world! The soul world is no better, but also the real world as a template, it is the soil that needs real life to be born! The spiritual world that loses the support of the real world, is not passive Water, no wood, castle in the air?

"Moreover, the operation and expansion of the spiritual world does not require resources. The 'computational power' is the most critical resource in the spiritual world, and the generation of computing power depends on the continuous upgrading of the super crystal brain and the infinite expansion of the Da Yi Ling network.

"No matter whether it is a super crystal brain or a signal transmission and receiving base station of the Great One, it needs to consume a lot of resources in the real world to refine it. Many valuable resources are also non-renewable and scarce!

"The resources for refining the crystal brain and maintaining the interstellar network are limited, and the contradiction will be born. What is the 'perfect new world'? In addition to death, there is something truly perfect in this world!

"So, the spiritual and spiritual worlds are not prepared for today. We belong to the future and belong to the future of millions of years and tens of millions of years! Leave 'now' to the people now, we become human civilization. 'Future explorers', to explore and conquer the universe tens of millions of years later!

"These reasons are not all Professor Mo Xuan in the past. Have you been teaching us? If you are really Professor Mo Xuan, how can you betray your own heart, how can you turn such a terrible world into reality!"

In the face of Wei Qingqing's questioning, the silver-white "cosmic virus" has a confusing embarrassment, gradually condensing into a vague face, it is Professor Mo Xuan, shame, guilt, perseverance, fanaticism... The expressions are mixed together, the intricate face: "... I can't let go, I can't let go of the deeply loved country, the deep love of my compatriots, the deeply loved human civilization! I can't wait for tens of millions of years. I don't want to wait for thousands of seconds! I want to save them, I want to save you, I want to save everyone!"

He had a bunch of scorpion and worm-like tendons on his big face, like a fierce battle between heaven and earth. His expression suddenly changed and he became very embarrassed again. "Who stopped me from saving? All human beings, who are the greatest enemy of human civilization, are the real 'civilized viruses'! In a perfect new world of absolute peace, such viruses must be killed!

"Since you are not willing to follow me to carry out such a sacred and great mission, then all of them will become part of me and become part of the spiritual world!"

“哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 !!

The tiny flagella of the whole body suddenly stretched out, and the souls of the ordinary people like fireflies, and the low-order monks of the size of the fists.

Most of these people are research-oriented, management-oriented and literary-type comprehensions. The spirit of the soul is not as strong as Li Yao and the twelve ancient sages. In the twinkling of an eye, they are swallowed up by the extraterrestrial demon!


One of the strongest tentacles, opened the **** mouth at the end, and swept the head of the Qingqing scorpion. From the big mouth of the blood basin, he even pulled out hundreds of tentacles that were both teeth and tongues. !

"Qingqing sister!"

Li Yao was shocked. I didn't know which corner of the soul was crushing a new force. Even in the mad roar, the tentacles around the body were all broken, and the Qing dynasty rushed.

It was a step late.

Before his actions, Wei Qingqing’s literary-type comprehension, who had no bond power, once again, like the great wilderness train more than a hundred years ago, stirred up his weak and poor fighting power, and the powerful and unparalleled spirit. The fire turned into a burning, smashing little blue bird, and smiled back to Li Yao. Then, without hesitation, he flew high, like the arrow of the string, rushing toward the **** mouth of the heavenly demon!

"Professor Mo Xuan, this is not the real you, wake up!" -

Congratulations to the three book-friends, "Clouds and fog, one smoke", "three kilometers", "gene private s0dove", and become the new ally of "Fifty Years of Comprehension!" Now we have twenty-four ally, everyone's fighting power is quite strong, and the old cows feel that they are walking and windy, hehe! (To be continued~^~)

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