Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1787: Sing it! Roar! Let it burn!


Li Yao reached out and fished, but only got a few pieces of burning cyan feathers. Each piece of feathers was a shard of the soul of Wei Qingqing. It condensed the bits and pieces of her past hundred years... on the distant resources planet and the children. Laugh together; wholeheartedly immersed in the world of novels, enjoy the joy of imagination; join the "fire plan" to explore the excitement and embarrassment of the future world after hundreds of millions of years!

That is her singing, her pride, her hopes, the flash of her life!

In front of these shiny blue feathers, Wei Qingqing is a double-winged agitation, suddenly accelerating, rushing to the ugly **** mouth of the heavens!

She was entangled in hundreds of tentacles without any accident, but at the moment when the soul is about to be torn, she still gnaws her own faint light, just like a train that was in the north of the wilderness and encounters the animal tide 100 years ago. Burning out all of your life, just to be able to excite a "Taiyi Thunder Magnetic Gun"!

In front of Wei Qingqing and Li Yao’s memory, Wei Qingqing came together and turned into a blue bird that was unyielding and immortal, disappearing into the depths of the blood of the Tianmo.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Li Yao is furious, every shackle in the depths of the soul, every ban, every barrier bursts! burst! burst!

In his eyes, nostrils, ear canal and corners of the mouth, silver-white liquid metal rushed out, and was immediately burned by the anger of the real anger. It was the force of the evil spirits that had just invaded his body, but It was forced by him under the fury of despair!

Li Yao’s original faint and small spirits, once again clear, inflated and extremely burning, erected with roots and roots, making his head like an extremely active volcano, continuously spurting the magma of the soul, burning Red all the darkness of the sky!

"This, what is this power!"

"The soul of such a powerful spirit is still not improving. Is this really just a Yuan Ying!"

The rest of the ancient saints are still in the state of "competing internal forces" with the extraterrestrial demon. The two sides are entangled and stalemate, although they barely resist the erosion of the extraterrestrial demon, and even in turn entangle and consume the extraterrestrial demon. Huge computing power, but they must be able to launch counterattacks.

At this moment, they all sensed the power of Li Yao’s crazy surging. Li Yao’s brain is like a black hole leading to a different world. The power from the distant Xinghai is being repaired for 40,000 years. The world has come, and the ripples of the soul that have never been seen before, have made the savage and powerful people including Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun stunned and overwhelmed!

In addition to Wei Qingqing, all the other spiritual people have heard Li Yao just explained the cause and effect, and also heard the creepy declaration of the extraterrestrial demon.

Most of the spiritual people, even if they regard the spiritual world as a new home, can not accept their loved ones, future generations and compatriots. Forever living this life, but also to be controlled and parasitized by the extraterrestrial demons!

Wei Qingqing is their example. Even if they become "spirits", they are still proud humans!

Countless only the size of the fist-sized self-cultivator, even the ordinary human spirits like fireflies, all in the shouts, rushed over the heavens!

The dark void, a gorgeous meteor shower, human dignity, pride and free will, bloom in the most embarrassing form!

Booming and banging!

Countless people, countless self-cultivators and ordinary people's spirits, slammed into the extraterrestrial demon, on the silver-white "virus" shell, bursting a circle of gorgeous ripples.

But after all, they were too weak and weak, and they did not understand the method of attacking the soul. The random collision did not have much effect. Instead, it was swept away by the tentacles and flagella of the demon outside the domain, and swallowed it.

Every time you swallow a small soul, the power of the demon outside the field expands by one point. The soul that is too late to be swallowed is also used by its tentacles to shoot. The firefly-like spirit is like being involved in a fierce storm. The dark void is swaying around, screaming in the screams!

"Ha ha ha ha, here is the deepest part of my carefully constructed spiritual world, here is my field, my world!"

The whiplash of the demon outside the field squirmed and smirked. "The bits and pieces here are all carrying out my will and implementing my laws. No one can beat me here, no one!"

"As a spiritual family, you should have been the builders and defenders of the spiritual world, and are the new hope of human civilization!

"But you actually betrayed me, betrayed the spiritual world, and betrayed the new human civilization? Then all go to hell, and turn it into the most basic data stream, turning it into a database of my............"

Its laughter came to an abrupt end.

There was a circle of abnormal cockroaches on the surface of the virus shell. A series of deformed bubbles grew in the center of the virus. One flagella and tentacles collapsed, as if they were disturbed by some invisible force. freely!

"Wave! **** wave!"

Each of the deformed bubbles bursts open, and a green light is emitted from the inside, and the green light is intertwined by cyan feathers.

"Ah! This is, this is"

The sneer of the demon outside the world turned into a scream of panic and confusion, and more and more bubbles spread all over it. "There was a slap in the air," and all the little fireflies like the fireflies rushed out from the inside. It's in control.

It is the soul of the soul, the soul that has just been swallowed by it, weak and small, but clear and firm!

"The computing power of the extraterrestrial monsters has reached the limit!"

Long Yangjun shouted excitedly. "The core data began to overflow. It can't digest and absorb so many souls. Its basic algorithm has some fatal logic error, and then swallows more souls. It will collapse. !"

"Impossible, how could this be!"

The flagella of the demon outside the field squirmed again, trying to block every burst of bubbles on the body, but it was just like using a fence wall to block the flood.

More and more "fireflies" are spewing out of it, like a shining fountain, not just the gods that have just been swallowed up by it, but even the fragments of the soul that it has swallowed in the past few decades. come out!

The green light that first tore its body, the green light of the cyan feathers, is condensed into a small, insignificant bluebird, flapping its wings freely between the storm and the whirlpool. , radiating light!

"Qingqing sister!"

Li Yao raised two hot magma in his eye socket, and added a new name to the list of women who want to embrace most than his wife!

The extraterrestrial genius map builds a new world with only the spiritual family, but the so-called "spirit" first discards it. It spits out a lot of spirits that are incompatible with its core algorithm, and its shape is extremely wilting, like a deflated The ball, and the crumpled shell is surging with silver waves. The three or four waves are like fighting and swallowing each other. In the end, one of the waves stands out and condenses into a new human form.

It is what Professor Mo Xuan looks like!

"Lee Yao!"

This "Mr. Mo Xuan" flashed a look of embarrassment, remorse, confusion and perseverance on his face. His arms were deeply inserted into the silver-white sphere, which ignited a whirlpool that went straight to the core and looked up at Li. Yao Yao stunned, "Now, open fire to me, end it all!"


Li Yao muttered, "Is it you, is it true Professor Mo Xuan?"

"He is Professor Mo Xuan!"

The little blue bird hovering in midair screamed, "It is the conflict between him and the core logic of the extraterrestrial world that only let us out!"

"Don't say that much, I have exposed it to my core database!"

Professor Mo Xuan’s eyes shed tears of silver and white, screaming and screaming. “Do not destroy the core database. It can escape and regenerate at any time. I can’t hold on for too long, fire at me, kill me, destroy it. !"

"What are you doing, what are you doing!"

The surface of the silver-white sphere has bulged several clusters of silver magma, all of which have been transformed into the appearance of Professor Mo Xuan, but the facial features are distorted, and the faces are not the same as the real professors.

These fake Professor Mo Xuan screamed and rushed toward the real Professor Mo Xuan, but no matter how they bite and pull, they could not stop the real Professor Mo Xuan and open the core database to Li Yao!

"Don't hesitate, Li Yao, do what you should do!"

The true Professor Mo Xuan is arrogant in the silver-white magma.

Li Yao understood.

Perhaps the spirit of Professor Mo Xuan was really fragmented in the accident decades ago and lost more than half.

But even this small half of what remains is something that can be called "humanity."

No matter what the body and spirit become, he is still a human being. He is still a self-cultivator. He is still Professor Mo Xuan!

Li Yao raised his right hand high in the anger of anger and tears.

He heard the singing and roaring of all the spirits around him, and he also felt the shock of his own soul. This shock is so weak, but it has endless potential and strength.

This is resonance, the soul of human beings, the resonance generated at the same frequency, the resonance!

"Yeah, I seem to have the last move!"

"Learning from the Iron Star refiner, the war is resonating!"

"The so-called war, that is, the embodiment of the soul of the soul to the limit, since the war can resonate, why the soul can not!"

"Come on, sing, roar, burn, resonate! Everyone, let me perceive the excitement of your spirits, your pride as human beings, the determination to fight you, let me, gather your strength!"

Li Yao’s soul is deep, majestic, passionate, and high-pitched music, such as the dam opening the floodgate and pouring out! (To be continued.)

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