Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1789: There is also a demon!

Li Yao saw a new universe rising in front of himself.

Every star in the universe is condensed by the brightest flash of a person's life.

The intense joy, anger, sorrow and joy, all together and the spirit of Li Yao gathered together, turned into a surging, mighty Galaxy, unstoppable into the core database of the extraterrestrial world!

"Ah! Don't! Don't kill me, humans! We are a group..."

The extraterrestrial demon is like a burnt glass ball. All the tentacles and flagella melt, and even the silver-white shell pulls down the layers of folds.

In the impact of this strong emotion and will, it made a desperate and distorted scream.

The screams soon became the "swallowing" swallowing and roaring sounds. Its core database completely collapsed, and the energy fluctuations turned into a bleak curve, drowned in Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan, Wei Qingqing. There is also the soul of everyone!

In the real world, the supervised crystal brain of No. 01 space station, the super crystal brain of the fire base, and the Baihua City are all around, responsible for interacting with the seven worlds, and transmitting the Shennian base station, all of which have a series of explosions!

Losing the control of the extraterrestrial demon, the dark void can no longer be supported, and the bottom of the entire spiritual world begins to collapse. Countless people have exhausted everything in the soul resonance, and their memory fragments are like the stars and the devils are scattered. The powerful spirits of Yao and Gu Shengqiang are attracted to them, and they are immersed in their souls, so that they all see countless grotesque memories in an instant!

Li Yao’s soul is the core database that directly smashes the basic database of the demon outside the domain. It naturally engulfs a large amount of information, data and energy fluctuations of the extraterrestrial demon. These dying alien energy slams in the depths of his spirit, and slams the hidden The one at the bottom of his soul... the door!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Li Yao felt that the soul of the soul was the deepest, and three thunders were heard. The seal and the shackles were smashed, and an invisible door slowly opened!

Not long ago, under the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, this "gate" was once shocked by the demon spirit of the other world, so that Li Yao felt the existence of the "gate".

Now, the seal on the gate is completely opened. Through the slightly open doorway, his soul is deep like an incredible passage, leading to another world and seeing a stable star system. The third planet, a blue planet.



Li Yao wants to hold his head and arrogant, but the soul has merged with the whole universe, and can only be with the vortex composed of thousands of soul fragments, sinking and floating, drifting with the tide.

In the daytime, he seemed to hear his voice: "I will definitely come back, I will definitely come back, I will definitely come back!"


Li Yao seems to have fallen into a deep black sea, and the soul rejoined.

Opposite him, Professor Mo Xuan opened his arms and floated in the void. He still wore the simple shape of a gray-white coat, his unshaven, two white, and not trimmed, but the deepest part of his eyes, love, regret, shame, pain and decisive light, but Li Yao realized that he was different from the moment.

This is... as true as a hundred years ago, the real Professor Mo Xuan!

Professor Mo Xuan opened his arms at the end of his arms and dragged countless filaments. These shiny wires were like the extension of his blood vessels and nerves, all the way into the darkness.

Li Yao can sense the powerful life energy, along these filaments, rushing out from the depths of Professor Mo Xuan’s spirit, I don’t know where it is going!

Professor Mo Xuan’s last life was burning wildly. His soul was getting weaker and weaker, his body shape gradually became dim and transparent, even starting from the toes, and the inch of the powder made a sparkling powder, which drifted into the darkness.

He smiled positively and went to death very calmly.

Li Yao's eyes wide open: "Professor, what are you doing, why are you doing this, burning your own soul!"

"Listen, Li Yao."

Professor Mo Xuan coughed softly. "I don't have much time. I am very happy to be in this way. You can end it all. Before I leave, I still have a few words to tell you." ”

"Will not!"

Li Yao hurriedly said, "Since your remnant is still here, there is no way to do it anyway. You will not die. You are even in a state of 'virtual spirits'. There must be a way to stop. !"

"I am not dead."

Professor Mo Xuan said calmly, "I... at the last moment, in order to attack you, desperately to transfer a lot of computing power, so that inside and outside Baihua City, countless master crystal brains are overloaded, and finally many owners The battle between the control crystal brain and the Xinghai communication all exploded, and the Baihua City was completely out of control!

"Now, the gravity control array, the temperature adjustment magic unit and the oxygen circulation system in each space station have all problems, and then dragged on, will die, will die a lot of people.

"Only I, exhausting the last bit of computing power, can urgently fix these problems and build a new temporary control loop to restore the 30% function of Baihua City.

"So, no way, just wash my one-tenth of a mile... sin!"


Li Yao is completely unclear. "Are you, yourself, or the extraterrestrial demon?"

Professor Mo Xuan touched the corner of his mouth in a difficult way and asked: "Where are you, 100% of Li Yao, or do you have some 'Bloody Devil' in it? The so-called 100% Mo Xuan or Li Yao, is it? Does it really exist? Is it that the extraterrestrial demon infects human beings, will it show so much evil and ugliness, or is human being so evil and ugly, so it will attract the arrival of extraterrestrial demon?

"These problems are too complicated. Let us study them slowly! Time is limited, Li Yao, listen to me."

At this time, Professor Mo Xuan's legs to the knees, all turned into flashing dust, scattered into the darkness.

Professor Mo Xuan’s eyebrows suddenly burst into a small silver-white ball of light and slowly floated in front of Li Yao.

"I once told you that the next time you meet, you have to teach you how to turn your God."

Professor Mo Xuan has an ugly smile. "In fact, you have already realized something about it. The so-called **** is not a vain thing, but it is the release, resonance, infection and control of the soul. Every monk has its own 'domain', and your field may be the sound that is stirred up from your soul!

"Before you swallowed a lot of shards of the gods of the extraterrestrial world, you should be able to get a lot of magical powers that make the souls free to shuttle through the spirit net. This database is the brainchild of my decades of research and should help you better sort out. Power, concise the soul, and rush to the real realm of realism!

"I am afraid that there are still residuals of extraterrestrial magic in this database. I don't feel relieved when I give it to others. Since your **** has a strange 'Bloody Demon' and is very immune to the extraterrestrial demon, it will be collected by you. Let it go, after purification, it will be disposed of by you!

"Also, there are also a lot of research data and experimental data in it, all about artificial intelligence and the big one."

"Believe me, Li Yao, the big one is the future of human civilization. Maybe today, I am anxious, but don't squander it, don't succumb to it, don't touch the future because of fear, just seal yourself in the seemingly Safe 'now'!

"Human, is it necessary to embark on the road of the future? As you said, no matter how dark, dangerous, ugly and painful there is, move forward bravely!

"I look forward to the day when, even after tens of millions of years and hundreds of millions of years, our human civilization can really rush out of this new form, raise our universe, seal our universe, go to the bigger world. Take a look!"

He cuddled, smiled, and looked forward to, his legs gradually disappeared with the wind, leaving only the waist, mottled, faint body.

"I will!"

Li Yao felt that his eye sockets and heart were hot again. He held the essence of Professor Mo Xuan’s cultivation for hundreds of years in his palm. “Today, human beings cannot do without the network. Perhaps it is possible to teach your ideals. Tens of thousands of years later!"

"Oh, I firmly believe this."

Professor Mo Xuan took a deep breath and raised his voice slightly. "But now, there is one more thing that you need to do, and there is an extraterritorial demon to rely on you to destroy!"

Li Yao was shocked: "Is there another one?"

Professor Mo Xuan explained: "The splitting and reproduction of extraterrestrial demons is very energy-intensive, so since I was swallowed up by me a hundred years ago, this extraterritorial demon has been "split" or "reproduced" twice.

"One of them, Lei Yuqin, a brain domain expert, split up for my soul detection and psychotherapy and invaded her soul.

"However, it was a less successful division. Lei Yuqin's own emotions and ambitions were not very strong. He did not breed too strong extraterrestrial demon, which was easily eliminated by you in the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital.

"But before that, when the virtual world collapsed, there was already a very successful 'reproduction', and the eroded was another experimenter, "Lv Dengchen!"

Li Yao was shocked: "The grandson of Lu drunk, the apprentice of Su Changfa, the president of the emperor's association, the leader of the federal cultivator, but it should be the dark son Lu Jinchen buried by Jin Xinyue!"

"Yes, don't underestimate him. He has incomparably strong emotions and huge ambitions. For the extraterrestrial demon, even, even more suitable for me, it is more suitable for parasitic ‘the lair!'”

Professor Mo Xuan gasped hard. "According to the plan, we are divided into two groups. I will control everything in the Federation. He will invade and take over the entire Black Wind Fleet.

"Our plan is double insurance. If it really makes the Federation and the Black Wind Fleet fight together, it is natural that we will seize power. But even if I have a scorpion here, as long as he can successfully control and strengthen the Black Wind Fleet, there is Opportunity to suppress the entire federation!" -

Perhaps it happened that the two days of "Fifty Years of Comprehension" talked about the problems of ai and humans, and in the real world, the ai and chess king wars in the world of chess also reignited.

Whether ai will eventually transcend human beings, or even "end" humans in some way, the old bull can't imagine, just want to retell the words of chess king Ke Jie here:

"The new storm is about to strike, I will do all my wisdom for the ultimate battle!"

It’s awesome!

The vast universe, the infinite sea of ​​stars, the world of human life is just a small dust, the storm that destroys the earth and the earth will come at any time, the meteorites, the alien civilization, the artificial intelligence, the exhaustion of resources... the so-called civilization, like the wind Candles are erratic, but no matter how fierce the storm is, we will all do all the wisdom, courage and will, the ultimate battle! (~^~)

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