Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1790: Loved

"Control and strengthen the Black Wind Fleet?"

Li Yao was in a hurry. "How could it be that the Black Wind Fleet went up and down, how could he believe Lu Xiaochen, even if he believed him, how could he control the entire fleet alone?"

"It's very simple. I swallowed a lot of Su Shi's soul fragments. When I contacted the Black Net and the Black Wind Fleet, I was not pretending to be a fake Su Changfa. Su Changfa was originally part of me."

Professor Mo Xuan quickly said, "Su Changfa is a member of the real human empire, the real immortal, and I deliberately transmitted a large number of federal army defense maps, the latest model starship data, the frequency of the psionic shield disturbance and other key information to The Black Wind Fleet, these intelligences are true, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, naturally convinced of the existence of 'Su Changfa', and then let Su Changfa’s disciple, Lu Xiaochen, enter their flagship as a 'contact person'. 'Black Swirl'!

"The immortality is suspicious, and it is impossible to believe 100% of Su Changfa and Lu Qingchen. When Lu Xiaochen arrived on the black whirlpool, he was controlled, and even tortured. He also carried out deep excavation against the brain. I want to dig out the most real situation!

"But this point, long ago in our calculations, Lv Dengchen was deliberately sentenced, the purpose is to connect his brain and the tactical network of the Black Wind Fleet!"

Li Yao’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger: “Connect the brain and the spiritual network together, then you can”

"You can release the 'virus'."

Professor Mo Xuan was half-painful and half-feared. "In the integration with the extraterrestrial demon, Lu Qingchen is better than me. On the one hand, the life form of my liquid metal is too strange for the extraterrestrial demon. On the other hand, on the other hand When the virtual spirits collapsed, I was almost two hundred years old. Not only was the heart strong, but the intensity of the burning of the spirits passed the peak period and began to decline.

"Life and death, natural law, a two-hundred-year-old comprehension, no matter how you cultivate, can not prevent your soul from slowly depleting, the extraterrestrial demon who uses the fluctuation of the soul as the source of energy, naturally do not like my 'old man' .

"Lv is different from the dust. When the virtual world collapses, he is only 50 or 60 years old. In the case of the comprehension, he is the best age of 17 or 8 years old. His spirit is burning and his heart is not completely stable. It can even be said that he is in a state of confusion and is seeking his own heart!

"The extraterrestrial scorpion smashed into the sky and got the most perfect 'host'. Lv Dengchen came to the fore. In the fusion and development of the celestial demon, it is far better than me, and even controls some... the deepest layer of the celestial demon The secret!

"The flagship of the Black Wind Fleet is equipped with such a most dangerous 'Demon Bomb', but they themselves are ignorant, and they still have a big Xinghai jump. Don’t forget, when the Xinghai jumps, all the human brains in the fleet And the crystal brain, are in a strange "four-dimensional expansion" state, is the most vulnerable to invasion!

"According to the plan, Lv Dengchen will take advantage of the precious gap of the Xinghai Jump, implanting some 'things' in the depths of the brains of the Black Wind Fleet and the brains of the commander.

"When the battle between the two sides is the most intense, the computing power of the night and the main control of the crystal brain are all reached the limit, when the overload is running for a long time, and the collapse is about to happen, Lu will be able to launch the 'total attack' and deepen his brain. The demon 'or the 'virus' is released!"

"and many more!"

Li Yao called. "Is the Black Wind Fleet so stupid that he will not conduct the most thorough inspection of him? If you want to control the entire fleet, the number of 'Day Magic Viruses' must be extremely high. Can you not find out? ?"

"You don't understand the way ‘the devil is coming.'”

Professor Mo Xuan said, "The demon is not hidden in the mind of Lu Xiaochen. In fact, Lu’s brain and body are clean, even if the most vivid search of the secrets, no suspicious search can be found. s things.

"But, he has mastered a secret of the ancient gods, able to condense a thing in the depths of the brain... something like the door of the starry sky, to summon the extraterrestrial demon hidden between the three-dimensional and four-dimensional space!

"Remember the demon coming to the tenth star ring of the flying star world? Those devils did not fly slowly from somewhere in the Xinghai, but were summoned by the altar of the gods and appeared directly in our world!

"The so-called "Tianfu Altar" is equivalent to the "Star Torch" of the Devil, which can help them lock the coordinates of the three-dimensional world and come directly!

"Since the demon of the tenth star ring of the flying star world, the demon has been a hundred years old, and it has not been raging in the star sea. But in the past 100 years, they have not been idle, and they are still expanding and proliferating. Is waiting for this opportunity!"

Li Yao was completely confused: "Professor, how many devils, three, or countless?"

“The life form of the demon is very different from that of human beings. It cannot be divided by ‘one’.”

Professor Mo Xuan said, “They are more like a kind of 'half group wisdom', similar to the concept of hive and insect group. The single 'devil' is like the body's cells. It is self-conscious, has no thinking ability, and has no good or evil. Countless cells condense into a conscious human being, and countless 'devil' condenses into a primitive instinct. At this time, the demon still has no complete consciousness and thinking ability, only the instinct of erosion and parasitism, until it parasitizes A smart life, such as human beings, becomes the 'ultimate form', that is, the form of me, Lei Yuqin and Lv Dengchen!

"So, in the Xingyao Federation, the ultimate form of the extraterrestrial demon, now only Lu Xiaochen, but under his hand is also in control of the countless 'cell morphology' of the devil, these devils have the same strong infection ability, Can greatly enhance the host's killing, war, destruction, and desire to destroy!

"The time is limited, the specific principle I can't tell you. In short, you will have a huge 'brain hole' in the mind of Lu Xiaochen. As long as he is thinking, there are countless 'day magic viruses' or 'day magic cells. 'By the brain hole, break the 3D and 4D barriers, spurt out and infect everyone on the Black Wind Fleet!

"The black wind and the devil, it is definitely a doomsday catastrophe that sweeps the stars!"

"So brain hole!"

Li Yao exclaimed, suddenly thought of something, the body shocked, actually a little sluggish.

He suddenly thought that deep in his brain, it seems that there is also a big brain hole that can lead to the mysterious "earth."

What is this called!

Professor Mo Xuan coughed a few times, and the disappearing smog had already filled his chest. He murmured, "I brought such a disaster to the Federation. I am really a hundred deaths. I was completely desperate. I didn't expect you." I’m going to appear again! Listen, Li Yao, I don’t know if I can’t come, maybe there’s still a chance, maybe only you can save the Federation!”


Li Yaozhong focused on the head, "Reassured, this is my hand!"

"Those who come from the ancient sacred world, those who are born with the baby"

Professor Mo Xuan rushed to breathe. "They all listen to you?"

Li Yao: "...oh, it should, I will appeal to them with strong personality charm!"

"Then go to the heavenly world!"

Professor Mo Xuan shouted exhaustedly. "Now the elites of the Suiyuan Fleet and the Black Wind Fleet are assembled in Tianyuanjie, and they can't be broken. But the three stars of the Tianyuan world that have led to the outside world have been completely destroyed by the Tianmo. Regardless of the enemy and me, all of them are isolated and helpless, and the beasts are fighting, not endless!

"Now, it depends on who's reinforcements first arrived.

"Which reinforcements can come first, eat the enemy's most elite, and firmly control the gates of the three stars, who is the winner of this war!

"In the absence of the door of the starry sky, even if the coordinates of the Tianyuan world are mastered, the follow-up forces of the Federation will not be able to jump over in the past. If they do, they will only be blown into a loose sand by the Xinghai storm, and they will be broken by the enemy!

"But a dozen super-masters, even without the guidance of the star door, can still jump over, to turn the tide, counterattack!

"I... I have used the last bit of strength to send the transport ship back to Baihuacheng. The ancient holy strongmen are only shocked by the soul, slightly weak, and the others are unscathed. Just add a little bit of medicinal herbs. Restore 80% of the fighting power!

"Next, everything is handed over to you, Li Yao, I am very happy to see you again, I am sorry... I am sorry... I am sorry..."

Professor Mo Xuan smiled, fainted, and gradually disappeared, turning into a fluttering, flashing cloud of smoke.

"Professor, wait, professor, I have one last question I want to ask you!"

Li Yao is in a mess, and he can't figure out what to think about. If he doesn't ask, he won't have a chance. "Why did you divorce Yuan teacher at the beginning, and even made a scandal of derailment? That's not true, if only for the sake of Transforming Lei Yuqin into an extraterrestrial demon, you don't have to do this kind of thing!

"This incident is not the same as your past personality. It is the biggest flaw. I just smelled a strange taste from this incident. Only when I found you, I have a series of things behind me!"

"If you didn't divorce Yuan teacher at the beginning, maybe the plan of the extraterrestrial demon has been successful!"

"It turned out to be such a flaw."

Professor Mo Xuan gave a slight glimpse, and the face that gradually melted out showed the most touching smile. "I have nothing to do with Lei Yuqin. The matter is really too badly planned, but it is a bit too bad.

"In this life, I only loved one person deeply. In any case, I will not let my favorite person get involved in such a dangerous whirlpool, and will not give the extraterrestrial demon... the chance of infecting Manchu, never. !"

Li Yao lived.

After a long time, I couldn’t help but laugh, laughing and tears could not stop falling down: "So, the extraterrestrial demon has long since failed. As early as fifty years ago, its plan was doomed to failure!"

Professor Mo Xuan also laughed.

His life has been exhausted, the fire of the soul has been extinguished, only a firefly-like Mars is left, forming a shallow smile, slowly swaying, dissipating in the darkness, bringing darkness Vaguely bright: "Goodbye, Li Yao."

"Goodbye, Professor!"

"Good luck, the federation; good luck, people...class..." (to be continued.)

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