Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1796: Big white strikes!

The five empire cultivators also found that He Lianlie was rushing toward them.

Their stature was slightly stagnation, and it seemed that some of the crazy EFF majors were doing something.

But in the next second, the crystal cannons and the honeycomb-type miniature flying sword launching units all over their crystals condensed an extremely dangerous light.

The last storm is about to strike. He Lianlie has nothing to care about. He just wants to condense his last drop of wisdom, courage, spirit, will and emotions into this knife, not to the garbage. But to the endless star, he wants to tell the whole universe

"I have been here!"

Herlian’s ugly face burst into a splendid, youthful smile, ready to welcome the baptism of mysterious light, bullets, radiation, ripples, shocking swords and chainsaw swords.

The only regret is that it has been too hasty. He has just recovered the proud heart of his childhood. He has no time to sacrifice for himself. He wants a foot to be loaded... even if it is the local town of Fugo City. The rhetoric of the textbook.

Although, no second person will hear it.

But in the next second, the other's miniature beehives were opened, and even the ruined Xuanguang was rushed out. The five imperial sergeants were accompanied by a large area around them, all of them were covered with hundreds of white **** of light. Devouring!

The ball of light expands to a hundred meters in a tenth of a second, and it annihilates in a tenth of a second. This is the instant of less than half a second, and most of the material in the sphere of light is swallowed. They are all annihilated, leaving only a few shredded cosmic dusts, still full of colorful light!

There is still a white light left on the retina of He Lianlie, but there has been a small "empty bubble" on the battlefield. The imperial division in the empty bubble is like a bacterium swallowed by white blood cells, and the loss is heavy!

He Lian Lie was stunned. If the non-killing dragon knife is directly attached to the armor armor, the sword must be taken out.

"this is"

He narrowed his eyes and stared at the direction of the gunfire.

The remote scanning crystal eye of the crystal enamel has been damaged. Under the strong battlefield magnetic interference, it can not connect to the war network of its own, and cannot call the image captured by the Federal Army's large-scale detection crystal eye.

He can only vaguely see some tiny spots of light, like... a thin, razor-like razor, driving the invisible cosmic wind, inserting the blackest fleet between the two jump clusters, the most fragile gap !

"It's our fleet!"

He Lianli's eyes widened, slamming the handle on the helmet and trying to knock on several damaged crystal eyes.

Not to mention, the repairs that have been widely circulated among the veterans are still true. The burning image on his retina seems to become clearer. It makes him see clearly. It is a small but fast speed. The Federal Fleet, not knowing where it was hidden, is like drilling directly from the gaps in the universe.

Although it is a major rank, He Lianlie does not have any special command and control. He is a purely combat-type comprehension. He has been following the "pointer" route and is ignorant of the battleship confrontation.

However, after all, he is also a veteran of the EFF in the EFF, and he still has his own very emotional judgment on the judgment of the winning and losing situation.

His criterion is to look at the uniformity of the flames at the end of the starship. Regardless of the size and strength of the two sides, every battle he fought in is almost always the one that wins the uniformity of the tail.

Even if the two sides get together and get into a muddy battle, it is often the first party that can unify the taillights, and then recover from the chaos and win the final victory!

But this time, it’s perfect to come to the tail flame of this mysterious fleet of your own side, not to be “tidy and uniform”!

He Lianlie is not a person who is good at dancing and ink. The years of killing and cultivation have not allowed him to accumulate too many artistic cells, but he still understands from the deflection, folds and arcs of these taillights, and the constant changes in color. It was a thrilling beauty.

The wild bee danced wildly, the razor flew, the wolves roared, the mysterious fleet charged, attacked and evaded the high-level to such a level. Even the layman like He Lianlie found the Black Wind Fleet under the guidance of their scalpels. The weakness is like the whole battlefield, because of the emergence of the mysterious fleet, it is clear!

He Lianlie saw that the Black Wave Fleet led the first wave of attacking clusters led by the flagship "Black Swirl" and the second wave of attacking clusters carrying a large number of Star Torthors, because they jumped twice, each other Between, opened a certain distance.

The original Tianyuan Fleet has been completely defeated, and the original fleet is too long to be able to stop the integration and deployment of the two parts of the Black Wind Fleet.

But this mysterious fleet was drilled out at the most aggressive moment of the "Black Swirl", silently rushing to the Black Wind Fleet's foothold, and carrying a lot of cumbersome rear.

They are like the sharpest razors, cutting off the outer shell of the Black Wind Fleet, followed by blasts, indiscriminate bombing, turning all the fragile stars into fireballs!

In terms of quantity, they are far less than the Black Wind Fleet, and the ship's firepower seems to be inferior, but from the timing and the coordination between the Starships...

They are the most powerful fleets that He Lianli has seen!

He Lianlie saw that the Black Wind Fleet was hit with an ass, and the head with the "Black Swirl" as its core was unwinding and whirlwind. The huge fleet, like the cosmic octopus, stretched out six by hundreds of starships. The "tentacle" consisting of trying to surround the mysterious fleet on six sides.

The mysterious fleet is like the most embarrassing little fish. Before the "touchers" came over, it smashed out, swimming between criss-crossing beams of light, and even some strolling.

Then the formation suddenly changed, and harassment from the outside, like a mosquito that can only be mad, is to prevent the front and back of the Black Wind Fleet from blending together.

Swift rush, violent firepower, wretched dodge, can't catch, can't die, can't go, they don't look like a giant warship at least a few hundred meters long, it's like a single person wrapped in soap bubbles Battle shuttle!


He Lianlie did not know the emergence of this mysterious fleet. Can it reverse the whole situation? After all, their number and firepower are still too weak compared to the Black Wind Fleet. I am afraid that they can only delay for a while in a harassment manner.

However, the mysterious fleet attracted all the attention. Now the main battlefield has become the combination of the two front and back of the Blackwind Fleet. The Imperial sergeants who were cleaning the battlefield all went crazy and went back. They are the fleet of the Tianyuan Fleet. The wreckage cooled down instantly.

No one pays attention to him, and there are thousands of thousands of people who are dead or dead, or ordinary soldiers who are still floating in the cans.

If this is really a revelation from the thief, he can't be stupid waiting for the rescue.

He Lianlie groped for a long time on the battlefield. He found more medical pharmacy and high-energy food from several first-aid kits that died in the same robes. He added it to his first aid kit and found some plug-ins. The Psionic Jet Unit is mounted on a fragmented wafer to increase the speed slightly.

There are still many intact chainsaw swords and shock knives on the battlefield, but He Lianlie is reluctant to kill the dragon knife that has followed him for a long time.

Anyway, this giant sword is originally three or four meters long. Even if it is half cut, even if it is covered with cracks and gaps, it will be completely cracked even in the next second.

But this second, it can still fight!

He Lianli reversed the handle and knocked on the helmet three times. He whispered to himself: "You are He Lianlie! You are He Lianlie! You **** but He Lianlie!

"Go to something, no matter what!"

He Lian Lie uplifted, urging the power array and the jet unit, rushing toward thousands of starships and rushing to the most densely populated airspace.

Now he still doesn't know what he can do.

But first of all, he must first think of a rhetoric, especially heroic, especially the kind of blood.


The layman watched the excitement and the insider looked at the doorway. Compared with the layman such as He Lianlie, the mysterious appearance of the Great White Fleet appeared in the highest command center of the Federal Defense Council, which simply rolled up a tenfold white storm.

Under the unremitting efforts of Jingnao and Lingwang experts, one communication line was repaired, and one and the other detected crystal eyes were reconnected. The original ambiguous battlefield was re-cleared.

The offensive trajectory of the Great White Fleet galloping like a wind and looting like a fire has also turned into a lot of incredible data, and it has sprayed all the top leaders of the Federation.

"There was a direct interspersed between the front and back of the Black Wind Fleet, causing massive chaos in the back of the enemy, but its own damage rate will not exceed 2%!"

"Five fifteen minutes! In just fifteen minutes, from the cone attack array, it became a butterfly-shaped battlefield with both offense and defense. Even the Suiyuan fleet did not have any exercises in the exercise! The fleet of this size, It takes at least 20 minutes to complete the change, not to mention the high-intensity artillery!"

"Is this really a big white fleet? Isn't the Big White Fleet a miscellaneous army that started with a transport ship and a star thief? Even after so many years of adjustment, their tactics are still a guerrilla and harassment of the Star Pirates, why? Can they make such a perfect golden battle in the frontal confrontation of the big fleet?"

"More than that, far more than! You look at the fire and the division of the Dabai Fleet, and then look at their anti-judgment of the Black Wind Fleet counterattack route. The amazing rhythm is already faintly holding the Black Wind Fleet. With the nose gone, let alone hundreds of starships as one of the coordination! Such a commanding art, even in the original fleet, you think about it, which level of commander can be achieved?"

"Is the man who is commanding the Big White Fleet, is it really a white star sword, that... a half-hanger that was driven out by the Suiyuan fleet?"

Warm reminder~ Today is the last day of the double monthly pass, everyone will not hide and squat, not a pity!

The old bull reception room 202330158, 2023 3:1 158 (two thousand people, a small group!)

The old cow reception room two groups 386336065, three eight six three three six zero six five (the same two thousand people, very exciting!)

There is also Sina Weibo, the search user name is "Women live-action deity", the "Simplified version of the "40-year-old comprehension" and all kinds of latest news will be announced in time, come to pay attention to the old cow! (To be continued.)

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