Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1797: Five hundred years of a sword!

Looking at the three-dimensional light curtain constantly interspersed, turned, raided, detached, suddenly gathered, unpredictable, like a shadow like a white fleet, all the federal executives can not believe their eyes.

"Strict, strict heart sword!"

At this moment, a wrinkled military staff suddenly cried, "The tactics used by the Great White Fleet today, and the former stern swords gathered in the Stars, under the cover of the Star Storm, when they attacked the Sixth Joint Fleet of Heavenly The classic battle case is very similar!"

As soon as this statement came out, many starship combat experts showed their eyes and recalled.

Today's federal starship experts and commanders at all levels are mostly from the flying star world. The most powerful fleet in the past five hundred years in the flying star industry is the "Six Saints Joint Fleet."

Yan Xinjian is the only one who has served as the commander of the Sixth Joint Fleet and has completely defeated it!

Today, his good and evil have long since vanished, but he has won a classic battle case with the title of "the first man of the five-hundred-year starship tactics", but it has become the textbook and research of the federal starship command school at all levels. Object.

In the most famous "Spider's Nest Star Counterattack", Tiansheng Liuzong summoned all the forces of the major sects of the Flying Stars to form a mighty army, crushing the spider's nest star with overwhelming momentum.

Yan Xinjian, in the capacity of "Star Thief Supreme", ordered many unruly star thieves to suppress all dissatisfaction in a short period of less than a year, and polished them from the rabble to the unparalleled strength of the lawless.

At that time, the secret waterways and jumping points of the spider's nest star to the outside world were almost discovered and blocked. The star thieves were isolated and had nowhere to escape. They lacked reliable logistics supply and large industrial refining bases. The number and grade of star ships. Firepower and defense are far less than the combined fleet.

Regardless of the new commander of the combined fleet, or the head of the Sixth Heaven, or even most of the Star Thieves, they do not think that there is any suspense in the starship confrontation. They thought that the decisive battle would be on the ground of the spider's nest star, at least the low earth orbit circle. It started inside.

However, under the cover of a rare star-sea storm in a hundred years, Yan Xinjian is desperate, throwing out the nest, and ruling the main force of the Star Wars fleet to bypass most of the joint fleet, and raiding their heavy supply fleet in the rear!

In that battle, Yan Xinjian’s commanding art came to the forefront and was superb. He clearly had the opportunity to completely defeat the heavy supply fleet but did not do so. Instead, he mixed up in the heavy supply fleet and used the huge and clumsy transport ship as his own. In this way, the "Brigade" and "Rejection", to the greatest extent, hampered the hands and feet of the joint fleet, and eventually lured them into the most violent whirlpool of the Star Storm, and achieved a miraculous victory!

This classic battle with weak wins and strongs has affected the next two or three hundred years.

At least in the era when Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan came to the flying star world, Tiansheng Liuzong still did not recover, and could not organize a second joint fleet of the same scale. He had to rely on the "Taiwan Warrior" to encircle the spider nest star. .

The battle of today is like a replica of the battle of that year.

After a few rounds of interspersed and fire test, the Great White Fleet plunged into the depths of the second wave of the Black Star Fleet, and assembled the components of the Star Torch and the Starry Sky as a shield to resist from The black whirlpool is raging!

This is an extremely dangerous game. It is called a dance on the blade. While completely disrupting the enemy formation, it is also very likely to be disturbed by the enemy. If you are accidentally entangled by the frigates next to the star torch, you will never escape. Out.

In the past five hundred years, perhaps within a thousand years, only the savvy sword, the madman, dared to use this tactic.

Even the countless starship commanders of the new federation, after studying for a whole hundred years, have to admit that this unique crazy tactic cannot be copied and should not be copied!

Because this kind of "white blade charge" still maintains a high degree of calmness and control, while completely chaosing the enemy, he can also change the formation of the game as desired, and have an insight into the computing power, the power of control and the performance of the starship. It is too high, even innate, unable to cultivate!

Any commander who has not reached the level of Yan Xinjian will rush to follow his tactics and will only be self-defeating.

"The sharpest sword of Yan Xinjian can only be used by himself."

This is a very popular sentence in the circle of Star Wars federal starship commanders.

But today

"No, not a copy."

Many starship experts are obsessed with the "sword mansions" on the light curtain or the fierce or strange or fierce or embarrassing, and they have issued a nightmare sigh. "It is simply an 'enhanced version', more than the former Yan Xinjian. Strong!"

Regardless of individual combat capability or fleet commanding ability, Yan Xinjian is one of the most outstanding ones within the Millennium Sea.

However, many starship experts and historians believe that he has not unearthed his full potential and has not reached his "limit"!

On the one hand, while possessing powerful strength, his heart is not correct, and the so-called "empire secret treasure" who is coveting the spider's nest star has betrayed the six saints of heaven, from a glorious comprehenator, to a shameful star thief, and finally Entangled by the heart and the devil, in the process of impacting the realm of the gods, the fire was enchanted and died on the spot.

After death, a sacred soul is still attached to countless mice, swallowing each other, killing each other, and gradually annihilating in the long years, it is really miserable.

More importantly, when Yan Xinjian was untimely, when he shined, the new federations of the Seven Constituencies were isolated from each other. The magical powers, magic weapons and tactics of each other could not be exchanged. The world’s powerhouses did not learn from each other. The opportunity for the avenue of the road.

The confrontation between the Sixth Joint Fleet and the Star Wars Fleet, which is seen today, is just a storm in a teapot.

Even if it is born as a dragon, if it grows in a small pond, it will not be able to fly!

Yan Xinjian is very strong, but he could have been stronger. If he was born a hundred or two years later, there are countless federal starship commanders and military history experts who have grown up in the new federal and empire, the sacred alliance and even more powerful enemies. .

Then now...

A more powerful "strict sword" will appear in front of them, and the "sword of the sword" will reappear, but it will become more intense, more harmonious, more natural, and even more cumbersome.

Yes, it is wretched!

Although Yan Xinjian is known as "Star Thief Supreme", he received the most strict self-cultivation education from a young age and was the commander of the orthodox fleet.

Although his tactics are fierce and embarrassing, he does not lose the military's strictness, and the true star thief is a ghost, a lawless, and the style of the beast-like instinct to kill is still slightly different.

But in front of this big white fleet, it is the perfect combination of the regular army's strict and fierce attacks, as well as the star thief's awkwardness and keenness, like a helmet with a helmet and arms to the starry wolf!

"In the past year's deep space drill, what did the Great White Fleet go through!"

Commanders at all levels and all the experts met with each other and wanted to blow up their heads and wondered.

Even the spring breeze is staring at the golden heart of the White Star Sword with a very strange look. It is the number one general of her.

"Hey, I said"

Both of them are confiding from the "family" who transformed the adult from the Yaozu, and the spring breeze couldn't help but ask, "This white star sword will not be the illegitimate child of Yan Xinjian. What is the important card, why don't you say it beforehand?" ”

"I do not know either!"

Jin Xinyue can't smile. "Time is not right. When Bai Xingjian was born, Yan Xinjian died a hundred or two years ago, and even if it is an illegitimate child or a true disciple, there is no reason to be strong enough!"

"No wonder this kid can't wait in the original fleet."

After the spring breeze sighed and grinned, "I thought he was too arrogant, and today he saw his true strength, only to know that he has always been modest to get home!"

At this time, hundreds of war analysts based on the current situation of the situation, the performance of the next few hours.

But the first data that jumped out was the strength of their comprehensive assessment of the commander of the Great White Fleet.

God level!

At the moment, the people who are commanding the Great White Fleet have at least the computing power and command power of the Gods series!

In the highest command center, once again fell into a dead silence, many big people do not know whether it is good to cheer or stunned.

Finally, the Federal Speaker Wan Guqing made a final decision.

"Now the White Fleet is still unable to contact, but in any case, they have disrupted the attacking rhythm of the Black Wind Fleet and won valuable time for us!

"The first fleet of the Suiyuan Fleet must launch the battle formation as soon as possible at all costs, and put it into the battlefield before the power of the Great White Fleet is overdrawn!

"The nine giant soldiers in the Tianyuan cannon are ready to invest in the starry battlefield!"

When this statement comes out, everyone is puzzled.

Even at the most critical juncture, the federal giants have not been dispatched. Now the Great White Fleet has come to the rescue site, causing the Black Wind Fleet to fall into disarray. The situation has been greatly eased. Why is it that at this time, it must be invested in the most elite? The most precious power?

"This time, he is a moment."

Wan Guqing stared deeply at the light curtain of the stars, saying, "We can figure out the strength and situation of the Great White Fleet, and the Black Wind Fleet can also calculate it.

"Now they are desperate to combine the front and the back, to complete the defensive formation before the squadron arrives, but the big white fleet is deeply inserted into their bones like a scimitar. Still still stirring there!

"I am not too proficient in the battle of the fleet, but if I am the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, this time may be considered, I will send out my giant soldiers!" (To be continued~^~)

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