Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1799: Li Laomo's explanation

Li Yao’s eyes are so violent that it’s hard to set the channel: “Don’t you have to play so well?”

"What, coincidence?"

Long Yangjun smashed back with a tenfold louder than him. "How could it be a coincidence? It’s true that when we are stupid people in the ancient world, it is clear that you have premeditated!"

"Do not cover up the Li Lao Mo, it is clear that you have calculated everything, deliberately dug a pit for us to jump, and we step by step to the point where there is no way to go, and become your cannon fodder!

"Now, your conspiracy is awkward. We are being chased by you. Inexplicably, it has provoked a strong enemy like the demon outside the world. It also prevented its terrible conspiracy, and it has formed a deadly hatred. The most important thing is that it also reveals the secrets of the ancient sacred world!

"Even if we don't want to continue to provoke the demon outside the realm, these ghosts can't let us go. After they control the power of the Xingyao Federation, the ancient sacred world will become their first object, regardless of the Dagan dynasty. Still the Yunyun grassland, all can't run!

"Now, we have only two choices for the ancient saints. If you don't want to be the shackles and slaves of the extraterrestrial demon, you must work with your **** to completely eliminate the remnants of the extraterrestrial demon!

"This is your purpose, Li Laomo, you are too sinister!"

Li Yao desperately blinked his eyes: "Oh, yes..."

"Calm, don't be impulsive, listen to your explanation?"

Long Yangjun's strange screams resounded through the clouds. "Don't we be calm enough now? If I don't tell me calmly and sensibly every second, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, even now, even if you kill you I have long dealt with you, this despicable, insidious bastard, and unloading eight pieces, and it’s a thousand!

"Explain, there is nothing to explain, you have brought us such a big trouble, we want not to explain, but to compensate! With your tongue and lotus, the sky is falling, can you still pay the power of the federal state to compensate us? Oh, you **** really can, how about it, when we are rare, the ancient saints are sturdy!"


The strong men of Meng Chixin, Han Daling, Qi Zhongdao and Yan Liren descended to the two people and set off waves.

In addition to Yan’s departure from the people, all the ancient holy strongmen are like water, and they are eager to ask for sin.

Jian Xiyan is a person who is squinting and staring at Li Yao’s slightly raised neck artery.

"You, friends, you are coming!"

Long Yangjun did not return, biting his teeth and cutting his teeth. "Li Lao Mo is too sinister, even if such a shocking net wants us to drill inside, now the wood has become a boat, regret it late, really the more the fire, the early knowing the beginning Going to the empire!"

"That, correct it."

Li Yao said carefully, "Even if you go to the empire, but the extraterrestrial demon in the Black Wind Fleet also arranged a conspiracy, you are still in jeopardy, and without us mistakenly hit the plot to crack down, it is likely that you will completely fall into the spirit The world will never be able to break free.

"Strictly speaking, no matter whether you choose the federation or the empire, you will inevitably have to fight with the evil spirits outside the domain. At least for now, we still have hope!"

“Less, who and you are ‘we’?”

Long Yangjun continued to roar. "No matter the federal and empire, or the battle between the heavens and the devils, what is it about us, what are the relations between the EFF and the people around us, and what do we have to do with us? It really annoys us, no empire. And the gods and hands, first wash the blood here, the chicken dog does not leave you believe it or not, when we are eating good people and believers in the Buddha? Bitter master, you say yes!"


The master of bitterness can only stand up. "Wang Gong, you have to spare people and forgive people. These ordinary people are innocent. There is no need to vent their anger, let alone our situation is really subtle, or listen to the coffin first... What Li Shizhu said is not too late."


Long Yangjun snorted, and this heart was unwilling to loosen Li Yao’s collar, and he looked around with some confusion, frowning. “You’re so friends, why are your spirits so scattered, in the flames? It seems to be a lot of other things?"

"It's a memory fragment, a thought of ordinary people."

The bitter master sighed. "It is the basic material of the 'crystal vortex' in the depths of the spiritual world. When the spirit world collapses, it merges with our spirits to make us see, perceive and deeply remember. The picture of the lives of thousands of federal ordinary people.

"This kind of taste is too strange. Rao is the soul of our Yuan Ying and even the gods. I can't absorb it all at once and for a while, and all of your friends are a little dizzy. Hey, isn't Wang Gong?" ”

Long Yangjun gave a slight glimpse and immediately said: "Yes, of course, I am now having a splitting headache. It seems that there are thousands of villains in the depths of the brain and they are not the same." !

"You have made us so miserable, what else can be explained, say!"

Long Yangjun glared at Li Yao.

The ancient holy strong man looked at Li Yao aggressively.

Colonel Luo, like the EFF, who had just fought side by side, looked at Li Yao.

Thousands of ordinary citizens who have just escaped from the spiritual world and awakened from the nightmare, looked at Li Yao with anticipation.

Thousands of blooms around, the flowers of the fascinating spirits, gently swaying together, and the colorful flowers are directed at Li Yao.

The entire space station No. 01 was silent, and everyone held their breath and waited quietly.

Li Yao’s forehead, a drop of cold sweat, slipped over the swollen face and slipped into the slightly twitching corner of his mouth.

"No, yes, I did lie to everyone!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and explained with a hard scalp. "In the beginning, the position of the enemy and the enemy was unknown. The federal or ancient sacred circles did not understand each other. The ancient sacred world also has such a peerless powerhouse. Which of you has not turned over the sea. The ability to pass through the sky, I naturally can not actively expose the identity, bring unexpected danger to the Federation, I believe you can understand it!

"Later, when you came to the Federation to conduct an inspection, it may be the best time for me to confess my identity. There is no need to hide my friends.

"However, I really didn't deliberately conceal it. There is no plan for meticulous layout, and there is no shameless shame. I am at most a little selfish!"

"I just thought that if the Star Alliance can carry out its perfect side in front of you, and you will be deeply attracted to you, and willingly become a member of the Federation, then I will confess my identity.

"Yes, I also hope that one hundred years later, the Star Alliance is a perfect country, a paradise without any problems, harmony, friendship, unity, power, light, everything is perfect, who is there? Will you reject such a paradise?"

At first, he was a bit stuttered and embarrassed, but after a few words, under the gaze of Long Yangjun's "sinister" eyes, Li Yao gradually found the feeling, the waist is more straight and straight, the eyes are getting more and more Shining, the sound is getting bigger and bigger, such as rolling waves, tumbling in the space station No. 01, so that thousands of people are immersed in his powerful gas field.

Han Daling, Qi Zhongdao, Qi Changsheng, Ba Xiaoyu... Whether it is the "three saints" or "four fierce" in the past, all of them are silent and immersed in contemplation.

"But I am wrong, maybe I really think too simple."

Li Yao smiled bitterly. "Today's federation is not perfect, even worse than the old federal era a hundred years ago.

"The size and population of the Federation have indeed expanded, and technology and supernatural powers have also developed at a high speed. However, in the process of expansion and development, more problems have been exposed.

"There is a geographical dispute between the New Fourth World and the Old Three Realms. For the sake of various interests, the two sides will be in trouble in the same battle.

"A federal high-level such as Jin Xinyue is not 100% self-sufficient, selfless, and absolutely righteous. While defending the federation, she and them are still playing their own small abacus, and they will fight intrigue and fight for power. The old interest groups have not completely collapsed, and the new interest groups have quietly climbed onto the stage.

"Also, many federal people believe that technology can solve all problems and create a "civilization" game and a big one, but did not expect "civilization" and the big one to become the best weapon in the field!

"There are so many messy problems in the new federation. Even my own people are not bragging out in the propaganda. They are wise, invincible, and brilliant. They are all fake, after various renderings and stitching. The ghost of the gods movement!

"So, in the face of such an imperfect federation and imperfect self, how should I convince you to join it, build it, defend it?

"I have never found an answer, and I have never dared to tell the truth to you, because I am afraid of the disappointing eyes!

"Yes, this is not an ideal country, nor can it give a 100% road to the future of the ancient sacred world. What is the so-called 'three-zone supreme'? It is indeed a big scam, then what else can I explain? What about it?"

Li Yaoton paused, and suddenly there were two Mars bursting in his eyes. He clenched his teeth and said a word. "You can't explain it to all of your friends. I just want to tell you one thing at the end."

"No matter how imperfect the Star Alliance is, there are more problems and darkness. No matter how many stains are stained on the flag of the Nine Stars, the big man like Jin Xinyue is playing a small calculation. It doesn't matter!

"I am not fighting for the illusory ‘Starry Federation’; it is not fighting for a fluttering flag; nor is it for the federal high-level such as Jin Xinyue, who is fighting for the interests of these great men.

"I just want to fight with them, and thousands of federal people around me, to guard our homes and relatives, to struggle in the vast sea of ​​innocent stars, go to the end, and that's it!" .)

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