Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1800: Do a vigorous fight!

Li Yao’s low voice was like a thunder, leaving a lingering sound, which also brought out the ice-like silence of the audience.

More and more people and soldiers are waking up and flocking here to see the legendary “vulture Li Yao”.

But they did not expect to hear the name of "self" from the vulture Li Yaokou, and they were at the same time and were at a loss.

"The federation is not perfect, even unrecognizable. Even I have never thought that such a world-wide change, or a good or bad drama, will happen in just a hundred years. Today's Jin Xinyue is not a hundred years ago, Jin Xinyue, today's federation. It’s not a federation a hundred years ago, and even today’s 'Three Realms, Vultures Li Yao' are not the real Li Yao a hundred years ago!"

Li Yao’s tight fists, such as the baton, are generally waving hard, stirring everyone’s emotions. “Don’t say you, even myself, occasionally a little disappointment and embarrassment, I don’t know how to be unpredictable. The future of the future, the self and the federation, will become what it will be.

"But just now, just in the moment when all the federal people sang together, burned the soul, gathered all the spirit and strength, and blasted the bereaved dog of the extraterrestrial world, I suddenly found out

"No matter how unrecognizable the changes have taken place in the Federation, some of the things that are hidden in the deepest parts of it have not changed, and will never change!

"So, at that second, I said to my heart, go to fucking, no matter what the federation looks like, whether I am the person that everyone thinks, I will fight blood to the end! I am not Fighting for Jin Xinyue, not fighting for the title of 'Three Realms of the Three Realms', not even for the Stars of the Federation, for the sake of the nine-star Thanglong Battle Flag, but for the people living under the Jiuxing Thanglong Battle Flag!

"And I know that when I guard them, they also guard me; when I look forward to them, they look forward to me; I will not abandon them, they will never abandon me!

"This is me, the meaning of fighting!"

With the screaming of Li Yaosheng, the frozen atmosphere broke open.

Countless people are reminiscent of a scene that has just been passionate and hearty in the depths of the spiritual world. It may be the most exciting five minutes of their lives.

Yes, no matter how many problems exist, my hometown is here, my loved ones are behind me, they guard and look forward to each other, support and trust!

Let the universe be so vast and innocent, is there a reason to be more worthy of a fight than this?

The angry twelve ancient sages, whose flames erupted like volcanoes, were originally the most dazzling presence in the space station, like twelve towering peaks.

But unwittingly, the momentum of thousands of ordinary people and low-ranking monks overflowing into the ocean has gathered into a wave of clouds and seas. Although they cannot suppress these "mountains", they have all surrounded them. .

Everyone stared at the eleven ancient sages, and their eyes contained the power that the ancient sages had never seen before.

They are all overwhelmed.

In the ancient sacred world, the low-ranking monks are absolutely afraid to look directly at the Yuan Ying and the powerful gods.

Yuan Ying was angry and red, and the low-ranking monks shivered on the ground, not to mention the ants-like people.

"What the **** is this..."

Although thousands of ordinary people are unlikely to pose a substantial threat, the spirits of the ancient saints are still shaking gently. The collapse of the spiritual world is a spattered memory of thousands of federal people, slowly sinking into their Deep in the spirit, become an inseparable part of their lives.

"Do you see your eyes and feel the power of the federals?"

Li Yao confronted Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, and took a step forward. They opened their arms and said, "Think about the people in the ancient sacred world who are guilty of intrigue, intrigue, and death. The average person is thin and thin. Only the promise! The whole world is from the top to the bottom, it is a smog, you can't see a little light and hope!

"There is a problem hidden in my heart for a long time. I have long wanted to ask you, Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun, Han Bulao, Zhu Zongyou, Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Yan Changsheng, Wang Xi, Ba Xiaoyu, bitter蝉Master, Wan Mingzhu, you are the Yuan Ying and the gods. In the world of the ancient sacred world, it is not the emperor’s acquaintance, the savage and famous peers. On the surface, your status and power are at their peak. Nothing added!

"But when you see the insane claws under your hand, the doormen of the ghosts, the disciples who sin against the yang, the soldiers who are scrawny and trembled; the soldiers who see the ferocious wolf, but like dogs When you really think that ruling such a group of people is what Yuan Ying and Huashen should do? Do you really think that those empty songs and fearful eyes make you feel very fulfilled? You really are like this, Hiding in the depths of the dark nebula like the tortoise turtle, before the end of the day, to trample on those who are treated as 'squatting ants', they are satisfied, and when they are at the end, are they happy?"

A series of questionings made the anger of the eleven ancient sages more and more arrogant.

But no matter how arrogant, it is no match for the spirit and radiance of thousands of people!

"Look at these people around, just fight with you in the spiritual world, even in a sense, with the high-incident Yuan Ying and the gods, save each other! If they dare to fight, you early It’s finished!”

Li Yao went out completely, and shouted, "I will look at each of them personally and see their eyes, nose and mouth. Every one of them is shining! Don't you want people in the ancient sacred world, One day, like them, can you become a real, capitalist person? Even if you are really an emperor, but rule a group of crickets, wolves and ants, what a great feat to boast!

"Come on, don't let down the power of your Yuan Ying and the gods. God wants you to work hard to cultivate today, not to let you hide in the dark nebula, obscurity, bullying! You can, you can really Ignite myself and the ancient sacred world, tearing the whole dark nebula, let the ancient sacred world and the ancient saints bloom in the tens of thousands of worlds, in the universe of the future, the most brilliant light!"

Li Yao's eyes are red, and the blue veins are exposed. Every pore in the body is spewing out a strong air wave, and it is merged with the momentum of thousands of federal people. It is like a huge wave that covers the sky and covers the sky.

The "mountain" that the ancient St. Elevens converge together is dwarfed in front of this "huge wave".

Li Yao’s hand is like holding an invisible sword. The blade is deeply hidden in the bottom of his heart. Step by step, step on the ancient holy people.

Even the sword is so devastating that it is difficult to swallow a sip, and the throat is rolling up and down. There is no way to avoid this sword.

"Wang Gong just said that right now, the matter is here, the explanation is fart!"

Li Yao’s eyes were like electricity. At the same time, he pierced the eyes of eleven ancient sages. The right hand still held the handle of the “invisible sword”. The left hand slowly extended two fingers. “I don’t want to talk nonsense again, now Give you two choices.

"First, give the Stars Federation, and give the ancient sacred world and you a chance. Let us unite and do a vigorous work to do something to look at the whole universe. No one has ever done anything big!

"I swear by the name of 'vulture Li Yao', who is fighting with me today, who is the brother of my whole life, from now on, no matter what difficulties you encounter with the ancient sacred world, I and the Xingyao Federation will exhaust The anger of the whole piece of Xinghai will help you solve it, just as you help us today!

"Second, if you don't want to, it doesn't matter, the Stars Federation will never ask for any assistance. The visitor is a guest. If the Federation is our VIP, then please treat your distinguished guests and move your **** a little. Don't let her mother stop us from saving the world!"

Li Yao’s roar has caused thousands of soldiers and people to boil.

I don't know who is the first, and the thunder and lightning will soon converge into a raging wave that can overturn the universe:

"Long live the Federation!"

"Long live the Federation!"

"Combat, go ahead, the federation!"

Countless people are rushing to surrender to them. They are not afraid of being burned by the spirits of Yuan Ying and Hua Shen. Thousands of hands reach out to Li Yao, and they want to lift him up and turn it into a sword. Sharp can not be a knife!

Eleven ancient sages looked at Li Yao in a sluggish manner. Looking at the frenzied masses around them, they felt mixed in their hearts and couldn’t tell whether it was anger or oh.

Yes, they are a little jealous of Li Yao.

They know deeply that even if they are higher in cultivation, even if they are gods, smelters, or higher ghosts, in today’s ancient sacred world, they will never enjoy those that Li Yao is immersing at this moment. Look, those burning, very hot and true eyes.

This cheer from the heart belongs to Li Yao, so that the support of life and death belongs to Li Yao. Li Yao stands behind the whole federation, and behind them... even the ancient holy world is hidden in the depths of the dark nebula. I have long since disappeared.

"See you, the friends who came from far away from the ancient holy world."

The eyes of thousands of people seem to be condensed into a set of bright armor in Li Yao's body, which makes him stir the invincible gas field. He once again opened his arms to the ancient holy strongmen, but his eyes were tough and clear before. "Xingyao Federation needs your help. I sincerely invite you to join us, but it is not impossible for you!"

"The future of the Federation will not be decided by a few yuan infants and gods. You are willing to fight side by side, and you will not be able to watch the fire on the other side of the bank. It will not matter whether it is in front of us. In any case, I and all the federal people will march forward and fight blood. In the end, survival or destruction, it will be decided by ourselves!" (To be continued.)

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