Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1801: Giant soldiers, ready to attack!

The fists were heavy and smashed, like a smashing of the whole planet. Li Yao gasped for a breath, and in the hot atmosphere, he stared at the ancient sage.

The anger of the eleven ancient saints gradually dissipated, and all fell into a long silence.

A new kind of emotion slowly brews and grows in silence.

They looked at the thrilling federal people around them, and their eyes were awkward, as if they saw the future of the ancient sacred world.

In the end, Long Yangjun broke the silence: "Li Daoyou said, it is not unreasonable..."

Li Yao is overjoyed: "So?"

Long Yangjun continued: "But the point is that it seems to be the lines in the game and the film. It's a patchwork. For example, 'Do not hinder us from saving the world', it sounds very impressive, but That is the classic line in The Return of Li Yao, the True Story of Vultures.

"There are some of the words in front of me, as if they were also taken from a variety of films featuring Li Yao, and they are hard to piece together."

Li Yao’s eyes bulged like a balloon, screaming at Long Yangjun.

"Don't look at me like this."

Long Yangjun spreads his hand, "In order to study the legendary 'Three Realms of the Three Reales,' I have already analyzed the novels and films about you in the market, and I have never forgotten the skills. Even if I don't mention it, everyone will react soon!"

"Even if this is the case"

Li Yao is righteous and stunned. He said, "At least my blood and passion are real. Don't you feel the sincerity of the fire from the interpretation of me!"

"Have it?"

Long Yangjun blinked and asked the other ten ancient holy strongmen, "What do you say to the Taoist friends? No matter what the fake words of Li Laomo have been, at least one thing is right. Now the foreign gods know us. The identity and the existence of the ancient sacred world, the wars of the Starry Federation and the Black Wind Fleet have entered a new heat, leaving us with few choices.

"The extraterrestrial demon is naturally impossible to trust, and no one wants to live in a completely illusory world, right?

"But the situation of the Black Wind Fleet is also very bad. The extraterritorial demon obviously infiltrated some dark power in the Imperial Expeditionary Force. The immortal can not have such good luck. We have been marrying others for the sake of death. When I arrived, I didn’t know it.

"Thinking about it, it seems that only the Xingyao Federation has a choice.

"Oh, 'Don't let us down the strength of our Yuan Ying and the gods, let's get a little old before, and shock the big scene of the universe.' It sounds quite attractive, but Li Laomo, can you do it, don't Let's blow the air?"

Long Yangjun squinted at Li Yao.

Li Yao immediately said: "With me alone, of course, I can't do it, but there are all the federal people including the ancient saints, and there are such peerless powers. Even if they go to the center of Xinghai one day, they will crush all the way and say who we are. Can't do it?"

"Come on this."

Long Yangjun is sinking his face and screaming at the nose. "There is no need to talk about these nonsense words. If you want us to join the Federation... it is not impossible, but let's take some real money prices?"

"of course!"

Li Yao slammed his chest. "Now the time is tight. After the details, I will talk slowly. But since you all know that I am Li Yao, what else can you not rest assured? In the daytime, everyone is watching, there are so many people today. Witness, what kind of country the federation is, you have seen it, and you will never let heroes and friends suffer!"

In all directions, countless roads full of hope, all staring at the ancient holy strong.

Long Yangjun coughed: "You are a bit of a friend, I seem to be convinced, what do you mean?"

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun looked at each other and sighed softly: "There has been no such thing as a second choice."

Han Bingling and the Phoenix Emperor said in unison: "Whether the Federation can't rely on it, the current Black Wind Fleet seems to be even more unreliable!"

Wan Mingzhu and Yan Changsheng screamed: "This time and the evil spirits of the extraterrestrial world are dead, if you don't completely scribble these devils, you will find the ancient holy world one day, and you will endless trouble!"

Ba Xiaoyu and the bitter masters swept the crowd around them, smiled and nodded.

"Without further ado."

Jian Xiyan is short and short. "I just want to know if there are more powerful opponents. Can you compete?"

Eleven ancient saints have different reasons, but they have just experienced the life and death of the spiritual world. At this moment, they are among the thousands of federal people who are passionate and enthusiastic, and even some impatient people. Put a lot of flowers on them, although most of them are thrown to Li Yao, but they are also full of petals, and they are stained with a trace of fragrance.

In such an environment, unless you are mad at the extreme, I am afraid that it is very difficult to stay out of the way and watch the fire across the bank.

What's more, the Xingyao Federation and the ancient sacred world are the relationship between the cold and the cold, letting the Xingyao Federation be controlled by the extraterrestrial demon, and the ancient sacred world will be the next object to be swallowed. This victory and defeat is closely related to them.

Under the guidance of Long Yangjun, the eleven ancient sages finally nodded!

For a time, the "Long live the Federation" voice once again resounded throughout the audience.

"Right, how should this woman deal with it?"

Wu Suiyun will bring the night Lan Lan to Li Yao.

Compared with many powerful people in the ancient sacred world, the dark night orchids are ten times more shocked and scared after they know the true identity of Li Yao.

Her soul has not yet fully awake from the collapse of the spiritual world. At this moment, the brain is blank and I don't know what to do.

"Night blue, listen to what I am saying!"

Li Yao is in her ear, like a thundering bomb. "No matter how many differences in your heart, it is a civil war of human civilization. Do you admit it?"

"But now, above the Black Wind Fleet, it is very likely that you are next to your father's night, and there is another demon outside the field, a stronger and more terrible demon than you have seen in the spiritual world!"

The night of the night, his eyes widened, and he shuddered deeply and looked at Li Yao unbelievably.

"This is true. I don't have to lie to you until now."

Li Yaofei quickly said, "The elite of the Black Wind Fleet and the Federal Fleet are in the midst of the battle. They don't know the terrible of the demon outside the world. Even if any party knows, there is no chance of a ceasefire.

"I don't want you, we will definitely break the Black Wind Fleet, but breaking it is not the same as smashing. If you don't want the Black Wind Fleet to be completely annihilated, eventually everyone will become the shackles of the extraterrestrial world, even the 'food', then hurry Think, can you do something!"

The eyes of the night blue are fixed again, and they are deeply pondered.

At this time, news came from Colonel Luo of the EFF of the EFF, and the high-rises of Baihua City, which were trapped in the fire base, were all rescued. The repair of the Lingwang and Xinghai Jump Control Centers was also actively underway.

However, because the eclipse of the extraterrestrial demon on the Baihua City is too serious, large-scale failures and chaos have occurred in various space stations, and the maintenance progress is very slow.

After all, there are twelve or three high-level yuan infants and even gods here. They want to transfer to Tianyuanjie without the guidance of the star gate. There is still a lot of preparation work to be done.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun and the other ten ancient holy strongmen have also consumed the spirit of the spirit in the "war of the spiritual world". They must be supplemented and treated. Otherwise, even if they are sent to the past, they are also being attacked by the enemy. The crushed end.

Time, time, precious time!

Now, the value of every second is higher than an undeveloped resource planet.

"Ding bell, hold it, be sure to hold it!"

Li Yao screamed in the depths of his brain. "Trust me, we will arrive soon. Believe me, we must insist on the moment we come back!"


Tianyuanxing, deep in the wild, super transmission array "Tianyuan cannon" launch base.

Jiutai giant soldiers, like the nine steel giants standing on the ground and prestige, stand quietly in the wind of the wilderness.

Numerous refiners and maintenance technicians are still working **** these steel giants, and they are constantly tired of checking over and over again to ensure that there is no flaw that may affect the battle.

No way, the giant gods are too important, the confrontation between the giant soldiers is the collision of the blade and the blade!

In front of the steel giant, a fine-grained squadron that dominated the giant squadron also completed the assembly and arming, and the cold sword-sword jungle spurred a silvery white wave on the wilderness.

The most crucial moment has arrived.

Half an hour ago, the Black Wind Fleet first launched their giant soldiers to entangle and delay the harassment of the Great White Fleet.

This is a fairly deadly tactic.

The Dabai Fleet relies on incredible flexibility and superior commanding art to be able to straddle the "black body" of the Black Wind Fleet in a slightly bulky and awkward manner, such as the repeated insertion and cutting of Kenting.

However, as the "heritage" left by the former son-in-law civilization to human beings, the flexibility of the giant soldiers is obviously above the ordinary starship.

As long as they capture the trajectory of the Great White Fleet, it is almost impossible to prevent them from drilling into the Starship's starship.

Once the twenty-thousand-meter-high giant squadron drilled into a few kilometers of starships, all the defensive forces inside the starship would be as soft as the internal organs, and the only explosion would be from the inside.

In just half an hour, there have been seventeen white-ship fleet starships in this way.

Although the number is not much, it greatly reduces the interspersed route of the Great White Fleet, and interferes with their fierce attacks. As a result, their lightning-fast attacks have become muddy. On several occasions, they are almost sucked by the large-scale firepower of the Black Wind Fleet. Live, smash and smash! ——

Congratulations to the book "It’s a group of Muggles" to become the 25th lord of "Fifty Years of Comprehension," and thank all the book friends such as "Gray Night Sky" and "Desolate Redemption" for their heavy rewards this week. ! (To be continued.)

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