Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1803: Wormhole bomb!

Ding Ling lived: "What is the grade of the flagship 'Black Swirl' of the Black Wind Fleet? Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, I have visited the flagship '燎原号' of the original fleet, I have also visited it. A practical exercise of 'intrusion and rejection'.

"Since it is qualified to become the flagship of a deep-sea fleet, the armor, defense and damage control systems must be perfected to the extreme. Taking the 燎原号 as an example, even the giant gods that I control may not be able to break into it, as the Imperial Expeditionary Force. The flagship, the black whirlpool will only be stronger than the 燎原, what kind of bomb, can it suddenly sink it?"

Jin Xinyue said: "That may not be called a 'bomb', but we are on the ruins of Kunlun, the Xinghai hopping unit found in the wreckage of a female scorpion warship. It is used by the maiden battleship to break the void and shuttle the stars. However, when it was discovered, it has been exposed to the outside world for too long. After hundreds of thousands of years of erosion, it is riddled with cruelty and crispness inside and outside.

"We had wanted to dismantle it to study and strengthen our Xinghai jumping technology, but its core is too sinister and complicated, and it is extremely unstable. If it is accidentally, it will completely collapse, except for various kinds of Outside of scanning, there is really no way to start.

"Finally, this Xinghai hopping unit fell into the hands of the secret sword bureau. In fact, it was studied by the director and me. We did not use the psionic technology of the maintenance magic weapon to analyze it, but it adopted the artificial biochemistry of the blood demon world. Neuron technology uses soft synthetic nerves to connect the various components inside it, and uses a special rust rust to clean up its streaked array.

"Even so, it is so badly damaged that there is no possibility of dismantling and copying. It retains the ability to be activated once, so we transform it into a special bomb!"

Ding Ling’s eyes widened: “The Xinghai Jumping Unit and the Super Bomb are like the wind and the horse!”

"It's very simple."

Jin Xinyue quickly explained, "It was originally designed to drive the female scorpion warship to jump beyond the distance. Its activation speed, jumping distance and reach are far beyond our starship. It can be said that once activated, it will instantly It is possible to create a huge 'empty bubble' centered on itself and hundreds of kilometers in diameter, and all the materials in the 'empty bubble' will be transmitted without any substance to escape its transmission."

Ding Lingfu frowned: "Where is it delivered?"

"This is the key"

Jin Xinyue waved his fists hard and danced his eyes. "I don't know! Its navigation and stability system are all damaged, leaving only the 'transport' magical power, the expert analysis of the secret sword bureau and the Haoyue Foundation, once activated , it will launch a random transmission, freely transfer the material in the 'cavity' to a certain coordinates of the vast sea of ​​stars, 99.99% is away from the three thousand world, a certain star field outside the scope of human civilization radiation, some A barren land that is uninhabited and has no half-spiritual sensibility.

"Even, because the stable arrays are all riddled with holes, there is a high probability that accidents will occur during the transmission process. The transmitted materials are all broken down into the most basic atoms, evenly spreading the universe!

"Think about it, Shi Niang, if this time 'super transfer', it happens on the black whirlpool, and then the powerful interference position, the psionic shield and the multiple alloy armor can't resist the violent time and space, the empire The flagship of the expeditionary army tore a crush!

"Even if you can't stick to the black whirlpool, as long as the other party is within a dozen or twenty kilometers, maybe the effect is better. The 'empty bubble' is like a shadowless invisible blood basin, also in black. The whirlpool bite a bite, as long as 'biting off' more than 30% of the hull, and then the excellent damage control system, can not return to heaven."

Ding Lingzhen understood.

The Xinghai Jump is originally the highest risk factor in the universe.

The general idea is that the clearer the destination of the Xinghai jump, the better the process of “broken void”.

Therefore, although they have discovered a series of studies from the Kunlun ruins, they have not carried out a series of studies, but it has not been used to strengthen their related technologies. This is too critical and too dangerous!

Jin Xinyue did the opposite. If he could not repair the Xinghai jumping unit of the female Yi people, he could not do it clearly and stably. Then he simply tried to increase the risk factor and become a super bomb. On the enemy.

Once successful, it is like being on the black whirlpool or close to the foot, creating a new wormhole, this is a super wormhole bomb!

Ding Lingxiao smiled and said: "This is the card that you dare to risk the implementation of the ‘Yueyue Plan’!”

Jin Xinyue couldn't smile: "Yes, this super bomb was originally my trump card. I even selected hundreds of elite warriors from the blood demon world to serve as the death squad. At all costs, they must break into the core of the Black Wind Fleet. To detonate it, on behalf of the Yaozu, for the federal government to make a great contribution.

"I didn't expect the night to see my plot tomorrow morning. After the Black Wind Fleet descended to the Tianyuan world, it did not give us the opportunity to close the 'demon rebel forces'. The first few transport ships that had moved closer to them were all made. The sieve, this vital transport ship, of course can't rush to death.

"Although after the activation, its 'absolute destruction radius' is quite big, but it does not have a little bit of attack power, and the defense is weak to the extreme. In the current situation, it has no chance to approach the core of the Black Wind Fleet. It will be completely blown up!"

Ding Ling said: "So"

Jin Xinyue clenched his teeth and said: "Now we haven't found a way to detonate it at close range. Anyway, it's useless to stay on the ground. I decided to go to the battlefield near the No. 1 Star Gate and direct the demon. The family death squad and the 'moth number' carrying the super bomb, hope that the giant gods of the sergeant and the squadrons that arrived later will be able to tear open a hole and cover the 'moth sprint' next to the 'black whirlpool' go with!

"The specific tactical plan, the staff and analysts of the highest command center are being drafted, and will continue to be sent back, but I still want to talk to my teacher, I..."

She paused and took a deep breath. She looked straight at Ding Ling, and the red color that appeared next to her eyes was gone. The depth of her eyes was full of the firmness and sharpness of the demon queen. "In the past 100 years, I have probably done a lot of wrong things, but I have never really betrayed the Federation, nor have I ever done anything. I am sorry about Master.

"I have to say so much, wait until the sky is goodbye, my mother!"

Jin Xinyue stared at Ding Ling’s eyes and was about to close the communication. Ding Ling stopped her: “Wait.”

Jin Xinyue looked at the opposite side with some accidentality, standing in the wild wind hunting woman: "Shi Niang?"

"Since you still treat me as a teacher, and you have not really betrayed the Federation or your Master, there is one thing, perhaps it should let you know."

Ding Lingzhen thought for a moment, "Is the news I received this morning. I don't know if it is true or not. After that, I will have nothing to do with you."

Jin Xinyue quickly blinked and his face gradually became serious: "What is so important?"

“Yesterday, Wu Ma Xuan’s studio received a crystal cymbal that was transported from the Dragon Snake Star Field, the first crystal 铠 'Deep Blue Thunder’ he independently refining.”

Ding Ling said, "It is commonplace to send the damaged crystal shovel back to the original factory for maintenance. However, after Wu Ma Xuan opened this ‘deep blue thunder, it found that there was a lot of things inside.

"There is no big problem on the surface, but no matter how he adjusts, he can't adjust it well, just like someone is blowing a strange wind inside.

"Wu Ma Xuan knows that he has met a master, dare not care, and hurriedly invited Master Jiang Shaoyang and his mother Xie Anan to study together. After carefully scrutinizing, they did find traces of adjustments left by a master, but, but..."

Even Ding Ling was so straightforward, the cheerful and neat woman said that she was hesitating, and the eyes were full of anticipation, whispering. "Jiang Shaoyang and Xie Anan both said that it is like your master's adjustment method."


Jin Xinyue screamed at the highest command center.

"I don't know how to repair the crystal, but the adjustment technology is still a little bit, I feel... it is also very similar."

Ding Ling continued, "But it's like 'after all, it's just like 'like'. There are more refiners in the world. It's not surprising that the style of the adjustment is similar. What's more, if your master really comes back, he doesn't go back directly. Going to Tianyuanjie, but going to the messy place of the Dragon Snake Star Field to do something? Such a big thing, before you completely figure it out, of course, you can’t open it indiscriminately. If it’s not him, isn’t it a big joke?”

"The teacher is going to check it out."

Jin Xinyue said with eagerness and anger, "Quickly send people to the Dragon Snake Star to check, the Secret Sword Bureau and the Haoyue Foundation have a large number of forces in the Dragon Snake Star Field. If you don't get exposed, you must check it out!"

"All said that it was the news that was received this morning. Soon the entire Tianyuan world entered the state of maximum readiness, and then the Lingwang collapsed. We were completely isolated from the outside world. How can we check?"

Ding Ling smiled and said, "Tell you this thing, that is, even if you are at the last minute, don't completely lose hope. Maybe your master is also in a place we can't see, in his own way, with us. Fight side by side, wait until the most critical time, he will jump out thieves."

The crystal of Jin Xinyue’s eyes trembled again, focusing on the key: “I, I will not let Master disappoint, sure!”

"Then he better not let me down, hurry up and give the old lady a jump."

Ding Ling smashed his hands, and lived with his body and muscles, and made a "beep" sound, gazing at the depths of the wilderness, and said to himself, "Otherwise, I have to smash the votes of the Black Wind Fleet." No one will leave him!" (To be continued.)

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