Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1804: The Wrath of the Dragon King!

"Tianyuan cannon, the countdown to the launch, the last ten seconds! Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."

The earth trembles, the air waves roll, the wind and sand are all over the sky, and the mysterious light is everywhere, as if a huge flower bud blooms in a silver-white bowl, and the milky white petals wrap the nine giant giant soldiers and nearly two thousand crystal scorpions. It is crystal-clear and sleek, and gradually becomes ethereal, just like a star-studded star, straight into the center of the sea.

This is not the first time Ding Ling was launched by Tianyuan Cannon.

But every time the body breaks down, the brain cells and the memory cortex are all four-dimensionally unfolded. When the past is vivid, I will remember Li Yao and think of the place where the two first met.

It seems to be... the East China Sea, "the eternal flagship of the EFF," on the Liaoyuan, the War Memorial Museum, is the time for the recruitment of the nine elite schools?

At that time, she was just a little girl who had just graduated from college and wanted to stay in school, and Li Yao was a stupid boy.

Her first impression of this stupid boy is: "It's quite interesting."

The second impression is such a fun, so stupid boy, must find ways to deceive the Great Desert Warfare!


The milky white flowers bloom to the limit, and the Jiutai giant soldiers are crystal-clear, reflecting the sun's colorful ripples, ripples into ripples, ripples condensing into waves, waves inspiring each other, Ding Ling and everyone They are all involved in the vortex of 100 million colors.

Her muscles, blood vessels, nerves, bones, internal organs and spirits are all shattered in the whirlpool!

Compared with the launch power of Tianyuan cannon, the distance of this transmission is too short. They don't have to transmit to another big world, and even the edge of Tianyuan is far from reaching.

Therefore, the weird feeling of "broken void" just came, Ding Ling was too late to find out the taste, and the colorful swirls around it have dissipated.

Instead, it is a deep universe, a burning star, and a more violent burning of the stars than the stars.

The transfer was successful!

Tianyuanjie, at least the astronomical parameters near the star field near Tianyuanxing, are all highly mastered. The distance of this transmission is quite close. There are even hundreds of large cosmic crystal eyes to lock the transmission coordinates, so they are accurately transmitted. At the rear of the Black Wind Fleet, the "Ass" of the Black Wind Fleet has just been wiped, which is the most vulnerable Star Torch and Escort Fleet.

A starship in front of the Black Wind, even without being attacked by artillery, exploded for no reason, and was instantly swallowed by a huge ball of light.

Ding Ling’s slight glimpse, this realized that it was a very rare phenomenon of “time and space conflict”, that is, a sergeant was directly transmitted to a key position of the Imperial Starship, most likely deeply embedded in the star. Ship's spar warehouse, ammunition depot or power unit.

When two different substances overlap in the same position, a powerful "rejection" erupts!

The Xinghai is vast and innocent. Even in the battle of a starship known as the "dense formation", the distance between several starships is extremely far. The probability of jumping into the enemy starship is extremely small. In theory, It is impossible to meet.

But from another side, it shows the accuracy of this transmission. They are like a red-hot knife, which is directly in the **** of the Black Wind Fleet!

It was felt that they suddenly appeared from behind, and the imperial people who had been ruined by the Great White Fleet were even more confused.

All the imperial starships have a black hole in the jet hole. A large number of crystal cymbals and the universe battles spurt out like a worm, and they condense into a dense and mottled death nebula. Several distant tangles are entangled with the big white fleet. The giant gods also gave up their immediate goals and slammed them.

It is extremely troublesome for the Xinghai Fleet to be cut into the interior by the Crystal Warriors and the Giants.

Compared with the starship, no matter the crystal or the giant soldier, the size is too small, the psionic fluctuations are too weak, too flexible, too agile, extremely difficult to be locked and destroyed.

What's more, the cost of spar and ammunition consumed by the main gun of the starship is astronomical. Even if the three or five cannons really destroy a crystal, it is not worth the loss.

The use of starships to deal with super close-range crystals is like anti-aircraft guns, which are extremely inefficient and extremely ineffective.

In the case of intensive formations, it is also necessary to consider the issue of friendly firepower. Generally speaking, under the interference without the great gravitational source, the attack trajectory of the Xuanguang weapons is straight, and the technology of the empire is advanced. There is no way to make a devastating ray of light turn in the speed of light. No matter whether the target can escape, what if there is a starship behind it? Let your own side evade urgently, the formation is not completely chaotic!

Therefore, in a certain sense, only the crystal scorpion can deal with the crystal scorpion, just like only the giant soldiers can deal with the giant soldiers!

Taking yourself as the center and dividing the Xinghai into eight quadrants, then the flames of the original fleet are already in the seventh quadrant.

Their task was to tear the wounds of the Black Wind Fleet's soft abdomen to a larger, deeper, and not to heal the wound before the squadron arrived.

Ding Ling is not a person who is good at speech and incitement. Many times, she prefers to speak with her own fist!


The giant squadron "Dayan Dragonfinch" took the lead and ignited a hundred meters high flame. The shadow 绰绰 can see the nine fangs of the claws and the dragons wrapped around the giant soldiers, the strongest female Valkyrie, the guard of the dragon Under the rushing to the Imperial Crystal Cluster, if you live a nine-star Shenglong battle flag!

The battle flag is everywhere, and it is invincible. No matter whether it is a crystal or a war of the universe, it is not her enemy. It is easy to wipe out like a chicken and a dog. She is not even interested in stopping to destroy more crystals. In the realm, blasting the crystals around the obstacles, directly to the nearest Aegis ship!

The EFF has long been accustomed to the "Red Flame Dragon King" tactics, the remaining eight giant soldiers and more than two thousand crystal scorpions all follow the gap that she opened, and it is like a broken bamboo, like an ancient battlefield. Three hundred light riding night attacks on the camp of 100,000 troops, this time, more important than tactics and equipment, is timid and war.

In front of the giant soldier "Dayan Dragonfinch", the Imperial Aegis ship is like an undefended city.

No matter how crazy it is, the magnetic interference and the psionic shield can't stop the big dragons from turning into a red stream, and approaching it quickly.

The surrounding arsenal ships were either disturbed by the entangled clusters of the two sides, or simply blocked by the Aegis destroyers and could not find a suitable attack line.

That is, you can find the right attack line, but the giant gods themselves have invisible and interfering magic weapons units far beyond this era, and it is extremely difficult to be locked by conventional weapons.

Even if the giant soldier is close at hand, even the naked eye can clearly see the flame of its fury, but the fire control system of the crystal brain can not lock its orientation and distance. This is a common thing.


The big dragons and dragons squatted on the ship's head of nearly a kilometer long Aegis, and two crimson flame vortexes suddenly appeared on the arms. The vortex instantly condensed into two huge drill bits, which would easily be super Alloy steel, reinforced ceramics, mirror glass, four layers of armor with flexible insulation, and defensive arrays embedded in armor.

The Great Fire Dragon Sparrow got into the inside of the Aegis destroyer, and the Aegis destroyer was destroyed and irreparably staged.

Most of the starships have their own anti-intrusion system, but this system is only for the enemy crystal, it is impossible to block the giant soldiers.

No matter how much internal firepower is bombarded in the giant gods, no matter how many soldiers who are not afraid of death, carrying the chain saw sword and the shocking sword to the giant soldiers, it is useless like a needle.

The big flaming dragons screamed with hundreds of meters of brilliance, which gathered in a narrow cabin and ramp to form a magma-like tentacle. All the crew members who were too late to take the escape cabin to leave the Aegis ship, whether or not they were wearing mustard The battle suits and even the crystals are all inevitable.

In the past decade, from the imperial army captives and the wreckage of the Imperial Starship of the "Firefly", the federal analysis of the model and structure of a large number of Imperial starships, which makes Ding Ling's bridge to most of the Imperial Starships The location of the ammunition depot, the spar warehouse and the power cabin are well known.

The big flaming dragons are like bamboo, just like the red-burning scales sinking into the tofu is so easy, and soon broke through to the Aegis ship's brain bridge.

The nine dragons entwined in the whole body roared out, making the hot magma into a more violent hurricane. In a short moment, the crystal brain and the commander above the bridge were all gone, and the whole "brain" was burned!

When the Great Fire Dragon bird broke out from the tail of the Aegis, the only thing behind it was an empty iron coffin.

Really have a strange feeling for Li Yao, when is it?

It should be that he was seriously injured in the Extreme Survival Challenge at Konjak Island. He was unconscious and eventually woke up miraculously. Although the roots were torn apart, he fell into the bottom of the valley, but he still did not give up hope, or the moment he insisted on sticking his teeth. Right?

Ding Ling has also had such experience. She saw another self in Li Yao, perhaps a feeling of mutual sympathy, and let her look at this silly boy.

To this day, she can still recall the scene when the two of them flew together on the clouds to drink and eat meat. When they think about it, they want to laugh.

However, God testified that at that time she did not have a bit of "evil thoughts", hey, should it?

The big dragons suddenly made an incredible emergency evasive action, and they screamed hundreds of fiery red shadows in all directions. Dozens of dazzling glare were silently killed, all the shadows were broken, but they could not stop the real The big flaming dragon bird jumped from the gap of Xuanguang, toward the source of Xuanguang, and a fangs-arranged arsenal ship flew away. Before the second round of Xuanguang surged, it was deeply immersed in the arsenal and launched a new one. The slaughter! (To be continued.)

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