Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1805: Total Annihilation!

"Boom! Booming and banging!"

When the Great Fire Dragon bird rushed out from the tail of this steel hedgehog-like arsenal, the arsenal was instantly wrapped in a dozen or so rounds of fireballs. The fireball could not expand and spread, mixed with the melting starship wreck, turned into ten. A few ruined stars.

These star-rings spread very fast, and the wreckage ran rampant on the battlefield like a meteor shower. It also greatly disturbed the navigation of the surrounding starships, deterred their attack routes, and made their psionic shields flush. Waves.

When I first faced Li Yao, Ding Ling, who was stronger than him in all aspects, still had some condescending feelings. When did the feeling of "big sister taking care of the younger brother" changed?

It was his attack against his hurricane, and he climbed up again and again in the screams; or he continued to become stronger in the depths of the Leiyin Mountains, eventually becoming a good teacher, owning himself and not The strength of the ups and downs; or the unforgettable night, when he once again recalled the tragic death of his parents and the tragedy of his childhood, he appeared in time, and he himself ... actually burst into tears in his arms?

The cranky thoughts in the brain did not prevent Ding Ling from rushing out of the arsenal. They found the third goal. One ship was more than three kilometers long and was guarded by more than a dozen arsenal ships, Aegis destroyers and hundreds of crystal scorpions. A comprehensive supply ship that is dead and alive.

Although the integrated supply ship does not have strong firepower, defense and magnetic interference, it has a huge repair workshop and a spar ammunition warehouse, which is the core of each sub-fleet.

There is no comprehensive supply ship supported by the back, no matter whether the arsenal or the Aegis ship, or even the crystal scorpion and the universe war, will not last long, it will be collectively misfiring.

In the twinkling of an eye, two starships were blasted in succession. She apparently became the focus of attention on the battlefield. The mysterious light, the cosmic mines and the psionic missiles were intertwined in front of her into an impenetrable fire net.

The big fire dragon bird is facing the fire net, sprinting without hesitation!

The enemy's firepower is too fierce. Even if the giant gods' interference and defensive arrays are higher, they will be hit by the front and burst into a series of deformed fireballs.

Just in the moment when the fireball swallowed the giant gods, the series of runes on the surface of the big dragons were shining, turning into a sleek protective shell, absorbing most of the destructive power and transforming them into colorful flames, in all directions. Vacuum jets, at first glance, have a thrilling beauty.

This is the case, the strong psychic impact still makes her brain turbulent at high speed, and more memories are in the memory cortex.

She and Li Yao are not romantic people. Perhaps the goals of both of them are too great, sometimes they ignore the side and the present.

However, people like Li Yao who are not romantic have even done one of the most romantic things, taking her on a satellite and seeing the world's most gorgeous sunrise.

No matter how long it is, I will completely melt her heart at that moment.


The big flaming dragon bird is reborn from the shroud of the fireball, and the nine flaming dragons attack at the same time. Like a bunch of candied haws, they smashed dozens of crystal scorpions and the universe battles. The momentum is increasing and unpredictable. .

Rao is an immortal empire who is not afraid of death. Under her absolute strength, there has been a moment of error.

She is convenient to use this moment of space, deeply into the integrated supply ship!

In the control interface of the Great Fire Dragon, the ancient runes from the wilderness flashed one by one, and Ding Ling condensed the strong emotions and the fluctuations of the soul into five high-speed trembling characters. The arms of the Great Dragons suddenly exploded. The mysterious and exquisite internal components are exposed, and they are merged together in front of each other to become an extremely dangerous cannon.

Infinite flames spurt out, such as a volcanic eruption, wrapped in the disintegrated arms, and spread, eventually turned into a burning eagle.

This red lotus war eagle, vivid and vivid, slaps its wings gently, screams eagerly and screams, and exudes a sense of smothering. If there is really a wild beast, it will pass through time and space and stop at the big inflammation. Dragon's hand.

When Ding Ling took a different angle, the Red Lotus Warhawks became thin as a flap, even without a flat surface.

The feeling of familiarity hits my heart.

It is as if she manipulates the hands of the Great Fire Dragon, tearing up the three-dimensional space, and extracting an "absolutely flat" angry giant eagle from the endless void.

This is a hundred years ago, Li Yao used to display in the Kunlun ruins, and eventually killed a Pangu giant's supernatural powers Suzaku silencer!

After a hundred years of maintenance, reinforcement, and repeated tempering of Ding Ling, after reshaping the left arm, relying on both hands to stimulate together, this move is more powerful than when Li Yao was excited by a residual arm of the giant soldier. Times!


Suzaku spread his wings and roared out. From the bridge of the integrated supply ship, he went through the maintenance workshop, the ammunition depot, the spar warehouse, the Xinghai jumping unit and the power cabin. The internal space of the integrated supply ship was cut into two parts. Parts.

Although the splitting of space is only a matter of moments, objects broken in half can never be restored. The high-speed SPIRIT generator and power cabin first explode, followed by some extremely unstable crystals in the spar warehouse. The marrow, a small explosion has triggered a chain reaction, the flame is rampant like a flood, and the numerous immortals are directly vaporized!

The Great Dragons are striding forward in the "flood" of burning and exploding, and they are too lazy to find any martyrdom and gates. When they encounter the bulkheads and armor along the way, they directly use the double fists to smash them. Nothing can stop. The advance of the giant soldiers, unless

The crystal brain emits a series of harsh screams. There is a group of psionics in front of the big flaming dragons that can respond to the high-speed approach. It is the empire's giant soldier!

The flames are rolling like anger, and the repair warehouse where Ding Ling is located is just a very spacious space, becoming the best battlefield.

Along with the shaking of the mountain, a dark black giant soldier emerged slowly from the sea of ​​fire.

Its body shape is more powerful than the big flaming dragon bird, its shape is slightly awkward, and both shoulders are equipped with a huge honeycomb-shaped launching bin, which looks like three heads at first glance.

And hanging from the huge scapula, there are three arms on the left and right, respectively, is the "three heads and six arms".

This is a "shaped giant soldier", which is slightly different from the normal human body.

The Giant God Soldier is the strongest weapon that the Yi people have carefully refined for the Terran Warriors. It is specially used for the huge Pangu of the antibody type, but it is not refining out of thin air. The source is often the armor of the Lahu and Pangu.

No matter whether the Nuwa civilization or the Pangu civilization, there are many large and strange races, who are the first snake body, the green face and the fangs, and the three heads and six arms are all under the guise.

Therefore, the armor of the son-in-law and the Pangu civilization also has a variety of strange shapes. It is not surprising that the "big gods" transformed from these crystals will have three heads and six arms.

Humans have only two hands, and the nervous system has evolved to manipulate the hands and fingers. Although it is possible to manipulate more limbs with the psionic "spacer", it is not born.

Therefore, the difficulty of controlling the "special-shaped giant soldiers" is much higher than that of the general giant soldiers. It is difficult to apply various strange shapes to the extent of the fingers, but it is a burden. .

However, once you can really get started, the alien giant soldiers can play a more astounding tactic than the ordinary giant soldiers, and have more powerful power.

This is the case for the imperial cultivator who controls three big six-armed giants.

The dark black armor faintly flows with a blue flame, and the six arms hold six different weapons, chain saw swords, and slashing knives. Only in the hands of such a steel giant, the "sword knives" are worthy of the name. There is no doubt that people can really, can cut a starship into two halves!

The big dragon bird is empty and has no weapons.

Ding Lingzhen is a smelter. She has never liked a knife to make a gun. Even if she became the master of the giant warrior, she did not carry too many swords. Instead, she put all the magical powers and upgrades into the double fists.

The big boxing dragon's double fists bloom like two lotus flowers, then rotate at high speed, rotate to the limit, and rotate to the two holes that can be drilled into the universe!


The hive's launching bin on the other's shoulder first fired, as if two volcanoes were erupting against Dingling, and the Great Fire Dragons were also launched at the same time, rushing toward the fire and the most dense place of the sword.

She can feel the enemy's mistakes and confusion, which makes her fighting spirit more high. Her spirit is burning wildly and completely integrated with the Great Fire Dragon, just like a hundred years ago on the remains of Kunlun, Li Yao It has also been integrated with this giant soldier.

"You are just a little cultivator, how can you understand the power hidden in the depths of the Great Fire Dragon?"

"This is a giant soldier who has been murdered by ‘God’!”

Three minutes later.

On the outskirts of the integrated supply ship, the best priests of the Federation and the most powerful priests of the empire were also strangled into a group. The spirits of the refiners resonated, even in the vacuum without sound, they rolled up the waves of blood.

But in these three minutes, everyone's rhythm is slowing down. They all saw that there was a giant soldier on both sides who went deep into the depth of the integrated supply ship.

The federal side is the spiritual pillar of the battlefield, "Red Flame Dragon King Ding Bell", and the Empire is also the absolute strongest in the Black Wind Fleet!

The confrontation between the two giant soldiers may not be able to determine the outcome of the whole battle, but at least at this moment, it affects the hearts of all the self-cultivators and the immortals!

The integrated supply ship is constantly exploding. A group of fireballs, such as red-red monsters, gradually move closer to the center of the starship. Seeing that the starship will collapse completely, everyone’s heart also mentions the eyes of the blind, each eye bursting and bleeding. Staring at death


In the chaotic communication channel between the two sides, there were thousands of screams.

A giant soldier screamed out from the huge fireball. The dark black shell and the three-headed and six-armed shapes were clearly visible. It was on the empire side!

However, before the empire cultivators cheered in the communication channel, the sharp-eyed people discovered that the giant armor’s six arms were pulled down incomparably, as if the joints were all bombarded. Like a smash, the brilliance of the power matrix is ​​faint, and it is like a sob before dying.

At this moment, a very glaring red streamer jumped out of the wreckage of the integrated supply ship, and swept above it at a speed that was too fast, and the double fists were like two meteors. No, it was two pieces. A meteor shower with millions of meteors is smashing! (~^~)

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