Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1814: Moths


The order from the Himewara was transmitted to the driving compartment of the "Great Yan Longque" through the top secret channel. Ding Ling’s ear rang a white happy voice: "Dr. Ding, the highest command center remotely monitors your physical condition and giants. The performance parameters of the soldiers are very poor. Now you are ordered to withdraw from the battlefield under the cover of the affiliated Crystal Wars. Return to the No. 9 Star Wars Fort for a break. The evacuation route will be transmitted to your crystal brain later. The number will also provide you with fire cover!"

As the chief of staff of the Suiyuan Fleet and the chief commander of the first attack cluster, Bai Xin is also the highest spokesperson of the ground command center in the Xinghai battlefield.

Even though Ding Ling is the most powerful giant warrior in the federal army, since he is in the battle sequence, he must follow the command of Bai Happy.

Ding Ling’s eyes narrowed, and a bit of sweet water poured out of her throat, and she was swallowed back by her hard life: “I will not retreat. The big dragons can still fight, and I am the same, please ask the staff. Long reset the battle mission for me!"

"Dr. Ding!"

White happy to raise the voice, "Now is not the time to use things, you know your identity, how important it is to the whole federation! Your amazing performance has attracted the attention of all the enemy and the enemy, including the three giant soldiers A large number of enemy troops are coming to you, we can't afford to lose your losses, and quickly retreat!"

"I, I am not interested in it!"

Ding Ling gnawed his teeth and gasped in a hurry. He searched for every drop of force in every cell. "You said, my identity is vital to the whole federation, but my identity is not exactly the 'Federation of War, Chi Yan. Dragon King, the unbeaten myth'? Now, whirring, now everyone is watching me, they are watching the Red Flame Dragon King! If this time retreat, how badly it will be caused by morale!

"If it is normal, it will be fine. I will not hesitate to retreat to take rest and replenishment, but now is the most crucial moment. The door of the Black Wind Fleet is being assembled quickly! Wait for me to rest, I am a cultivator. The Star Gate also completed the assembly and summoned a large number of main forces! At that time, even if the Great Dragons completely recovered 100% of the combat power, how can they withstand the arrogance of thousands of starships?

"I must keep going. Even if the ‘unbeaten myth is’ is fake, it’s just a slogan, but as long as one federal soldier believes, I will do my best and live up to their trust!”

White is silent and can hear the noisy sound on the bridge of the Ebara.

"rest assured"

Ding Ling smiled. "I won't die. I have an agreement with Li Yao. I have had so many wonderful things in the past 100 years. I haven't seen his stunned expression, how can he die!"


Bai Xin took a deep breath and said, "The task of the Great Fire Dragon and its affiliated Crystal Warrior is being reset. The mission briefing and main direction will be sent to your crystal brain later.

"You are right, time is tight, you must rush to destroy the enemy's star door before it is assembled. We have no time to go back. We can only face the curved defense net with the enemy flagship black whirlpool as the core!

"However, we also have our own trump card with the wormhole bomb!

"Next, the main ship including the 燎原号 will hit the 'Black Swirl', but we are just attacking, it will really cause a fatal blow to the black vortex, tearing a super breakthrough on the enemy defense net, is a moth number!

"Whether the 燎原号 or your ‘大炎龙雀 attack cluster’, we have only one mission to protect the moth so that it can reach the black whirlpool within 30 kilometers without any damage, understand?”

Thirty kilometers, on the ground is a long distance, but in the universe is close at hand, the blink of an eye can break through.

As the flagship of the Black Wind Fleet, the Black Swirl will naturally not allow any of the Federal Starships to be within 30 kilometers of themselves.

The Moth, equipped with a wormhole bomb, is just a general transport ship. It is simply not capable of resisting the black whirlpool and the rest of the Imperial Starship. Before the violent time and space devour the black whirlpool, the moth will Completely annihilated in a series of huge fireballs.

The only way is that the main fleet of the Federal Fleet, including the 燎原, acts as a bait, and the Black Wind Fleet launches a counterattack, attracting most of the firepower to yourself, creating opportunities for the Moth!

"Shi Niang!"

Jin Xinyue’s voice also cut into the top secret channel. She has already arrived at the Xinghai battlefield. “The moon plan is what I came up with. I will be responsible for it anyway! Our Yaozu is also a member of the new federation. Please do not doubt flying. The courage and loyalty of all the demon squad members on the moth! As long as you can ensure that the moth enters the 30-kilometer range of the Black Swirl, we will surely make the imperial people suffer a lot!"

Ding Ling smiled.

She likes this plan because it is straightforward, simple enough, and clear enough, as long as it is always rushing forward.

The battle of the Black Wind Fleet has been completely stabilized, like a starry beast, and the black whirlpool is a huge heart embedded in the ugly chest of the behemoth.

Not far behind Ding Ling's body, the main ship of the Suiyuan Fleet, headed by the Suiyuan No., desperately came together and condensed into a huge conical battle array. Although it is difficult for the naked eye to recognize their relative speed, from each star Looking at the flames of the ship's tail, they are constantly accelerating!

Further, the remnants of the Great White Fleet also took a big circle and rushed to join the raid on the black whirlpool.


The new mission briefing, including the attack road map, the action target and the information of the combat troops, was transmitted to the crystal brain of Ding Ling.

"Wu Ma Yan, and everyone in the ‘Iron Wars’ heard it?”

Ding Lingwei opened the internal communication channel. "Now, the key to determining the outcome is to see the door of the starry sky behind the enemy fleet. Once the star gate is assembled, the Xingyao Federation has a hundred years of preparation and six hundred. The pride of the year will be wiped out!

"But, it's still too late, we can stop it, the result of this war, control in the hands of each of us, everyone!

"They clearly define their combat missions, goals, enemy flagship black whirlpool, EFF, advance!"

The flaming armor of the Great Fire Dragon has once again spurted a bright flame, and the nine exhausted psionic dragons have once again reborn and restored the most violent roar!

Ding Lingwei is the focus of the whole battle. She is the "Federal God of War, the Red Flame Dragon King", and is the spiritual pillar of countless EFF soldiers.

It was not only her own affiliated group that was affected by her, but also the remaining giant warriors, and even the nearby federal crystal warriors and the universe wars, and even all the star ships!

Assault, the most violent place in the enemy fire!

Assault, the hardest point toward the arc battle!

Assault, towards the flagship of the Black Wind Fleet, the Black Swirl!

The number of devastating beams on the battlefield has increased tenfold in an instant. No matter the enemy or the enemy, all the starship's offensive magic weapons are overloaded, pouring out the remaining ammunition and spar.

In order to intensify the strongest attack power of the Xuanguang cannon, some starships even actively reduce the defensive intensity of the psionic shield. When the enemy ships are blasted, they are often exploded by enemy ships, and a huge fireball suddenly expands. The dark sea of ​​stars reflects a pale white, and if the reflection of hundreds of millions of stars, a series of fine smashes!

The main ship of the Ebara Fleet continued to accelerate, like a huge flashing hedgehog.

This ultra-large-scale main ship has the best damage management system and liquid metal maintenance magic weapon. In the most extreme case, it can even fill half of the entire starship, and it does not affect its high-speed flight in vacuum.

So no matter how many psionic missiles are smashed and how many enemy sergeants invade them, it is not so easy to change direction, and it is even more impossible to explode easily.

Under the cover of these behemoths, the "Moth" is like a battlefield supply ship that can be seen everywhere on the battlefield.

It is close to the rear of a main battleship, like a small fish attached to a blue whale.

The main battleship can help it withstand most of the firepower, and in this environment where the starry beasts are rampant, not many people will care about this "small fish and shrimp."

Behind the black whirlpool, more and more stars are connected by the spiritual magnetic field, revealing the embryonic form of the door of the starry sky. It will take a long time to send out the depths of the brown dwarfs beyond tens of light years. Dangerous light.

Now, all hope is pinned on the "Moth".

"Boom, thunder!"

After a series of fierce killings, the Great Fire Dragons are weak to this extent, even if the ordinary crystal lumps are clustered, they can cause a certain degree of damage to it.

But Ding Lingyu is now the most concerned about, neither the performance of the big fire dragon bird nor its own safety, just the moth.

She saw the cone battle of the Suiyuan Fleet. The Aegis ship deployed on the outermost layer was fired one by one, or was beaten to lose power. After a slight deviation from the channel, it flew farther and farther away. Large force.

She saw some arsenales speeding forward. After exhausting all the spar and ammunition, they set the channel to the channel of the enemy starship, hitting it, even if it hit the enemy, or before the impact occurred. It was completely disintegrated, and at least it seriously interfered with the enemy's channel, formation and fire net.

She saw countless crystals and the universe battles gathered into a gleaming nebula, and they went into the whirlpool of two flagship showdowns, even if they were crushed within 0.1 seconds.

Located in the center of the cone battlefield, the Himewara, and the moths hidden in the battlefield, are still moving forward! (To be continued.)

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