Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1815: Tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!

The artillery fire in front and the wreckage of flying debris everywhere are getting denser and denser. They are like an unreasonable fangs, embedded in the depths of the Black Wind Fleet, surrounded by tidal imperial crystals and the Star Wars federal war gods. The candidate for the next highest supreme speaker of the federation is worthy of the Black Wind Fleet mobilizing a large number of forces to encircle and even capture.

At this moment, there is no half-inch intact armor, and the spar and psionic energy consumption has reached the limit. It is no longer possible to sing a volley of the main gun of the starship.

In the communication channel, the soldiers who came together in the morning and evening, screaming and screaming: "Long live the Federation! Long live the original Iron Star! Long live the refiner!"

They are in the roar of screaming, and they are clinging to the enemy, turning into a spark of blasphemy, and eternal life in the most splendid light.

Ding Lingzhen can even distinguish the specific identity of each soldier through the characteristics of the squeaking sound, recalling the scene of the practice of everyone together on weekdays.

Her eyes were filled with tears, but the smile on her lips was getting stronger and stronger.

No matter how hard, she hopes that the more Imperial Crystals, Giants, and Starships that are gathered around her, the better.

The more enemy forces that are attracted to her, the less pressure there is on the side of the 燎原, and the more likely it is to send the wormhole bomb to a deadly distance!

In the distance, three meteors roared and rushed to her.

It was the three giant soldiers who had just jumped out of the black whirlpool, had enough ammunition, and the spirits had stirred up and had been in stock for a long time.

Now the total number of giant soldiers on both sides of the battlefield has been close to forty. The empire has a clear advantage in the quantity and quality of the giant soldiers.

At least from the flames of the three giant stalwarts, the Ding Ling, who is exhausted and exhausted at this moment, is definitely not their opponent.

"White happy, Jin Xinyue, what are you..."

Ding Ling's nostrils were enlarged, and the last hope was pinned on the Suiyuan Fleet and the Moth. After the hard-boiled tormented an Imperial Crystal, they couldn't help but look in the direction of the Yuan.

Despite the multiple eye-protection wafer barriers, her eyes have shrunk to the limit in an instant, and they are irritated by strong light.

She saw countless **** of light swelling in front of the cone-shaped battlefield of the Ebara Fleet, like the rise of a hundred thousand small suns. The source of these "small suns" is the invisible cosmic mines scattered in front of the black vortex. At the moment of the explosion of the universe's water mines, the artillery fire from the main empire of the Black Swirl and other empire also slammed a series. Most of the artillery fire was concentrated in the depths of the Suiyuan Fleet, but it was not the 燎原, but deeper. At some point!

It is very difficult to generate shock waves in the vacuum, but in the big bang, all the starships open the psionic shield to the limit, and the psionic energy swells, and still condenses into a more violent storm than the shock wave!

The main ship of the Suiyuan Fleet swayed in the middle of the eagerly burning giant waves, and the original strict and determined formation gradually began to loosen.

Ding Ling’s heart was mentioned in the eyes of the blind man.

"White chief of staff, white happy!"

She and Bai Xin are both members of the "Lee Yao Group". They are the same political faction. They used to be very close. In a hurry, they called their names. "What happened, how about the moth, the moth !"

There was a harsh "Zizi" sound in the secret communication channel. The 燎原号 apparently has not recovered from the strong magnetic interference caused by the big bang. After a long time, it was passed on to the white voice that was interrupted and twisted to the extreme: "Withdrawal Well, Ding Ling, no hope, the moth was destroyed!"


Ding Ling stunned for a while, only that the entire universe collapsed in front of his eyes.

"In the first round of the attack, hundreds of enemy ships were all set on fire in the forward channel of the moth, just as they knew the important mission of the moth in advance!"

White is happy and ruined. "Damn, I don't know why this is happening. In short, the moth is completely vaporized. The wormhole bomb is too late to activate and it will be destroyed! There is no wormhole bomb. With the power at hand, it is impossible to break through. There is a black whirlpool with extraterrestrial demon blessing!

"It's not good. It has been detected that more than five empire giants have rushed over to the original squad. The Black Wind Fleet still harbors so many giant soldiers! This is a trap! They are deliberately let us in! Connected to the war, all ships have, ready to join the war, they have to come in!

"Listen, Ding Ling, the plan has failed, and then stubborn, like a moth, it doesn't make any sense, just retreat!"

"Even... even if we really lost the Tianyuan world, there are still six big worlds, and we can still play against the Black Wind Fleet! The game is a chip, you are our chips, don't consume it here!

"Retreat, this is the order!"

The communication of the secret channel was cut off very violently.

I don’t know if the enemy’s latest five giant soldiers have invaded the interior of the 燎原.

Ding Ling, such as the five thunder, has not returned to God for a long time.

Was trying to release the order to retreat, Wu Mayan sent her an encrypted file, said that it was sent by Jin Xinyue.

Ding Lingwei gave a slight glimpse, did not understand why Jin Xinyue did not communicate directly with himself in the secret channel, but he wanted to transfer through Wumayan, but did not understand why this encrypted file should be set to the secret of "double retinal scanning". The pattern can only be opened after scanning the retinas of two people, Wumayan and Dingling.


Ding Ling quickly opened the small encrypted file through the retina scan.

Jin Xinyue’s sly and stubborn face immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

"Retreat, Master, your mission has been successfully completed, the wormhole bomb has been sent out, whether you can successfully cut into the black whirlpool, it depends on luck!"

Ding Ling’s eyes are stunned. It’s not that the moth is directly vaporized. If the wormhole bomb has not been activated, it’s gone. What does this mean?

She has developed her limbs and her mind is simple. After all, she has the computing power of the peak of the Yuan Ying period. Looking at the smile of the golden heart thief in the picture, she reacted instantly: "The bastard, the wormhole bomb is not in the moth! ”

This is not an instant message, just a video sent by Jin Xinyue, and naturally I can't hear her roar.

However, Jin Xinyue in the video seems to be able to anticipate the reaction of Ding Ling, and then goes on: "The teacher should have guessed it. Yes, there is indeed a wormhole bomb in the moth, but it is fake.

"Don't blame me, my mother, when our spiritual net and the star gate collapsed completely, I realized that I fell into a deep unfathomable trap. There must be some enemy, which is higher than the black wind fleet commander. The enemy of the level, this enemy has a strong spirit network penetration and control ability, know everything about us!

"So, if the enemy knew the existence of the 'Yueyue Plan' long ago and used it, and he wanted to take a picture of '螳螂螳螂, 雀雀后后', he must know the details of the '黯月计划'. For the most critical card 'wormhole bomb', will you know nothing about it?

"While the wormhole bomb is the most top secret, regardless of the secret sword bureau or the Haoyue Foundation, in the process of research and transformation, many people have been involved, and many crystal brains have been used. There is no way to keep it completely confidential.

"The enemy has long known that the existence of wormhole bombs will surely guard against their own core starships and key areas. We have dispatched so many starships to attack the whole army with great fanfare. The fools have guessed that we have to use the final cards. How is it possible? success?

"Fortunately, one week before the launch of the plan, I suddenly... I got some mention points and found that getting a transport ship to carry a wormhole bomb is too direct, too simple, too risky.

"So, I secretly refined two fake wormhole bombs, and the three transport ships jointly performed this task, one true and two false, greatly improving the chances of survival and privacy.

"Refining the real wormhole bombs, involving all aspects, will always leave clues.

"But the fake wormhole bombs only need a similar appearance, which is extremely simple, even without the aid of the crystal brain and the spirit net.

"I know that our spiritual network has been highly infiltrated. Even if we switch to the standby Lingwang, the other party can't monitor the crystal brain of every ordinary warrior, but for the federal core figures like Shi Niang and me, especially between us, I will definitely find a way to master it.

"So before the launch of the Tianyuan cannon, I deliberately talked with the teacher, and revealed the news of the wormhole bomb on the 'Moth' to the teacher, and by the way also revealed to the enemy who was eavesdropping on our call.

"He doesn't think he is omnipotent, can he hear anything, then listen enough!

"Now, the enemy thinks that the wormhole bomb has been vaporized along with the moth, and our flagship 燎原 is also caught in the entanglement and encirclement of the Black Wind Fleet. The enemy has dispatched a large number of forces including five giant soldiers. To encircle the original, all the firepower was concentrated on the Hunyuan, but it was overlooked a little farther away.

"We use the 燎原号 as a bait, hoping to tear open an invisible gap. The real wormhole bomb is passing through the gap at full speed and flying toward the black whirlpool!

"Next, no one can interfere with anything, but can only silently pray, God can give the Stars Federation a little luck.

"Retreat, Master, you can win by yourself alone, your mission has been completed, then, let's see us!"

"Oh... no one can deceive my golden heart so badly, to pay back my teeth, to pay back my eyes, I am not a magnanimous person, no matter who is hidden in the dark, 'Intellect is wrong." 'The seven words, I will call him one by one, eat it live!"

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