Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1821: All the way sparks with lightning!

Chapter 1821 All the way sparks with lightning!

The stable and uniform space-time vortex has become distorted and violent under the influence of this storm. A small number of imperial reinforcements have crossed the wormhole, but at the last moment they have fallen into the depths of layers.

They are stretched from a few kilometers to a few hundred kilometers long; or two or three star ships overlap, all matter appears on the same coordinates, violently exploding; or forever broken The state of the void can't be re-aggregated, just like a cloud of sparkling stars.

Almost no starship can escape the deadly vortex, and several starships that escaped were also distorted into a spiral form, losing all psionic power and power, from the fragmented outer shell and the cracks that almost penetrate the hull. It is estimated that the crew inside will also die seven or eight eight.

The star torches that make up the door of the starry sky burst one after another. The huge fireball illuminates almost half of the universe, but it only makes people more aware of the chaotic and fierce scenes in the whirlpool of time and space.

It was like a "masterpiece" of a Fauvist artist in the case of alcoholism. The nightmare picture lasted for about half a minute. The colorful, messy whirlpool of time and space finally collapsed irretrievably. The speed visible to the naked eye is quickly annihilated. After a few seconds, there is only a piece of shiny enamel, like a jellyfish drifting.

This is the real wormhole bomb!

The door of the starry sky collapsed completely, and all the stars were like the eyes of the blind, and they could no longer ignite a little light; the large-scale imperial reinforcements - the dinosaurs who were ready to go, and the wormholes that were dying , disappeared without a trace!

In the universe vacuum, the entire battlefield is dead.

It is like the inner empire and the federal government, the inner heart of every soldier, commander, general, self-cultivator and narrator.

Everyone stared at the coordinates of the wormhole annihilation and stared at the colorful flash.

Even the super-capacity fleet commanders, the brain at the moment is a blank, whether it is extremely shocked, ecstatic or desperate, all emotions are sealed in the frozen nerves!

"How, how can this be?"

Ding Lingwei, Bai Xingjian, Bai Xinghe, Jin Xinyue, Wu Mayan, the spring breeze, and the black night on the black whirlpool, as well as thousands of EFF and Bleu people, all came up with this question. A carpet-like brain bombing!

"what is that!"

Regardless of the enemy, countless people exclaimed at the same time.

They all perceive a force that has never been seen before, and rushed from the depths of the door of the Starry Sky, and they have turned the scanning direction of the detection magic weapon.

In the coordinates of the empire's support fleet and the wormhole annihilation, the colorful space and time, a magnificent figure, slowly emerged.

The height of the giant soldiers is usually no more than thirty or fifty meters. Even the largest model, up to a hundred meters, is a drop in the sea of ​​the sea. It is reasonable to say that it is difficult to observe with the naked eye.

But the figure of the top of the earth and the starry sea is not the giant **** itself, not even the flame that it is igniting, but its spiritual shield and the time and space that has not been completely annihilated. !

Super-radiation is its cloak; high-energy particle flow is like a fire snake that lingers around its body and dances wildly; thousands of kilometers of arcs criss-cross in front of it, condensing into a deep piercing black wind fleet. sky Road!

This giant, composed of Xinghai storm, shreds time and space, tramples on the road of lightning, spurts high-energy particles, and rushes to the highest point of the universe like a sea tornado, one hundred meters, one kilometer, ten thousand meters, 100,000 meters, in every crystal eye, every monitoring magic weapon and everyone's pupil deep, left an indelible mark!

It is like an invisible filament, spurting out from this giant, wrapped in the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of kilometers around the star, in the hearts of everyone.

Everyone is aware of the suffocating psionic fluctuations, and even heard the giants trample on lightning and stars, and the "rumbling" footsteps.

It, is it an enemy or a friend? What exactly is it!

This step is the drum of the whole army, or is it the death knell of killing?

Everyone is in a state of extreme suffocation, waiting nervously and helplessly.

Ding Lingwei stared at the other party's psionic radiation pattern scanned by the crystal brain.

Somehow, her heartbeat is getting faster and faster, her chest and cheeks are hot and hot, her lips are numb, and the fundus and fundus are involuntarily filled.

"Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang!"

She seemed to hear the blood hit the eardrum and the sound of the wind chimes.


Emergency information was sent from the highest command center.

As soon as I saw the two words that I was so familiar with that I couldn’t recognize, the wind ring in her ear was ten times denser, and the nose seemed to be twisted, and the tears could not help but burst out.

"You are finally back!"


"I finally came back, but fortunately arrived in time!"

In the driving compartment of the giant sacred "Nine secluded mysterious bones", even with the strict protection of Xiaohei, Li Yao was strongly interfered by time and space, tearing up numerous muscles and blood vessels, and the blood flowing through the seven streams was a mess.

No way, in order to inspire the morale of the whole army and create a gorgeous sound and photoelectric effect, he slammed into the center of the psionics that had not yet been annihilated, and madly stirred up the flames and confronted the heavens and the earth!

Although it has created a cool effect of "sparks with lightning", it has been countered by itself.

However, all this is worth it!

He didn't know how Ding Lingwei, Jin Xinyue and thousands of EFF soldiers did, but they actually resisted the black wind fleet that had been strengthened by the Tianmo Demon, so miraculously insisted. To the twelve ancient holy strong, the arrival of the twelve giant soldiers!

"Thank you, Jin Xinyue, Spring Breeze, Wu Mayan, Ding Lingwei... and everyone else, thank you for bringing me this 'miracle'. Now, let me give you a new miracle!


The giant squadron "Nine secluded mysterious bones" made a silent whistling, and the super-radiative and high-energy particle flow that swayed around the whole body was like a sundial burst, instantly expanding and brightening ten times, leaving a near-near in the dark universe. A huge silhouette of pure white!

The three unfortunate Empire Starships are on the road ahead of Li Yao.

They were originally smashed and smashed by the catastrophic collapse of the wormhole. They were so devastated that they were in danger, and the flames screamed out through the gap of the hull.

Completely unable to dodge, it was captured by the spiritual field of the nine secluded mysterious bones, sucked into the scope of the attack, and instantly burst into the fireball of the three groups behind the nine secluded sacred bones.

Under the moment of the fireball, some of the closer starships of the Empire have finally scanned the whole picture of the black scorpion giants like the nine princes.

"Drips, drops, drops."

The crystal brain of Jiuyou Xuan bone scanned a new communication channel access request.

Judging from the secret lines sent by the other party, it is exactly when they are in the Baihuaxing domain that they agree on a good password.

After 100 years, who will be the first to talk to myself, will it be... her?

Li Yaoqiang endured the excitement and sent a trembling mind to connect the two spiritual ports to each other.

"Lee Yao!"

Ding Ling's voice suddenly appeared in the eardrum, nerve endings, cerebral cortex and deep soul, while stirring the thunder storm.

Even if she slammed into the center of time and space, Li Yao did not feel so suffocated.

He is a monstrous old monster and a three-zone supreme. At this moment, his eyes and nose are a bit tidal. He takes a deep breath and reminds himself that he must stretch it and come up with a "Gorgeous Return" posture. Don't make any **** scenes like tears, headaches, and crying.

Li Yao forced himself to smack his lips, and laughed happily: "Wife, I am back, I am not happy, I am not excited?"

Ding Lingwei was silent for a while, probably excited that the nose was coming out, and even the voice became a little weird: "Hey..."

"Don't say anything, wife, I know you!"

Even the people who are so refreshing in Ding Ling will be silent. Li Yao thinks that his wife is bursting into tears at this moment. She is more excited and unable to do it herself. She is forcing the thunder in her chest and flying fast. "I know that you think I am going to die, I am again. Why don't you think that you want to die and live, want to burn yourself? But now is not the time when your children are in love, you should first go out and recharge your batteries, and your husband will explode these immortals or the extraterrestrial demon at the fastest speed. After cooking these chopsticks, let's take a good look at the lingering and squabbling wars. I have a whole hundred years of avenues to discuss with you!"

Ding Linghao: "Don't, don't say it!"

Li Yao: "Oh, there are weird, you are not my wife! My wife is obviously a female hero, passionate and unrestrained, like a wolf like a tiger, when is it so shy?"

Ding Lingwei: "I am your wife, but this is not a single-line communication channel. I have already opened the communication port here to all our troops on the battlefield. All the EFF can hear both of us. dialogue."

Li Yao: "..."

Ding Lingwei: "Hey, Li Yao, can you hear me?"

Li Yao: "Shasha Shasha Shasha."

Ding Lingwei: "Lee Yao! Li Yao!"

Li Yao: "What do you say, I can't hear it. It seems that there are extraterrestrial demons that invaded my spiritual net and made some messy sounds, but they have already been killed by me! Now is the real one, I am talking, wife, What do you say?"

Ding Lingwei: "...our gorgeous return has shocked the audience. Everyone can't wait to hear the voice of 'Three Realms, Vultures Li Yao'. Now, what do you want to say to the soldiers of the entire EFF? ”

Li Yao: "The military situation is urgent. What else can you say? My life is most annoying to people who have to talk about it before the start! The soldiers of the EFF, I am 'vulture Li Yao', not the 'Three Realms', just One of the ordinary members of you! Don't say anything, let's fight side by side and move toward the enemy's flagship black whirlpool. Every explosion you see is the sound I made!"

This week, I would like to thank all the enthusiastic book friends, such as "Clouds and fog, a smoke", "Dream of the Blue Sky", "Tang Anzhen", "Kai Tian Shen Jiang" and so on. Everyone's support is the biggest advance of the old cow. Power, let us fight side by side, make strides!

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