Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1822: Endless burning big collision!

The lightning road in front of the nine secluded mysterious bones turned into a flashing rifle, slamming in the depths of the Black Wind Fleet.

All the imperial crystals and the universe wars that were directly swept by this flashing rifle directly exploded. Even if the length is more than one kilometer, the imperial starship with the psionic shield and multiple composite armor protection is stunned. Xiqiao, avoiding its edge!

Farther away, the Imperial Starship, which was not affected by the collapse of the wormhole, couldn’t care for the enemy in front of it, and turned around in the direction. In a flash, there were tens of thousands of beams of light and psionic missiles flew toward Li Yao.

Booming and banging!

Sound can't be transmitted in the vacuum, but when tens of thousands of giant **** of light expand to the limit at the same time, when they gather into a sea of ​​light, the eardrums and heart of everyone on the battlefield are still swayed by the frenzied psionic energy ripples. A deafening loud noise.

The hearts of all the EFF and the self-cultivators have been twisted, and I don’t know if Li Yao can survive under such a devastating blow.

But in the next second, the psionic violent tide that the Black Wind Fleet set off was suppressed by twelve more fierce flaming arrogances. Compared with the twelve flaming flames, just tens of thousands of psionics. The explosion of the missiles is completely eclipsed!

The fireball annihilated, the streamer fluttered, and the nine secluded mysterious bones stepped on the stars, tearing apart the layers of flames, step by step, not only unscathed, but even because of the turbulence of numerous psionic whirlpools around the body, it became more and more obvious. Domineering!

Behind it, the other eleven psionic fluctuations of similar strength, slowly condensed into eleven giant devils, arrogant and imposing momentum, instantly enveloped the entire Xinghai battlefield.

"Like, as strong as he is, there are still eleven!"

Regardless of the federal or empire, everyone is demented.

Before they reacted, the twelve giant soldiers had turned into twelve lightning bolts, and they were deeply inserted into the battle of the Black Wind Fleet from all angles. The speed was so fast that they could not capture them, let alone Speaking clearly to see how they attacked, they only saw twelve lightning strikes, and they were invincible, leaving behind a series of explosions of fireballs.

Seeing that the reinforcements that were coming were taken back by a slap, even the door of the starry sky was destroyed, completely severing the hope of the arrival of the reinforcements, and the enemy suddenly emerged a cruel scene in front of the twelve powerful stalwarts. Taking advantage of the nerves of all the imperial soldiers, the desire to kill and destroy was just spurred by the demon outside the field. At this moment, all the cold sweats came out.

The formation of the Black Wind Fleet began to scatter, like the towers built by matchsticks, and it was unstoppable to collapse.

The imperial giants who are destroying the ruins of the ruins of the ruins are caught in a dilemma. They don’t know whether to return to the black whirlpool, at least to keep their flagship, despite the spirit of the 12 giants who joined the battlefield. In terms of strength, even if they rush up, it is fierce.

The Federal Fleet is like a rainbow, regardless of the command of the Suiyuan, Yinyue, and Endless Burning, or the squad attacking cluster led by Ding Lingwei, and even thousands of ordinary soldiers. In Li Yao and others, the Quartet is invincible. Encouraged by the pictures, all the hearts and minds are stirring and the blood is boiling.

There have been countless explosions in the depths of the Black Wind Fleet. A series of colorful **** of light shine on their retinas. Their limbs and cerebral cortex seem to have exploded numerous times, giving birth to new power.

Everyone has invested in the last point of psionic power, and has inspired the power matrix to the limit. Millions of light flames are like rifles, all aimed at the direction of the Black Wind Fleet, moving forward, advancing, and accelerating!

"The soldiers of the real human empire!"

Li Yao set the communication magic weapon of Jiuyou Xuan Bone into a full-band open mode, which is equivalent to the broadcast in the universe vacuum, and makes a roar of no rivals to the entire Xinghai. "Your only hope, the door of the starry sky has been destroyed." Some of the reinforcements completely annihilated the tide of the Xinghai storm. The remaining reinforcements are far away from tens of light years. It is impossible to rescue you. Your plan is completely bankrupt. You are in danger of annihilation. Nowhere. Can escape, only one dead road!

"Look at the power of the Starry Federation. If you really believe in the belief of the strong, then it is time to lay down your arms and surrender to the real powerhouse!"

"You have brought such a terrible loss to the Federation. We never mind, and we absolutely have the ability to completely eliminate you, but now there is a more insidious, more evil, and the same number of covenant alliances, even above the sacred alliance. Above, the enemy as powerful as the Pangu, our common enemy, is hiding somewhere on the battlefield.

"That is the extraterrestrial demon!

"Recall what happened just now. Do you feel that your desire for killing and destroying has inexplicably improved a lot? Do you find yourself **** and burning, and you can hardly think about it? That is the extraterrestrial demon, invading your soul, Control your mind!

"It’s the extraterritorial demon who is manipulating this Xinghai battle behind the scenes. We are all its pawns. It wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. After we have all drained the last drop of blood, we will all swallow it!

"Now, your flagship black whirlpool has been smashed into the nest of the heavenly demon, your commander's dark night, has become the shackles of the extraterrestrial demon, even part of the extraterrestrial demon!

"Wake up, the soldiers of the Imperial Army, don't do futile resistance, let go of the weapons, raise your hands and surrender!"

"Do you really human empire, do you live by the orthodox heirs of the Xinghai Empire? The Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago is in the hands of the demon in the outer world. If you still have the dignity and pride of the inheritors of the Xinghai Empire, Then look at your eyes and see who your enemies are!"

Li Yao’s voice, such as the wave of thunder condensed, spread rapidly on the starry battlefield.

"Out of the field..."

Not all Imperial soldiers can hear his "broadcast", but all the immortals who heard the "broadcast" have their eyes wide open and are silent.

No matter how cruel and evil the immortal is to ordinary people, they are indeed proud of the identity of "humanity" and are convinced that they are the supreme defenders of human civilization.

To some extent, the cultivators are even more fanatical “human supremacists” than the self-cultivators, as can be seen from their country names.

As the noble warriors of the real human empire, they are extremely convinced of the purity of human beings. Even ordinary people who do not have the roots of awakening are regarded as "original people" by them, and they are expelled from the ranks of "real human beings". The same thing as the enchanting scorpion is not able to coexist with the idea of ​​the cultivator, and belongs to the object to be strangled.

"All this is a conspiracy of extraterrestrial demons. Are we in a trap?"

It is not a fool to cultivate the immortals. Lv Qingchen’s manipulation has not left any traces. Li Yao said that many of the immortals have been shocked and have fallen into meditation.

On the black whirlpool, Li Yao’s roar is even more sparkling.


The atmosphere on the bridge was almost solidified, and all the cultivators stared at the night with incredible and creepy eyes. "You, what are you..."

The night was silent for a long time, almost blending with his own shadow, staring at the nine secluded mysterious bones on the monitor light curtain for a long time, and the two teeth near the absolute zero were squeezed out in the teeth: "Li, Yao!"

The dark black eyes rushed to all the cultivators around, and wherever the gaze went, the air seemed to become a thick mud, drilling into the pores of every cultivator.

The dark night smiled gloomyly. "A little bit of insects and tricks in the area, so childish and provocative, will you scare you like this? I am really disappointed with you..."

The voice did not fall, the bridge suddenly violently swayed, everyone stood unsteady, fell to the east, the main control of the crystal brain issued a fierce alarm, dozens of monitors on the light curtain simultaneously appeared a psionic shield Condensed to the head of the ship, like a meteor rushing into the atmosphere like a burning starship.

Yes, "burning" is its name. The flagship "Endless Burning Number" of the Great White Fleet, most of the forces of the Black Wind Fleet are attracted by 12 giants such as Li Yao, and the black whirlpool is caught in another. When the moment is stiff, like a shadowless invisible knives, cut into the core defensive layer, and the wound that has just been swallowed up by the wormhole bomb in the black whirlpool, smashed up!

“Sweet and nourish!”

The psionic shields of the two sides and the disturbance field violently collided, and thousands of sparks and arcs were knocked out. The lights on the bridge were flickering, and more than a dozen light curtains were extinguished at the same time. Several spirometers were bursting together. The fire and ice fog was also sprayed out in an instant, and the bridge was shrouded in a group of white smoke, and the wolf was at the extreme.

On the level, the black vortex is definitely above the endless burning number.

However, it was hit by a wormhole bomb, which lost 20% of its mass. There was a huge and shocking wound on the side, which caused a deadly dead corner, steering and avoidance. The efficiency is also greatly reduced.

The eternal shape of the Endless Burning No. is dexterously like a super-lightweight space warfare that slides out of the incredibly beautiful arc and drills in from the most sturdy angle.

The psionic shields and interference fields of the two sides only stagnated for a few seconds. The defensive layer above the wound was declared to collapse, and the endless flame of the Endless Burning Number was sprayed to the limit and erupted hundreds of kilometers away.

With such a strong push, it plunged into the side of the black whirlpool, and one-third of the hull was buried, almost cutting off the black behemoth!

"Lee Yao, don't be if I don't exist!"

On the bridge with the endless burning number moving on the mountain, the white star sword on the driver's seat laughed. (To be continued.)

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