Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1824: Dark God Devil!

This is a very unreasonable sight. The extraterrestrial demon is not a demon. It is not the path of biochemical technology. Moreover, even if it is a demon, it is difficult to proliferate so many rotted organs in a short time. The whole space is like an internal rainforest!

"Hey, have you seen it?"

Li Yao asked softly.

"I saw it, like a magical slaughterhouse."

Yan is cold and cold.

"Look carefully."

Li Yao pointed the giant chain saw sword to a large, eye-shaped organ not far away. "What is this, is it like an eye?"


There is a strong confusion in Yan’s voice. “How do I feel more like a heart, covered with dense veins of blood, and beating in one stroke, how can it be like an eye?”

"now it's right."

Long Yangjun calmly said, "In my opinion, the organ that Li Yao refers to is neither like an eye nor a heart. It is like a colorful intestine.

"The same organ, in the eyes of three people, has different forms, so this is an illusion. The black vortex itself has not changed. It is just a horror image that invades our brain. The extraterrestrial demon has begun to infiltrate us. Attacked!"

"Yes, the extraterrestrial demon has implanted the image of 'the internal organs of the starry beasts' in our brains, trying to disturb our minds, but it is impossible to brand the same specific image at the same time. Go in my head."

Li Yaodao, "What we see is just what we imagined. What we imagined in the ‘taste of the filthy viscera is what it looks like on our retina, what the image is perceived by the optic nerve.

"Is this a kind of 'half-step virtual space'? It is a combination of real and illusory. This is only the extraterrestrial demon who is attached to Lu Xiaochen, and it is more powerful than Professor Mo Xuan!"

"We have seen such disgusting images at the same time. The volatility fluctuations here must be very strong, and they are coming to the nest of the demon outside the bridge!"

Long Yang Jundao, "Everyone sticks to the soul, be careful, everything that you see next is very likely to be an illusion!"

"Boom! Booming and banging!"

The firepower of the three men was fully opened, and the bullets, the sword storm and the arrogant spirits were used to open the way. The smoldering and scented internal organs were burned all over the place, and the three or four doors were blasted through a surface. Pleats, like the intestines of the scorpion, the front is convenient to the bridge of the black vortex.

At the moment, there are no bridges in the majesty, indifference, and fierceness of the real human empire. It is a magical cave with corpses, scorpions and internal organs. There are countless flesh-and-blood organs hanging around the bulkheads like vines. There is also a huge insect worm hanging between the **** "vines". The upper part of the worms reveals a small head, all of which are the black vortex high-level and the commander of the entire black wind fleet.

I don't know what kind of torture they have suffered in the real world, but in this strange and magical environment of "real and illusory combination", they are entangled in the intestines and tentacles with flagella, and merge with the magic cave.

The intestines and tentacles are still sucking on the psionic powers in their bodies, as if they want to extract their muscles, meridians and internal organs into a pool of juice.

They were not as good as the expression of death and the screams of sternness. Even Li Yao, who belonged to different camps, listened and felt that the hair was upright and unbearable.

There are countless meat-like touches on the surrounding bulkheads, which have been connected to the center of the magic cave, a giant soldier over 20 meters high.

This giant soldier has a unique shape and no head on his shoulders. He can unscrupulously add various honeycomb-type launching bins. The torso is round like a huge skull. Four thick arms are connected to a circular orbit above the torso. It can rotate flexibly at 360 degrees. Under the torso is also a circular orbit. From the track, there are eight thin and long limbs like spider claws.

Its chest and abdomen are covered with strange runes, and they outline the slanting facial features to form an ugly big face.

At first glance, it is like a huge head, directly growing out of the limbs, it should be said that a total of twelve multi-functional limbs!

"It is the dark **** of the dark night gods!"

As the leader of the black wind world, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet can suppress the powerful cultivators of the five worlds. The night night will certainly not be the simple commanding commander of the unarmed force. He is also a tyrannical. Unmatched giant warrior.

The black god, the most secretive giant soldier of the Black Wind Fleet, even the night blue as a biological daughter does not know much.

Because from more than a hundred years ago, the Black Wind Fleet rarely encountered the need to use the "Black God Devil" in the night!

At this moment, from the rancid organs around, a lot of solitude is surging, just like the sacrifice of the lives of countless cultivators, and their souls are embedded in the surface of the black gods, becoming a layer of a living "reaction". Armor."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Deep in the darkness of the demon god, which was blessed by the celestial demon outside the field, the strange sound of the broken bones was emitted, and the eight limbs shrank at the same time, and slowly stood up.

For a time, the magic flames!

"What is that?"

Li Yao swept Long Yangjun and Yan away from the crowd. "On this occasion, did I say a few words first?"


Waiting for him to talk, the black and white demon god's thick and torso in the center of the five senses at the same time burst into the eyes of the hedgehog, the sorrow of the **** mouth suddenly opened, a circle of black aura is constantly magnified, such as super storm, toward Three people attacked!

In an instant, the three people are in the black halo, seeing thousands of teeth and claws, the face of the devil, like a rolling wave, rushing toward himself, instantly infiltrating each of his muscles, meridians, blood vessels, and heart and liver spleen and lungs kidney!

Li Yao: "This is a desperate war. It seems that there is no way. You must make a trick. Let's get started?"

Long Yangjun: "Well, let's get started!"

"Good, strong and powerful!"

The spirits of the nine secluded mysterious bones were all polluted by a group of devils, turning into a bleak and gloomy brownish red. Li Yao made a slap in the communication channel. "The power of the enemy is completely unexpected. This time we Finished!"


Long Yangjun also screamed. "I didn't expect the enemy to have such a careful arrangement. It was so terrifying and terrible. This time we really died!"

"It’s not a dead end, it’s a dead end, it’s going to die, no death, no death, no dead place!”

Li Yao gasped hard. "Unless a miracle happens, we can never win. It will definitely step on us like a big elephant like a small ant!"

"The extraterrestrial magic is sure to win, no doubt!"

Long Yangjun squats, whimpers, mourns, "its strength is far above our most terrible nightmare. There is no need for any moves and operations. As long as it is crushed all the way, it will be enough to crush us into the stars. foam!"


Yan can’t really listen to people. "You two are not good at each other. Is the other party so strong? How do I feel okay? The night is definitely the strongest of the gods, but when I battled the Holy League a hundred years ago, Suffering from serious injuries, all the way to the present, most of his energy and computing power are invested in the fleet command and political struggle. In this Xinghai battle, he is over-consumed, and the oil is running out. He is talking about the ability to control the giant soldiers... ...the most Yuan Ying peak series, and we are comparable!

"Even if he has the blessing of the extraterrestrial demon, but we are three-on-one, why should we be so afraid of him? Look, we have gradually adapted to his rhythm, and in turn suppressed him, what the black god, the extraterrestrial demon, but so , our advantage is great!"

"What big!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun were shocked and stunned, while evading the 12-legged offensive of the Dark Devil, such as the gyro-like offensive, screaming in unison, "Yan Daoyou, the sword can be hacked, then you must not talk, clearly It’s the advantage of the other side, it’s huge, it’s huge, it’s just a big breath, and we’ll be able to kill us all at the last breath. We’re just dying, and finally we’re fighting!”

Yan is away from people: "What is messy... Ah!"

The **** of darkness does not know whether it is the trunk or the core unit of the head. Suddenly, a gap is split from the top to reveal the coil that circulates like a sulcus. Hundreds of black lightnings scream out from the "brain ditch". On the chest of the "big sword" of the gods, the giant gods of more than 20 meters high suddenly smashed hundreds of meters away, all the way into several bulkheads, and fell into a mess of crystal cables and psionic energy transmission pipelines. I can't climb out for a long time.

Yan is away from people: "This, what a ghost!"

Li Yao: "I saw it. This is a special curse. It involves the mysterious and mysterious universe of air transport. We don't understand the principle. In short, you follow us to praise each other and blame yourself. Money is not worth it!"

"like this"

Long Yangjun’s giant sacred yin and yang singularly turned out dozens of afterimages, surrounded by black gods from all sides, black and white swords like a hurricane, and the dark nights spurred the tricks of flying away from the crowd. The swordsman flashed and even knocked down one of his opponent's lower limbs.

At the same time, Long Yangjun made a sigh, "It's so good, I can't hold it anymore!"

"Keep it up!"

Nine secluded mysterious bones condense hundreds of orange-red light balls, and the tyrannical spirit can stand up in the inside. When the light ball is turned into a light column and the black-light demon **** licks the head and covers the brain, Li Yao also issued a passionate, **** roar. "Although the other party is so horrible, it can't be defeated, and it is stable. But as long as there is still a chance of one billion, we must hold on, and there will be miracles!"

The two men bombarded the black gods, and they couldn’t lift their heads in the dark, while they screamed in the communication channel, stunned the enemy’s invincible and cheered each other.

Yan was stunned and watched the two giant soldiers who jumped up and down like big monkeys. They couldn't speak for a long time.

"Yan Daoyou, what are you waiting for, try it, it's very spiritual!"

Li Yao shouted.

Yan is away from people: "...I refuse." (To be continued...)

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