Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1825: A sword is arrogant for 100,000 miles!


Li Yao and Long Yangjun suddenly disappeared. It turned out that under the cover of the smog, the black **** demon cut the ground with a gap of seven remaining limbs, and the whole fell to the lower deck.

Most of the attacks on the nine secluded mysterious bones and yin and yang were suddenly lost.

The fall is only 0.01 seconds, but it is enough for the horrible giants such as the super-class master and the black god.

In the depths of the hole, an earth-shattering roar was erupted. A black swell of blood erupted like a volcanic eruption. On the rancid organ with blood redness on the surrounding bulkheads, it also highlighted a huge lens like an eyeball. Hundreds of fears of light hit the three people!

The three people have illusions in front of them, and if they fall into the nightmare that they will never wake up, they are also crying and crying, and the sharp voices that ordinary people can hardly endure; their nerves bear the pain of burning fire, and the brain cells are more like being soaked in Sulfuric acid is just as difficult.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The entire deck on the bridge burst, and the three giant soldiers fell into the endless abyss. The bottom is not like a small compartment. It is like a body, consisting of five internal organs, constantly creeping and twisting, spraying acid and poisonous fog. The crater, the black demon **** is in the center of the pit, manipulating a tentacles of black gas, waiting for them.

"It's all hallucinations, don't be fooled!" This time, Long Yangjun really hurts to scream.

Li Yao’s teeth are almost smooth, and the temples are full of blue-and-white violent bursts. The brains are shining brightly. The spirit can repeatedly wash the heart, telling himself that Ding Ling is behind him, and his relatives and friends are there. Behind him, the Starry Federation is behind him!

In a few moments, the traps of the five internal organs disappeared, and the bottom was just a mess, burning, and exploding cabins.

Every thorny vine-like meridian in the nine secluded sacred bones has become a crystal-clear red red. At the end of each thorn on the "thorn", the ball of light of the hedgehog is once again condensed. Thousands of light **** smashed past the hurricane, and drowned the dark gods.

When the other party’s perception and detection magic weapon were greatly disturbed by Li Yao, Long Yangjun’s giant sacred yin and yang had been smashed, and the soul of the female 娲 精 elite warrior was also instantly freed from the vortex of fear. The shadows of black and white are from dozens of angles, and at the same time, the most aggressive attack, the illusory afterimage, is like a moment of piercing the body of the Dark Gods hundreds of times!

No matter whether Lv Dengchen or the night is bright, I can't think of dreams that Li Yao and Long Yangjun are so strange.

The effect of mental assault on both of them is less than one-third of that of ordinary infants.

Under eagerness, the "brain ditch" above the torso of the Black Devil re-opened, and the intensity of the black lightning released from the inside suddenly increased tenfold!

"What is waiting for you!"

The "big sword" of Yan’s giant soldier was condescending, and he sent out a sword that was soaring and weeping.

Yan is probably not the most powerful warrior in the starry battlefield.

But his sword is definitely the most glorious and unstoppable sword in this battle.

A sword is arrogant for 100,000 miles, and the seven stars and nine heavens are fallen!

Even Li Yao and Long Yangjun, the two "bystanders", were all under the sway of the sword, feeling that their giant soldiers had to be shredded by the sword with the black whirlpool.

The black-faced demon god, which bears the brunt of it, is locked firmly by the sword, and the joints of the whole body burst into a "squeaky" sound, and there is a moment of stagnation!


All the **** red-skinned viscera, the ghosts and sorrows of the ghosts and sorrows... Many horror illusions, all under the power of this sword, the ice disintegrated, twisted and annihilated!

The night knows that he has hesitated a little, he has missed the best time to dodge, and when he made a decision, the intensity of the black lightning that surged from the "brain ditch" instantly increased by a hundred times, and he put on all his souls and spirits. can!


Black lightning and Yan’s giant sword are like a big collision. The light group and the shock wave are turned into hundreds of storms, almost destroying the head of the black whirlpool, and the bulkheads, cabins, ramps, and spirits within a few hundred meters. The pipe and the magic weapon unit are all made into pieces of the size of the fingernail, and the pieces are still burning, like thousands of fireflies dancing wildly!

The black lightning of the black **** is faint, and the giant sword of Yan is suddenly bursting.

But this sword is not over yet.

Although the giant sword is damaged, the debris is still under the shackles of the sword, such as the meteor shower that destroys the planet, condenses into the shape of the flying sword, and attacks the celestial spirit that is cracked by the black god.


Within the Dark Devil, there are 10,000 black nights screaming at the same time, and the black lightning that blew down is spinning rapidly. In a moment, it turns into a fierce whirlwind, and the sword and the giant sword fragments are shot in all directions. Go, break through the hundreds of layers of bulkheads and shoot out the black whirlpool!

A stunned sword, the smoke disappeared.

However, from the swordsman who dissipated, but also a more dazzling streamer, if the stunned dragon, then the first come, first into the darkness of the **** of the gods!

Compared with the giant sword just a few tens of meters long, the flying sword that ignited this streamer is extremely short, no more than half a meter. It is not so much a sword, but rather a dagger with a slightly longer length.

Under the contrast of the four giant soldiers, this "dagger" is more inconspicuous than an embroidery needle.

But even the two masters of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, when this "embroidered needle" shines, can't help but step back three steps, protecting the vitality of the whole body.

This is the fourth sword of Yan’s departure, the fourth sword that has never really been squirted!


Yan’s giant swordsman’s “big sword” landed heavily, facing the black god, and kneeling on one knee, as if after exhaustion, he gasped heavily.

But it seems like a little worry, the black god, who is close at hand, can also launch a raid on him.

“Zizi, nourish and nourish!”

The black **** is more than 20 meters high. Yan’s fourth sword is not as long as a finger, but it seems to be fixed by this “embroidered needle”. All the limbs are nervously twitching. The crack on the cover of Tianling could not be closed for a long time, and the black lightning disappeared without a trace. Instead, it was a silver-and-white sword, and the "whistling" came out!

"Hey, hey!"

In the dark demon god, a series of joint cracks, metal twists and magic weapons were destroyed. The seven limbs twitched and folded, and they collapsed and smashed.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun face each other and inconsistently condense their strongest killings.

Just kidding, what shape is still posing at this time, you are sick, you want to kill, for this big devil, make up more than 18,000 guns is the universe!

Booming, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging

The head of the black whirlpool was completely destroyed by the wrestling of four giant soldiers. It seemed to be collapsed by the headshot of the temple. The gravity control array had long since stopped. The flashing fragments were like burning dandelions, all in all directions. Dispersed, the black gods are submerged by the sea of ​​violent psionic power, and the fragmented armor has melted.

Under the siege of the three Yuan Yingfeng peak masters, the commander of the Black Wind Fleet failed to make a half-sounding roar.

"Knot, is it over?"

The three men struggled in the communication channel.

"It seems... not yet!"

Li Yao’s pupil and heart contracted to the limit at the same time, although under the pressure of their violent psionics, the power of the command of the Black Wind Fleet was undetectable, but another force that was more sinister, more hot, and more wild, Instead, it broke out!

This, is this the real power of the demon outside the Lv light dust?

The sea of ​​flashing psionic energy was suddenly polluted by "viruses" and turned into a dark and dark ocean. The black waves lingering with the purple-red arc, like the tongue of the abyss beast, toward Li Yaozhen Come over.

The nine secluded mysterious bones flashed through the swaying of the secluded waves, but they could not escape the overwhelming magical flames. From the depths of the sea of ​​solitude, one is ten thousand times more powerful than the one just now. The demon god, slowly climbed out.

"How can it be!"

Li Yao’s eyes are singular, and compared with the other’s body... I don’t know how many kilometers of body, my nine secluded mysterious bones are really like a little ant, or that is the difference between fireflies and the sun!

"This is not the real world. Everything is an illusion. I am once again dragged into the spiritual world!"

Li Yao thought about electricity, and instantly realized that "these **** extraterrestrial demon, do not like to carry out physical attacks, sneak into the human brain, drag the soul into the spiritual world and slowly concoct, is their favorite!"

"Long Yang Jun, Yan is away from people!"

Li Yao screamed a few times in the communication channel, responding to his only a sneer like a catkins, making him understand that this is the spiritual world created by the extraterrestrial demon for him alone.

Long Yangjun and Yan Yiren should be trapped in different spiritual circles, and the connection between the three people was cut off.

What is this a messy spiritual world!

The head of the black whirlpool collapsed completely. They were in the sea of ​​burning wreckage, and they could see the fierce starry battlefield around them.

However, the scene of the starry battlefield is different from that of Li Yao and others when they rush into the black whirlpool. It is not just a battlefield, but dozens of different battlefields overlap!

Star ships of different eras, different styles and forms are intertwined with each other, and the Terran, Wicked Beast, Demon, Devil, Ancient, Immortal, and Immortal are killed.

There is an ongoing Xinghai war; there was a decisive battle between the army of the emperor and the army loyal to the blood **** when the Xinghai Empire collapsed 10,000 years ago; and 40,000 years ago, at the end of the ancient era, Bayan Nao The war of the commanding demon army and the ancient war; even the battle of the wilderness hundreds of thousands of years ago, the ultimate collision between Pangu and the son-in-law!

The huge starships, as well as the corpses of the giants who are bigger than the starships, are slowly floating around Li Yao. Together with the flames, the **** seas, and a series of deformed explosions, they form the stage of the decisive battle! (To be continued.)

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