Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1830: Black wind crash

Looking at his wife's gleaming eyes, it seems to reflect the entire piece of Xinghai. If Li Yao has a belly, he wants to talk to her, just like the flood that is about to break.

He wants to tell Ding Ling, the loneliness and emotion of his own roaming in the depths of the Dark Nebula; I want to tell Ding Ling that the star is 10,000 times larger than the Sun, what it is like when the storm is released; I want to tell her beautiful. The colorful nebula, the ancient sacred world of various poses, and his various discoveries in the depths of the son-in-law battleship, he imagined that a child would show off his repaired giant soldiers like a new toy, and then let his wife pick one of the best and the best.

At the same time, he also has a lot of things to ask, can't wait to know Ding Ling's past 100 years of experience, want to know how she is smashing the squalor, the wasteland of the land, how to conquer a ghost repair; In the dark hole, there are some thrilling, twists and turns.

Has she encountered the danger of nine deaths, whether she has encountered a crisis of ignorance, whether she has been hurt by unbearable thoughts, and how did she come over when she was not around?

He has too many words to say, and there are too many words to listen to, but his computational power comparable to that of the brain has suddenly frozen. He has changed from a "three-zone supreme, vulture Li Yao" to a stupid boy. It took a long time to say: "Are you okay?"

Ding Ling smiled: "Nothing, what about you?"

"I am fine."

Li Yaoton paused and thought for a long time with his head, and said, "I am back."


Ding Ling continued to smile, so quiet and gentle smile, has not bloomed for a hundred years, because in the world of more than one trillion people, only one person can make this smile completely bloom, she whispered, "Just come back."

Li Yao was in a hot heart and swam past Ding Ling.

"and many more."

Ding Lingqi quickly said, "This crystal medical cabin is isolated from the outside world, but our physiological parameters are still closely monitored by medical devices, and any index changes will be read instantly!"

"I know."

Li Yao muttered, "I just want to hug you, think... it’s been a hundred years."

Ding Ling’s glimpse, like a blooming flower, sent himself up.

The two hugged together and tried to set themselves into each other's body.

At this moment, the vast universe outside seems to disappear, leaving only two people with the same rhythm of sucking and heartbeat.

Time has lost its meaning. They seem to embrace with the whole eternity, but they still don't have enough. Even if they embrace ten eternal times, it is not enough.

"Poor, almost."

I don't know how long it took, Ding Ling's cheeks showed two intoxicating reds, and he slammed behind Li Yaojian's shoulder and gasped. "When you pay attention to time and occasion, you have to wait for you to go home and hold it slowly. I bought a new world of debris. The nine-color grassland inside is big and comfortable. It is a good dojo. Now I haven’t finished it yet. Don’t be so anxious?”


Li Yao was the soul of the soul, the brain started to run at a speed, completely awake, but still did not intend to let go of the bell, while using her fingers to roll her long red hair, asked, "How long have I been in a coma? What happened, where is this, how is the situation?"

"look by youself."

Ding Lingyu released a thought, the half-shell of the crystal medical cabin gradually became transparent, as if disappeared, the vast expanse of the sea of ​​stars, suddenly came face to face.

In the midst of the Xinghai, the central battlefield has become a cold and bleak wreck, full of starship fragments and crystal scorpions, the empty shell of the universe, and colliding into a chaotic vortex.

Further, the sporadic wars are still burning, extending the battlefield to the periphery of the tens of millions of kilometers of the celestial galaxies, where small-scale starships and crystal clusters chase, kill, emergency jump and blast explosions. Lower, but more cruel.

In the lower left of their horizons, the capital of the Federal Capital, which was anchored by the "Tianyuan Iron Wall", was clearly visible. A patch of light and light came out from the vicinity of Tianyuanxing, and rushed to the fragmented battlefield.

Among the light spots, you can see that the illusion of glare is intertwined into a huge nine-star dragon and the flag is a federal fleet.

Rao is the result of Li Yao’s passing through Xinghai again and again. After such a fierce battle, half of the silent and chaotic gorgeous scenes are deeply shocked.

"We are now on the most advanced medical ship 'Mica' on the original fleet. This is a super medical cabin specially prepared for the Yuan Yingqiang."

Ding Lingyu explained, "It was excavated from the remains of Kunlun 30 years ago. It was originally used by the female Yi people. It took us 30 years to repair it and adjust it to a model for human use.

"This crystal medical cabin has the function of absorbing Japanese Jingyuehua to treat serious injuries, so we put it directly on the outermost layer of the medical ship, like a protruding goldfish bubble. What you see is not three-dimensional. The light curtain is the most realistic universe."

"we won?"

Li Yao smiled and then nodded in no doubt. "Our door to the sky has been repaired. The large fleet of the original fleet and the garrison fleet from all over the world have arrived. We won!"

"Because you and the ancient Saints are caught off guard, we can seal the victory in one fell swoop."

Ding Lingxi couldn’t help but smile, pinching Li Yao’s ear. “Especially, even the giant gods of the night and the night, the black gods, are killed by you. It’s just irritating me. It’s my prey!”

"is it?"

Li Yao blinked. "I really don't remember this."


Ding Ling said, "It is the two friends you made in the ancient sacred circles. Long Yangjun and Yan said to the people. They said that the black gods suddenly broke open and there was a thick black mist in the body. , condensed into a **** mouth, bite up towards your nine secluded mysterious bones.

"The red thorns that entangled in the body of your giant gods have also spurred out and pierced into the body of the black god...

"The two giant soldiers were deadlocked for a moment. They didn't know how to break down. The black fog around the black gods suddenly disappeared. The giant soldiers were riddled with rust, like decaying. For many years, it has completely broken down.

"At this time, the head of the black whirlpool has been completely blasted by you, and there is a violent explosion in the back of the starship. They are afraid of being affected, and they are rushing out to escape to the night and the dark gods. It should be thoroughly I was buried in the big bang.

"The black wind fleet's star gate was destroyed, the possibility of the reinforcements was cut off, the morale was destroyed by half, and the highest commander was killed by you. Even the flagship was wiped out and turned into a twisted wreck, leaving Where does the cultivator come to fight the will? But it is ruthless and dying."

The situation is actually more complicated than Ding Lingwei said. Li Yao did not know where to start from a moment, and he could only "snap" and laughed twice.

Ding Ling snorted and twisted on Li Yao’s shoulder, quite unwilling to say: “It’s not necessary to say that for the 'miracle’ you created, we have long been used to it! Anyway, besides being pregnant and having children, Besides, no matter how earth-shattering you do, I will not be surprised."

After a meal, she added another sentence, "No, monsters like you, even if you really have a baby born in October, it seems no strange."

"Where is this?"

Li Yaozheng said, "If I really achieved a little achievement today, it is mainly that my wife and I are very eye-catching, far-sighted, wise, martial, commandable, and well-educated. 99% of the credit is yours. Hey, can you make your husband so good, it’s a legendary federal warrior!"


Ding Ling was satisfied, "This is almost the same!"

She continued to introduce Li Yao to the current situation. Li Yao was comatose and it has now passed fifteen hours. With the death of the top commander and the flagship being completely destroyed, the Black Wind Fleet finally slipped into collapse.

But the collapse does not mean complete annihilation. It is almost impossible to play a clean and devastating battle in the Xinghai, which is 10,000 times more difficult than the ground war.

According to the plan of Li Yao and Twelve Ancient Saints, it is ready to clean up the mess by the night.

However, after all, the night blue is still shallow in the Black Wind Fleet. Its own strength is not the best one. It has been missing for ten years. What is the popularity?

Rao is a 12-year-old and imposing federal fleet backed up, she still only advised 20% of the remnants.

About 20% of the remnants are the diehards who have eaten the scales, and they are determined to fight with the comprehens.

As for the remaining 60% of the defeated troops, under such a desperate situation, it is impossible to talk about any loyalty to the real human empire, but it is driven by the instinct of survival, and it’s scattered in the Yuan Dynasty. The outer star field fled.

Xinghai, these starships that have just been hit hard in the war, fuel and materials are consumed in seven or eighty-eight, in fact, there is no chance of survival.

Perhaps the brains that waited for them to turn into a pot of hot porridge gradually calmed down, and after considering their own dilemmas, they would turn their heads to surrender to the federation, but it still took time.

There are also very few starships, desperate to start the Xinghai jump, return to the depths of the brown dwarfs tens of light years and meet with the large forces.

However, the Xinghai jump is extremely dangerous. It requires extremely long preparation time, extremely abundant fuel and psionic power, and extremely high requirements on the structural strength of the starship.

These riddled, severely distorted starships are exploding in the Xinghai, not to escape, but to commit suicide.

When more than a dozen starships were directly disintegrated and smashed into noodle-like wrecks when they launched the Xinghai hopping, there was no longer an imperial starship to dare to follow their footsteps, all of which fell into a deadlock in the valley.

What's more, even if you can jump back to the brown dwarf? In order to plan the attack, the Black Wind gambled on all the ammunition, spar and fuel, and even the only super-large star gate was forcibly towed to the Tianyuan world. The support force of the brown dwarf was empty and the combat power was quite insufficient. It is also difficult to carry out a jump beyond the distance of the Xinghai. If you return to the empire, you will go back to the risk of a life of nine deaths. What kind of defeat can you end up with?

The weak meat is strong, the winner is the king, the real human empire is the paradise of the strong, but the abattoir of the weak. Their "weak" who has just suffered an unprecedented defeat is no face, and never wants to return to the empire. (To be continued...)

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