Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1831: Escaped stars

Now, the battlefield has spread from a "small star field" of a million kilometers to a few hundred million kilometers or even a deeper Xinghai.

Although the outcome has been divided, the dust is far from settled.

The current situation, some like the revival of the late Tianhuan war, although the core strength of the Black Wind Fleet is divided, but many of the claw fleet still maintain the power of a war, just lack of supplies, even like a wounded beast, Become more crazy and dangerous, and you will jump over the wall at any time.

In the face of such unpredictable enemies, the Federal Fleet is not willing to force too much. They choose to hug each other not far and near, to maintain a strong psychological offensive at all times, hoping to have a proper solution.

The characteristics of the Xinghai War are like this. There is no barrier between the alpine river and the jungle in the vacuum of the universe. There is no friction and air resistance. As long as the initial speed is sufficient and the weak power is maintained, it can be surrounded by extremely high speed. escape.

Not to mention a few days and nights, that is, one and a half years, the chasing soldiers may not be able to catch all the fish in the net, but flee for a whole thousand years!

Of course, the firefly's escape is a long-term plan. It is a super-large-scale deep space exploration ship. The starship has a complete ecological cycle and resource recycling system, and has obtained a large number of starships and materials in dozens of worlds along the way. The replenishment can make such an incredible voyage.

These imperial starships, which fled the emperor, are riddled with grievances, even if they have escaped the chase of the federal starship, because the resources are extremely scarce, and it is rare to stage a tragedy of eating people, creating a piece of A small-scale "dark forest", this, both federal and imperial, is well known.

The federal people used this to spread the persuasion, and "good-hearted reminder" members of the Black Wind Fleet in the escape must guard against each other, beware of the friendly forces around them to turn their faces at any time, and harvest their star ships as supplementary supplies.

Perhaps in the past Star Wars, the Black Winds did not do such a thing, the federal tactics of the heart attack really worked.

Although no fugitives are willing to surrender, some of the starships, high-level cultivators with sufficient prestige and strength, have already had a dialogue with the Federal Fleet.

The Supreme Command Center predicts that the cultivators who will really resist the end will still be very few. It only takes a long time to contact and negotiate, and finally let all the cultivators accept the cold reality.

The war is far from over. The small-scale hunting and interplanetary wars may last for several years. The negotiations between the two sides are another hard battlefield. But in any case, the Xingyao Federation is finally dying. Breaking out of the whirlpool, regaining the initiative, follow-up of a series of trivial wars and details of the negotiations, do not need Li Yao to worry about it.

After listening to Ding Ling's remarks, Li Yao was relieved.

He now only cares about his loved ones, disciples and friends.

“Fortunately, everyone is safe!”

Ding Ling said with his fingers, "Wu Ma Yan, Jin Xinyue, Bai Xin, Fire Ant King and your brothers and knives Peng Hai, these federal strong people, although the soul is exhausted, scarred, but there is no What is irreversible fatal injury, our current medical means have been greatly improved than a hundred years ago, they will recover after a period of nursed back to health.

Also, Xie Anan and the spring breeze are coming here by transport boat, waiting to meet you! ”

"That's good."

Li Yao laughed with a heavy burden and suddenly remembered a person. "Right, before our three giant soldiers did not invade the black whirlpool, a starship smashed up and severely damaged its internal structure and interfered. Its high-speed maneuver, see the painting is from the Great White Fleet? I have seen Bai Xingjian, the commander of the Great White Fleet, how is he?"

Li Yao’s influence on the White Star Sword is very profound, but it is the terrible existence that makes the sword idiots ignite the strongest warfare!

In addition, Li Yao three people only killed the night and the extraterrestrial demon, the big bang of the black whirlpool and the complete disintegration, obviously not related to them, but the starship of the great white fleet, and the merits of the raids on the starship. It is.

I don't know why, Li Yao always thinks that Bai Xingjian is quite mysterious, but it brings him a very strange feeling.

He is more and more interested in this person, decided to look for the white star sword in the past few days to discuss it, and then explore his details.

Unexpectedly, Ding Lingwei showed a confused and sad expression, hesitated and said: "Yes, that is the flagship ‘Endless Burning Number’ of the Great White Fleet.

"In addition to your '-ancient Saint Twelve Strongman', the Great White Fleet is the biggest accident factor and hero of this battle. If they did not expect unexpected raids and spared harassment, the Black Wind Fleet's Star Gate has long been After the assembly is completed, the enemy's large forces are summoned to Tianyuanjie.

"If the enemy forces can defeat the federal fleet before you arrive, even if you are rushed, it will be useless. With overwhelming and constant firepower, thousands of starships will definitely save you. dead!

"Not to mention the last moment, the Endless Burning Number is still struggling to hit the black whirlpool, and the enemy flagship is completely blasted, which really makes us stunned, how can we not think of it!"

Li Yao nodded: "Yes, so I really want to meet their commander Bai Xingjian and see clearly, what an outstanding figure."

Ding Ling snorted and shook his head. "This question, everyone in the EFF and the Parliament wants to know the answer, but it is impossible, because the White Star Sword has already fallen..."

Li Yao was shocked: "What!"

Ding Ling said: "The explosion of the black whirlpool is so fierce. The endless burning number that is deeply embedded in it is also fried together. We first searched the area when we cleaned the battlefield and found a lot of endless burning numbers. The wreckage of the key parts proves that it has completely disintegrated, but it has not found the remains of the high-level fleet of white stars and other high-rise fleets. Should it be fragmented or even completely vaporized?"

The Xinghai War is extremely cruel, the mysterious light and the starship explosion will stir up thousands of degrees of high temperature. Even if it is impossible to completely vaporize people, after the blast, the broken limbs will blow away and drift all the way to the Xinghai. At the end of the game, this is very likely to happen.

The corpse of the ground war will be lying in the crater or gully, waiting to be collected while cleaning the battlefield; the bodies in the cosmic war will run around, and the rate of soldiers missing after the war is often higher than the ground war. hundred times.

In 99.99% of the cases, the disappearance is equal to the death. Even when flying away from the battlefield, there is no death. After drifting in the dark sea of ​​stars for several days and nights, after the crystal smash completely loses power and energy for insulation, there is only one dead road.

Therefore, the disappearance of the high-ranking fleet of Bai Xingjian and other high-level fleet did not miss the expectations of the highest command center.

After all, the scale of the explosion of the Black Vortex is obvious to all.

Even though the White Star Sword has the computing power and commanding ability of the **** series, he is only a simple fleet commander. He has never heard of how powerful his flesh and blood is and cannot survive the explosion of this scale. It is not surprising that it is difficult.

Li Yao is deeply skeptical.

It is terrible that Jian Siyan’s strongest killing of “one sword and one hundred thousand miles” is no one is clearer than Li Yao.

But such a terrible "sword idiot" is so interested in Bai Xingjian. Is this the highest commander of the Great White Fleet really a simple management-type comprehension?

"White Star Sword, what the **** are you..."

Li Yao muttered to himself, narrowing his eyes and looking towards the depths of the Xinghai.

In the place where his eyes could not be projected, a gleaming little star is accelerating escape.


On the periphery of the Tianyuan galaxies, nearly two billion kilometers away from the capital star. In the dark and icy alien sea, a seemingly ragged and bleak comprehensive supply ship is at a super high speed that is inconsistent with the broken shape. Facing the capital, it is rushing.

The central battlefield is so chaotic, hundreds of thousands of starships are escaping wildly, and thousands of starships are chasing after them. It is easy to lose contact, lose direction, and this integrated supply ship in chasing and fleeing. Just as lonely.

Therefore, this integrated supply ship from the Great White Fleet is like a piece of ice that has been thrown into the ocean. It is unremarkable and there is no doubt.

At this distance, there is no second starship within a few million kilometers, and even if it is highly suspected, there is no power to catch up with it.

At the end of the integrated command ship, the escape deck was put on the deck, and dozens of members of the Great White Fleet were stuffed into three escape cabins. Their large eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes and they were screaming at the incomprehensible roar: "Commander, what is this?" Meaning, what do you want to do! We are loyal to the fleet and the federation. There is no half-step retreat in this battle. Why is this?"

"I know."

Outside the three escape cabins, Bai Xingjian looked at the struggling, full of grievances, and exclaimed, "No matter how many years before this battle, your performance has always been impeccable, very good, is the first-class federal soldier, can It is me...the greatest pride in my life.

"So, I have written a highly rated recommendation letter for each of you. I will list all your strengths and strengths. I believe that after returning to the Federation, you will be able to shine in new positions, even one day. Command your own starship and even the fleet and become the mainstay of the EFF.

"Just, you and I are not the same kind of people after all, and the world is full of banquets. Since they are different from each other, they can only part ways."

White Star Sword slowly raised his hands, like these red-faced, overwhelmed subordinates, respected a standard federal military ritual, and then...

Even the nine-star Thanglong battle emblem on his military cap, the three-flowered two-shoulder epaulette on his shoulder, and the special logo of the highest commander of the fleet on the chest were taken down and handed into an escape cabin.


He seems to have unloaded a heavy armor, quite relieved, and although there is still a three-pointed love in his eyes, his arms are not hesitant and hesitate.

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